McDonald's drive-thru: Let us play with FAMILY-GUN!? 12yr-old DEAD by own hands! Thanks, Again, NRA!

12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person, as the fully co-sponsored by the NRA, and its members, and supporters!
THEY ALL Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!

I had a cousin who died in a traffic accident. Damn Chevrolet!!! Damn them to hell!!!

Cars are not made to kill.
Guns are.
Firearm ownership is a right, vehicle ownership is not - it’s a privilege you silly little fucker
Less then 1000 people die to accidental discharge in the US actually lately it has been less then 500 a year. With 320 MILLION people and 400 million firearms you do the math on the chance of that happening then explain why you are not demanding pools be outlawed private ownership of vehicles banned and a host of other things that killa VERY much larger segment of the population. Hell doctors kill several 100 thousand a year.

And what other country has hundreds of accident shooting deaths? Where else are school shootings happening regularly?
Who CARES? when there are less then 500 accidental shootings out of population of 320 MILLION there is NO PROBLEM dumb ass. Doctors kill 100's of thousands a year what about that? Cars kill over 30000 a year what about that? Pools kill around 2000 year lets out law pools. Retard.

It is a problem with a fix. Why let hundreds die? How about our police? They die weekly, that doesn’t happen in other countries.
Drowning in pools is fixable too, as is dying in car accidents, simply ban all private vehicle ownership and create mass transit.How about all those crappy doctors that murder and then just get sued, what about them. There are LITERALLY HUNDREDS of problems that cost more lives a year yet here you are whining about this like a broken record.

People die in pools everywhere, only in the USA is there a school shooting problem. Only here are police dying weekly.

We have bigger fish to fry take your pick
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Who CARES? when there are less then 500 accidental shootings out of population of 320 MILLION there is NO PROBLEM dumb ass. Doctors kill 100's of thousands a year what about that? Cars kill over 30000 a year what about that? Pools kill around 2000 year lets out law pools. Retard.

It is a problem with a fix. Why let hundreds die? How about our police? They die weekly, that doesn’t happen in other countries.
Drowning in pools is fixable too, as is dying in car accidents, simply ban all private vehicle ownership and create mass transit.How about all those crappy doctors that murder and then just get sued, what about them. There are LITERALLY HUNDREDS of problems that cost more lives a year yet here you are whining about this like a broken record.

People die in pools everywhere, only in the USA is there a school shooting problem. Only here are police dying weekly.
BULL shit so your defense is that because it happens else where it is ok? Accidental firearms deaths happen in every country with firearms.

I don’t know of a country with hundreds dead in accidental shootings. Please share.
Don’t blame the firearms, operator error. Jack weed

I clearly see what the NRA Gun Nutter morons are all about.
Getting guns in the hands of mental peoples, just on one point.

Like that new law in 2017 allowing Mental peoples to buy/own guns
more freely unregulated.. That makes it even more dangerous.
Thanks goes 100% to this un-American Terrorist organization
called the NRA. As real Rational Americans, some 90%,
want fewer guns in these mental peoples hands.
You keep repeating that lie no law was passed allowing mentally incompetent people to own firearms what was done was a repel of Obama's bullshit reg that denied people the right to own firearms because they couldn't do their finances.

The Great Douche did sign a new law in 2017, getting guns into mentally unstable peoples hands more.
AS all Level One gun nutters are mentally ill. ALL Gun Nutters in or around the NRA are Mentally Sick
in the heads.. And these mentally ill got more guns into even more crazier hands, than
those level one morons, supplying the access to/of said weapons.
To arm the level 2 ISANE, if they can still count to now the difference.
President Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill People to Buy Guns

Did you even ready your link?

"In February 2017, Trump signed a bill that undid a regulation from Barack Obama’s presidency which said the Social Security Administration would have to report certain mentally ill recipients and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database,"

unable to handle their own financial affairs?

and that's cause to prevent them from owning a firearm to protect themselves?

You want some cubicle monkey at the SSA to decide what you can and can not do, what you can, and can not own?

That's a DOCTORS decision, not a CUBICLE MONKEYS.

"Did you even ready your link?"

Will darling Leftist Maniacs never read what they post, get with the programme already :smoke:

That was the Douche lies.. It did sign a new law.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness..
Not being able to do your finances is NOT mental illness.

Gun death by gang bangers is much less when there is strong gun control.
REALLY? Great Britain outlawed almost all firearms for private ownership to include hand guns yet since they did that they have seen a steady rise in shootings and possession and use of firearms especially hand guns in the Country some years double digit rises in the use of firearms.

Want to compare rates? When was their last school shooting?
No one cares about school shootings unless it's their kids. No one.
Only a fool blames the firearms... People kill people not firearms
Messed up metrics , they are including gang bangers.

Gun death by gang bangers is much less when there is strong gun control.
REALLY? Great Britain outlawed almost all firearms for private ownership to include hand guns yet since they did that they have seen a steady rise in shootings and possession and use of firearms especially hand guns in the Country some years double digit rises in the use of firearms.

Want to compare rates? When was their last school shooting?
No one cares about school shootings unless it's their kids. No one.
Only a fool blames the firearms... People kill people not firearms

Thank you..

I still will never get why people can kill people if they are not in the military and no one trying to harm them.
You are like a scared little child with a teddy bear for protection. You just have a gun instead. You are very scared, don't kid yourself.
I would rather have a gun than depend on my sucking abilities. Then again, you probably wouldn't.

Well you are really scared...
And you can suck the chrome off a tailpipe. Everybody's happy.

Let's hope this doesn't cause a plethora of break-ins at your place.

Bowing again to your betters. We all know you're weak.
Please bow down in private in the future.
My husband is much stronger than I am, and a better shot, too. He is better than me, even if you insist he's not my equal.
35-year-old woman found dead; husband tells police he accidentally shot her
I've already answered several times. Are you really this stupid? I'm sure you get your gun every time you hear a noise, your obviously very scared.
Your answer has been that you hoped they would go away. Final answer?

There is no hoping. Criminals don't want to get caught. They will go elsewhere when the alarm goes off. Yes final answer. You will cling scared to your gun while our children die.
Criminals know about police response times. Pucker up, grampa.

I realize you are very scared, real men are not however.
I realize you are very scared, real men are not however.

any man that doesn't get scared, is a fool

There is a difference between getting scared and being so scared all the time you think you need a gun at all times.
If only there was a solution to this senseless slaughter ?

NRA tells me to buy more semi-auto AR-15's.
SO you/we/I can massively kill humans.


Since when does the NRA advertises selling guns?

Supporting, Sponsoring and Defending the 2nd Anal Amendment is pimping guns sells.
Na, If so the same applies to the First Amendment. You are one stupid motherfucker
You seem very confused. Please share what other country loses hundreds to accidental shootings.
Less then 1000 people die to accidental discharge in the US actually lately it has been less then 500 a year. With 320 MILLION people and 400 million firearms you do the math on the chance of that happening then explain why you are not demanding pools be outlawed private ownership of vehicles banned and a host of other things that killa VERY much larger segment of the population. Hell doctors kill several 100 thousand a year.

And what other country has hundreds of accident shooting deaths? Where else are school shootings happening regularly?
Who CARES? when there are less then 500 accidental shootings out of population of 320 MILLION there is NO PROBLEM dumb ass. Doctors kill 100's of thousands a year what about that? Cars kill over 30000 a year what about that? Pools kill around 2000 year lets out law pools. Retard.

It is a problem with a fix. Why let hundreds die? How about our police? They die weekly, that doesn’t happen in other countries.
Move there then, you fucking coward

You are the coward letting children die while you cling to your guns.
I would rather have a gun than depend on my sucking abilities. Then again, you probably wouldn't.

Well you are really scared...
And you can suck the chrome off a tailpipe. Everybody's happy.

Let's hope this doesn't cause a plethora of break-ins at your place.

Bowing again to your betters. We all know you're weak.
Please bow down in private in the future.
My husband is much stronger than I am, and a better shot, too. He is better than me, even if you insist he's not my equal.
35-year-old woman found dead; husband tells police he accidentally shot her

Elderly man murdered at home – The Nassau Guardian
I had a cousin who died in a traffic accident. Damn Chevrolet!!! Damn them to hell!!!

Car accidents happen everywhere, gun accidents however happen a lot here only.

That doesn't bring my cousin back. I won't be satisfied until we get cars off the road. They are death machines.

WEAK! And why was the moron playing in the road?
Cars are not made for killing.
Guns are made for killing.
It's just that simple.

I've owned, over about 50 years, possibly 100 firearms.

and not one of them, while I owned it, was the cause of death for anything larger than a groundhog.

Less than 1% of the firearms in the United States have been the cause of death of a human.

What is/was the flying leads propose, when develop?
They were made to kill in wars, and later when cheaper,
used for killing animals. As they were single shot devices.

Later the warlords wanted to kill more humans faster,
more at a time by one shooter. So the made them shot
more lead out faster to kill MORE humans. Not to kill more
animals faster. btw: Most Gun Nutters are rabid animals,
and should be put down for public safety reasons.
So this may be a wash here now, in the 21th century. .

Cars were never made to kill during their development.
They are always making cars safer, some years later by new laws.
They were not making them laser targeting systems ever, to kill targets.

These are just the simple,
Firearm ownership is a right, vehicle ownership not so much...
No one at those locations had a gun to shoot back.
These guys were all armed.
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia
What happened to the shooter?

He killed 5 officers and injured 9 more.
That doesn’t tell anyone what happened to the shooter. You’re a rookie at this. Does this routine work for you down at the local Starbucks?

When was the last school shooting in the UK? When was the last time a cop was killed? We lost another just today. These things are rare in countries with strong gun control.
Officer killed, two deputies seriously wounded in Georgia shooting
Actually I can cite countries with 100 percent firearm bans with massive murder rates where cops and civilians are shot daily. Take Mexico for example you retards don't want to secure the Southern Border if we ever did ban firearms Mexican drug cartels would just ship the weapons in across our southern border.
Baz Ares has bought into the George Soros agenda.

Under that agenda, Communists (like Baz), must demonize guns since only when citizens are defenseless can Dictators be installed.

This has NOTHING to do with guns, the NRA or violence.

It is all about control over YOU

(everyone knows it....I just like repeating it)

I've always said. More than a six-shooter, single bolt hunting rifle or
a shotgun at home for protection is stupid. Really, how many home
invasions require more than a few bullets, has been reported overall?

btw: Shooting guns for me is too boring to own them.

btw: More NRA safety tips, that required more laws

We never read about any real gun safety from the NRA.
Other than more guns make us safer.

Thankfully, there was only one bullet in the thang.

While you cling to cars, bath tubs, and swimming pools... meanwhile children are dying every day! You bore me. And here in America... no man gives two shits what foreigners do in their own country... that’s their problem. But if you admire their cutler so much I’m sure they’d welcome you just tell them your name is Mohammad Simething or Other. They’ll even give you free shit that others have worked for...

I understand you are too scared to save children's lives. Sad we have so many cowards.
I understand you’re too scared to give up you car, bath tub, and swimming pool to save children...
Sad we have so many cowards.

Kids die from those reasons in every country. They only die regularly from guns in the US.
The only kids that die *regularly* from guns in the US are kids that are mowed down by minority gang members.

Kids in countries with strong gun control are not regularly mowed down my gang members.
Yes they are and in European Countries the rise of firearms crime is rampant.
Less then 1000 people die to accidental discharge in the US actually lately it has been less then 500 a year. With 320 MILLION people and 400 million firearms you do the math on the chance of that happening then explain why you are not demanding pools be outlawed private ownership of vehicles banned and a host of other things that killa VERY much larger segment of the population. Hell doctors kill several 100 thousand a year.

And what other country has hundreds of accident shooting deaths? Where else are school shootings happening regularly?
Who CARES? when there are less then 500 accidental shootings out of population of 320 MILLION there is NO PROBLEM dumb ass. Doctors kill 100's of thousands a year what about that? Cars kill over 30000 a year what about that? Pools kill around 2000 year lets out law pools. Retard.

It is a problem with a fix. Why let hundreds die? How about our police? They die weekly, that doesn’t happen in other countries.
Move there then, you fucking coward

You are the coward letting children die while you cling to your guns.
People kill people not firearms
No, you make RWers look like Harvard graduates.

Try harder to justify all the deaths by mass shooters with semi-
auto guns. That's the ONLY point, of having one, to kill more in less time.

By the way, what was the last deer hunting mass shooting did you do?

These are the objects of my 'mass shootings'


The same as 95% or more of other semi-auto owners.

Weapons used in mass shootings in the U.S. 1982-2017 | Statistic

43 semi-auto rifles used in mass shootings between 1982-2017...

out of thousands of them being n the hands of civilians.

But, you keep beating your little drum...


(you're so cute)

Here are a few DEAD winners, from the NRA pimping guns.

What did the NRA have to do with it?

Was the shooter a member of the NRA?

Just a guess, but I think those people were killed by a maniac who killed his own mother to get his hands on her guns.

Many times, like here in this video and others.
Why does NOT the NRA say, "kids should not be using/ holding guns
under FFS say 10 years old? Or better 13.
It’s not for you to say, you have no fucking credibility on the matter

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