McCarthy calls out Biden's major lie on SS and Medicare in his SOTU Show last night.

It was Rick Scott’s plan.
What was the specifics of his plan.

After you find and bring that, explain how Rick Scott constitutes "the rest" of the Republican party, Simp.
Yes, he took it off the table because the GOP didn't support it.

You are right about Lie-den "trolling them good" = and that's the sort of behavior we have come to expect from the a leader like Lie-den....trolling...rather pathetic from a President
Biden didn’t say all of them supported it. In fact, he specifically said most didn’t. But it’s a fact it was proposed by Rick Scott who is a prominent Republican.
Biden didn’t say all of them supported it. In fact, he specifically said most didn’t. But it’s a fact it was proposed by Rick Scott who is a prominent Republican.
No it wasn't.
And you do understand that a single Senator can't propose anything.
What Scott did say, was that ALL legislation should be sunsetted in 5 years so it can be up for vote again and discussed.
Biden cherry picks that, and says "Republicans want to sunset Social Security"
That is a gross misrepresentation and Biden knew it when he said it.
Single Senators and Congress people say things all the time, NONE of them are a part of any actionable proposals... it is just something someone said.
No it wasn't.
And you do understand that a single Senator can't propose anything.
What Scott did say, was that ALL legislation should be sunsetted in 5 years so it can be up for vote again and discussed.
Biden cherry picks that, and says "Republicans want to sunset Social Security"
That is a gross misrepresentation and Biden knew it when he said it.
Single Senators and Congress people say things all the time, NONE of them are a part of any actionable proposals... it is just something someone said.
Of course a single senator can propose something. Jesus, so you not know how legislation works?

Biden didn’t misrepresent it. Scott wants to sunset social security.
Of course a single senator can propose something. Jesus, so you not know how legislation works?

Biden didn’t misrepresent it. Scott wants to sunset social security.
I said "actionable" proposal.
Biden lied. Period.
He attempted to make it sound like there was an actual proposal on his desk from Republicans to specifically sunset SS.
There is no such proposal. Doesn't exist.
What Scott proposed was a blanket sunset of 5 years on all legislation to force negotiation and revoting. It is a very UNPOPULAR opinion, with currently that I have read only 4 Republicans out of 268 congress and Senators.
It is OBVIOUSLY dishonest to make this a part of the speech and attempt to appear to say it is a part of the Republican economic plan. It is not. And never was apart of this Congress plan. At all.
A handful of comments spanning several years, huh? most saying changes need to be made to save SS from insolvency, which will happen without changes.

Now, who said they want to eliminate SS?
Biden was right. It’s in Rick Scott’s proposal. Own it.
Allow me to show you what you said.

Biden was right. Rick Scott proposed sunsetting social security. It’s a fact. Not a lie.
It is a lie, and you are equally a liar for repeating what you also, unless you are retarded, know is a fabrication of what is actually true.
Scott said "ALL" legislation... ALL... everything...ALL
And again, it is not a part of any proposed legislation.
A SINGLE person said it. One.
Biden alluded that it was a part of an actual serious proposal.
It is not.
And you know it. Or... you are retarded and are too dumb to understand.
It is a lie, and you are equally a liar for repeating what you also, unless you are retarded, know is a fabrication of what is actually true.
Scott said "ALL" legislation... ALL... everything...ALL
And again, it is not a part of any proposed legislation.
A SINGLE person said it. One.
Biden alluded that it was a part of an actual serious proposal.
It is not.
And you know it. Or... you are retarded and are too dumb to understand.
Rick Scott is a very prominent member of the Republican Party.

You keep moving goal posts and making excuses because you don’t want to admit that Biden was right. Nothing you’ve said changes the fact that Rick Scott proposed sunsetting Medicare and social security. He did.
Rick Scott is a very prominent member of the Republican Party.

You keep moving goal posts and making excuses because you don’t want to admit that Biden was right. Nothing you’ve said changes the fact that Rick Scott proposed sunsetting Medicare and social security. He did.
Noted you are a parrot and a sheep and have no intention of being honest.
Get lost
Rick Scott is a very prominent member of the Republican Party.

You keep moving goal posts and making excuses because you don’t want to admit that Biden was right. Nothing you’ve said changes the fact that Rick Scott proposed sunsetting Medicare and social security. He did.
Did Chicom Joe say ONE Republican has a plan to save SS by phasing it out and replacing with a better private plan?

Nope. That means he lied.
What are the details of his phase out? You have no clue, right?
After 5 years, it sunsets. That’s the plan. There aren’t any details. It just ends.

It’s so simple even you can understand it.

But you don’t want to.
So that’s not what Chicom Joe said.

Got it.
This is what you get with Republicans. Complete lack of honesty.

We all know they want to cut entitlements. They’re too afraid to say so.

McCarthy did his preemptive call out of Biden's impending lies on SS and medicare, and Biden still spewed the obvious lies.

Now he gets to call out Biden again.

KEVIN MCCARTHY: The president was trying to goad the members and the members are passionate about it. But the one thing the president was saying is something that he knew was not true. I just spent an hour with him. I've said it many times before. Social Security and Medicare are off the table. He tries to use it for a political ploy. But the one thing we need to be is we need to be smart. He's trying to play politics with the debt ceiling by not negotiating, by lying about our position. I want to be responsible. I want to be sensible. I want to sit down and work through this problem. Because look, the Democrats raised the highest debt ceiling ever and they blew through it in the shortest amount of time and now they want to come right back to it. We need to be smart. Don't take the bait. Stay with the American public about what we want to do, curb this runaway spending that the president has been spending so much. The Democrats increased discretionary spending by 30%. There's a lot of places that we could have savings to make government more accountable and actually put us on a path to balance.

Kevin McCarthy blasts Biden for 'goading' GOP with false claims at SOTU: 'He knew it was not true'
Was this Biden's attempt at unity?

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