McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

Gowdy is doing a repeat performance of the previous groups that investigated.
It is not pointing a finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's pointing to FACTS, obviously, you have no idea how to distinguish the difference.

Thanks for trying to jump in and save nuhuh, but if you followed along closer you would have seen where he repeatedly blamed everyone EXCEPT who was responsible for the attacks on US Embassies and for the deaths of 4 Americans..... He still can't answer whose job that is...

According to Kevin McCarthy, it wasn't part and parcel of the investigation at all. The attacks and deaths weren't the focus, Hillary was.
House Republicans repudiate McCarthy comments -

So, the millions of dollars and thousands of hours spent were just to bring Hillary Down? WOW! The truth finally comes out!!

Obama's doing far far worse to Hillary
The GOP was so convinced everyone hated Obama the way they did, they freaked when he won a second time in a landslide. Still, after all this time, they simply can't believe it.
It is hard to believe that many Americans were that stupid but it's water under the bridge at this point.
No, I never said that. The imbeciles in the congress have insisted on continuing investigations regardless the results.

So you admit the investigations are NOT over but say they should have stopped because of the results of the investigations ... that are not over?! :confused:

I guess in your world, when more evidence turns up....oh, like Hillary's missing e-mails that never existed showing up .... then being deleted....her claiming she turned over everything only to discover she lied about that too and continues to lie and continue this cover-up, how it is being revealed EVERY NEW DAY that she is lying and is determined to fight this until every thing is DRAGGED into the just drop the whole thing. True Liberal Justice right there! (Now I can see why / how Atty General Holder was caught perpetrating 4 Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress and Obama and the DOJ refused to file charges!

House Republicans repudiate McCarthy comments -

So, the millions of dollars and thousands of hours spent were just to bring Hillary Down? WOW! The truth finally comes out!!

Obama's doing far far worse to Hillary
The GOP was so convinced everyone hated Obama the way they did, they freaked when he won a second time in a landslide. Still, after all this time, they simply can't believe it.
It is hard to believe that many Americans were that stupid but it's water under the bridge at this point.
You're right. We forgive the racist Republicans. Perhaps they can still learn. But I have to be convinced.
You still don't understand. Facts are facts and your opinion doesn't matter.
I has not credence.


No, I never said that. The imbeciles in the congress have insisted on continuing investigations regardless the results.

So you admit the investigations are NOT over but say they should have stopped because of the results of the investigations ... that are not over?! :confused:

I guess in your world, when more evidence turns up....oh, like Hillary's missing e-mails that never existed showing up .... then being deleted....her claiming she turned over everything only to discover she lied about that too and continues to lie and continue this cover-up, how it is being revealed EVERY NEW DAY that she is lying and is determined to fight this until every thing is DRAGGED into the just drop the whole thing. True Liberal Justice right there! (Now I can see why / how Atty General Holder was caught perpetrating 4 Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress and Obama and the DOJ refused to file charges!


Yep. No matter how high you get your back hair raised it all remains about nothing.
House Republicans repudiate McCarthy comments -

So, the millions of dollars and thousands of hours spent were just to bring Hillary Down? WOW! The truth finally comes out!!

Obama's doing far far worse to Hillary
The GOP was so convinced everyone hated Obama the way they did, they freaked when he won a second time in a landslide. Still, after all this time, they simply can't believe it.
It is hard to believe that many Americans were that stupid but it's water under the bridge at this point.
You're right. We forgive the racist Republicans. Perhaps they can still learn. But I have to be convinced.
I must assume that you will then be voting for Carson to prove you're not racist as well.
According to Kevin McCarthy, it wasn't part and parcel of the investigation at all. The attacks and deaths weren't the focus, Hillary was.

ACTUALLY, using McCarthy's own words in the original article AND those words posted by Liberals, McCarthy pointed out that one of the consequences of this investigation is the FACT that Hillary is a liar, has been lying all along, continues to lie, and every single day the FBI and news media reports that she is STILL LYING. Just today, for example, the news is reporting how another set of e-mails Hillary had not turned over - like she said under oath that she had done (UH-OH - Perjury!) - the FBI found 3 new e-mails MARKED 'SECRET"...even though Hillary PERJURED herself (again) by declaring she never sent or received any e-mails MARKED classified!

Liberals are doing their best to twist McCarthy's words around so they can go into her up-coming hearing / testimony and declare all of this is 'political while doing their damnedest to draw attention from the FACT that she has been and continues to perjure herself, be caught committing crimes, and endangered our national security.

Even YOU on this board show repeatedly that you are more interested in insisting this is a political witch hunt than admitting that no matter WHAT the reason behind these hearings are, the RESULTS have been and CONTINUE to be - on a daily basis - the uncovering of just how much Hillary has done wrong! You place your partisanship above our national security and what is best for this nation...and that is not just 'partisan'....that is not just is treasonous to a point!
Yep. No matter how high you get your back hair raised it all remains about nothing.

nuhuh, you gave up after failing to accurately answer the question TWICE - c' more time. WHOSE job is it to protect US Embassies and US Ambassadors?
According to Kevin McCarthy, it wasn't part and parcel of the investigation at all. The attacks and deaths weren't the focus, Hillary was.

ACTUALLY, using McCarthy's own words in the original article AND those words posted by Liberals, McCarthy pointed out that one of the consequences of this investigation is the FACT that Hillary is a liar, has been lying all along, continues to lie, and every single day the FBI and news media reports that she is STILL LYING. Just today, for example, the news is reporting how another set of e-mails Hillary had not turned over - like she said under oath that she had done (UH-OH - Perjury!) - the FBI found 3 new e-mails MARKED 'SECRET"...even though Hillary PERJURED herself (again) by declaring she never sent or received any e-mails MARKED classified!

Liberals are doing their best to twist McCarthy's words around so they can go into her up-coming hearing / testimony and declare all of this is 'political while doing their damnedest to draw attention from the FACT that she has been and continues to perjure herself, be caught committing crimes, and endangered our national security.

Even YOU on this board show repeatedly that you are more interested in insisting this is a political witch hunt than admitting that no matter WHAT the reason behind these hearings are, the RESULTS have been and CONTINUE to be - on a daily basis - the uncovering of just how much Hillary has done wrong! You place your partisanship above our national security and what is best for this nation...and that is not just 'partisan'....that is not just is treasonous to a point!

The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, all reported that McCarthy said it was a partisan effort designed to impact a candidate for office. I don't need to twist words to claim that the major news sources in this country all agree that it was said that way. Hillary Clinton has not been indicted, nor charged, nor convicted. You saying she's guilty is horse shit. When she has been convicted, we'll talk but until then you have less than nothing.

The irresponsibility, ineffectiveness, and intractable manner these investigations have been conducted should be fodder for their own investigation as to how any normal human being could fuck up a simple investigative process this badly. Your faith in them is equal elements of naivete, and your own brand of cluelessness.
No, you just established that fact and it is wrong.

Thank you, thank you verah much!

How old are you? Like 13 years old or something?
I am old enough to know who is responsible for protecting US Embassies and US Ambassadors, old enough to know that nuhuh believes the fact that Obama is a complete failure, has been producing false intel since 2012 - to include about Benghazi - and that he believes that all the facts uncovered leading to lies, deceit, and border-line treason should be ignored because of something stupid one man said.
The irresponsibility, ineffectiveness, and intractable manner these investigations have been conducted ....

The focus is not on nor should it be the manner in which the investigations are conducted but rather the fact that come out of them.

AGAIN, as pointed out, it has been PROVEN and REPORTED that the CIA's initial report was DOCTORED - the Obama administration, as it has been since 2012, provided fake information to support his KNOWN lie that Benghazi was about a protest. The revealed level of deception and deceit by the State House and WH that has been exposed is MASSIVE....

"...but McCarthy said something stupid, so let's ignore the whole thing!"

What a brilliant f*ing Liberal Plan! (And let's forget the GOD AWFUL TRUTH that if this had happened under Bush you pathetic liberals would be lighting torches and marching on Washington to demand he be Impeached and or arrested!)
No, you just established that fact and it is wrong.

Thank you, thank you verah much!

How old are you? Like 13 years old or something?
I am old enough to know who is responsible for protecting US Embassies and US Ambassadors, old enough to know that nuhuh believes the fact that Obama is a complete failure, has been producing false intel since 2012 - to include about Benghazi - and that he believes that all the facts uncovered leading to lies, deceit, and border-line treason should be ignored because of something stupid one man said.

Is it Obama's fault that the investigations have come up with nothing? No blame? no indictments? no charges? I suggest that is your problem, this is your wrecking crew at work here.
But it never was a legitimate investigation. It was a charade and a fraud used to discredit a legitimate candidate for office.
It certainly was a legit investigation. Four Americans were killed and it was important enough for those who were indirectly responsible to coverup their failure. That's a warrant for an investigation if ever there was one.

hmmm, how about a warrant issued for the deaths of 4,500 Americans based on the lies by George W, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and the rest of the neo conservatives?

Yet again the partisan omission of the Democrats who did it arm in arm with them

It's a tossup, is this ^^^ a lie, a half-truth or ignorance? Given the record I lean toward a lie but even Kaz deserves a chance to clarify this post.

The D's did not vote in lock-step on the resolution to use force,

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

with a few exceptions the Republicans did. Thus your comment is at best a half-truth. Writing the D's voted arm in arm (aka in lock-step) with the R's is an attempt to deceive the readers.

Of course maybe you actually believe what you wrote, which would not entirely surprise me. You've never shown the acumen necessary to explore matters which might challenge the biases you hold.

You don't hold the Democrats who did it with the Republicans accountable, only Republicans

Calling it a fiasco holds the leaders - regardless of party - accountable, though some were fooled by the lies of Cheney and the bumbler Rumsfeld. As time went on, the numbers of causalities grew it became apparent we had once more created a SNAFU going in unprepared, as infamously said by Rumsfeld:

"As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time."

Having a myopic SecDef and an equally foolish VP, " I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators. I’ve talked with a lot of Iraqis in the last several months myself, had them to the White House....The read we get on the people of Iraq is there is no question but what they want to get rid of Saddam Hussein and they will welcome as liberators the United States when we come to do that."

Where were the Congressional Investigations? 4,500 Americans died and countless others suffered terrible wounds. Anyone who thinks Benghazi needs to have nearly a dozen investigations is a fool, and those members of Congress who continue this witch hunt are despicable miscreants.

Clinton was impeached in such a witch hunt, and it is likely Congress and the Executive were so focused on that witch hunt important matters, foreign and domestic suffered.

Today we see the same shit, investigations by a Congress which has done nothing productive at a high cost to the taxpayers. Only a fool will vote for a Republican in 2016, for doing the same thing again and expecting anything productive from them is worse than being a fool, it is insane.
The irresponsibility, ineffectiveness, and intractable manner these investigations have been conducted ....

The focus is not on nor should it be the manner in which the investigations are conducted but rather the fact that come out of them.

AGAIN, as pointed out, it has been PROVEN and REPORTED that the CIA's initial report was DOCTORED - the Obama administration, as it has been since 2012, provided fake information to support his KNOWN lie that Benghazi was about a protest. The revealed level of deception and deceit by the State House and WH that has been exposed is MASSIVE....

"...but McCarthy said something stupid, so let's ignore the whole thing!"

What a brilliant f*ing Liberal Plan! (And let's forget the GOD AWFUL TRUTH that if this had happened under Bush you pathetic liberals would be lighting torches and marching on Washington to demand he be Impeached and or arrested!)

See post 534
Is it Obama's fault that the investigations have come up with nothing?

Just curious, what color is the SKY in your world?

I have posted the links to NUMEROUS reports of how it was PROVEN that the State Department falsely manipulated the intial CIA Report, of how the CIA PROVED it reported to the WH that there had been NO PROTESTS - PRIOR to Rice ever going onto the Sunday shows and LYING about it had been. THIS clearly shows deceit, CONSPIRACY, falsifying Intel documents...which again it was proved last week Obama has been doing since 2012!

How are all these FACTS 'nothing' to you?

It is ONLY because of these investigations that we discovered the FACT that:
- Hillary was using private e-mails (plural) despite saying she never did, then saying se only used one, and then two, and now it has been revealed she used THREE
- Hillary LIED again about having turned over every one of her e-mails - the FBI has proven now this is a lie
- Hillary claimed she never sent or received any e-mails marked as classified....the FBI has not proven THIS is a LIE

The evidence of her lies...and criminal acts of PERJURY - are being proven every day! Yet incredibly claim that nothing has come of these FACTS / EVIDENCE exists!

The only obvious conclusion is that you are mentally ill!

BTW, have you figured out yet who is responsible for protecting US Embassies and US Ambassadors?
nuhuh, here's an easy question: WHERE are all of Hillary's official state department e-mails from several weeks BEFORE Benghazi to several weeks AFTE Benghazi?

Don't know? Don't you think that's important to find out? (Of course you don't....)

The FBI says they were DELETED, 'wiped' from Hillary's personal server...that they found in some 'mom and pop tech company's BATHROOM...and they say they can and will recover them.

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what they find!
Is it Obama's fault that the investigations have come up with nothing?

Just curious, what color is the SKY in your world?

I have posted the links to NUMEROUS reports of how it was PROVEN that the State Department falsely manipulated the intial CIA Report, of how the CIA PROVED it reported to the WH that there had been NO PROTESTS - PRIOR to Rice ever going onto the Sunday shows and LYING about it had been. THIS clearly shows deceit, CONSPIRACY, falsifying Intel documents...which again it was proved last week Obama has been doing since 2012!

How are all these FACTS 'nothing' to you?

It is ONLY because of these investigations that we discovered the FACT that:
- Hillary was using private e-mails (plural) despite saying she never did, then saying se only used one, and then two, and now it has been revealed she used THREE
- Hillary LIED again about having turned over every one of her e-mails - the FBI has proven now this is a lie
- Hillary claimed she never sent or received any e-mails marked as classified....the FBI has not proven THIS is a LIE

The evidence of her lies...and criminal acts of PERJURY - are being proven every day! Yet incredibly claim that nothing has come of these FACTS / EVIDENCE exists!

The only obvious conclusion is that you are mentally ill!

So now you've been reduced to insults. Hey, It isn't my fault that your wrecking crew has embarrassed you. You refuse to accept the evidence that has already been published and vindicated the people involved. You bring up allegations that have not been proved, you bring up the FBI which hasn't even submitted a report, if Hillary Clinton was guilty of a single thing you would have seen a prosecution by now. Where is it?

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