McCain Not Charitable Toward Trump's Display Of Obvious Allegiance To Russia

Here are John McCain's remarks about that disgusting display by the Pretender-in-Chief earlier today.

Maybe you could remind us what you thought and said about McCain when he was running against your Kenyan fairy for president. Next you'll be quoting something "Faux News" said about Trump at the news conference. McCain has a brain tumor...what's your excuse?
McCain is just pissed off that Trump is trying to avoid WW III. War with Russia was on McCain's bucket list.
McCain is another despicable globalist.
Spoken like a true traitor you are.

McCain never met a war he didn't love and the war mongering monster is responsible for more deaths and injuries world wide than Putin.

The one who has been to war know truly what war means than one dodges draft or never been to war.
McCain is not a warmonger.

The whole thing is about Trump and how he has compromised us. US can no longer take a moral upper hand on anything when a US president has just equated our faults with Russia's fault. We don't deserve to lead the free world anymore.

Trump is a reflection of what we have become. Sad and Disappointing.

McCain's not a warmonger? Hell's bells there isn't a war on the planet he wouldn't back. That son of a bitch has caused thousands of deaths in the Ukraine by backing the coup.Overthrowing a duly elected President and his party.

The bastard helped arm the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels in Syria and caused untold dead, injured and thousands of refugees. And that's just in the past few years.

He should be brought up before Le Hague for crimes against humanity along with Obama, Harper, Cameron and other western leaders. And you've got the balls to say we in the west have a MORAL upper hand?

Pffffffffffffffffft. Like hell we do.
Remember when the far left thought that Russia was not a threat?

Well when they were still the Soviet Union, the good old USSR and they were communist and religion was banned the Democrats adored all members of the federation.

Now that Russia has democratic elections that are monitored by the way, has allowed religion, and is a capitalist society left wing whackos hate Russia with a passion.
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He has a vote in the Senate.

Yeah the old bastard refuses to relinquish power and pass the torch to anyone younger. It's really quite despicable behavior displayed on both sides of the aisle. The ancient power trippers who live and breathe Washington and refuse to mentor younger politicians are the POSTER children for term limits.

Greedy old sons of bitches. Bi partisan rant there Jake.
Why would anyone care what McCain thinks??

I sure don't.
He has been a well regarded senator and a war hero. I surely care what his thoughts are. Unfortunately too many dumb Americans now days only care about what is said in Fox News.
Why would anyone care what McCain thinks??

I sure don't.
He has been a well regarded senator and a war hero. I surely care what his thoughts are. Unfortunately too many dumb Americans now days only care about what is said in Fox News.

War hero my ass. He was a POW like many others and used that as a stepping stone to the Senate.

He's made a good living for himself at tax payer expense.

Hero my ass.
I guess you prefer a draft dodger who can only shoot words at you without thinking which often needs clarification.

Do you have proof that McCain swindled the tax payer ?

Not going to waste anymore with this Russian troll.
I guess you prefer a draft dodger who can only shoot words at you without thinking which often needs clarification.

Do you have proof that McCain swindled the tax payer ?

Not going to waste anymore with this Russian troll.

He was no more a war hero than any other surviving POW.

He's made one good living for himself at tax payer expense. He didn't need to swindle anyone. He, like every other Govt. employee, is paid with tax dollars.

Your another idiot who will ride the leaky blue boat to the bottom. Hope you enjoy the ride. I know I'll enjoy seeing you hit that bottom.
I guess you prefer a draft dodger who can only shoot words at you without thinking which often needs clarification.

Do you have proof that McCain swindled the tax payer ?

Not going to waste anymore with this Russian troll.

He was no more a war hero than any other surviving POW.

He's made one good living for himself at tax payer expense. He didn't need to swindle anyone. He, like every other Govt. employee, is paid with tax dollars.

Your another idiot who will ride the leaky blue boat to the bottom. Hope you enjoy the ride. I know I'll enjoy seeing you hit that bottom.
You thankless saggy butt bitch! You should get down on your knees next Nov. 11th and beg forgiveness from all veterans you have denigrated with your crude and ungrateful rant that you have the freedom to write such unforgivable trash and that you're not speaking Japanese, German or Russian today.
I guess you prefer a draft dodger who can only shoot words at you without thinking which often needs clarification.

Do you have proof that McCain swindled the tax payer ?

Not going to waste anymore with this Russian troll.

He was no more a war hero than any other surviving POW.

He's made one good living for himself at tax payer expense. He didn't need to swindle anyone. He, like every other Govt. employee, is paid with tax dollars.

Your another idiot who will ride the leaky blue boat to the bottom. Hope you enjoy the ride. I know I'll enjoy seeing you hit that bottom.
You thankless saggy butt bitch! You should get down on your knees next Nov. 11th and beg forgiveness from all veterans you have denigrated with your crude and ungrateful rant that you have the freedom to write such unforgivable trash and that you're not speaking Japanese, German or Russian today.

Oh blow it out your ass you POS.

My whole family is military and I have no problem with them being paid with tax dollars. Its the least we can do for the men and women in uniform.

McCain left the military and used his "hero" status to get elected. He's no more a hero than any other returning POW in any war we have ever fought.

He's made a damned good living for himself at tax payer expense. Hero my ass.
Anyone who apologizes for or discounts Trump's submission to Putin in Helsinki is now recognized by the FBI as a security risk to America's greatness.

You mean the higher ranks in the FBI are a security risk to this country.
The FBI are the knights of American exceptionalism and greatness and civil liberties.

Those who decry them are American enemies and now know to all as such.

Knights of the worthless order .
A very russian-supportive thing to say. #BIPOL !

No, just pointing out the corruption in our govt.
My whole family is military and I have no problem with them being paid with tax dollars. Its the least we can do for the men and women in uniform.

My dad and my Mom are WW II vets as are all of my Aunt's and Uncles. Men and women.

My brother and cousin are Vietnam vets.

Until this last generation most of my people have been in the military. How bout you, you whinny POS.

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