Mccarthy was right

Was Mccarthy right?

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If there are communists there are very very few of them like less than .000000000000000000000001 percent of Americans who subscribe to anything socialist or communist. Alot less than that support anything communist or socialist.
Who are you trying to kid? Most of the Democrat party believes in an agenda that is indistinguishable from the agenda of the Communist party.

Communist Party USA does nit even bother to run their own candidate: they supported Hillary and Obama
If there are communists there are very very few of them like less than .000000000000000000000001 percent of Americans who subscribe to anything socialist or communist. Alot less than that support anything communist or socialist.
Who are you trying to kid? Most of the Democrat party believes in an agenda that is indistinguishable from the agenda of the Communist party.
Such as?
If there are communists there are very very few of them like less than .000000000000000000000001 percent of Americans who subscribe to anything socialist or communist. Alot less than that support anything communist or socialist.
Who are you trying to kid? Most of the Democrat party believes in an agenda that is indistinguishable from the agenda of the Communist party.
Such as?
Open borders, trannies with dicks showering with little girls, gay marriage, single payer healthcare, repeal the 2nd amendment, reparations for blacks, yada, yada, yada . . . . .
If there are communists there are very very few of them like less than .000000000000000000000001 percent of Americans who subscribe to anything socialist or communist. Alot less than that support anything communist or socialist.
Who are you trying to kid? Most of the Democrat party believes in an agenda that is indistinguishable from the agenda of the Communist party.
Such as?
Open borders, trannies with dicks showering with little girls, gay marriage, single payer healthcare, repeal the 2nd amendment, reparations for blacks, yada, yada, yada . . . . .
I never read any of that in the Communist manifesto...
If there are communists there are very very few of them like less than .000000000000000000000001 percent of Americans who subscribe to anything socialist or communist. Alot less than that support anything communist or socialist.
Who are you trying to kid? Most of the Democrat party believes in an agenda that is indistinguishable from the agenda of the Communist party.
Such as?
Open borders, trannies with dicks showering with little girls, gay marriage, single payer healthcare, repeal the 2nd amendment, reparations for blacks, yada, yada, yada . . . . .
I never read any of that in the Communist manifesto...
It's on the CPUSA website.
If nothing else, these boards indicate fear is still the greatest political motivator. A population of fearful people begin to lose their ability to reason, and yet there are things to fear.
I think McCarthy was right to a certain point, then he started seeing Commies everywhere, accusing random people that were not Communist and trying to create a dictatorship in the process.
One of the saddest scenes of McCarthy was the hearing where McCarthy and Welch slugged it out. The committee was adjourned and McCarthy was still doing his communist speech thing and the rest were packing up and joking. I almost felt sorry for him, but then good sense took over.
One of the saddest scenes of McCarthy was the hearing where McCarthy and Welch slugged it out. The committee was adjourned and McCarthy was still doing his communist speech thing and the rest were packing up and joking. I almost felt sorry for him, but then good sense took over.
The guy on Welshs staff that McCarthy accused of working with the Communists...well, guess how that turned out?

Right! He was working with Communists
One of the saddest scenes of McCarthy was the hearing where McCarthy and Welch slugged it out. The committee was adjourned and McCarthy was still doing his communist speech thing and the rest were packing up and joking. I almost felt sorry for him, but then good sense took over.
The guy on Welshs staff that McCarthy accused of working with the Communists...well, guess how that turned out?

Right! He was working with Communists
Sort of like Trump working with the Russians.
the provocations by Russia need to be met with American strength. Trump is going to rebuild our military. this whole Putin thing, look, America is stronger than Russia. our economy is 15 times larger than Russia, our political system is superior to the crony corrupt capitalist system in Russia in every way. we are stronger in terms of military. we are stronger in terms of everything.
McCarthy was an opportunistic fear-monger.

What do free, intelligent people have to fear in discussing and debating anyone and any ideology? Totalitarians are all the same, ideas are different. There is no harm in holding an ideal, only in trying to force others to conform. McCarthy wanted to force conformity.
Tolerance toward others and teaching both sides of history IS NOT Communist. Jesus you people are thick.

You can't sneak a conservative speaker onto a university campus in a disguise at 2am.....a grade school teacher was just fired for wondering if kids would be allowed to march against Planned this the "tolerance" you speak of?
Nurse your grudges, Tom. Collect those slights like a squirrel stashes nuts. The real world is not the way your bullshit propaganda sites want you to believe.
For instance, Milo spoke at UCLA last month. Any riots? No?

Conservative provocateur and campus free speech activist Milo Yiannopoulos is set to speak at the University of California, Los Angeles on Monday, Feb. 26. Yiannopoulos, who has frequently made international headlines for his visits to college campuses, is scheduled to give a talk entitled “10 Things I Hate About Mexico” to the Bruin College Republicans

Milo is back! UCLA announces Yiannopoulos' first campus event of 2018
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At the same time leftist parasites in the US began promoting faggotry and all sorts of perversions the Soviets were exterminating them in the parts of the world they controlled.

There is a reason for that.

To give you a boner
Mccarthy was fully aware of the Marxist subversion of America, we need only look at the MSM and SCOTUS Justice Stevens to see how entrenched these Marxists are. They ddin't appear there overnight, they've been there the entire time...since Mccarthy's time.

They make note of how he targeted Hollywood...just look at Holywood with all the LGBTQ, anti-gun and pro-death bullshit

It is difficult to estimate the number of victims of McCarthy. The number imprisoned is in the hundreds, and some ten or twelve thousand lost their jobs.[59] In many cases simply being subpoenaed by HUAC or one of the other committees was sufficient cause to be fired.[60] Many of those who were imprisoned, lost their jobs, or were questioned by committees did in fact have a past or present connection of some kind with the Communist Party. But for the vast majority, both the potential for them to do harm to the nation and the nature of their communist affiliation were tenuous.[61] After the extremely damaging "Cambridge Five" spy scandal (Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt, et al.), suspected homosexuality was also a common cause for being targeted by McCarthyism. The hunt for "sexual perverts", who were presumed to be subversive by nature, resulted in over 5,000 federal workers being fired, and thousands were harassed and denied employment.[62][63] Many have termed this aspect of McCarthyism the "Lavender scare".[64][65]

Homosexuality was classified as a psychiatric disorder in the 1950s.[66] However, in the context of the highly politicised Cold War environment, homosexuality became framed as a dangerous, contagious social disease that posed a potential threat to state security.[66] As the family was believed to be the cornerstone of American strength and integrity,[67] the description of homosexuals as "sexual perverts" meant that they were both unable to function within a family unit and presented the potential to poison the social body.[68] This era also witnessed the establishment of widely spread FBI surveillance intended to identify homosexual government employees

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

Mccarthy should be an honored American hero.
Let the book burning begin!
Maybe McCarthy was right on who he accused of being a Communist, but being a Communist isn't illegal.
The Way We Were Wasn't

Why do we allow that? I risked my life thousands of miles away to kill Communists, yet the ruling class's Constitution allowed them to run wild at home. Only a slavish brain-dead sucker believes he fights for their right to protest.

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