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McCain is the issue, not Obama

I like McCAin. I like him better since he's chosen his VP and I like him better every time I hear Obama open his big dumb mouth.
And I NOTICED that you failed to acknowledge that your objection to Obama is largeley based on what I suspect is your heartfelt wish that he was on the Harvard Law Review just because he was Black.

Tell me, RGS, were you as covertly racist while you were in the Corps as you are now?

Somehow I doubt it. I suspect you didn't see White or Black or Brown I suspect you saw GREEN.

Your enforced retirement isn't doing good things to your mental disposition, I think.

Lord knows the same can be about me, so don't think I'm just picking on you just because you're retired and angry about it.

Know that even those who merely sit and wait still serve the cause, comrade.

Expressing your opinions in this public forum, while not as satisfying as your previous post, is STILL something that you are doing that is important to this nation.

I seriously mean that, amigo.

Without people like you, I couldn't even imagine what people like you think.

Without people like you to challenge my opinions, I would never have to stop and reevaluate them, either.

I look forward to reading your opinions even though I think they are usually completely wrong, I believe they are honestly offered and damn! Honesty is in short supply in this nation of late, isn't it?

semper fi, bro.

My objection to Obama is not the color of his skin. It is his politics, his associates, his judgement and his voting record. You all keep bringing up the law review thing and yet IGNORE the part about some of those being selected for nothing more than the color of their skin. I didn't bring it up, I did not base my opinion on his stint as an editor at some Journal. You all did that and offered as proof that it was all based on ability, when up to 7 of the positions he intitially got picked for are based on skin color if the board needs to meet a stipulated RACE quota. YOU all provided the quote that STATES that.

I did not go look it up, I simply responded to a quote that claims he was picked based on ability when you do not know that to be the fact. You have admitted as much.

The only people playing the race card here are liberals worried that their guy is not going to win.

He has failed to articulate how he will pay for ANY of the massive programs he plans to implement, He has stated he plans to raise taxes on Corporations, Corporations already leaving our shores because of the cost of Business. Does not take a genius to figure out where that will lead us too.

He has gone on record as claiming anyone over 112k is a rich person. And that they should be more heavily taxed. He has claimed he is going to bring the deficit down while also stating he is going to spend record amounts on NEW programs. And you lap it up like idiots, never worrying one bit about the results of these policies, while decrying Bush.

He has claimed he is going to eliminate programs that are no longer needed. Ok wise guy, provide us a list of ANY program that has EVER been eliminated or CUT by the Democrats, except the military and anciliary projects. Further the President can not cut a single program from ANY Government entity at ALL. Congress must do that and we all know Congress won't be dong that any time soon.

Your guy fails across the board and not cause he is black, because he has BAD policies, wishful thinking and no plan that survives reality. Want to see the destruction of our Economy? Raise taxes on Corporations. It is a fact that raising taxes does not bring in more, it dries up the pool and shrinks it. Those Corporations that can will flee the US. Those that can not will lose money, charge more for their product and services and pass that cost on to US the consumer.
My objection to Obama is not the color of his skin. It is his politics, his associates, his judgement and his voting record. You all keep bringing up the law review thing and yet IGNORE the part about some of those being selected for nothing more than the color of their skin. I didn't bring it up, I did not base my opinion on his stint as an editor at some Journal. You all did that and offered as proof that it was all based on ability, when up to 7 of the positions he intitially got picked for are based on skin color if the board needs to meet a stipulated RACE quota. YOU all provided the quote that STATES that.

I did not go look it up, I simply responded to a quote that claims he was picked based on ability when you do not know that to be the fact. You have admitted as much.

The only people playing the race card here are liberals worried that their guy is not going to win.

He has failed to articulate how he will pay for ANY of the massive programs he plans to implement, He has stated he plans to raise taxes on Corporations, Corporations already leaving our shores because of the cost of Business. Does not take a genius to figure out where that will lead us too.

He has gone on record as claiming anyone over 112k is a rich person. And that they should be more heavily taxed. He has claimed he is going to bring the deficit down while also stating he is going to spend record amounts on NEW programs. And you lap it up like idiots, never worrying one bit about the results of these policies, while decrying Bush.

He has claimed he is going to eliminate programs that are no longer needed. Ok wise guy, provide us a list of ANY program that has EVER been eliminated or CUT by the Democrats, except the military and anciliary projects. Further the President can not cut a single program from ANY Government entity at ALL. Congress must do that and we all know Congress won't be dong that any time soon.

Your guy fails across the board and not cause he is black, because he has BAD policies, wishful thinking and no plan that survives reality. Want to see the destruction of our Economy? Raise taxes on Corporations. It is a fact that raising taxes does not bring in more, it dries up the pool and shrinks it. Those Corporations that can will flee the US. Those that can not will lose money, charge more for their product and services and pass that cost on to US the consumer.

Why do you lie? Obama has articulated in detail how to pay for his programs. Go to his website and read.
1) Equality goes across the board... not just on a race or gender issue... Equality means ones does not take any more or one does not receive any more than anyone else... equality is being on the same playing field with the same rules... not a system of punishment for accomplishment... Obama is not about equality, he is about marxist based redistribution, which may sound OK to the lazy, but is far from being truly based in equality

So if the tax code is made to be more fair, this is an example of 'punishing' the corporations and individuals who have worked so hard the last 20 years to make it unfair...

Can I assume that the war contracts being handed to Cheny's buddies at Halliburton on a 'no-bid' basis wouldn't count as 'favoritism' in your book?

2) Taking from one to pay for another... handouts of socialized or government run healthcare, when YOU are the ONLY ONE responsible for YOUR OWN WELL BEING... having mommy government allocate your needs to you... that is the epitome of taking away from personal responsibility to feed into the power and control system of a socialist power scheme

I am more than happy to pay taxes to support the infrastructure that I use, pay my share of the common defense and even keep starving children off of the streets. If you don't want any government, just say so, but do not sit there and try to tell me that the republican government of the last 8 years did not transfer a HUGE amount of wealth from some people to others.

3) As FREE individuals we have the freedom to succeed that goes hand in hand with the freedom to fail... it is not he job of government to kiss your personal boo-boos

It is the job of government however to protect the resources that belong to all of us.

It is the job of government however to set economic rules that don't favor one class of citizenry over others.

It is the job of government however to be ready if disaster or attack comes our way.

It is the job of government to encourage business to grow responsibly by providing tax incentives. What constitutes 'grow responsibly'? It is the job of government to define that term - that is why I would much prefer a government "of the people" over a government "of the corporations".

Where do I begin here.

Being President of the Harvard Law Review has nothing to do with intelligence. It's an elected position. It does not mean he was the smartest guy at harvard law school.

Obama has made money. Can you name one thing Obama has done to improve his community? Heck, Obama had to have money to go to Harvard to begin with.

I've been to law school. I've met hundreds of lawyers. Going to law school and even being an editor of a journal doesn't impress me. Because lawyers are just as inclined to be stupid as anyone else.

Take John Edwards for example. The man is an idiot. But he is good at his job. So good that he made himself wealthy beyond what most people concieve.

Getting through law school simply means he can work hard. Because really that's all it takes.

Does being elected President of a law journal qualify you to be President? I dont think so. I'm not even sure being intelligent qualifies you to be President. I know a man who is absolutely brilliant who I wouldnt want to be President. Heck, I've got a pretty high IQ myself. I wouldnt suggest i am qualified simply on the basis of my intelligence. There are an insane amount of factors that would qualify someone for a position like that.

Heck if we go by scholastic standards, than President Bush was more intelligent than both Al Gore and John Kerry. Yet I have no doubt you supported them while calling the President an idiot.

And honestly, for such a Brilliant man, Obama's preformance has been very lacking. Particularly in issues of judgment.

Nothing but lies.

My favorite is that "being president of the Harvard Law Review has nothing to do with intelligence."

The contrast between Obama's speech tonight and McCain's interview in Time Magazine this week could not have been more stark. Obama outlined his vision for America, and how his life experiences reflect on that vision in brilliant clarity.

In his interview in Time Magazine, McCain comes across as a cranky old man on 5 different medications who is losing it.

We can't afford another mentally deficient president.

Actually, the issue is that screwball extremists like you are allowed to vote.
My objection to Obama is not the color of his skin. It is his politics, his associates, his judgement and his voting record. You all keep bringing up the law review thing and yet IGNORE the part about some of those being selected for nothing more than the color of their skin. I didn't bring it up, I did not base my opinion on his stint as an editor at some Journal. You all did that and offered as proof that it was all based on ability, when up to 7 of the positions he intitially got picked for are based on skin color if the board needs to meet a stipulated RACE quota. YOU all provided the quote that STATES that.

I did not go look it up, I simply responded to a quote that claims he was picked based on ability when you do not know that to be the fact. You have admitted as much.

The only people playing the race card here are liberals worried that their guy is not going to win.

He has failed to articulate how he will pay for ANY of the massive programs he plans to implement, He has stated he plans to raise taxes on Corporations, Corporations already leaving our shores because of the cost of Business. Does not take a genius to figure out where that will lead us too.

He has gone on record as claiming anyone over 112k is a rich person. And that they should be more heavily taxed. He has claimed he is going to bring the deficit down while also stating he is going to spend record amounts on NEW programs. And you lap it up like idiots, never worrying one bit about the results of these policies, while decrying Bush.

He has claimed he is going to eliminate programs that are no longer needed. Ok wise guy, provide us a list of ANY program that has EVER been eliminated or CUT by the Democrats, except the military and anciliary projects. Further the President can not cut a single program from ANY Government entity at ALL. Congress must do that and we all know Congress won't be dong that any time soon.

Your guy fails across the board and not cause he is black, because he has BAD policies, wishful thinking and no plan that survives reality. Want to see the destruction of our Economy? Raise taxes on Corporations. It is a fact that raising taxes does not bring in more, it dries up the pool and shrinks it. Those Corporations that can will flee the US. Those that can not will lose money, charge more for their product and services and pass that cost on to US the consumer.

In your defense, you wouldn't vote for a Democrat, even if he were pale white. You aren't racist. Just ignorant to the facts. Unless you make $250K that is? Or, you aren't paying attention to know that you sound like Rush or Fox News, and they are liars, so you are being lied to.

Check your facts.
Yes, "I'm going to make the rich pay for it." We get it, we just don't agree.

Yep... but you knew that the radical lefties on here would love the robin hood politics mantra....

After all... they say they are tolerant and for equality.... but in actuality they are about greed, control, and are incredibly intolerant to anyone who is not into forced wealth redistribution and government handling of our own personal responsibilities for us (at the expense of our own freedom)
"... I say to the American people, to Democrats and Republicans and Independents across this great land - enough! This moment - this election - is our chance to keep, in the 21st century, the American promise alive. Because next week, in Minnesota, the same party that brought you two terms of George Bush and Dick Cheney will ask this country for a third. And we are here because we love this country too much to let the next four years look like the last eight. On November 4th, we must stand up and say: "Eight is enough."

Now let there be no doubt. The Republican nominee, John McCain, has worn the uniform of our country with bravery and distinction, and for that we owe him our gratitude and respect. And next week, we'll also hear about those occasions when he's broken with his party as evidence that he can deliver the change that we need.

But the record's clear: John McCain has voted with George Bush ninety percent of the time. Senator McCain likes to talk about judgment, but really, what does it say about your judgment when you think George Bush has been right more than ninety percent of the time? I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to take a ten percent chance on change."

Barack Obama

Who's done absolutely nothing ever. Except hobnob with the vilest of racists and pigs.
Nothing but lies.

My favorite is that "being president of the Harvard Law Review has nothing to do with intelligence."


Calling someone a liar or what they post lies does not refute anything. It shows you for the intellectually handicapped and dishonest person you are.

The last line in your post shows you for the idiot you are.
Calling someone a liar or what they post lies does not refute anything. It shows you for the intellectually handicapped and dishonest person you are.

The last line in your post shows you for the idiot you are.


"Being president of the Harvard Law Review has nothing to do with intelligence."

I love it!!!
No, actually I usually provide links to facts about issues.

And then you deny the facts provided.

No, you provide links to articles. Articles written by people. People lie.

It's the Internet, everyone can find an article to support everything they said. It's called information overload.

"Being president of the Harvard Law Review has nothing to do with intelligence."

I love it!!!

Have you libs got amnesia? Remember when you swore (gosh, as recently as 24 hours ago...) that Harvard attendance had absolutely nothing to do with intelligence or capability?

Boy I do.

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