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McDonald Shooting: Justifiable ? Or Not ?

The real question for the public is how many times BSNBC is going to replay the video in an attempt to incite violence for ratings.

They so badly NEED this Chicago incident to break into a huge Ferguson level story. ANYTHING to get Paris and ISIS out of the headlines. Rahm Emanuel sat on this shit for 400 days. He gave Obama a gift. Obama was being humiliated by his foreign policy disaster. Media so so badly wants Chicago to dominate the news.

So far....protests are peaceful and disappointing them.
it's a city where black lives don't matter. I live here. I here the numbers and watch the rallies almost nightly. If democrats really did care about black lives, it wouldn't be like this. They do this kind of shit all the time. Ask ole Jesse.
What kind of idiot would empty their weapon if they didn't have to? How do you know another threat won't suddenly appear? I can guarantee you there would be many more lawsuits if people were that well ventilated.
Ask Delta4Embassy. He claims he was trained to do that. Post # 28. And how do you know if all your shots are hitting the suspect ? Maybe most are missing, And maybe he has a gun in his pocket. And maybe he's still alive. Then there's the adrenalin factor. How many of us have been faced with a possible imminent death to us situation ? (to have us be qualified judges)
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The video clearly shows the kid walking away from the cops. They nor anyone else was in any imminent danger. It's first degree murder for a reason. Then this cop unloaded 16 bullets into him. I can't believe it took them a year to release this video.

Just stop with the bull-shit, even cops are saying it was murder and in no way justified.
The kid had one hand IN HIS POCKET ( a total no-no when a cop says "Let me see your hands" as they always do). The kid never took his hand out of that pocket, and he spun around just before the first shot. If you were that cop, you would have felt you were possibly in danger of losing your life. That's the stakes. Your life. You wanna gamble with it ?

Sure it's a bad situation, but the kid made it that way. He did everything wrong. High on drugs, walking down middle of street (like Michael Brown), carrying a knife, hand in pocket, ignoring police. These 5 things add up to one thing > getting shot.
This guy will be convicted of at least manslaughter and likely 2nd degree murder. It was murder.

You people that defend these losers are just gone. The OTHER cops there deserve defending, not the scumbag who thinks himself god of humanity.
novel idea! MAYBE the kid should have stopped and put his hands up and obeyed the police?
If he had, he'd be alive right now. Maybe the cop should sue the kid's family for raising a criminal idiot.
This guy will be convicted of at least manslaughter and likely 2nd degree murder. It was murder.

You people that defend these losers are just gone. The OTHER cops there deserve defending, not the scumbag who thinks himself god of humanity.
You haven't shown one shred of evidence to refute the OP. Until then, you're just spouting hot air. And it sounds like you're defending the goofball kid who caused all this, (and his parents). And when's the last time you were in confrontation where you knew at any next moment you might be shot dead ?
This guy will be convicted of at least manslaughter and likely 2nd degree murder. It was murder.

You people that defend these losers are just gone. The OTHER cops there deserve defending, not the scumbag who thinks himself god of humanity.
You haven't shown one shred of evidence to refute the OP. Until then, you're just spouting hot air. And it sounds like you're defending the goofball kid who caused all this, (and his parents). And when's the last time you were in confrontation where you knew at any next moment you might be shot dead ?

All that matters is the cop is white and the kid is black
and that the cop shot him 16 times, some when he was lying on the ground, without provocation. that matters the most.
How does shooting at a dead body make one guilty of 1st degree murder ?
And if the kid wasn't dead, then he would pose a deadly threat to the officer, especially since his hand was in his pocket where he could have had a gun. THAT is the provocation.
The Police erased another video of the Incident because they were trying to Obstruct Justice

Burger King Confirms Chicago Police Deleted Video Of McDonald Shooting
Source: Crooks And Liars

On the heels of dashcam footage of the Laquan McDonald shooting released today, other news is coming out about how Chicago police worked to suppress video proving he was shot without justification.

According to NBC News Chicago, 86 minutes of security video was missing after the shooting, after police ran through and reviewed it but before any official investigation had been opened, and Burger King has confirmed that it was deleted by police reviewing the video.

After the shooting, according to Jay Darshane, the District Manager for Burger King, four to five police officers wearing blue and white shirts entered the restaurant and asked to view the video and were given the password to the equipment. Three hours later they left, he said.

The next day, when an investigator from the Independent Police Review Authority asked to view the security footage, it was discovered that the 86 minutes of video was missing.

Read more: Burger King Confirms Chicago Police Deleted Video Of McDonald Shooting
All that was to prevent rioting. What else is new ?
Unless the cop comes up with amazing excuse - er, reason, that isn't visible on that video, I don't know how either the first shot or the rest of them can be considered justifiable.
Read the OP.
You don't know that. That cop was obviously a loose cannon, who knows what he would have done even if the guy obeyed his orders.

By saying what you said you make it sound as if you were alright with the cop shooting him for not complying ... You need to revise what and how you say it.
Of course the cop should shoot him for not complying. Not complying means YOU THE COP are IN DANGER of being killed, at any next moment. Get it ?
Yup and the cop has already been arrested for murder.

His superiors are covering their asses and could care less about what happens to him. God forbid they have a race riot in Chicago. Emanuel will shit his pants. Better to sacrifice the cop.

How many blacks kill blacks in Chicago every week?? Don't hear any of that on the news. All you hear now is a white cop killed a black.
Exactly right. Nice to see SOMEBODY has got this figured out correctly. Spot on, Claudette.
No, the cop is not a run of the mill criminal. He's worse. He not only killed another human being, but he also broke his 'vow to protect' as a Police officer.

Cops usually don't kill innocent citizens - even if they're uncooperative. They swear to protect citizens, so whenever something like this DOES happen, it is huge news and it's actually worse than if your run of the mill criminal kills someone.

I'm not focusing on the fact that the cop was white and the victim is black, that is something you racists focus on.
You have no idea of what it is to be a cop in confrontation with a suspect who isn't following orders, and HAS ONE HAND IN HIS POCKET. Go out and try it some time. In the meantime, old Indian saying >> "Never judge a man, until you've walked a mile in his moccasins. "
Aside from the issue if the shooting was justified or not, First Degree murder requires that it was premeditated. There is no way it was premeditated.
Of course not. The charge is 100% POLITICAL > done to avoid rioting, and minimize looting, arson, etc. They couldn't care less about what is just.
This cop is a murderer. The cops with him at the scene are not because they showed proper restraint.

Really, its ok to continue shooting someone once they are on the ground?
Maybe if you saw videos of cops being shot to death by criminals who were "on the ground" you might think different of it. Since when does being on the ground mean you can't shoot a gun ?
This cop is a murderer. The cops with him at the scene are not because they showed proper restraint.

Really, its ok to continue shooting someone once they are on the ground?
Maybe if you saw videos of cops being shot to death by criminals who were "on the ground" you might think different of it. Since when does being on the ground mean you can't shoot a gun ?

So when is a cop prohibited from shooting someone. Be specific. Or in your mind there aren't any scenarios where a cop can't unload 16 shots into a human body and then claim 'I was a'sceered'.
This cop is a murderer. The cops with him at the scene are not because they showed proper restraint.

Really, its ok to continue shooting someone once they are on the ground?
Maybe if you saw videos of cops being shot to death by criminals who were "on the ground" you might think different of it. Since when does being on the ground mean you can't shoot a gun ?

So when is a cop prohibited from shooting someone. Be specific. Or in your mind there aren't any scenarios where a cop can't unload 16 shots into a human body and then claim 'I was a'sceered'.
Aside from the justifiable issue, the number of rounds is irrelevant. Once the decision to shoot is made the target is to die. Not winged, dead. Shooting people in the hand or shoulder is Hollywood.

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