McDonald's boycotts Israeli settlements!!!!!

Every country that America has interfered in has eventually turned against America.

You mean, except Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, South Africa and, of course, Israel.

PRISM: Europe reacts to U.S. surveillance revelations with anger | The Raw Story

That takes care of Europe.

Japanese officials angry after 2 U.S. sailors arrested in Okinawa rape case -

There goes Japan

JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie


Vietnam visit: Anti-American exhibits abound, but people are friendly

You got kicked out for Vietnam so they may well have forgiven you a little.

Anti-Americanism among S. Africa whites grows. Smoldering sentiment that US should leave Pretoria to pursue its own style and pace of race reform is... -

South Africa

USS Liberty Veterans Association


On a more personal note - I'm often asked if I'm American but, as soon as they know I'm English, the tone chances to a friendly one.
American foreign policy is creating a lot of enemies where there need be none.
I can imagine how ecstatic Freddie is as an ex-Brit and a convert to Islam that Great Britain will be Islamic in a short time. I can just imagine how friendly people will be to Freddie when this happens. Meanwhile, of course, like a good Muslim, Freddie brings up the Liberty incident (as if we haven't heard it thousands of times before with posters with the same mind set of Freddie), but notice that he will never bring up the millions and millions of innocent people his adopted brethren have murdered in the past and are still murdering. I wonder if Freddie can tell us why -- if America is so bad -- people from all over the world are clamoring to live here. While he is at it, perhaps he can tell us what his fellow Sunnis have against the Shiites because of some differences in their beliefs. We realize that the Sunnis hate the Ahmadis that the Ahmadis says that the only place they feel safe in the world is America.

Click here: Beleaguered Shiites Banished Once Again - The Jakarta Globe
I can imagine how ecstatic Freddie is as an ex-Brit and a convert to Islam that Great Britain will be Islamic in a short time. I can just imagine how friendly people will be to Freddie when this happens. Meanwhile, of course, like a good Muslim, Freddie brings up the Liberty incident (as if we haven't heard it thousands of times before with posters with the same mind set of Freddie), but notice that he will never bring up the millions and millions of innocent people his adopted brethren have murdered in the past and are still murdering. I wonder if Freddie can tell us why -- if America is so bad -- people from all over the world are clamoring to live here. While he is at it, perhaps he can tell us what his fellow Sunnis have against the Shiites because of some differences in their beliefs. We realize that the Sunnis hate the Ahmadis that the Ahmadis says that the only place they feel safe in the world is America.

Click here: Beleaguered Shiites Banished Once Again - The Jakarta Globe

GB will probably became a mostly Islamic country because the Christians have lost the plot and conversions to Islam are on the rise.
That's before you consider immigration.
However, that's the way things are as we saw with the Christian take over of Britain.
(I assume posters do know, Christianity was brought to the British isles by an invading force).

Now to attempt to clear up a common mistake.
America isn't bad but American foreign policy stinks.
Of course, some posters are too stupid to see the difference in attacking American government policy and Americans in general.

As for the Liberty - I was asked about Israel and something they did against America. It seemed valid but I'll happily change that to the Lavon affair where Israel attacked America interests in Egypt but were nabbed and exposed.

As for Muslims murdering other Muslims - I believe I posted a long reply condemning that but you seem to have missed it.
Would you like me to quote it for you so you don't have to hunt back as far as my last post where it was quoted.
I sort of assumed you weren't that stupid.
Am I wrong?
You know, Freddie, it is difficult for anyone in the Western world to choose and cheer on either sides. On one side you have a dictator and on the other side you have those religious extremists Sunnis who want to take over. Meanwhile, one thing you can't deny is that your Sunni brethren don't care who they are murdering -- whether the innocent people murdered are Shiites or Christians. Perhaps if the religious Sunni extremists (many of whom are coming from outside the country because they want to see the Sunni rule there) didn't join in the fight with those Syrians who just wanted democracy and not some Islamic state, then all Americans (except maybe for Sunni Muslims like you) would be cheering on the rebels. By the way, are you paying attention to what is happening in your own country of Indonesia, or like a good Muslim convert you close your eyes to what is happening there to people who are not Sunnis?

The western world, I'll include Russia and Israel, should keep their fat noses out.
The arms supplies are making the conflict far more bloody.
The arms supplies are making the conflict last longer.
The Government side are a bunch of bastards.
The opposition has a large bunch of extremist bastards with their own agenda.

However, the Russians will continue to supply arms to the government, the Americans are looking for an excuse to supply arms to the opposition and Israel wants the rebels to win as it'll mean the loss of a major friend of Iran and instability in Syria would mean far less chance of that country taking part in an all out war against Israel.

The long term problems are far greater.
If the rebels win, the more extreme Islamic groups will probably gain control of high grade Russian anti aircraft weapons and, somewhere in the world, they'll have experts able to handle them.
Add the rest of the high tech Russian and American supplied stuff and a good few Israeli tanks and aircraft are scrap Iron in the mid to long term.
The problems really come when you consider these extremists would consider civilian aircraft to be legitimate targets..

As for the two major faction of Islam fighting - yes and it's bloody stupid.
Is there any reason, Freddie, why you omitted Iran as a supplier of weapons? For all we know, they might be supplying more weapons than anyone. Meanwhile, some of Freddie's brethren are going to get military equipment from Israel because they, too, are worried for their own countries.
'Sharia permits us to have dealings with Israelites' - Israel Today | Israel News
You know, Freddie, it is difficult for anyone in the Western world to choose and cheer on either sides. On one side you have a dictator and on the other side you have those religious extremists Sunnis who want to take over. Meanwhile, one thing you can't deny is that your Sunni brethren don't care who they are murdering -- whether the innocent people murdered are Shiites or Christians. Perhaps if the religious Sunni extremists (many of whom are coming from outside the country because they want to see the Sunni rule there) didn't join in the fight with those Syrians who just wanted democracy and not some Islamic state, then all Americans (except maybe for Sunni Muslims like you) would be cheering on the rebels. By the way, are you paying attention to what is happening in your own country of Indonesia, or like a good Muslim convert you close your eyes to what is happening there to people who are not Sunnis?

The western world, I'll include Russia and Israel, should keep their fat noses out.
The arms supplies are making the conflict far more bloody.
The arms supplies are making the conflict last longer.
The Government side are a bunch of bastards.
The opposition has a large bunch of extremist bastards with their own agenda.

However, the Russians will continue to supply arms to the government, the Americans are looking for an excuse to supply arms to the opposition and Israel wants the rebels to win as it'll mean the loss of a major friend of Iran and instability in Syria would mean far less chance of that country taking part in an all out war against Israel.

The long term problems are far greater.
If the rebels win, the more extreme Islamic groups will probably gain control of high grade Russian anti aircraft weapons and, somewhere in the world, they'll have experts able to handle them.
Add the rest of the high tech Russian and American supplied stuff and a good few Israeli tanks and aircraft are scrap Iron in the mid to long term.
The problems really come when you consider these extremists would consider civilian aircraft to be legitimate targets..

As for the two major faction of Islam fighting - yes and it's bloody stupid.
Is there any reason, Freddie, why you omitted Iran as a supplier of weapons? For all we know, they might be supplying more weapons than anyone. Meanwhile, some of Freddie's brethren are going to get military equipment from Israel because they, too, are worried for their own countries.
'Sharia permits us to have dealings with Israelites' - Israel Today | Israel News

Add Iran if you like. I'd be more shocked if they weren't supplying weapons than if they were.
The reasons hold regardless of the country doing the supplying.
All should sod off out of it.
[ame=]McDonalds has RATS in Bread still serves it! 2012 NEW OMG - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Think Twice before you eat McDonalds - YouTube[/ame]
I can imagine how ecstatic Freddie is as an ex-Brit and a convert to Islam that Great Britain will be Islamic in a short time. I can just imagine how friendly people will be to Freddie when this happens. Meanwhile, of course, like a good Muslim, Freddie brings up the Liberty incident (as if we haven't heard it thousands of times before with posters with the same mind set of Freddie), but notice that he will never bring up the millions and millions of innocent people his adopted brethren have murdered in the past and are still murdering. I wonder if Freddie can tell us why -- if America is so bad -- people from all over the world are clamoring to live here. While he is at it, perhaps he can tell us what his fellow Sunnis have against the Shiites because of some differences in their beliefs. We realize that the Sunnis hate the Ahmadis that the Ahmadis says that the only place they feel safe in the world is America.

Click here: Beleaguered Shiites Banished Once Again - The Jakarta Globe

GB will probably became a mostly Islamic country because the Christians have lost the plot and conversions to Islam are on the rise.
That's before you consider immigration.
However, that's the way things are as we saw with the Christian take over of Britain.
(I assume posters do know, Christianity was brought to the British isles by an invading force).

Now to attempt to clear up a common mistake.
America isn't bad but American foreign policy stinks.
Of course, some posters are too stupid to see the difference in attacking American government policy and Americans in general.

As for the Liberty - I was asked about Israel and something they did against America. It seemed valid but I'll happily change that to the Lavon affair where Israel attacked America interests in Egypt but were nabbed and exposed.

As for Muslims murdering other Muslims - I believe I posted a long reply condemning that but you seem to have missed it.
Would you like me to quote it for you so you don't have to hunt back as far as my last post where it was quoted.
I sort of assumed you weren't that stupid.
Am I wrong?
Oh gee, Freddie, a Pakistani Muslim living in Great Britain said that the reason will be because the Muslims are the ones having all the babies. Of course there is also what is called sexual Jihad where the Muslim men marry the English women so that the women will convert. We will overlook your fellow Muslims in England grooming indigenous English girls into prostitution. Meanwhile, in the U.S. many of the converts come from our prisons, and I have read articles that some Brits in prison convert to Islam because they feel they will be safer in prison as they are afraid what the Muslim prisoners will do to them. However, if you will research, you will find that many in Europe are getting tired of the Muslims in their country. Well, Freddie, you are entitled to your opinion of American foreign policy, and I know you wouldn't mind that so many Americans think it sucks that people are being killed by your fellow Muslims just because of their religious beliefs. If you condemn that Muslims are murdering other Muslims, you don't say it enough since so many innocent people are being killed by your brethren. However, are YOU that stupid that you don't think we have also heard of the Lavon affair many, many times from people with your same mind set. Of course no explanation from Freddie about why the Sunnis are always against the Shiites and Ahmadis in Indonesia.
My friend did the same test with a BigMac. She left it in a tupperware for ONE WHOLE MONTH. When she opened it, barely any sign of mold. I think they put some anti-rotting stuff in it.
I've also heard they put anti-vomit stuff in their food. Pure nastiness
Oh gee, Freddie, a Pakistani Muslim living in Great Britain said that the reason will be because the Muslims are the ones having all the babies.

Natural selection. Read Darwin.

Of course there is also what is called sexual Jihad where the Muslim men marry the English women so that the women will convert..

Your knowledge is so weak. Women do not have to convert for marriage only a man who marries a Muslim woman.
Research for you post crap so you don't look foolish.

Meanwhile, in the U.S.

The subject is Islam in the UK.

However, if you will research, you will find that many in Europe are getting tired of the Muslims in their country. .
Yes, the drunk, drug dealing, wife beating fools in the EDl are really sick of Islam.

Well, Freddie, you are entitled to your opinion of American foreign policy, .

Yes, I know.

and I know you wouldn't mind that so many Americans think it sucks that people are being killed by your fellow Muslims just because of their religious beliefs. If you condemn that Muslims are murdering other Muslims, you don't say it enough since so many innocent people are being killed by your brethren. However,.

That's because Americans are fed crap and lies about Islam and Muslims. Of course there are problems but nothing like on the scale you lot are force fed.
The vast majority of attacks are by a small number of extremists, not by the vast majority.
I have no problem with getting rid of these extremists.
Perhaps you'd like to condemn American attacks in various countries it didn't start wars with. Drone strikes that kill kids and bombings of old such as the murder of a group of Indonesian Christians who wanted a nice Sunday morning in church.

Will you condemn these murders?

However, are YOU that stupid that you don't think we have also heard of the Lavon affair many, many times from people with your same mind set. Of course no explanation from Freddie about why the Sunnis are always against the Shiites and Ahmadis in Indonesia.

The Levon affair was an admitted false flag attack against American interests by Israel.

Will you condemn Israel for these acts as I condemn every terror attack against civilians?

Now here's the big problem with the anti Muslim lot.
They demand Muslims condemn attacks but refuse to condemn their own acts of murder and terror.
Oh gee, Freddie, a Pakistani Muslim living in Great Britain said that the reason will be because the Muslims are the ones having all the babies.

Natural selection. Read Darwin.

Of course there is also what is called sexual Jihad where the Muslim men marry the English women so that the women will convert..

Your knowledge is so weak. Women do not have to convert for marriage only a man who marries a Muslim woman.
Research for you post crap so you don't look foolish.

The subject is Islam in the UK.

Yes, the drunk, drug dealing, wife beating fools in the EDl are really sick of Islam.

Yes, I know.

and I know you wouldn't mind that so many Americans think it sucks that people are being killed by your fellow Muslims just because of their religious beliefs. If you condemn that Muslims are murdering other Muslims, you don't say it enough since so many innocent people are being killed by your brethren. However,.

That's because Americans are fed crap and lies about Islam and Muslims. Of course there are problems but nothing like on the scale you lot are force fed.
The vast majority of attacks are by a small number of extremists, not by the vast majority.
I have no problem with getting rid of these extremists.
Perhaps you'd like to condemn American attacks in various countries it didn't start wars with. Drone strikes that kill kids and bombings of old such as the murder of a group of Indonesian Christians who wanted a nice Sunday morning in church.

Will you condemn these murders?

However, are YOU that stupid that you don't think we have also heard of the Lavon affair many, many times from people with your same mind set. Of course no explanation from Freddie about why the Sunnis are always against the Shiites and Ahmadis in Indonesia.

The Levon affair was an admitted false flag attack against American interests by Israel.

Will you condemn Israel for these acts as I condemn every terror attack against civilians?

Now here's the big problem with the anti Muslim lot.
They demand Muslims condemn attacks but refuse to condemn their own acts of murder and terror.

What do you have to back that up? I'm not saying you're lying, but that's quite a bizarre allegation
Oh gee, Freddie, a Pakistani Muslim living in Great Britain said that the reason will be because the Muslims are the ones having all the babies.

Natural selection. Read Darwin.

Your knowledge is so weak. Women do not have to convert for marriage only a man who marries a Muslim woman.
Research for you post crap so you don't look foolish.

The subject is Islam in the UK.

Yes, the drunk, drug dealing, wife beating fools in the EDl are really sick of Islam.

Yes, I know.

That's because Americans are fed crap and lies about Islam and Muslims. Of course there are problems but nothing like on the scale you lot are force fed.
The vast majority of attacks are by a small number of extremists, not by the vast majority.
I have no problem with getting rid of these extremists.
Perhaps you'd like to condemn American attacks in various countries it didn't start wars with. Drone strikes that kill kids and bombings of old such as the murder of a group of Indonesian Christians who wanted a nice Sunday morning in church.

Will you condemn these murders?

However, are YOU that stupid that you don't think we have also heard of the Lavon affair many, many times from people with your same mind set. Of course no explanation from Freddie about why the Sunnis are always against the Shiites and Ahmadis in Indonesia.

The Levon affair was an admitted false flag attack against American interests by Israel.

Will you condemn Israel for these acts as I condemn every terror attack against civilians?

Now here's the big problem with the anti Muslim lot.
They demand Muslims condemn attacks but refuse to condemn their own acts of murder and terror.

What do you have to back that up? I'm not saying you're lying, but that's quite a bizarre allegation

Do you really need me to link to all the threads on here where the anti Muslim brigade applaud terrorist attacks by American forces or excuse Israel it's blatant flouting of international law.

Let me start with a simple one.
The CIA bombing of Indonesia.
Who will condemn these attacks and murders?
When Israel bombs Gaza, or Syria, or when America attacks militants in Yemen with drones, what are their intentions ?
For example, when the intelligence sect of the IDF (Mossad) or of the U.S.A are sitting in their conference room and planning the attack on a located wanted terrorist or weapons cache, what do you THINK they are talking about ?
I know it's a complicated question, but just try and guess
Last edited:
When Israel bombs Gaza, or Syria, or when America attacks militants in Yemen with drones, what are their intentions ?
For example, when the intelligence sect of the IDF (Mossad) or of the U.S.A are sitting in their conference room and planning the attack on a located wanted terrorist or weapons cache, what do you THINK they are talking about ?
I know it's a complicated question, but just try and guess


Apologists and excusers but no one to condemn murder.
When Israel bombs Gaza, or Syria, or when America attacks militants in Yemen with drones, what are their intentions ?
For example, when the intelligence sect of the IDF (Mossad) or of the U.S.A are sitting in their conference room and planning the attack on a located wanted terrorist or weapons cache, what do you THINK they are talking about ?
I know it's a complicated question, but just try and guess


Apologists and excusers but no one to condemn murder.

Nice deflection Freddi. You don't even know what the word murder mean haha.
Oh gee, Freddie, a Pakistani Muslim living in Great Britain said that the reason will be because the Muslims are the ones having all the babies.

Natural selection. Read Darwin.

Of course there is also what is called sexual Jihad where the Muslim men marry the English women so that the women will convert..

Your knowledge is so weak. Women do not have to convert for marriage only a man who marries a Muslim woman.
Research for you post crap so you don't look foolish.

The subject is Islam in the UK.

Yes, the drunk, drug dealing, wife beating fools in the EDl are really sick of Islam.

Yes, I know.

and I know you wouldn't mind that so many Americans think it sucks that people are being killed by your fellow Muslims just because of their religious beliefs. If you condemn that Muslims are murdering other Muslims, you don't say it enough since so many innocent people are being killed by your brethren. However,.

That's because Americans are fed crap and lies about Islam and Muslims. Of course there are problems but nothing like on the scale you lot are force fed.
The vast majority of attacks are by a small number of extremists, not by the vast majority.
I have no problem with getting rid of these extremists.
Perhaps you'd like to condemn American attacks in various countries it didn't start wars with. Drone strikes that kill kids and bombings of old such as the murder of a group of Indonesian Christians who wanted a nice Sunday morning in church.

Will you condemn these murders?

However, are YOU that stupid that you don't think we have also heard of the Lavon affair many, many times from people with your same mind set. Of course no explanation from Freddie about why the Sunnis are always against the Shiites and Ahmadis in Indonesia.

The Levon affair was an admitted false flag attack against American interests by Israel.

Will you condemn Israel for these acts as I condemn every terror attack against civilians?

Now here's the big problem with the anti Muslim lot.
They demand Muslims condemn attacks but refuse to condemn their own acts of murder and terror.
Natural selection, my foot. Since many of the Muslims in Britain are on welfare, do you really think that when they become a majority, all of a sudden they will be flush with money? Meanwhile, Freddie is going to tell us what is the natural selection in the Muslim countries where plenty of babies are born and which have to be helped with the aid of the civilized countries. Freddie my boy, are you overlooking the fact that in some of the Europe countries like Belgium, there is a huge percentage of people in their prisons who are Muslims, a much larger percentage in comparison to the percentage at large for the Muslim population in those countries. And of course you know how to Google, so why not Google "Muslim rape across Europe" and tell us why your Muslim brethren are raping their way across Europe. And, Freddie, since you feel Americans are fed crap about Muslims, have you ever thought that Americans do not have to be fed any crap because it is plain to see what is happening in all the Muslim countries -- all this glorious tolerance toward the religious beliefs of others and nobody is being killed for their beliefs, not even Muslims of different sects. Freddie, no one has said any country is perfect, not even Israel, but when people see millions and millions murdered because of their religion, you cannot equate a few bad things a country does to those enormous amount of innocent people killed. Maybe a Muslim can, but I don't think a civilized person can. At least there are a few honest Muslims who can admit that even if it were a small percentage of Muslims who are terrorists, that could amount to millions (written by a Pakistani Muslim in a Letter to the Editor at Freddie doesn't think like that Muslim. He probably thinks that it is a couple of thousand Muslim extremists. Maybe Freddie would like to read what someone from Algeria wrote. See, Freddie, this is a current article. I didn't have to drag up old stuff like you did with the Liberty and the Lavon Affair.

Islamists and Jihadis: A Cancer on the Face of the World :: Gatestone Institute

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