McChrystal Says He's Talked With Obama Once Since Taking Afghanistan Command

I say we swap Obama out for McChrystal as President. This man is clearly more informed and cares much more about our kids over there than this current President does. Anyone with me?
I say we swap Obama out for McChrystal as President. This man is clearly more informed and cares much more about our kids over there than this current President does. Anyone with me?

In other words: a military coup?

I thought GEN Petreaus was your guys' most favoritist general?
We (cross that, our MILITARY troops) have done an amazing job in Iraq. It has given us an example to follow. Why not use it in Afganistan (where we have been politically polite with other nations as partners)?

Most of the "innovative" war fighting strategies that Petraeus put into effect in Iraq (i.e. the PRTs, CMO as the center of operations) were actively being implemented in Afghanistan in the summer of 2004.

If we send in OUR guys, and it works, that means VICTORY (a country of people seeing that terrorism doesn't pay). Why not use a method that has worked in an area that is similar (not identical) to Iraq?

It's not similar to Iraq. Not even close.
And the point of your rhetorical circle-jerk was?
It's negligence that the President has spoken to him only once.

I am talking about your weird "field general" digression. What was the point of that?
Well, let's see. I corrected an idiotic reference to this situation camparing it to speaking to "field generals". McChrystal is not quite just a "field general". It's not too far back, so I doubt you'll sprain your finger scrolling for it. Are you against accuracy?
It's negligence that the President has spoken to him only once.

I am talking about your weird "field general" digression. What was the point of that?
Well, let's see. I corrected an idiotic reference to this situation camparing it to speaking to "field generals". McChrystal is not quite just a "field general". It's not too far back, so I doubt you'll sprain your finger scrolling for it. Are you against accuracy?

No, just asisnine sharpshooters who try to derail threads when they start to look stupid.
For all you Hopey Changey sheep still defending the indefensible,just pretend this President has an (R) by his name. I have a funny feeling you guys would have a much different response to this if there was an (R) by his name. This is clearly terrible incompetence & neglect on the part of your Hopey Changey. Think about it some more and then get back to us when you're prepared to be honest.
I am talking about your weird "field general" digression. What was the point of that?
Well, let's see. I corrected an idiotic reference to this situation camparing it to speaking to "field generals". McChrystal is not quite just a "field general". It's not too far back, so I doubt you'll sprain your finger scrolling for it. Are you against accuracy?

No, just asisnine sharpshooters who try to derail threads when they start to look stupid.
Irrespective of flaccid ad hominems, I am a fan of accuracy. Others tastes obviously differ.
Truman only meet MacArthur ONCE during the Korean War
Highly doubtful.. but in any event. MacArthur was removed from duty in a year because, <gulp> MacArthur wanted to WIN and Harry was too worried about upsetting the Chinese if we bombed Manchuria.
Hey the man can't be everything to everyone, he's a busy guy!! I mean hell he had to go to Copenhagen to make the case that Chicago should host the 2016 Summer Olympics. Damn people don't you understand thre olympics has priority!! That war ain't going anywhere!! We have to have the olympics in Chicago or thousands of people will die!!!

Come on people get a grip!!
Truman only meet MacArthur ONCE during the Korean War
Highly doubtful.. but in any event. MacArthur was removed from duty in a year because, <gulp> MacArthur wanted to WIN and Harry was too worried about upsetting the Chinese if we bombed Manchuria.

Actually, they did only speak once. And, we know how Korea turned out.
Gee, nine months ago we had no business in Iraq and Afghanistan was of premier importance... I guess not so much any more huh?
Well, let's see. I corrected an idiotic reference to this situation camparing it to speaking to "field generals". McChrystal is not quite just a "field general". It's not too far back, so I doubt you'll sprain your finger scrolling for it. Are you against accuracy?

No, just asisnine sharpshooters who try to derail threads when they start to look stupid.
Irrespective of flaccid ad hominems, I am a fan of accuracy. Others tastes obviously differ.

I think we can agree that McChrystal is the senior commander in the field and that is what Bod meant.

You took it to be a perjorative that denigrated McChrystal's position. I think you misunderstood her point.

Being the "field General" is a good thing. It's not an official title, it's just a reference. Famous "field Generals": Patton, Bradley, etc.

On the other hand, guys like Eisenhower and Marshall, while brilliant Generals, were not "field Generals". They were not actively maneuvering divisions and armies.
For all you Hopey Changey sheep still defending the indefensible,just pretend this President has an (R) by his name. I have a funny feeling you guys would have a much different response to this if there was an (R) by his name. This is clearly terrible incompetence & neglect on the part of your Hopey Changey. Think about it some more and then get back to us when you're prepared to be honest.

You are repititious.
Is anyone really surprised? He is a terrible leader, his single largest accomplishment is Cash for Clunkers, LMAO!!!!

When Health Care Reform fails, he will be a lame duck in less than 12 months, he is the most naive POTUS we have ever had!!!!

How do 69,000,000 voters feel after they elected this failure? :oops:

clearly, you have never been in uniform. The president talks to the Secretary of Defense.... The SECDEF talks to the generals. I don't WANT my president bypassing the chain of command.... clearly, you do.

Really? And you know this how?

Obviously your one of the 69,000,000 fools......:whip:

I assume that you have not been in uniform because you expect the president to violate the chain of command, which someone with any military experience at all would know is inappropriate.
clearly, you have never been in uniform. The president talks to the Secretary of Defense.... The SECDEF talks to the generals. I don't WANT my president bypassing the chain of command.... clearly, you do.

Really? And you know this how?

Obviously your one of the 69,000,000 fools......:whip:

I assume that you have not been in uniform because you expect the president to violate the chain of command, which someone with any military experience at all would know is inappropriate.

maineman, the first three letters of assume spell ass, be careful in using that word.....

The defensive argument that the chain of command is the real issue is bogus, he is POTUS isn't he? A good example of a quality leader is he or she finds out what is really happening on the street, this bullshit about chain of command does not apply to the POTUS, unless he believes he is in the Ivory Tower, which is what this is really all about, he sucks as a military leader, to date all he has done is talk and talk is cheap......don't keep :banghead: it can cause brain damage.....

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