McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

A recording of Trump issuing a quid pro quo.
Sorry, presidential conversations are not recorded. Try to stay grounded in reality, thanksm But Trump obstructed the evidence, incliding the first hand testimony of this. So you have just announced your support of the obstruction charge.

A testimony from Zelensky that stated Trump threatened aid to his country unless he cooperated.
Ha, another rigged game. Zelensky would never testify to this and get involved on our politics. But every account we have from Ukrainian who will speak on the matter says they knew what was happening.

A written statement to any member of the Ukraine government that threatened US aid unless cooperation was met.
Interesting. This may come as a shock to you: criminals don't operate that way. Your standards are contrived nonsense, and our jails would be empty, if your ridiculous, cultish rigged game were the standard of guilt.

Wrong as always. How come there’s at stenographers and people listening in if Presidential calls aren’t recorded? Strike one. Zelensky, as that nation’s leader, has more knowledge about the situation than any underlings you want to find. He says it didn’t happen. Strike two. So you admit you have NO proof of any “shakedown” by Trump. Strike three. You’re out. Hit the showers rookie, you’re going back to the minors.
Heh, what a maroon.
That's what I thought. You asked your question, and oops, you actually got an answer. Now all you can do is whine .
You failed to answer it. Speculation isn't answering it.

Circumstantial isn't enough.

AND STILL NOT ONE OF YOU have named a case where someone was found guilty on circumstantial evidence.

Game, set, and fuck off match.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

Trump stonewalling witnesses had nothing to do that - nah, nothing whatsoever.

yawnnnnnnnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
When you wake up, the dems should have used the courts.....yes, really.

when you wake up, the constitution doesnt mandate court decisions in house impeachments-

but who ever accused rw idiots of paying any attention to the constitution -
What? When the majority didn't use legit subpoenas and the minority
ignored them because they weren't legit, they should have used the courts Don't be stupid


The part about the constitution mandating house impeachments going through the courts ?

ok, fine - show the class where that part exists-

There’s no mandate that they have to, just like there's no mandate that the Senate has to follow the House's witness wish list.
I'm not sure I understand. It seems that the democrats helped Trump out by not going through
the process of subpoenaing the witnesses they needed to make their case. Instead, they buttoned
it up too early and demanded that the repubs do their work for them. The dems have nobody to blame
but themselves. You need to work on focusing your anger at the right group of people.

Nothing they did helped Trump. They wore his legal team down to the “so what” defense. Alexander doesn’t want Bolton to testify because what he is going to say has already been proven.

I have no anger for anyone that did everything they could to get the truth out.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.
What makes you think that going through the courts was any different in the Senate? The dems didn't do their job and you can't admit that.
The democrats had 17 witnesses, they then said they had a mountain of evidence and closed their end to it. Well, I guess they didn't
The debate is with what those 17 witnesses testified to in the House, over in the Senate. It's not up to the Senate
to do the work of the House.

The Senate could have voted for witnesses and avoided the need for a lengthy protracted legal battle that now awaits Dems. The outcome is not in doubt. Trump will lose.

There was no reason for Republicans in the Senate to avoid witnesses other than they don’t want us to know what happened.

I thought the House already made their case about what happened. Did they fail?
Let’s remind you how all this started.


Oh come on. Look at the Trump relies.
So, so stupid. The rallies aren't evidence that he will win an election in which 120 million people vote. They are merely evidence that his cult is a cult.
Actually they had no problem when Trump did it either, until he touched on their sensitive zone that included Biden.

Sekulow: Trump has withheld foreign aid 'a number of times,' not just for Ukraine
Yeah, I'm thinking he lies. I can't find any proof of that either at your link or anywhere else.

So your claim is he went on national television, lied about everything he said, and nobody called him out on it?
Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much all the defense team does, isn't it?

So what fact are you having a problem with? I'll find it if thats' what you want. You'll have to accept whatever source I find because what he said Trump did is what every President does at one time or another during their terms, so it's not a big deal and probably not reported very much unless it was a very slow news day.
I hadn't noticed any facts. That's what I just said. Sorry you had a hard time understanding it.

Sorry, presidential conversations are not recorded. Try to stay grounded in reality, thanksm But Trump obstructed the evidence, incliding the first hand testimony of this. So you have just announced your support of the obstruction charge.

What first hand testimony? Where is your evidence of this testimony? Correct, presidential conversations are not recorded by US. That doesn't mean they are not recorded around the world by other countries.

Ha, another rigged game. Zelensky would never testify to this and get involved on our politics. But every account we have from Ukrainian who will speak on the matter says they knew what was happening.

Ah yes, more mind reading. Well Zelensky did say publicly he felt no pressure under Trump. Why would he not say if he did?

Interesting. This may come as a shock to you: criminals don't operate that way. Your standards are contrived nonsense, and our jails would be empty, if your ridiculous, cultish rigged game were the standard of guilt.

The standards of guilt are when empirical evidence is produced--not guesses or made-up stories. If I think my neighbor robbed a bank, they don't throw him in prison over what I think. If I had video of him robbing the bank, then I submit my evidence to the prosecutor and he or she takes it from there.

What this is about is mind reading and predicting the future. Mind reading because they know what Trump was thinking instead of Trump saying what he was up to. Predicting the future because the commies claim they knew Biden would be his rival.

No court in the country would ever convict over mind reading and fortune telling. That's not how it works here.
Nothing they did helped Trump. They wore his legal team down to the “so what” defense. Alexander doesn’t want Bolton to testify because what he is going to say has already been proven.

I have no anger for anyone that did everything they could to get the truth out.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.
What makes you think that going through the courts was any different in the Senate? The dems didn't do their job and you can't admit that.
The democrats had 17 witnesses, they then said they had a mountain of evidence and closed their end to it. Well, I guess they didn't
The debate is with what those 17 witnesses testified to in the House, over in the Senate. It's not up to the Senate
to do the work of the House.

The Senate could have voted for witnesses and avoided the need for a lengthy protracted legal battle that now awaits Dems. The outcome is not in doubt. Trump will lose.

There was no reason for Republicans in the Senate to avoid witnesses other than they don’t want us to know what happened.

I thought the House already made their case about what happened. Did they fail?
They wanted a mulligan.
Nothing they did helped Trump. They wore his legal team down to the “so what” defense. Alexander doesn’t want Bolton to testify because what he is going to say has already been proven.

I have no anger for anyone that did everything they could to get the truth out.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.
What makes you think that going through the courts was any different in the Senate? The dems didn't do their job and you can't admit that.
The democrats had 17 witnesses, they then said they had a mountain of evidence and closed their end to it. Well, I guess they didn't
The debate is with what those 17 witnesses testified to in the House, over in the Senate. It's not up to the Senate
to do the work of the House.

The Senate could have voted for witnesses and avoided the need for a lengthy protracted legal battle that now awaits Dems. The outcome is not in doubt. Trump will lose.

There was no reason for Republicans in the Senate to avoid witnesses other than they don’t want us to know what happened.

I thought the House already made their case about what happened. Did they fail?

Senate Republican Lamar Alexander said the House did make their case.
You keep saying Trump was a political opponent. That’s false. They weren’t running against each other.

Obama was doing it for the benefit of the country. Trump was running for President. That’s a really big deal.

Trump promised that one of his first issues would be to eliminate Commie Care. That's the only thing Obama was noted for. He wanted a Trump defeat so that Hillary would protect his prize possession. He also knew our economy could do much better with lower taxes and regulations. You know, that magic wand Hussein talked about? He knew Trump had that magic wand.
So are you saying that makes Trump a political opponent?

I suppose this would make Biden a political opponent of Trump then.
Biden seeks to undo several Trump immigration policies in first 100 days in new immigration proposal

No, I didn't say that. What I said is Trump was Hillary's opponent, and a Hillary win would have protected DumBama's legacy. That's what I said.

So were they political opponents or not? How is it any different than Trump/Biden?

You really don’t have to die on this hill. It’s okay to admit if you’re wrong.

How am I wrong? DumBama had a reason to see Trump defeated. Nobody can deny that. Therefore it's not unreasonable to assume he was instrumental in that goal.

Well, we know that they knew they were using fake 'evidence' to get their coveted FISA warrant for one, i.e. they deliberately committed a criminal act to use govt. agents to spy on a political rival. they're a criminal syndicate, which is also why Trump had a right to be suspicious of both Bidens and what they were up to in Ukraine, and was right to order an investigation, based on Biden's own bragging as VP, when he and the rest of the organized crime syndicate felt completely safe under Eric Holder's protection.

For Democrats to claim the Bidens don't have to testify is essentially an admission that they know the Bidens are indeed guilty of extortion and abuse of office, as are the rest of the Obama administration under RICO statutes.

The fact that the Dems weren't going to push the impeachment hoax then suddenly moved ahead as soon as Trump asked for an investigation of the Bidens is also clear evidence they suddenly needed to cover Joe's ass as well as whatever activities his kid was handling for the Party. No need to care if the Bidens are called as witnesses otherwise, is there? they knew if that happened, it would look like the Kefauver organized crime hearings of the 1950's, with Joe and his cronies having to take the 5th over and over and over again.
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Trump promised that one of his first issues would be to eliminate Commie Care. That's the only thing Obama was noted for. He wanted a Trump defeat so that Hillary would protect his prize possession. He also knew our economy could do much better with lower taxes and regulations. You know, that magic wand Hussein talked about? He knew Trump had that magic wand.
So are you saying that makes Trump a political opponent?

I suppose this would make Biden a political opponent of Trump then.
Biden seeks to undo several Trump immigration policies in first 100 days in new immigration proposal

No, I didn't say that. What I said is Trump was Hillary's opponent, and a Hillary win would have protected DumBama's legacy. That's what I said.

So were they political opponents or not? How is it any different than Trump/Biden?

You really don’t have to die on this hill. It’s okay to admit if you’re wrong.

How am I wrong? DumBama had a reason to see Trump defeated. Nobody can deny that. Therefore it's not unreasonable to assume he was instrumental in that goal.

Well, we know that they knew they were using fake 'evidence' to get their coveted FISA warrant for one, i.e. they deliberately committed a criminal act to use govt. agents to spy on a political rival. they're a criminal syndicate, which is also why Trump had a right to be suspicious of both Bidens and what they were up to in Ukraine, and was right to order an investigation, based on Biden's own bragging as VP, when he and the rest of the organized crime syndicate felt completely safe under Eric Holder's protection.

For Democrats to claim the Bidens don't have to testify is essentially an admission that they know the Bidens are indeed guilty of extortion and abuse of office, as are the rest of the Obama administration under RICO statutes.

The fact that the Dems weren't going to push the impeachment hoax then suddenly moved ahead as soon as Trump asked for an investigation of the Bidens is also clear evidence they suddenly needed to cover Joe's ass as well as whatever activities his kid was handling for the Party. No need to care if the Bidens are called as witnesses otherwise, is there? they knew if that happened, it would look like the Kefauver organized crime hearings of the 1950's, with Joe and his cronies having to take the 5th over and over and over again.

To be honest, I didn't think it was that big of a deal either until the Democrats went into Defcon 1 mode. I knew they were trying to throw us off track about something. Don't get me wrong, I knew they were going to try and impeach him on something, but were waiting for something that dignified it.

When they acted so quickly on such frail charges, it was pretty clear they were in desperation. That's when I began looking into all this more closely. The second thing that came to mind is how distant DumBama is to Joe. Biden served with him for eight years. Normally, a President would have jumped at the opportunity to back up his VP for presidency.

It all has too awful of a smell to it. First the Hunter thing, and then I read how his brother mysteriously got a high paying position at a construction outfit, and he had no construction background. What a coincidence though. After he was hired, that company got a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build 100,000 new homes in Iraq. Imagine that!!!!
Oh come on. Look at the Trump relies.
So, so stupid. The rallies aren't evidence that he will win an election in which 120 million people vote. They are merely evidence that his cult is a cult.

No, what it's evident of is what's called the enthusiasm factor. It's the desire of voters to go out and get their person elected. You don't have much of that on the left. You can get all the polling data you want, but if those people polled are not going to come out and vote, it renders the poll useless.
Yeah, I'm thinking he lies. I can't find any proof of that either at your link or anywhere else.

So your claim is he went on national television, lied about everything he said, and nobody called him out on it?
Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much all the defense team does, isn't it?

So what fact are you having a problem with? I'll find it if thats' what you want. You'll have to accept whatever source I find because what he said Trump did is what every President does at one time or another during their terms, so it's not a big deal and probably not reported very much unless it was a very slow news day.
I hadn't noticed any facts. That's what I just said. Sorry you had a hard time understanding it.

Sorry, presidential conversations are not recorded. Try to stay grounded in reality, thanksm But Trump obstructed the evidence, incliding the first hand testimony of this. So you have just announced your support of the obstruction charge.

What first hand testimony? Where is your evidence of this testimony? Correct, presidential conversations are not recorded by US. That doesn't mean they are not recorded around the world by other countries.

Ha, another rigged game. Zelensky would never testify to this and get involved on our politics. But every account we have from Ukrainian who will speak on the matter says they knew what was happening.

Ah yes, more mind reading. Well Zelensky did say publicly he felt no pressure under Trump. Why would he not say if he did?

Interesting. This may come as a shock to you: criminals don't operate that way. Your standards are contrived nonsense, and our jails would be empty, if your ridiculous, cultish rigged game were the standard of guilt.

The standards of guilt are when empirical evidence is produced--not guesses or made-up stories. If I think my neighbor robbed a bank, they don't throw him in prison over what I think. If I had video of him robbing the bank, then I submit my evidence to the prosecutor and he or she takes it from there.

What this is about is mind reading and predicting the future. Mind reading because they know what Trump was thinking instead of Trump saying what he was up to. Predicting the future because the commies claim they knew Biden would be his rival.

No court in the country would ever convict over mind reading and fortune telling. That's not how it works here.

And, naturally, they totally ignore the reality that a president can have multiple reasons for doing something. In their world, there can only be one reason for anything.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.
What makes you think that going through the courts was any different in the Senate? The dems didn't do their job and you can't admit that.
The democrats had 17 witnesses, they then said they had a mountain of evidence and closed their end to it. Well, I guess they didn't
The debate is with what those 17 witnesses testified to in the House, over in the Senate. It's not up to the Senate
to do the work of the House.

The Senate could have voted for witnesses and avoided the need for a lengthy protracted legal battle that now awaits Dems. The outcome is not in doubt. Trump will lose.

There was no reason for Republicans in the Senate to avoid witnesses other than they don’t want us to know what happened.

I thought the House already made their case about what happened. Did they fail?

Senate Republican Lamar Alexander said the House did make their case.

Then there's no need for further witnesses and we can wrap this up.
So your claim is he went on national television, lied about everything he said, and nobody called him out on it?
Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much all the defense team does, isn't it?

So what fact are you having a problem with? I'll find it if thats' what you want. You'll have to accept whatever source I find because what he said Trump did is what every President does at one time or another during their terms, so it's not a big deal and probably not reported very much unless it was a very slow news day.
I hadn't noticed any facts. That's what I just said. Sorry you had a hard time understanding it.

Sorry, presidential conversations are not recorded. Try to stay grounded in reality, thanksm But Trump obstructed the evidence, incliding the first hand testimony of this. So you have just announced your support of the obstruction charge.

What first hand testimony? Where is your evidence of this testimony? Correct, presidential conversations are not recorded by US. That doesn't mean they are not recorded around the world by other countries.

Ha, another rigged game. Zelensky would never testify to this and get involved on our politics. But every account we have from Ukrainian who will speak on the matter says they knew what was happening.

Ah yes, more mind reading. Well Zelensky did say publicly he felt no pressure under Trump. Why would he not say if he did?

Interesting. This may come as a shock to you: criminals don't operate that way. Your standards are contrived nonsense, and our jails would be empty, if your ridiculous, cultish rigged game were the standard of guilt.

The standards of guilt are when empirical evidence is produced--not guesses or made-up stories. If I think my neighbor robbed a bank, they don't throw him in prison over what I think. If I had video of him robbing the bank, then I submit my evidence to the prosecutor and he or she takes it from there.

What this is about is mind reading and predicting the future. Mind reading because they know what Trump was thinking instead of Trump saying what he was up to. Predicting the future because the commies claim they knew Biden would be his rival.

No court in the country would ever convict over mind reading and fortune telling. That's not how it works here.

And, naturally, they totally ignore the reality that a president can have multiple reasons for doing something. In their world, there can only be one reason for anything.

Sure. It's not like Trump was making anything up. He campaigned on making sure other UN members were paying their fair share. He repeatedly stated that he was sick of the US always getting stuck with the bill. That was the case here. He was checking out the Ukraine and other countries.

Trump released the aid, ahead of schedule, he got nothing in return, and yet they (fortune telling) knew that he held the aid to get Zelensky to investigate for him. He released the aid before Zelensky even realized it was being held up.
Most people don’t have time to turn on C-SPAN and watch 13 hours of impeachment proceedings.

With all the noise, with all the division we have right now I think there’s a real hunger for substance

There’s a reason much of America has checked out from the constant droning of the impeachment trial

Both sides understand that this has been a partisan exercise by House Democrats rather than a genuine use of constitutional authorities
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.
Dont accuse us of being what you are

We are about policy not revenge

We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.

With 4 of the Republican Candidates in the wings that would do a much better job, you settle for the Train Wreck? You want my vote, give me something other than Rump to vote for. It's about like the Dems presenting Bernie. Actually, Bernie is a bad example. It's more like the Dems presenting Hillary. I wonder if Jack the Ripper can be talked into coming out of retirement and run for President just to prove there are worse things.

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