McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers


The media took McCarthy's comments out of context. He did not say the point of the Benghazi hearings was to take down hitlary, that was just a side effect.

So some moonbat journalists corner some GOP reps who probably had no idea what was really said, and demand they condemn McCarthy for comments he didn't even make.

Moonbat subterfuge 101.

So, they can pay all of the tax payer money back. Make sure that Issa pays as well.

Right after your messiah pays back the $600,000,000 dollars he spent to set up a website less complicated than the one zit face Zuckerberg set up in a dorm room.

Funny how bed wetters get concerned about a waste of money when it's used to investigate one of their political whores.

The Morning Joe gang was a hootin and a hollerin at the foolishness of the Benghazi gang.

No, you just established that fact and it is wrong.


Gee thanks for pointing out that I ESTABLISHED THE FACTS and you are continuing to deny, distract, and blame-shift your way of the continuing embarrassment that you are bringing upon yourself!

BTW, 'Vindicated' IS a past tense word, but since the investigation is ON-GOING' no one has been 'vindicated' of anything. I understand your problem now, though. It is obvious you don't understand ENGLISH! (Illegal Alien Obama / Hillary Voter? LOL!)

And thanks for the entertainment... I didn't know watching someone humiliate themselves over and over was this amusing.

So, they can pay all of the tax payer money back. Make sure that Issa pays as well.

Right after your messiah pays back the $600,000,000 dollars he spent to set up a website less complicated than the one zit face Zuckerberg set up in a dorm room.

Funny how bed wetters get concerned about a waste of money when it's used to investigate one of their political whores.

I'm a registered independent, jack ass.
No, you just established that fact and it is wrong.


Gee thanks for pointing out that I ESTABLISHED THE FACTS and you are continuing to deny, distract, and blame-shift your way of the continuing embarrassment that you are bringing upon yourself!

BTW, 'Vindicated' IS a past tense word, but since the investigation is ON-GOING' no one has been 'vindicated' of anything. I understand your problem now, though. It is obvious you don't understand ENGLISH! (Illegal Alien Obama / Hillary Voter? LOL!)

And thanks for the entertainment... I didn't know watching someone humiliate themselves over and over was this amusing.


Wrong again, the House Select Committee on Intelligence concluded their investigation last November and vindicated those involved, that investigation is now closed as are the 7 other investigations under taken by Congress.

You have a $20 million dollar embarrassment on your hands, you have no indictments, no trials, no convictions, nothing but wasted money, and now you are distracted into an email scandal that hasn't produced anything either. Yet here you rail that you are sure there is something. There is not and there won't be.
HRC's campaign people will indeed include the "Benghazi was politically, not realistically, motivated" ads in their repetoire.
Wrong again, the House Select Committee on Intelligence concluded their investigation...

So now you're saying that the full investigation of Benghazi is OVER, that there are no more going on?! Then what the hell is McCarthy talking about, and what are Gowdy and all those reps doing - playing Poker behind closed doors?

YOU are HILLARIOUS! :lmao: the way, WHOSE job is it again to defend US Embassies and protect US Ambassadors? (I just want to see if you can get the answer right yet....)
Gowdy is doing a repeat performance of the previous groups that investigated.
It is not pointing a finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's pointing to FACTS, obviously, you have no idea how to distinguish the difference.

To make a statement like you have here, it would behoove you to take a closer look into the accountability of those that keep investigating...

Was Gowdy in charge of the security for the 20 US Embassies that were simultaneously attacked on 9/11/12 and for the security of Ambassador Stevens, the 1st Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years?

Just STOP blaming and pointing the fingers at others, man! you're just embarrassing yourself.

The media took McCarthy's comments out of context. He did not say the point of the Benghazi hearings was to take down hitlary, that was just a side effect.

So some moonbat journalists corner some GOP reps who probably had no idea what was really said, and demand they condemn McCarthy for comments he didn't even make.

Moonbat subterfuge 101.

Nice spin. But we both know that was the goal. It's why the committee, over the last year, only brought in her staff. They didn't uncover any new evidence for the last two years. It was all about keeping in the news and being able to suggest Hillary was a killer again and again. And now one of the top Republicans spoke the truth, only an indoctrinated moron could spin this into something "innocent".
Wrong again, the House Select Committee on Intelligence concluded their investigation...

So now you're saying that the full investigation of Benghazi is OVER, that there are no more going on?! Then what the hell is McCarthy talking about, and what are Gowdy and all those reps doing - playing Poker behind closed doors?

YOU are HILLARIOUS! :lmao:


No, I never said that. The imbeciles in the congress have insisted on continuing investigations regardless the results.
Gowdy is doing a repeat performance of the previous groups that investigated.
It is not pointing a finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's pointing to FACTS, obviously, you have no idea how to distinguish the difference.

Thanks for trying to jump in and save nuhuh, but if you followed along closer you would have seen where he repeatedly blamed everyone EXCEPT who was responsible for the attacks on US Embassies and for the deaths of 4 Americans..... He still can't answer whose job that is...
So, they can pay all of the tax payer money back. Make sure that Issa pays as well.

Right after your messiah pays back the $600,000,000 dollars he spent to set up a website less complicated than the one zit face Zuckerberg set up in a dorm room.

Funny how bed wetters get concerned about a waste of money when it's used to investigate one of their political whores.

What do you know about websites? You don't even know how to use Google.
What you fail to acknowledge is that your own investigations have come up with nothing ...

We just established:
- It was Hillary's, The State Department' , and Obama's responsibility to adequately defend the 20 US Embassies that were attacked - 4 overrun - and to protect the life of Ambassador Stevens, the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be assassinated BECAUSE HILLARY, THE STATE DEPARTMENT, AND OBAMA FAILED TO DO SO.

- The CIA Report that was sent declaring this was a terrorist attack and that there was NO protest was manipulated by Hillary, the State Department, and Obama 13 (THIRTEEN) times, eliminating every reference to terrorism and turning it into the talking points that were used the following morning to LIE to the world by calling this a protest over a video.

- That this false manipulation of Intel is a DIRECT part of the Obama administration's releasing false Intel Reports , from 2012 to this year, to hide the fact that his administration's record / policy against terrorism has been a FAILURE!


BUT NOTHING...except 'this' butt (yours) that's gettin' torn up....


No, you just established that fact and it is wrong.

Your investigative committee's have found nothing period.
Your own investigative committee vindicated Hillary and State.
This investigation has nothing to do with a record/policy against terrorism.
You're all over the place, you have nothing, nothing at all.

and still they don't say a word about baby bush's dozen benghazis or his 50 dead.
You still don't understand. Facts are facts and your opinion doesn't matter.
I has not credence.

Gowdy is doing a repeat performance of the previous groups that investigated.
It is not pointing a finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's pointing to FACTS, obviously, you have no idea how to distinguish the difference.

Thanks for trying to jump in and save nuhuh, but if you followed along closer you would have seen where he repeatedly blamed everyone EXCEPT who was responsible for the attacks on US Embassies and for the deaths of 4 Americans..... He still can't answer whose job that is...

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