McCain V Obama

My first choice for SecTreas wouldn't be someone who's company is currently losing jobs.

Besides, I rather see McCain talk the talk here. Don't pick someone over Politics.

You do realize that she is no longer with the company. Besides, who are you to judge the business practices of a company? Perhaps they are streamlinig their operation in order to maximize profits and bolster their stock. Also, what does being SecTreas have to do with jobs?

You are overly simplistic. That is dangerous.
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Don't worry Obama will force miserability even on the sucessful, through his tax policy.

Bill Clinton - Eight years of peace and prosperity

George Bush - Eight years of war and debt

Obama - A return to peace and prosperity
You do realize that she is no longer with the company. Besides, who are you to judge the business practices of a company? Perhaps they are streamlinig their operation in order to maximize profits and bolster their stock. Also, what does being SecTreas have to do with jobs?

You overly simplistic. That is dangerous.

You do realize she still works at Ebay as a Director as she has since 1998?

Judge the business practices of a company? Well lets see, if they are being unethical (Just for the purpose of this convo, not saying meg was) then that would of be a poorly run company. Lets say Enron, am I able to judge the business practices of that company or no?

I'm also unsure if she would be able to bring the economy into a better direction if she was SecTreas.

Besides, McCain only said Meg Whitman because she supports him and is a national co-chair on his campaign. She also is considering a run for governor of California in 2010, you don't think that might cause a problem?
Bill Clinton - Eight years of peace and prosperity

George Bush - Eight years of war and debt

Obama - A return to peace and prosperity

Explain how Obama will grow the economy by taking out success incenatives away from the US economic system?
Explain how Obama will grow the economy by taking out success incenatives away from the US economic system?

1. By not borrowing $200 billion dollars a year to fund the war in Iraq.

2. By making healthcare more efficient with a single payer system. Hint - This will save us money.

3. By encouraging alternative energy businesses which will create jobs at home in the most important industry of the 21st century.

Hopefully, as an offshoot of this, your fat cat taxes will be raised through the roof!
You do realize she still works at Ebay as a Director as she has since 1998?

Judge the business practices of a company? Well lets see, if they are being unethical (Just for the purpose of this convo, not saying meg was) then that would of be a poorly run company. Lets say Enron, am I able to judge the business practices of that company or no?

I'm also unsure if she would be able to bring the economy into a better direction if she was SecTreas.

Besides, McCain only said Meg Whitman because she supports him and is a national co-chair on his campaign. She also is considering a run for governor of California in 2010, you don't think that might cause a problem?

Put the Strawman away. Is Ebay acting unethically? Also, do you know what a director does? Nothing. One vote at board meetings. No day to day decisions.

Why would her possible gubernatorial run in California be a factor? Thats like saying I don't want to interview for a job tomorrow, because I might have chance at another one in two years.

Back to Ebay. As CEO she took a small auction website with revenues of 4 million in 1998 and grew it into a company that in 2007 had revenues of 7.67 billion. She must have sucked at her job.
Put the Strawman away. Is Ebay acting unethically? Also, do you know what a director does? Nothing. One vote at board meetings. No day to day decisions.

Why would her possible gubernatorial run in California be a factor? Thats like saying I don't want to interview for a job tomorrow, because I might have chance at another one in two years.

Back to Ebay. As CEO she took a small auction website with revenues of 4 million in 1998 and grew it into a company that in 2007 had revenues of 7.67 billion. She must have sucked at her job.

I do know what a Director does. You said she was no longer involved with the company, I proved that she was. In a debate and such like right now, I'm right on that fact.

Her possible gubernatorial run in California could be a factor. She uses SecTreas on her resume to the people of California thanks to her good friend whom she supported in John McCain which bolsters her resume to the American people. Basically the position given as a favor and only taken to do what I said above.

I'm not saying she sucked at running CEO. However if running a company in a negative fashion has no impact on whether they be good at SecTreas, then why should running things in a positive fashion have a impact?

I never said she was a bad CEO, she was a great CEO. Unless you can point to otherwise where I said she was a bad CEO.
Bill Clinton - Eight years of peace and prosperity

George Bush - Eight years of war and debt

Obama - A return to peace and prosperity

I guess somalia and kosovo don't count.

Obama isn't bringing peace.
Oh, yes he is.

Take off your blinders, my friend.

how's he bringing peace? have you heard his rhetoric about Iran? it's identical to bush's. just softer language. He has already bowed down to aipac, which is a very dangerous thing to do.,
I do know what a Director does. You said she was no longer involved with the company, I proved that she was. In a debate and such like right now, I'm right on that fact.

Her possible gubernatorial run in California could be a factor. She uses SecTreas on her resume to the people of California thanks to her good friend whom she supported in John McCain which bolsters her resume to the American people. Basically the position given as a favor and only taken to do what I said above.

I'm not saying she sucked at running CEO. However if running a company in a negative fashion has no impact on whether they be good at SecTreas, then why should running things in a positive fashion have a impact?

I never said she was a bad CEO, she was a great CEO. Unless you can point to otherwise where I said she was a bad CEO.

I never used the word invovled. I said "with." The word with implies that she had a hand in day to day operations. One can be "involved" with the company and not be "with" the company. Two seperate words, two separate meanings.

Then why bring up a loss of jobs at Ebay. You insinuated that she was a bad CEO. You cannot change facts merely because you want to. Being a director is not the same as being with the company, hell it isn't really even a job. She sits on two other boards as well. It is similar to being a life member of a club.

If she does run for Gov of Cali then she should use her SecTreas exp as a resume booster. That is what people do. Kinda like using your partial term as a US Senator as a resume point for Presdent. A Senate term that was a gift from the Illinois GOP. ;)
how's he bringing peace? have you heard his rhetoric about Iran? it's identical to bush's. just softer language. He has already bowed down to aipac, which is a very dangerous thing to do.,

No, having a president who is dumb as a box of rocks is a very dangerous think to do.
No, having a president who is dumb as a box of rocks is a very dangerous think to do.

we have established bush is not a good prez. you havent answered the question i proposed.
Again, a President with an MBA from Harvard. A guy who passed flight school. He must be real fuckin stupid.:cuckoo:

He is real fuckin stupid.

He spent 20 years as a self avoided alcoholic and burnt out his brain. Have you ever watched any of his press conferences? Probably not, since he hasn't had but one in the last year.
I never used the word invovled. I said "with." The word with implies that she had a hand in day to day operations. One can be "involved" with the company and not be "with" the company. Two seperate words, two separate meanings.

Then why bring up a loss of jobs at Ebay. You insinuated that she was a bad CEO. You cannot change facts merely because you want to. Being a director is not the same as being with the company, hell it isn't really even a job. She sits on two other boards as well. It is similar to being a life member of a club.

If she does run for Gov of Cali then she should use her SecTreas exp as a resume booster. That is what people do. Kinda like using your partial term as a US Senator as a resume point for Presdent. A Senate term that was a gift from the Illinois GOP. ;)

The word "with" to me implies that she is part of the company. If one is involved with the company, then they are "with" the company. But that can be debated to death and it's not worth doing so.

I bring up a loss of jobs at Ebay, I insinuated that Ebay just lost jobs, which is never a good thing for the American worker. Might be a good thing for the long run for the company. But as SecTreas you gotta think of both.

Directors are still liable for the actions they make, which can affect the company. Besides, as a former CEO for 10 years she surely has sway within the company.

And bringing a certain senator into this? Really? This goes back to Modbert's Rule.

Any conversation that goes on for a extended period of time will eventually bring up mention or reference to a certain senator.

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