McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced

It's actually a case where the impeachment articles are bogus because there was not any substantial proof of the charge. The commies know this quite well, but impeached him without the necessary information to do it properly.
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Putin is rolling around in utter laughter on this one. His intent has been realized in a very big way. Biden no longer stands much of a chance to get the Nomination. Another case of Rump taking advantage of the background efforts of Putins machine.
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

They can try, but I heed the words of Bill Clinton: It's the economy stupid. It is true that the economy can slow down at anytime. In fact it's likely. However people are bringing home more in their paychecks. People are paying less at tax time or getting a larger refund. People are not plagued by Commie Care fines which amounted into the billions each year for the federal government, and those are the people who couldn't afford the Commie Care plans. Americans who have investments in the market couldn't be happier.

So they can talk down whatever they like, but even they know with current conditions, they stand no chance at beating Trump. Their best strategy at this point is to concentrate on keeping the House and maybe a seat or two in the Senate.

As much as Rump needs a good beating ( and should have been beaten as a small child for bad behavior) we won't physically touch him. That's the only beating that he will not receive. The score is 51-45 for his removal from office right now in the general public. it's not Rump that is on trial right now. And it's not the Dems that are on trial either. It's the Senate Republicans and in the swing states it's not going to be pretty. I am predicting, with the swing states vote, the Senate may end up with a 50-50 ratio and it's going to be damned important who the VP is for the first time in a couple of hundred years.

You can believe in the polls all you like. I'll believe my eyes when I see a constant sellouts no matter where his rallies are held, Democrat and Republican cities alike. I'll believe in the thousands of people that stand outside just wanting to be near him. You can believe in the polls where the attendance is less than a school cafeteria where Democrats show up.

Freedom and prosperity are like opioid products for an addict. You just can't get enough. You can dream all you like while the rest of us live in reality.

Rump is a circus act. he draws the same people for a couple of thousand miles. Peter, Paul, and Marry did as well. And so did the Beatles. And even in the middle 60s, Peter, Paul and Mary drew bigger crowds. Now, that was a show.

Is that all you made up out of thin air today? Last time you made that phony claim, I asked you for evidence that you couldn't provide. So you are making it all up. You can believe your worthless polls, and I'll believe the energy Trump created all across this country which is reflected at his rallies. I'll believe the surveys they took where 20% to 60% are not even members of the Republican party.

"They" took the surveys. Who exactly are "They". I keep seeing the same circus over and over. Same Bat Channel, Same Bat time. You need to specify who "They" are. If you can't come up with a credible "They" then my statement stands.
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Putin is rolling around in utter laughter on this one. His intent has been realized in a very big way. Biden no longer stands much of a chance to get the Nomination. Another case of Rump taking advantage of the background efforts of Putins machine.
yea he is. i agree.

but he's not laughing at the same thing you are.
Which transcript. There was one released where there was nothing really there. But the next day's transcript was quite damning. You know, the one that had all the redacted black over the damning information that later got released through the freedom of information act once it was reclassified correctly?
There was no damning info at any time

Will you just stop this nonsense. We all know that Rump is guilty. The only question remains is how much damage are you Party of the Rumpsters willing to do to the Republicans in the process. Are you willing to burn it to the ground?
I’m sure everyone in your trump-hating liberal bubble thinks the same way you do

but out here in the real world you have to deal with other points of view

yes, when trump is gone and bitter libs regain power as they inevitably will under our two party system we trump voters will be fighting for our lives

your side wants a soviet style dictatorship run by the elites and you may finally get it after generations of waiting

but trump is not gone yet so you will have to wait a little longer

My Side? My Side wants another President and plank like Eisenhower of 1956. Yes, the days when a Republican was actually a good thing and didn't just do things for the "Party". They did things for America. All Americans. We still remember when a President was highly respected by everyone even when they didn't agree with the President's views. We remember a President that went 8 years without running a Train on America.

Yes, My Side.
Oh bull

the never trumpers today would hate eisenhower just like they have hated every republican who became president since Ike

Funny how you mention that. Today, you would call the Eisenhower Republican a RINO. Someday in the very near future, you are going to have to eat those words.
It's actually a case where the impeachment articles are bogus because there was not any substantial proof of the charge. The commies know this quite well, but impeached him without the necessary information to do it properly.
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Revenge on you is us laughing at you as you lose the 2020 election and you lose the House and a bonus is Republicans gain more seats in the Senate. Revenge is not letting racist, criminal, communist scumbags in the White House.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And how did that work on on the Republican controlled House in 2018? In the Senate Trial, it wasn't really the Rump that was on trial. He wasn't going to get removed no matter what. But the Republican Senators were on trial. And the Voters are the Judge and Jury. The Senate did NOT do what the Voters wanted. And there are at least 4 Republicans in swing states are are going to be replaced by Democrats. Yes, Lucille, the number could very well end up being a 50/50 split in 2021. And what's even better news, Moscow Mitch is gone.
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Revenge on you is us laughing at you as you lose the 2020 election and you lose the House and a bonus is Republicans gain more seats in the Senate. Revenge is not letting racist, criminal, communist scumbags in the White House.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And how did that work on on the Republican controlled House in 2018? In the Senate Trial, it wasn't really the Rump that was on trial. He wasn't going to get removed no matter what. But the Republican Senators were on trial. And the Voters are the Judge and Jury. The Senate did NOT do what the Voters wanted. And there are at least 4 Republicans in swing states are are going to be replaced by Democrats. Yes, Lucille, the number could very well end up being a 50/50 split in 2021. And what's even better news, Moscow Mitch is gone.
how's that impeachment going?

how did that rape trial farce go?

how's RUSSIA lookin...

so tell me, how's all that worked out?
Will you just stop this nonsense. We all know that Rump is guilty. The only question remains is how much damage are you Party of the Rumpsters willing to do to the Republicans in the process. Are you willing to burn it to the ground?

Trump isn't guilty of anything except winning in 2016.

Rave on Lunatic. He didn't win in 2016. Without the help of that idjit Comey he would have lost "Bigly". And without the help of his buddy Putin, he would not have had a chance in the primaries. That's not a win. And 2020 ain't 2016. Rump made a very big error. We got to know the real Rump.

Everybody did. That's why he's going into a landslide win for reelection.

You really should get that looked at before November. If you don't, have your family come in and take all your guns. Suicide isn't painless.

I'm not a liberal where whoever wins the presidency could be the end of the world for me. I carry on no matter who it is. I don't worry about myself, I worry about the country, because if these commies ever get total control over the government, that will begin the end of the great experiment. Socialism and Communism will quickly follow. So you vote out of hatred, and I'll vote for what's best for my country. You only have two choices this election like every election. And don't give me this nonsense about voting for an alternative candidate that doesn't stand a chance in hell of even getting close to the presidency. If you do that, you might as well just stay home, or when you go to vote, just take your ballot and throw it in the waste paper can.

Like about 70 million other Americans, we are forced to vote Democrat. You want my vote, give me a decent candidate that heals America instead of runs a Train on America.
What's coming is a humiliating defeat for rage-filled Democrats. And it could hit them like a freight train as soon as Friday.

We will likely hear a lot of whining and crying until summer. They won't stop. Evil always finds a way. They may even organize some protests that will turn violent or destructive like they always do.

I don't predict that the Dems and the Indys will do any such a thing. But I am curious to see how the Party of the Rump handles dying all at once.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Open the floodgates and call ALL the witnesses, especially the ones the democrats want kept hidden. Find out what Schiff did with the WB. Find out if Biden used his influence to get his kids those jobs. Don't let the democrats control the witness list. If they want witnesses, give it to them.
They'll all plead the 5th...This is a total sandbag job.

Beside that, Romney doesn't want his connections to Barisma to come out....Little doubt in my mind he's being blackmailed to go along with the demoslime.

President Trump’s past comments slamming those who plead the Fifth Amendment quickly resurfaced Wednesday after Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen said he would assert his Fifth Amendment rights in Stormy Daniels’s lawsuit filed against him and Trump.

“The mob takes the Fifth,” Trump said at one campaign rally in September 2017. “If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

He was largely targeting former staffers for Hillary Clinton who pleaded the Fifth during the investigation into her use of a private email server while she was secretary of State.

LiNK: Trump comments on Fifth Amendment resurface after Cohen filing
So fucking what?....I said that the Bidens would take the 5th, which is beyond likely.

The Senate can force Hunter Biden to testify by granting him immunity from his testimony being usable against him. That would nullify his ability to plead the Fifth and put him in contempt of Congress if he refused to speak.

First of all, if Biden doesn't want to accept immunity then they can't force it on him so he can plead the 5th all day long if he wants.

Second, the vote was against new witnesses. Another case of the Republican Establishment putting their own wishes above the wishes of the American People. I don't think this trial was ever about removing Rump for Office. It's been about trying the Senate Republicans and they aren't doing so well.
What's coming is a humiliating defeat for rage-filled Democrats. And it could hit them like a freight train as soon as Friday.

We will likely hear a lot of whining and crying until summer. They won't stop. Evil always finds a way. They may even organize some protests that will turn violent or destructive like they always do.

I don't predict that the Dems and the Indys will do any such a thing. But I am curious to see how the Party of the Rump handles dying all at once.

I hope you have the time to wait, because something tells me it's going to be a long time.

I just read an article with Trump at 42% approval rating by blacks. It doubled from where it was before. Does that mean 42% of blacks will vote for Trump? I'd be shocked as hell if it did, but if that does happen, the Democrats don't stand a chance.
Most people don’t have time to turn on C-SPAN and watch 13 hours of impeachment proceedings.

With all the noise, with all the division we have right now I think there’s a real hunger for substance

There’s a reason much of America has checked out from the constant droning of the impeachment trial

Both sides understand that this has been a partisan exercise by House Democrats rather than a genuine use of constitutional authorities

And the Senate has been put on trial. So far, the Senate has failed the trial. The wishes of the Voter has been largely ignored. And the Voters will return that in kind in the swing states. If the Republicans don't completely lose control of the Senate, there is more than an even chance that the new split in 2021 will be 50/50 with 4 new Democratic Senators. There will be the normal, one side loses one or two here and the other side loses one or two there but in the end, it's a 50/50 split. We are watching the death of the Party of the Rump.
What's coming is a humiliating defeat for rage-filled Democrats. And it could hit them like a freight train as soon as Friday.

We will likely hear a lot of whining and crying until summer. They won't stop. Evil always finds a way. They may even organize some protests that will turn violent or destructive like they always do.

I don't predict that the Dems and the Indys will do any such a thing. But I am curious to see how the Party of the Rump handles dying all at once.

I hope you have the time to wait, because something tells me it's going to be a long time.

I just read an article with Trump at 42% approval rating by blacks. It doubled from where it was before. Does that mean 42% of blacks will vote for Trump? I'd be shocked as hell if it did, but if that does happen, the Democrats don't stand a chance.

You do know I am going to demand a Cite on that one. And then I am going to run a factcheck on not only the site but the information. Just throwing out the numbers doesn't cut it. We need facts.
Dont accuse us of being what you are

We are about policy not revenge

We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.
For swamp rats who were part of the soft coup attempt I want legal revenge by punishing them for their crimes

but ordinary clueless anti trumpsters like the libs on this forum are just misinformed and radicalized by the lies

i want no retribution against them

Well as I said, I think that's no longer the case. The Republicans will be looking to get even next chance they get. You can't play by the rules with these criminals. They will always do some underhanded trick to cheat the system for their own selfish reasons.

This is the third impeachment in our history; the first impeachment that didn't involve any sort of crime. It's the first Thought Police impeachment where there was no evidence to their claim. The Republicans have every right to do one better. They impeached a Republican President with no impeachable offenses.

Soliciting a foreign national to interfere with an election is a crime...


Obstructing Congress is a crime...

18 U.S. Code § 1505
Investigating abuse of power by joe biden in ukraine is the goal and that is entirely within trumps authority

trump has not obstructed congress by invoking executive privilage

it's within the scope and goal of the Justice Department no Rumps personal Attorney operating off of information provided by Putin.
What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Putin is rolling around in utter laughter on this one. His intent has been realized in a very big way. Biden no longer stands much of a chance to get the Nomination. Another case of Rump taking advantage of the background efforts of Putins machine.
yea he is. i agree.

but he's not laughing at the same thing you are.
What's coming is a humiliating defeat for rage-filled Democrats. And it could hit them like a freight train as soon as Friday.

We will likely hear a lot of whining and crying until summer. They won't stop. Evil always finds a way. They may even organize some protests that will turn violent or destructive like they always do.

I don't predict that the Dems and the Indys will do any such a thing. But I am curious to see how the Party of the Rump handles dying all at once.

I hope you have the time to wait, because something tells me it's going to be a long time.

I just read an article with Trump at 42% approval rating by blacks. It doubled from where it was before. Does that mean 42% of blacks will vote for Trump? I'd be shocked as hell if it did, but if that does happen, the Democrats don't stand a chance.
Even just a third of that would have a major impact on the Electoral College.
I’m on the side of learning the truth. What side are you on?
You are on the side making up shit and rules as you go.

You are n the side that made up RUSSIA, falsified evidence, lied to get warrants, lied about Kavanaugh...

And you have the SACK to say you are after the TRUTH???

God damn that some funny shit right there.

All I ever wanted was to hear from witnesses. Why does that anger you?
Why do you ignore all the lies I just mentioned I've never seen you give a fuck about?

Im ignoring your attempts at deflection. That’s how you handle deflection. You ignore it.

If you had a good point to raise, I doubt you’d be whining about Rwussia.

No, that's how partisan TDS leftists handle truths they don't want to hear: they label it "deflection" and try to pretend running away scared is somehow principled.

Dang, the trial is all but done. Why are you trying to provide more legals to the Rump Defense Team. Please stop creating them.

Im pissed that no Republican has any spine and is helping Trump cover this up.

Nothing was lost. The truth will eventually come out and you’ll all look complicit.
I'm not sure I understand. It seems that the democrats helped Trump out by not going through
the process of subpoenaing the witnesses they needed to make their case. Instead, they buttoned
it up too early and demanded that the repubs do their work for them. The dems have nobody to blame
but themselves. You need to work on focusing your anger at the right group of people.

Nothing they did helped Trump. They wore his legal team down to the “so what” defense. Alexander doesn’t want Bolton to testify because what he is going to say has already been proven.

I have no anger for anyone that did everything they could to get the truth out.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

The Senate did do their job. This was a bogus impeachment that had no supporting evidence to their claim. In spite of that, they impeached the President anyway. Could you imagine if this happened outside of government in a court of law; somebody going to prison because another person thought they were going to rob a bank? It's unheard of.

There is nothing more to add to this impeachment. The Senators found the impeachment to be phony, and with that, Trump is not guilty of anything.

Yes, the Senate did it's job providing it was to get at least 4 Republican Senators replaced by either Dems or Indys. And they are completely successful.
They can try, but I heed the words of Bill Clinton: It's the economy stupid. It is true that the economy can slow down at anytime. In fact it's likely. However people are bringing home more in their paychecks. People are paying less at tax time or getting a larger refund. People are not plagued by Commie Care fines which amounted into the billions each year for the federal government, and those are the people who couldn't afford the Commie Care plans. Americans who have investments in the market couldn't be happier.

So they can talk down whatever they like, but even they know with current conditions, they stand no chance at beating Trump. Their best strategy at this point is to concentrate on keeping the House and maybe a seat or two in the Senate.

As much as Rump needs a good beating ( and should have been beaten as a small child for bad behavior) we won't physically touch him. That's the only beating that he will not receive. The score is 51-45 for his removal from office right now in the general public. it's not Rump that is on trial right now. And it's not the Dems that are on trial either. It's the Senate Republicans and in the swing states it's not going to be pretty. I am predicting, with the swing states vote, the Senate may end up with a 50-50 ratio and it's going to be damned important who the VP is for the first time in a couple of hundred years.

You can believe in the polls all you like. I'll believe my eyes when I see a constant sellouts no matter where his rallies are held, Democrat and Republican cities alike. I'll believe in the thousands of people that stand outside just wanting to be near him. You can believe in the polls where the attendance is less than a school cafeteria where Democrats show up.

Freedom and prosperity are like opioid products for an addict. You just can't get enough. You can dream all you like while the rest of us live in reality.

Rump is a circus act. he draws the same people for a couple of thousand miles. Peter, Paul, and Marry did as well. And so did the Beatles. And even in the middle 60s, Peter, Paul and Mary drew bigger crowds. Now, that was a show.

Is that all you made up out of thin air today? Last time you made that phony claim, I asked you for evidence that you couldn't provide. So you are making it all up. You can believe your worthless polls, and I'll believe the energy Trump created all across this country which is reflected at his rallies. I'll believe the surveys they took where 20% to 60% are not even members of the Republican party.

"They" took the surveys. Who exactly are "They". I keep seeing the same circus over and over. Same Bat Channel, Same Bat time. You need to specify who "They" are. If you can't come up with a credible "They" then my statement stands.

They don't go into detail of how those surveys were taken. So I can't relay something I don't know about. But when you have crowds that size, it's pretty likely they have some credibility to them.

See, what you people on the left don't underhand is that when people are doing well, they credit the President. When people are not doing too well, they blame the President. More jobs around, higher pay, lower taxes, all resonates with voters, even those Independent and on the Democrat side.

While a lot of people don't care for Trump's demeanor, people really have to ask themselves when voting if they want to chance Fn something up that's bringing them good fortune, even if they don't personally like the guy. So they get their ballot with every intention of voting against him, and when they are ready to blacken an oval, they think "I really can't stand Trump, but............"

After all, you don't have to tell anybody who you vote for, in fact, you can lie your ass off and nobody in the world would know.
I'm not sure I understand. It seems that the democrats helped Trump out by not going through
the process of subpoenaing the witnesses they needed to make their case. Instead, they buttoned
it up too early and demanded that the repubs do their work for them. The dems have nobody to blame
but themselves. You need to work on focusing your anger at the right group of people.

Nothing they did helped Trump. They wore his legal team down to the “so what” defense. Alexander doesn’t want Bolton to testify because what he is going to say has already been proven.

I have no anger for anyone that did everything they could to get the truth out.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

The Senate did do their job. This was a bogus impeachment that had no supporting evidence to their claim. In spite of that, they impeached the President anyway. Could you imagine if this happened outside of government in a court of law; somebody going to prison because another person thought they were going to rob a bank? It's unheard of.

There is nothing more to add to this impeachment. The Senators found the impeachment to be phony, and with that, Trump is not guilty of anything.

Yes, the Senate did it's job providing it was to get at least 4 Republican Senators replaced by either Dems or Indys. And they are completely successful.

Yes, I know, because all you anti-Trump people have crystal balls we've never yet seen. The polls control your thinking regardless where or how they were taken. You believe them whole heartedly, and think you have an understanding of everybody in the country.

It's like Rush has been saying for the last couple of years: The people who hate Trump are under the false belief that everybody does.
Who the hell told you what counts as an Impeachable offense?

It's called the US Constitution.

The next time you go to take a crap, rip off a few squares of your TP and read the US Constitution. I know that's the only place you have it. We have sent a very dangerous message to Rump (who is dangerous with or without a message) and future Presidents that they are beyond the law.
As much as Rump needs a good beating ( and should have been beaten as a small child for bad behavior) we won't physically touch him. That's the only beating that he will not receive. The score is 51-45 for his removal from office right now in the general public. it's not Rump that is on trial right now. And it's not the Dems that are on trial either. It's the Senate Republicans and in the swing states it's not going to be pretty. I am predicting, with the swing states vote, the Senate may end up with a 50-50 ratio and it's going to be damned important who the VP is for the first time in a couple of hundred years.

You can believe in the polls all you like. I'll believe my eyes when I see a constant sellouts no matter where his rallies are held, Democrat and Republican cities alike. I'll believe in the thousands of people that stand outside just wanting to be near him. You can believe in the polls where the attendance is less than a school cafeteria where Democrats show up.

Freedom and prosperity are like opioid products for an addict. You just can't get enough. You can dream all you like while the rest of us live in reality.

Rump is a circus act. he draws the same people for a couple of thousand miles. Peter, Paul, and Marry did as well. And so did the Beatles. And even in the middle 60s, Peter, Paul and Mary drew bigger crowds. Now, that was a show.

Is that all you made up out of thin air today? Last time you made that phony claim, I asked you for evidence that you couldn't provide. So you are making it all up. You can believe your worthless polls, and I'll believe the energy Trump created all across this country which is reflected at his rallies. I'll believe the surveys they took where 20% to 60% are not even members of the Republican party.

"They" took the surveys. Who exactly are "They". I keep seeing the same circus over and over. Same Bat Channel, Same Bat time. You need to specify who "They" are. If you can't come up with a credible "They" then my statement stands.

They don't go into detail of how those surveys were taken. So I can't relay something I don't know about. But when you have crowds that size, it's pretty likely they have some credibility to them.

See, what you people on the left don't underhand is that when people are doing well, they credit the President. When people are not doing too well, they blame the President. More jobs around, higher pay, lower taxes, all resonates with voters, even those Independent and on the Democrat side.

While a lot of people don't care for Trump's demeanor, people really have to ask themselves when voting if they want to chance Fn something up that's bringing them good fortune, even if they don't personally like the guy. So they get their ballot with every intention of voting against him, and when they are ready to blacken an oval, they think "I really can't stand Trump, but............"

After all, you don't have to tell anybody who you vote for, in fact, you can lie your ass off and nobody in the world would know.

Translation: They made them up.

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