McConnell opens door for Hunter Biden testimony at Trump trial...oh shit, can we say Arkancide?


I don't know if you are a confused Dumb-Ass or just a fucking liar.

Biden and his son's fraud and sellout of America has nothing to do with Russia and possibly Ukraine interfering with the election.

As to the former, Biden is on tape bragging about how he extracted a quid pro quo---and interfered with Ukraine's internal politics by refusing to release a billion dollars until they fired the Prosecutor who was investigating his son's corrupt company.

As to the "debunking" calling it that, or LIARS like Brennan or Clapper calling it that---is not evidence---as they are liars, its far from it. Further, the fact that Russia may have hacked the DMC e-mails DOES NOT mean that Ukraine might not also have tried to interfere as well--on behalf of the bogus fraud Hillary Clinton.


credible sources debunked Trumps conspiracy - all you do is suck him dry.

youre an idiot
It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!

The DOJ just announced that they're going to investigate the Bidens and other corruption associated with Ukraine. So is the Senate I believe, they started their own investigation back in November I think. Combined with the Durham Report that'll come out later this year, it don't look good for the Dems. Plus, whatever Guiliani uncovered that hasn't been made public yet.
It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!

The DOJ just announced that they're going to investigate the bidens and other corruption associated with Ukraine. So is the Senate I believe, they started their own investigation back in November I think. Combined with the Durham Report that'll come out later this year, it don't look good for the Dems.

The DOJ just announced that they're going to investigate the bidens and other corruption associated with Ukraine.

No, they didn’t.

So is the Senate I believe, they started their own investigation back in November I think.

No, they didn’t.

Combined with the Durham Report that'll come out later this year, it don't look good for the Dems.

Has nothing to do with Biden or any other Dem running for president or Congress.
You know if I were the Democrats I would make the trade off. Witnesses for the Bidens. Have Bolton testify in exchange for Hunter Biden. Biden's testimony will blow up in the faces of the Republicans and make them look like fools. Bolton will be hostile but in the end will reveal Trump for the slimy little corrupt creature he is.

Just full of prediction...aren't you ?

When you aren't full of something else...which is most of the time.
You know if I were the Democrats I would make the trade off. Witnesses for the Bidens. Have Bolton testify in exchange for Hunter Biden. Biden's testimony will blow up in the faces of the Republicans and make them look like fools. Bolton will be hostile but in the end will reveal Trump for the slimy little corrupt creature he is.

Just full of prediction...aren't you ?

When you aren't full of something else...which is most of the time.

opposed to you being full of crap - ok
You know if I were the Democrats I would make the trade off. Witnesses for the Bidens. Have Bolton testify in exchange for Hunter Biden. Biden's testimony will blow up in the faces of the Republicans and make them look like fools. Bolton will be hostile but in the end will reveal Trump for the slimy little corrupt creature he is.

Just full of prediction...aren't you ?

When you aren't full of something else...which is most of the time.

opposed to you being full of crap - ok

You've already made us suspect you were no very bright.

Now, you've removed all doubt.
You know if I were the Democrats I would make the trade off. Witnesses for the Bidens. Have Bolton testify in exchange for Hunter Biden. Biden's testimony will blow up in the faces of the Republicans and make them look like fools. Bolton will be hostile but in the end will reveal Trump for the slimy little corrupt creature he is.

Just full of prediction...aren't you ?

When you aren't full of something else...which is most of the time.

opposed to you being full of crap - ok

You've already made us suspect you were no very bright.

Now, you've removed all doubt.

trumps ukraine conspiracy was debunked -

you being less than bright coupled with full of shit removes any doubt youre laughable at best -

LOL What a load of crap. McConnell knows two things for certain. Witnesses are bad news for Trump and a lengthy senate trial is worse. Phones will be picked up at the White House and it will be back to no witnesses for nobody.
If they want information on Burisma, just ask Putin. His people have already hacked into their systems.
That's just it, they warned him that the Ukrainian involvement in the dnc hack was debunked. When I read the transcript, my impression wasnt that he thought the ukraine was involved, but rather that whoever had this dnc server information was inside the ukraine. Which is why he was talking about a businessman and crowdstrike.

Where was it first stated that he thought that ukraine were the ones who did the hacking?
It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!

Why hasn’t the Senate started an investigation into Joe Biden? Why shoehorn it into the impeachment trial? Makes no sense.
I used to think that, but then I realized, whatever the bidens were up to, if found to be corrupt, would be pivotal to showing trump's motive.

Without the bidens testimony, the left can continue saying it was for personal gain to trump, but if the bidens are indeed found to have been up to something shady there, then it puts a new light on why trump did what he did.
It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!

Why hasn’t the Senate started an investigation into Joe Biden? Why shoehorn it into the impeachment trial? Makes no sense.
I used to think that, but then I realized, whatever the bidens were up to, if found to be corrupt, would be pivotal to showing trump's motive.

Without the bidens testimony, the left can continue saying it was for personal gain to trump, but if the bidens are indeed found to have been up to something shady there, then it puts a new light on why trump did what he did.

There’s been plenty of testimony that blows up the narrative of Biden’a supposed corruption.
What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"

Not just Hunter Biden, but Ciaramella, Brennan, Clapper, Schiff, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and any other defense witnesses who can testify to the deep state coup attempts against Trump from the day he announced he was running. Barr and Durham should have some idea what questions to ask which witness to unravel the sham impeachment, especially anyone involved with Operation Crossfire Hurricane. The Horowitz report can give you some idea where the damaging evidence is.
The democrats will regret insisting on witnesses. The democrat senators may miss the primaries unless Mitch allows a quick dismissal.
I doubt you get schiff as a witness. There almost 100% certainty he will be one of the managers the dems pick. I think this means he cant be called to testify, correct?
Trump's legal defense team= Gooliani out
Dooshwich= in

Good f'n luck Donnie
It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!

Why hasn’t the Senate started an investigation into Joe Biden? Why shoehorn it into the impeachment trial? Makes no sense.
I used to think that, but then I realized, whatever the bidens were up to, if found to be corrupt, would be pivotal to showing trump's motive.

Without the bidens testimony, the left can continue saying it was for personal gain to trump, but if the bidens are indeed found to have been up to something shady there, then it puts a new light on why trump did what he did.

There is corruption galore in a lot of different countries we deal with (Saudi Arabia, Israel, Mexico, etc.) But Trump cares enough about it in this single instance to endanger his presidency against the warnings of his advisors? His motives are clear.
What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"

Not just Hunter Biden, but Ciaramella, Brennan, Clapper, Schiff, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and any other defense witnesses who can testify to the deep state coup attempts against Trump from the day he announced he was running. Barr and Durham should have some idea what questions to ask which witness to unravel the sham impeachment, especially anyone involved with Operation Crossfire Hurricane. The Horowitz report can give you some idea where the damaging evidence is.
The democrats will regret insisting on witnesses. The democrat senators may miss the primaries unless Mitch allows a quick dismissal.
I doubt you get schiff as a witness. There almost 100% certainty he will be one of the managers the dems pick. I think this means he cant be called to testify, correct?

I have no clue if Schiff couldn't be called if he's a manager?? Why couldn't he? They have 3 or 4 other managers.
Schiff knows a lot about Ciaramella, and the various rules that he broke during the inquiry.
It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!

Why hasn’t the Senate started an investigation into Joe Biden? Why shoehorn it into the impeachment trial? Makes no sense.
I used to think that, but then I realized, whatever the bidens were up to, if found to be corrupt, would be pivotal to showing trump's motive.

Without the bidens testimony, the left can continue saying it was for personal gain to trump, but if the bidens are indeed found to have been up to something shady there, then it puts a new light on why trump did what he did.

This is a completely reasonable post. Well said.

The tape of Biden bragging on having gotten the Attorney General (Prosecutor) fired is a clear quid pro pro.

Since the Prosecutor was investigating Hunter's corrupt company, it clearly puts the burden on Biden (Joe, not Hunter) to show why it wasn't Illegal.

This has not even been attempted. All we get is totally unsupported claims that this has been debunked---but never anything which actually "debunks" it...and some vague references that other countries thought the Prosecutor was corrupt. But the countries are ever identified, let alone anything Quoting these countries as saying "Joe, fire that Prosecutor, he's corrupt."

The burden is on JOE BIDEN to show why his admitted quid pro quo was NOT to protect his corrupt son's bogus gravy train.

We are waiting.
What would they ask him?

"Why did you make Trumpybear demand a publicly announced investigation into the prior corruption of the Ukraine Company that hired you, before he would release the Congressional approve aid?

"Was this a set up from that StrikieCrowd Ukrainian company or somesuchshit?"

"Did your dad put you up to this son?"

Not just Hunter Biden, but Ciaramella, Brennan, Clapper, Schiff, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and any other defense witnesses who can testify to the deep state coup attempts against Trump from the day he announced he was running. Barr and Durham should have some idea what questions to ask which witness to unravel the sham impeachment, especially anyone involved with Operation Crossfire Hurricane. The Horowitz report can give you some idea where the damaging evidence is.
The democrats will regret insisting on witnesses. The democrat senators may miss the primaries unless Mitch allows a quick dismissal.
I doubt you get schiff as a witness. There almost 100% certainty he will be one of the managers the dems pick. I think this means he cant be called to testify, correct?

I have no clue if Schiff couldn't be called if he's a manager?? Why couldn't he? They have 3 or 4 other managers.
Schiff knows a lot about Ciaramella, and the various rules that he broke during the inquiry.
And how would that demonstrate Trump’s innocence?
It Joe Biden we need to hear from.

He admitted to shaking down the Ukrainian Gov't to get their Attorney General, called Prosecutor there----FIRED.

Clearest quid pro quo ever---Admitted to.

Did he do it to get them off his son's company. Certainly looks like it---a crime while serving as our Vice-President.

And the Executive Branch was well justified in asking the Ukrainian Gov't to look into it. Now that Ukraine and corruption is front and center in the Senate---let them look into it.

Call Uncle Joe!

Why hasn’t the Senate started an investigation into Joe Biden? Why shoehorn it into the impeachment trial? Makes no sense.
I used to think that, but then I realized, whatever the bidens were up to, if found to be corrupt, would be pivotal to showing trump's motive.

Without the bidens testimony, the left can continue saying it was for personal gain to trump, but if the bidens are indeed found to have been up to something shady there, then it puts a new light on why trump did what he did.

This is a completely reasonable post. Well said.

The tape of Biden bragging on having gotten the Attorney General (Prosecutor) fired is a clear quid pro pro.

Since the Prosecutor was investigating Hunter's corrupt company, it clearly puts the burden on Biden (Joe, not Hunter) to show why it wasn't Illegal.

This has not even been attempted. All we get is totally unsupported claims that this has been debunked---but never anything which actually "debunks" it...and some vague references that other countries thought the Prosecutor was corrupt. But the countries are ever identified, let alone anything Quoting these countries as saying "Joe, fire that Prosecutor, he's corrupt."

The burden is on JOE BIDEN to show why his admitted quid pro quo was NOT to protect his corrupt son's bogus gravy train.

We are waiting.

The claim that Shokin was investigating Burisma is completely unsupported. In fact, the State Dept at the time explicitly felt that the Prosecutor General was allowing his prosecutors to extort oligarchs to stop investigations which is why there was no corruption prosecutions from his tenure.

The embassy staff in Ukraine were pushing for Shokin’s firing before Biden even got involved.

If Biden was pushing for Shokin’s firing to protect Hunter, why was everyone else in the embassy pushing for it?

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