McCarthy calls out Biden's major lie on SS and Medicare in his SOTU Show last night.

Jesus H Christ, THEY SAID THESE THINGS. And here you are flat out ignoring them.

So basically, you ARE the fraud we knew you were.

Dismissed. I accept your surrender. :)
Debt limit has nothing to do with SS, dumbass! Republicans will not cut SS or Medicare. Love it. Learn it. Live it.
Too little and way too late, FuckBoi. The Republicans were owned by a senile old potato head who doesn’t know what day it is. McCarthy is trying and failing to do cleanup on Aisle 3.

The Seinfeld House gave him no budget to take to the White House.
Come back when you have something coherent to offer, Simp.
OK Perfessor, let me explain some Economics 101

A Corporation does not pay its taxes through its workers who earned the profit.
It comes from profits or through an increase in prices
Where do those profits come from, Simp?
McCarthy did his preemptive call out of Biden's impending lies on SS and medicare, and Biden still spewed the obvious lies.
Call it out 1,000 times it won't matter Biden and lying asshole Dems will go right on repeating the LIE. It's good Biden was at least called a LIAR during his SOTU.
McCarthy did his preemptive call out of Biden's impending lies on SS and medicare, and Biden still spewed the obvious lies.

Now he gets to call out Biden again.

KEVIN MCCARTHY: The president was trying to goad the members and the members are passionate about it. But the one thing the president was saying is something that he knew was not true. I just spent an hour with him. I've said it many times before. Social Security and Medicare are off the table. He tries to use it for a political ploy. But the one thing we need to be is we need to be smart. He's trying to play politics with the debt ceiling by not negotiating, by lying about our position. I want to be responsible. I want to be sensible. I want to sit down and work through this problem. Because look, the Democrats raised the highest debt ceiling ever and they blew through it in the shortest amount of time and now they want to come right back to it. We need to be smart. Don't take the bait. Stay with the American public about what we want to do, curb this runaway spending that the president has been spending so much. The Democrats increased discretionary spending by 30%. There's a lot of places that we could have savings to make government more accountable and actually put us on a path to balance.

Kevin McCarthy blasts Biden for 'goading' GOP with false claims at SOTU: 'He knew it was not true'
Hilarious. A habitual liar trying to call out the truth.
Republicans have been trying to for decades. Are you out of your mind ?
Hilarious. A habitual liar trying to call out the truth.
Republicans have been trying to for decades. Are you out of your mind ?
They have? Link us up to all the bills they passed to end SS, Simp.
They have? Link us up to all the bills they passed to end SS, Simp.
They have been cutting around the edges for DECADES. For years we had to live with seniors suffering from WEP and losing up to 60% of their SS retirement while having outrageous DRUG prices because Medicare couldn’t negotiate lower prices. Look at the rediculous 20% not covered by Medicare forcin* seniors to pay premiums for that to private companies an amount greater than they pay into Medicare for the remaining 80%.

These are ALL GOP passed legislation that dilutes both Medicare and SS. So the idea that the gop has not been fking with Medicare and SS is ridiculous. They have cost the working middle class billions in monies taken out of these programs by DIRT BAG REPUBLICANS.

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