McConnell Cannot Block Witnesses - Just Announced


Former Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren posed a grandstanding question attacking Chief Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump yesterday. Warren was shrieking for attention. Why might that be? It is a little difficult to follow the logic of the question. The patent stupidity of the question should embarrass her and her target audience. Chief Justice Roberts was visibly chagrined by her ridiculous antics, and it was at that moment that Lisa Murkowski had had enough of the Democrats Unconstitutional Farce being used to attack the foundations of our Federal system.

The networks should bill the Democratic Party for the TV time this obvious electioneering gimmick of a 'trial' is. Everybody else has to pay for TV time, so they should too. It's a big fund raising gimmick for them, too; every tard and deviant in the country is sending them cash now.
Lets bring out Erich Chiolla, the mystery guy you cant name for some reason although we already know. SHHHHH don't tell anybody, its a secret.
Who the hell told you what counts as an Impeachable offense?

It's called the US Constitution.

The next time you go to take a crap, rip off a few squares of your TP and read the US Constitution. I know that's the only place you have it. We have sent a very dangerous message to Rump (who is dangerous with or without a message) and future Presidents that they are beyond the law.

And what law is that?

The non-existent one Democrats swear exists but can never tell anybody where it is. Basically they believe the country is supposed to stop dead and do nothing until they're happy and making all the decisions, and Presidents have to take orders from Congress and stuff.

It's We the People not Me the Rump.
Who the hell told you what counts as an Impeachable offense?

It's called the US Constitution.

The next time you go to take a crap, rip off a few squares of your TP and read the US Constitution. I know that's the only place you have it. We have sent a very dangerous message to Rump (who is dangerous with or without a message) and future Presidents that they are beyond the law.

And what law is that?

The non-existent one Democrats swear exists but can never tell anybody where it is. Basically they believe the country is supposed to stop dead and do nothing until they're happy and making all the decisions, and Presidents have to take orders from Congress and stuff.

It's We the People not Me the Rump.

You trying to sell the idea that Democrats actually believe that? lol that's cute.
It's called the US Constitution.

The next time you go to take a crap, rip off a few squares of your TP and read the US Constitution. I know that's the only place you have it. We have sent a very dangerous message to Rump (who is dangerous with or without a message) and future Presidents that they are beyond the law.

And what law is that?

The non-existent one Democrats swear exists but can never tell anybody where it is. Basically they believe the country is supposed to stop dead and do nothing until they're happy and making all the decisions, and Presidents have to take orders from Congress and stuff.

It's We the People not Me the Rump.

You trying to sell the idea that Democrats actually believe that? lol that's cute.

I am reminding America. You don't want everyone to vote. Well, the more you go, the more I point out that EVERYONE needs to vote regardless of whom they vote for. The more people that vote scares the living hell out of you. Well, let's all show up and vote and put you into a catatonic state.
Nothing they did helped Trump. They wore his legal team down to the “so what” defense. Alexander doesn’t want Bolton to testify because what he is going to say has already been proven.

I have no anger for anyone that did everything they could to get the truth out.
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

Excuse me? The House can't call witnesses? What the fuck do you think the House was DOING during the impeachment process? The Constitution does NOT mandate that the Senate do the investigating for the House.

The House can’t call witnesses at the trial. Good lord, did you actually read ?

Good Lord, do you actually think? The House called and heard witnesses during their big sham "investigation". Those testimonies were part of the impeachment managers' presentation to the Senate.

The only thing the House can't do is force the Senate to do their investigatory job by calling EVEN MORE witnesses, which the House didn't bother to call before.

If the House wanted to present extra witness testimony to the Senate, they should have tended to that before now.
There have been 15 impeachment trials in the senate This is the FIRST one without witnesses
No, the dems did not do everything they could to get the truth out. They cut corners and tried to get
the Senate to do the work they should have done. I'm not sure why you are defending them
as you are. The dems feet are the ones who's feet should be held to the fire.

You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

Excuse me? The House can't call witnesses? What the fuck do you think the House was DOING during the impeachment process? The Constitution does NOT mandate that the Senate do the investigating for the House.

The House can’t call witnesses at the trial. Good lord, did you actually read ?

Good Lord, do you actually think? The House called and heard witnesses during their big sham "investigation". Those testimonies were part of the impeachment managers' presentation to the Senate.

The only thing the House can't do is force the Senate to do their investigatory job by calling EVEN MORE witnesses, which the House didn't bother to call before.

If the House wanted to present extra witness testimony to the Senate, they should have tended to that before now.
There have been 15 impeachment trials in the senate This is the FIRST one without witnesses
Not to mention that it's the first time that the accused didn't have his Due Process, you
forgot about that part, huh?
Well, the House had 17...maybe 18 witnesses, they should have subpoenaed any others that they wanted.Instead,
they wanted to end their proceedings early and get home before Christmas.
There was lots of testimony used in the Senate that the House provided.
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What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.
Dont accuse us of being what you are

We are about policy not revenge

We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.

With 4 of the Republican Candidates in the wings that would do a much better job, you settle for the Train Wreck? You want my vote, give me something other than Rump to vote for. It's about like the Dems presenting Bernie. Actually, Bernie is a bad example. It's more like the Dems presenting Hillary. I wonder if Jack the Ripper can be talked into coming out of retirement and run for President just to prove there are worse things.
The dems already got Jack the Ripper to run under the name joe biden
The “commies” have not failed yet

I think all they are hoping for is to defeat trump in november

which they plan to do by driving down his popularity

What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Putin is rolling around in utter laughter on this one. His intent has been realized in a very big way. Biden no longer stands much of a chance to get the Nomination. Another case of Rump taking advantage of the background efforts of Putins machine.
Putin succeeded because liberals are driving themselves insane over trump

its the left that is tearing America apart
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.
Dont accuse us of being what you are

We are about policy not revenge

We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.

With 4 of the Republican Candidates in the wings that would do a much better job, you settle for the Train Wreck? You want my vote, give me something other than Rump to vote for. It's about like the Dems presenting Bernie. Actually, Bernie is a bad example. It's more like the Dems presenting Hillary. I wonder if Jack the Ripper can be talked into coming out of retirement and run for President just to prove there are worse things.
The dems already got Jack the Ripper to run under the name joe biden

nah, Jack the Ripper was a lot younger. And if you crossed him, you were found gutted in an alley. See, I left you an out on this one. Let's see if you can figure it out.
What popularity is that? Trumo won by 77,000 votes over 3 states and they've moved on! his lack of credibility will be his downfall! You can't believe a word the man says! He has to exaggerate or lie about everything and it makes no sense since he did win the presidency! It wasn't enough; it had to be the biggest, best, most transparent admin. known to man which we all know is BS! I feel for his supporters because when it blows up, the $#!t will cover them all for life! I hate to say I actually allowed politics to fracture an assoc.! I couldn't let it go and a 40 year friendship is dead! More of that will occur when those supporters finally take their blinders off and feel they have to make amends to all concerned! :dunno: :eusa_pray: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_snooty: :eusa_think:
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Putin is rolling around in utter laughter on this one. His intent has been realized in a very big way. Biden no longer stands much of a chance to get the Nomination. Another case of Rump taking advantage of the background efforts of Putins machine.
Putin succeeded because liberals are driving themselves insane over trump

its the left that is tearing America apart

What's tearing America apart is both sides have been hijacked by the extremists. Both sides are so far apart it ends up being "My Way or Nothing". Both sides are willing to burn it all to the ground rather than really talk about it. That's a might nice Torch you have there sonny.
There was no damning info at any time

Will you just stop this nonsense. We all know that Rump is guilty. The only question remains is how much damage are you Party of the Rumpsters willing to do to the Republicans in the process. Are you willing to burn it to the ground?
I’m sure everyone in your trump-hating liberal bubble thinks the same way you do

but out here in the real world you have to deal with other points of view

yes, when trump is gone and bitter libs regain power as they inevitably will under our two party system we trump voters will be fighting for our lives

your side wants a soviet style dictatorship run by the elites and you may finally get it after generations of waiting

but trump is not gone yet so you will have to wait a little longer

My Side? My Side wants another President and plank like Eisenhower of 1956. Yes, the days when a Republican was actually a good thing and didn't just do things for the "Party". They did things for America. All Americans. We still remember when a President was highly respected by everyone even when they didn't agree with the President's views. We remember a President that went 8 years without running a Train on America.

Yes, My Side.
Oh bull

the never trumpers today would hate eisenhower just like they have hated every republican who became president since Ike

Funny how you mention that. Today, you would call the Eisenhower Republican a RINO. Someday in the very near future, you are going to have to eat those words.
Both parties had liberals and conservatives

the dems were much more patriotic in Ikes time while the republicans were stronger on civil rights

And both parties were anti abortion
You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

Excuse me? The House can't call witnesses? What the fuck do you think the House was DOING during the impeachment process? The Constitution does NOT mandate that the Senate do the investigating for the House.

The House can’t call witnesses at the trial. Good lord, did you actually read ?

Good Lord, do you actually think? The House called and heard witnesses during their big sham "investigation". Those testimonies were part of the impeachment managers' presentation to the Senate.

The only thing the House can't do is force the Senate to do their investigatory job by calling EVEN MORE witnesses, which the House didn't bother to call before.

If the House wanted to present extra witness testimony to the Senate, they should have tended to that before now.
There have been 15 impeachment trials in the senate This is the FIRST one without witnesses
Not to mention that it's the first time that the accused didn't have his Due Process, you
forgot about that part, huh?
Well, the House had 17...maybe 18 witnesses, they should have subpoenaed any others that they wanted.Instead,
they wanted to end their proceedings early and get home before Christmas.
There was lots of testimony used in the Senate that the House provided.

When you have 18 witnesses, didn't want the testimony from one of them because it would prove your own guilt instead of the accused, and you wanted another four, five or more, it's clear you don't have a case. If a person was clearly wrong in doing something, you should be able to prove your case in five or six witnesses. But out of the 17, they still couldn't do it.
We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.
For swamp rats who were part of the soft coup attempt I want legal revenge by punishing them for their crimes

but ordinary clueless anti trumpsters like the libs on this forum are just misinformed and radicalized by the lies

i want no retribution against them

Well as I said, I think that's no longer the case. The Republicans will be looking to get even next chance they get. You can't play by the rules with these criminals. They will always do some underhanded trick to cheat the system for their own selfish reasons.

This is the third impeachment in our history; the first impeachment that didn't involve any sort of crime. It's the first Thought Police impeachment where there was no evidence to their claim. The Republicans have every right to do one better. They impeached a Republican President with no impeachable offenses.

Soliciting a foreign national to interfere with an election is a crime...


Obstructing Congress is a crime...

18 U.S. Code § 1505
Investigating abuse of power by joe biden in ukraine is the goal and that is entirely within trumps authority

trump has not obstructed congress by invoking executive privilage

it's within the scope and goal of the Justice Department no Rumps personal Attorney operating off of information provided by Putin.
The executive branch works for trump
So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.
Dont accuse us of being what you are

We are about policy not revenge

We were, but I think the Democrats threw that right out the window. I think from this point forward, it will be about revenge.

With 4 of the Republican Candidates in the wings that would do a much better job, you settle for the Train Wreck? You want my vote, give me something other than Rump to vote for. It's about like the Dems presenting Bernie. Actually, Bernie is a bad example. It's more like the Dems presenting Hillary. I wonder if Jack the Ripper can be talked into coming out of retirement and run for President just to prove there are worse things.
The dems already got Jack the Ripper to run under the name joe biden

nah, Jack the Ripper was a lot younger. And if you crossed him, you were found gutted in an alley. See, I left you an out on this one. Let's see if you can figure it out.
He would be about the same age as the coal miners son today

so biden could be him
I agree that we are a deeply fractured society

but the rift between Americans is caused by the losers of the 2016 election who were outraged that hillary didnt win as expected

The liberal media, democrats and the Deep State concocted a phony russian collusion excuse that many ordinary Americans bought hook line and sinker

and its made you bitter and hate filled

and it wont go away soon

So you revenge on us is to stick your nose up Rumps Rump. Thanks a friggin lot. And then you want to punish us even more by trying to have Rump do another 4 years? That's sick.

Then vote for Biden, and watch his family get richer from his position in government just like when he was VP.

Putin is rolling around in utter laughter on this one. His intent has been realized in a very big way. Biden no longer stands much of a chance to get the Nomination. Another case of Rump taking advantage of the background efforts of Putins machine.
Putin succeeded because liberals are driving themselves insane over trump

its the left that is tearing America apart

What's tearing America apart is both sides have been hijacked by the extremists. Both sides are so far apart it ends up being "My Way or Nothing". Both sides are willing to burn it all to the ground rather than really talk about it. That's a might nice Torch you have there sonny.
Its not extreme to want to end illegal alien migration

but its quite extreme to demand amnesty and open borders
You have any idea how long it would take to get the lawsuits through the court? McGhan’s lawsuit has a single ruling in district court and that was like 8 months ago. This will take years and I have little doubt they will be taking these to court now. Nothing was lost by going an alternative route.

The Senate should have called witnesses during the trial. The House can’t do that. They weren’t asking the Senate to do their job for them. They were asking the Senate to do the job the Constitution gives them.

Excuse me? The House can't call witnesses? What the fuck do you think the House was DOING during the impeachment process? The Constitution does NOT mandate that the Senate do the investigating for the House.

The House can’t call witnesses at the trial. Good lord, did you actually read ?

Good Lord, do you actually think? The House called and heard witnesses during their big sham "investigation". Those testimonies were part of the impeachment managers' presentation to the Senate.

The only thing the House can't do is force the Senate to do their investigatory job by calling EVEN MORE witnesses, which the House didn't bother to call before.

If the House wanted to present extra witness testimony to the Senate, they should have tended to that before now.
There have been 15 impeachment trials in the senate This is the FIRST one without witnesses
Not to mention that it's the first time that the accused didn't have his Due Process, you
forgot about that part, huh?
Well, the House had 17...maybe 18 witnesses, they should have subpoenaed any others that they wanted.Instead,
they wanted to end their proceedings early and get home before Christmas.
There was lots of testimony used in the Senate that the House provided.
Should have subpoenaed others ???The WH refused to let witnesses appear the WH refused to show documents A trial without witnesses is NO TRIAL at all And now the POS in the WH can strut around saying he's innocent??? Not by a long shot
For swamp rats who were part of the soft coup attempt I want legal revenge by punishing them for their crimes

but ordinary clueless anti trumpsters like the libs on this forum are just misinformed and radicalized by the lies

i want no retribution against them

Well as I said, I think that's no longer the case. The Republicans will be looking to get even next chance they get. You can't play by the rules with these criminals. They will always do some underhanded trick to cheat the system for their own selfish reasons.

This is the third impeachment in our history; the first impeachment that didn't involve any sort of crime. It's the first Thought Police impeachment where there was no evidence to their claim. The Republicans have every right to do one better. They impeached a Republican President with no impeachable offenses.

Soliciting a foreign national to interfere with an election is a crime...


Obstructing Congress is a crime...

18 U.S. Code § 1505
Investigating abuse of power by joe biden in ukraine is the goal and that is entirely within trumps authority

trump has not obstructed congress by invoking executive privilage

it's within the scope and goal of the Justice Department no Rumps personal Attorney operating off of information provided by Putin.
The executive branch works for trump
Get ready for ANOTHER rigging of our election thanks to republican cowards in the senate.... 75% of Americans wanted witnesses for a fair trial Hopefully the scum all get voted out
Well as I said, I think that's no longer the case. The Republicans will be looking to get even next chance they get. You can't play by the rules with these criminals. They will always do some underhanded trick to cheat the system for their own selfish reasons.

This is the third impeachment in our history; the first impeachment that didn't involve any sort of crime. It's the first Thought Police impeachment where there was no evidence to their claim. The Republicans have every right to do one better. They impeached a Republican President with no impeachable offenses.

Soliciting a foreign national to interfere with an election is a crime...


Obstructing Congress is a crime...

18 U.S. Code § 1505
Investigating abuse of power by joe biden in ukraine is the goal and that is entirely within trumps authority

trump has not obstructed congress by invoking executive privilage

it's within the scope and goal of the Justice Department no Rumps personal Attorney operating off of information provided by Putin.
The executive branch works for trump
Get ready for ANOTHER rigging of our election thanks to republican cowards in the senate.... 75% of Americans wanted witnesses for a fair trial Hopefully the scum all get voted out

Our representatives don't act according to rigged polls, they conduct themselves by right or wrong. This phony impeachment was clearly wrong. A hundred more witnesses doesn't change that fact. They were not needed.
Will you just stop this nonsense. We all know that Rump is guilty. The only question remains is how much damage are you Party of the Rumpsters willing to do to the Republicans in the process. Are you willing to burn it to the ground?
I’m sure everyone in your trump-hating liberal bubble thinks the same way you do

but out here in the real world you have to deal with other points of view

yes, when trump is gone and bitter libs regain power as they inevitably will under our two party system we trump voters will be fighting for our lives

your side wants a soviet style dictatorship run by the elites and you may finally get it after generations of waiting

but trump is not gone yet so you will have to wait a little longer

My Side? My Side wants another President and plank like Eisenhower of 1956. Yes, the days when a Republican was actually a good thing and didn't just do things for the "Party". They did things for America. All Americans. We still remember when a President was highly respected by everyone even when they didn't agree with the President's views. We remember a President that went 8 years without running a Train on America.

Yes, My Side.
Oh bull

the never trumpers today would hate eisenhower just like they have hated every republican who became president since Ike

Funny how you mention that. Today, you would call the Eisenhower Republican a RINO. Someday in the very near future, you are going to have to eat those words.
Both parties had liberals and conservatives

the dems were much more patriotic in Ikes time while the republicans were stronger on civil rights

And both parties were anti abortion

The Dems have moved towards Socialism which is neither a good thing or a bad thing if done properly as long as it's done with a Fiscal Conservative Method. Yes, like I Like Ike's and Give 'em Hell Harry's time. I consider the time of 1946 to 1960 the Golden Era. During that period and before, when a person ran for office, they picked either party not because of someone telling them how to think, they picked on because their opponent was running on the other. There were some differences but not a whole lot.

Today, we have the Socialist (not communists) Party influencing the Dems heavily and the Birchers (Fascists) pretty well running the Party of the Rump. There has been civil wars fought between those two factions. Technically, we are in the middle of a civil war much like Spain was during the Spanish Civil War in 1936.

Never Rumpers could not exist during Ike's time. The main faction that was gunning for Ike was the newly formed John Birch Society that kept the Disgraced Senator McCarthy who almost single handedly created the "Red Scare" and wouldn't relent doctrine going. On July 9th 1954, Ike had had enough. And so did the rest of Senate. They voted to Censure him, removed him from all seats of power and largely ignored him. He finished out his term and disappeared into history. Then in 1958 another group picked up the mantel except they were shunned by both parties so they created their own. They created the John Birch Society and tried to get another Red Scare going. They screwed up much like McCarthy did when they went after Ike as a Communist. They were swatted down but continued to grow a little regardless. These were the Never Ikers. And their original manifesto read like something out of the 1923 Manifesto from Mussolini. The Never (fill in the name) can come from either side or even the middle. And they are not always from the radicals. For instance, I am an old time Fiscal Conservative and there isn't a bunch more in tune with "Never Rumpers" than our group. And yes, there are the others from the fringe left as well. It's a pretty big group except we don't have decoder rings and no sooper secrit hand shakes. And on a normal situation, we would be totally (not warlike) against the extreme left who do bear watching.

And both parties won't work with the other. I'll say it again, when the Party of the Rump is gone(sooner than you think) then the Republican Party can work to get back some of the pizzaz it once had during Ike's time. And the party of Rump can go back to posting signs all over place "Get Us Out of the UN".

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