McCarthy calls out Biden's major lie on SS and Medicare in his SOTU Show last night.

McCarthy did his preemptive call out of Biden's impending lies on SS and medicare, and Biden still spewed the obvious lies.

Now he gets to call out Biden again.

KEVIN MCCARTHY: The president was trying to goad the members and the members are passionate about it. But the one thing the president was saying is something that he knew was not true. I just spent an hour with him. I've said it many times before. Social Security and Medicare are off the table. He tries to use it for a political ploy. But the one thing we need to be is we need to be smart. He's trying to play politics with the debt ceiling by not negotiating, by lying about our position. I want to be responsible. I want to be sensible. I want to sit down and work through this problem. Because look, the Democrats raised the highest debt ceiling ever and they blew through it in the shortest amount of time and now they want to come right back to it. We need to be smart. Don't take the bait. Stay with the American public about what we want to do, curb this runaway spending that the president has been spending so much. The Democrats increased discretionary spending by 30%. There's a lot of places that we could have savings to make government more accountable and actually put us on a path to balance.

Kevin McCarthy blasts Biden for 'goading' GOP with false claims at SOTU: 'He knew it was not true'
Of course it is absurd that ANY Republican wants to cut Social Security and Medicare. Yes they have responsibly discussed and floated ideas about how to keep it solvent and secure for those entitled to it.

Discussing reducing the amount of increase is NOT cutting.

Discussing means testing. Independently wealthy people like Donald Trump, George Soros, Elan Musk, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates etc. are as entitled by law as anybody else to draw Social Security and Medicare but to them it is nothing more than pocket change. Discussing ways to means test is NOT cutting.

Discussing practical ways to privatize the system to make it both affordable and better is NOT cutting.

Discussing anything, floating ideas, considering what solutions might work or why they're a bad idea is NOT cutting anything or even suggesting cutting anything. If we can't talk about it, consider pros and cons of all options, we'll never find the best way to do anything.

I would say Joe Biden knows that. But these days I hestitate to speculate what Joe knows about anything. But the deep state running him damn sure knows that.
Was this Biden's attempt at unity?
Despite the knowledge that NORMAL Americans are deeply tired of the partisan division in Washington... the divisive language is getting worse President by President.
Especially the past three.
This speech was the most divisive I have seen. It is one thing cheer your side while alluding to problems with the other - but it is something completely different than to stand there and spew out one spun half truth after another.
Trump did it too much also, but not this bad.
Despite the knowledge that NORMAL Americans are deeply tired of the partisan division in Washington... the divisive language is getting worse President by President.
Especially the past three.
This speech was the most divisive I have seen. It is one thing cheer your side while alluding to problems with the other - but it is something completely different than to stand there and spew out one spun half truth after another.
Trump did it too much also, but not this bad.
Biden chose to demonize Republicans rather than trying to get bi-partisan support.
I know it is in other threads... but WTF was up with Biden and Harris's husband kissing on the lips??
If you watch the video a couple times... folks... this isn't the first time.
As she walks up, he leans in and begins to pucker up while she is still several feet from him, she doesn't even slightly show resistance. She leans right back in and she actually leaned in more for the kiss than he did!
I have been all over the U.S. like many of you have, and in all kinds of social engagements... I have never seen anything like this.
That was weird.
Right! Democrats use this every election cycle. They have to scare their senior demographic into compliance.
The problem with that is I live in a senior community and conservative voters outnumber liberal voters at least a hundred to one. At least according to the yard signs, pro-Trump flags and conversations. Of the thirty or so guys I ride motorcycles with several days a week, not one is pro-democrat.
Uh...hey Smooshy Face. McCarthy was the one that took it off the table this week because it was a sure bet loser for Republicans.
And Republicans want to cut these programs to curb "runaway spending"......without looking at necessary tax increases for the wealthy and corporations that have been at the center of our monetary problems for going on three decades now. :)

Biden trolled them good on this one. But Republicans are their own worst enemy here.
They DO want to cut these programs. They talk about it almost every election cycle.

Funny how the debt ceiling wasn't an issue for Republicans during the 2017-2019 time period. :)
What is your solution for this situation?


In 1950 for women the retirement age was 62 and 65 for men. Average life expectancy in the US was 66.

Life expectancy of all Americans in 1961 was 70 years. Social Security benefits started at age 62 for women and 65 for men.

For those retiring today, full benefits are at 67 with an average lie expectancy of 78. Many, except for blacks, live well into their 80’s or 90’s.

The system is incredibly racist since blacks contribute as much, but their life span is far shorter.

In 1950 there were 16.5 workers for each Social Security recipient. In 2011, the ratio is 2.9 workers for each recipient.

According to the SSA's data, about 157 million U.S. workers support 55 million Social Security recipients this year. In 1950, 48 million workers supported 2 million recipients.

Social Security did not start out as a Ponzi Scheme, it evolved into one. To deny that it needs radical reform is to deny the tide is coming in today.
This is what you get with Republicans. Complete lack of honesty.

We all know they want to cut entitlements. They’re too afraid to say so.

You all "know", but you can't show us the plan that does that.
I know it is in other threads... but WTF was up with Biden and Harris's husband kissing on the lips??
If you watch the video a couple times... folks... this isn't the first time.
As she walks up, he leans in and begins to pucker up while she is still several feet from him, she doesn't even slightly show resistance. She leans right back in and she actually leaned in more for the kiss than he did!
I have been all over the U.S. like many of you have, and in all kinds of social engagements... I have never seen anything like this.
That was weird.
My first reaction was what kind of idiot would kiss those lips............then I realize where his wife's lips have been.
It's just a bullshit lie to get old people to dislike republicans. He lies to old people. That's all there is to it.

Just like he lied about how he is going to make medicare cheap and their medications really cheap with his efforts in an attempt to get old people's favor. He knows old peoples big priorities is medicare and medication costs. He preys on their weakness.
Biden didn’t say all of them supported it. In fact, he specifically said most didn’t. But it’s a fact it was proposed by Rick Scott who is a prominent Republican.
"Other Republicans say if we don’t cut Social Security and Medicare, they’ll let America default on its debt for the first time in our history."

where did he say "most" - and more over Rick Scott never proposed cutting it, he proposed a sunset every 5 years, the point being to be able to look at what's going on.
After 5 years, it sunsets. That’s the plan. There aren’t any details. It just ends.

It’s so simple even you can understand it.

But you don’t want to.

Are you familiar with the word aspirational?


Enact term limits for the Washington ruling class –12-year limits for Congress and government bureaucrats. (Exceptions for national security reasons only.)

Begin paying down debt. Debt= politicians stealing from our future and stealing from all of us right now with inflation.

Forbid politicians from becoming lobbyists and “cashing in” on their public service.

Eliminate federal programs that can be done locally. Any government function that can be handled locally should be.

Move most Government agencies out of Washington and into the real world.

Sell off all non-essential government assets, buildings, and land, and use the proceeds to pay down our national debt.

All federal legislation sunsets in5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.

All government bids and contracts should be publicly available on the Internet.

If the government fails to comply with the law, citizens must have the right to sue to force them to comply.

No government employee can make more than 5 times the national median individual income.

We will bar the federal government from using your tax dollars for advertising campaigns.

We will drastically simplify the tax code, and eliminate the advantages of those who can afford tax lawyers and lobbyists.

Many government agencies should be either moved out of Washington or shuttered entirely. Yesterday’s old government is fundamentally incompatible with the digital era. The permanent ruling class in Washington is bankrupting us withinflation and debt, so they must be removed. For you to have more, Washington must have less.


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haha of course it does…a business only has profit, from selling a good or service to people…those people pay…with money they earned some how…well other then the one on welfare

You have no concept of corporate profits

The shareholder pays, not the workers

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