McDonald's drive-thru: Let us play with FAMILY-GUN!? 12yr-old DEAD by own hands! Thanks, Again, NRA!

"And guns kill people alone when they fall."

^^^^ This:


Fully true. Loaded guns falling down do go off all alone.

Even the illegally modified, ones.

Rational facts do show gun nutters are morons.

When you're hiding behind some faux wooden table while one of those gun nutters is shooting up the restaurant, you'll be wanting a gun of your own.

I've never said rational protection was wrong.
Can you conceal AR-15 type thangs in your pants?
So these are useless for public safety unless these
events happen when you are in a truck or home..

I hope these armed (these so-called unstable sort.. of, good guys with guns already)
cowards score some kills. If the bad guy is there to just kill, and most are too cowardly to kill.
When you're dead it will keep killing. Thanks for trying. I'm already running.

Most gun events are about stealing/taking stuff from others or forcing compliance.
Just give it to them. Most robbers don't fire unless fired at. Yes, PIGS are paid to charge
these guns and die, as these cowards most should. For hunting for a trophy.
Better PIGS will not be charging guns. Who are smarter safer PIGS!

Thanks to all our guns we also have way more armed criminals. When the victims are armed it is quite the incentive for criminals to be armed. Criminals in countries with strong gun control are less dependent on guns and hence the lower homicide rates.

Hmm? I rather like more gun restrictions.
That would make guns to expensive to use in crimes.
Many people who will kill people with guns own them legally.
If they have to pay insurance to own them. Less will be
involved in crimes or in wife beatings. So pigs can bust more
holders of guns for not having insurance. As most crimes and
dead/wounded are from legally owned guns.

WOW!. The last thang gang members do
is fire guns these days in crimes, other than Gang On Gang.

You are a bald faced liar MOST crime with firearms is by CAREER criminals barred from owning firearms to begin with.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person, as the fully co-sponsored by the NRA, and its members, and supporters!
THEY ALL Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!

So they were breaking existing law, but you think more law is the answer?

You're pretty fucking stupid, no question about it....
These are the objects of my 'mass shootings'


The same as 95% or more of other semi-auto owners.

Weapons used in mass shootings in the U.S. 1982-2017 | Statistic

43 semi-auto rifles used in mass shootings between 1982-2017...

out of thousands of them being n the hands of civilians.

But, you keep beating your little drum...


(you're so cute)

Here are a few DEAD winners, from the NRA pimping guns.

What did the NRA have to do with it?

Was the shooter a member of the NRA?

Just a guess, but I think those people were killed by a maniac who killed his own mother to get his hands on her guns.

Many times, like here in this video and others.
Why does NOT the NRA say, "kids should not be using/ holding guns
under FFS say 10 years old? Or better 13.

They aren't in the business of saying they should not.

they are in the business of saying, "This is how to handle a firearm, safely"


That bird be a good target for bird hunting practice.

Both you and her sound like bitchs in heat...
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. In the UK there were no children,cops or schools shot up this week. Suck on that,

Yeah...cause the UK is such a peaceful safe place.....

Stabbing deaths among young people hit eight-year high
Thu 8 Feb 2018 08.35 EST

Police recorded 61 deaths in 16-24 group and a total of 215 fatal stabbings in England and Wales
Stabbing deaths among young people hit eight-year high

Oh. and lets not forget the Acid attacks so popular in England

Suck on THAT!
And yet the UK is so much safer than your third world shithole. Suck on that !
Then stay over there are you cowardly motherfucker, Fireman violence is a non-issue in this country
I would rather have a gun than depend on my sucking abilities. Then again, you probably wouldn't.

Well you are really scared...
And you can suck the chrome off a tailpipe. Everybody's happy.

Let's hope this doesn't cause a plethora of break-ins at your place.

Bowing again to your betters. We all know you're weak.
Please bow down in private in the future.
My husband is much stronger than I am, and a better shot, too. He is better than me, even if you insist he's not my equal.
35-year-old woman found dead; husband tells police he accidentally shot her
Again less then 500 a year out of 320 million do the math accidental deaths by firearm are very rare in the US.
3 cops were shot in Georgia today as well. If only they had been armed it would have deterred the perp.
Hey, twit.....

Britain's gun crime rate is going up....after you banned are doing it wrong...

U.K. Begins Another Gun Surrender Initiative Amid Increase in Gun Crime

The United Kingdom's National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) is conducting a new gun surrender program from Nov. 13 to Nov. 26 after gun crime in England and Wales increased by more than a quarter in the past year.

The Office for National Statistics found a 27 percent increase in crimes involving firearms during its most recent review of crime data. Despite a near ban on the civilian ownership of handguns the review found crimes committed with handguns increased by 25 percent and accounted for the majority of gun crimes. The agency said the increases in 2016 were part of a multiyear trend.

London mayor urged to tackle gun crime as offences rise

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been urged to consider a gun crime strategy for the capital, following a steep rise in the number of offences and fears that victims and perpetrators are getting younger.

The Metropolitan police recorded 2,542 gun crime offences in 2017, the highest number in five years and 44% more than the 1,755 recorded in 2014, according to a report by the London assembly’s police and crime committee.


About a third of the victims of gun crime and almost three in five offenders were aged 25 or under in the 12 months to October 2017, according to the assembly’s report. There were anecdotal suggestions from police and a senior trauma doctor that they were seeing younger victims than in the past.

Drug dealing and gang activity were identified as the main drivers of gun crime, with gangs said to account for nearly half of all offences where lethal guns – as opposed to non-lethal airguns or stun guns – were fired.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. In the UK there were no children,cops or schools shot up this week. Suck on that,

No...your teenagers are stabbing each other to death....which is the crime problem we had in the 1960s......and then our gun crime rate went up....followed by our gun murder guys have the stabbings, and the gun gun murder rate is going to go up...and you won't know how to stop it....

I clearly see what the NRA Gun Nutter morons are all about.
Getting guns in the hands of mental peoples, just on one point.

Like that new law in 2017 allowing Mental peoples to buy/own guns
more freely unregulated.. That makes it even more dangerous.
Thanks goes 100% to this un-American Terrorist organization
called the NRA. As real Rational Americans, some 90%,
want fewer guns in these mental peoples hands.
You keep repeating that lie no law was passed allowing mentally incompetent people to own firearms what was done was a repel of Obama's bullshit reg that denied people the right to own firearms because they couldn't do their finances.

The Great Douche did sign a new law in 2017, getting guns into mentally unstable peoples hands more.
AS all Level One gun nutters are mentally ill. ALL Gun Nutters in or around the NRA are Mentally Sick
in the heads.. And these mentally ill got more guns into even more crazier hands, than
those level one morons, supplying the access to/of said weapons.
To arm the level 2 ISANE, if they can still count to now the difference.
President Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill People to Buy Guns

I clearly see what the NRA Gun Nutter morons are all about.
Getting guns in the hands of mental peoples, just on one point.

Like that new law in 2017 allowing Mental peoples to buy/own guns
more freely unregulated.. That makes it even more dangerous.
Thanks goes 100% to this un-American Terrorist organization
called the NRA. As real Rational Americans, some 90%,
want fewer guns in these mental peoples hands.
You keep repeating that lie no law was passed allowing mentally incompetent people to own firearms what was done was a repel of Obama's bullshit reg that denied people the right to own firearms because they couldn't do their finances.

The Great Douche did sign a new law in 2017, getting guns into mentally unstable peoples hands more.
AS all Level One gun nutters are mentally ill. ALL Gun Nutters in or around the NRA are Mentally Sick
in the heads.. And these mentally ill got more guns into even more crazier hands, than
those level one morons, supplying the access to/of said weapons.
To arm the level 2 ISANE, if they can still count to now the difference.
President Trump Made It Easier for Mentally Ill People to Buy Guns

Did you even ready your link?

"In February 2017, Trump signed a bill that undid a regulation from Barack Obama’s presidency which said the Social Security Administration would have to report certain mentally ill recipients and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database,"

unable to handle their own financial affairs?

and that's cause to prevent them from owning a firearm to protect themselves?

You want some cubicle monkey at the SSA to decide what you can and can not do, what you can, and can not own?

That's a DOCTORS decision, not a CUBICLE MONKEYS.

"Did you even ready your link?"

Will darling Leftist Maniacs never read what they post, get with the programme already :smoke:

That was the Douche lies.. It did sign a new law.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness..

Anyone ever tell you you sound like a pussy whipped bitch?
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person by the NRA, as the co-sponsors, and its members, and supporters!
Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!

What does the NRA have to do with this?

How can he troll without mentioning the NRA?
Yep, And the NRA. Are not even pro-gun enough LOL
btw.... Bozo's and guns going off don't blame the guns.

Most gun nutters are too stupid to be safe.

Most anti-gun nutters like yourself have zero common sense.
That’s one of my best selling handguns there is not a safety problem with them - you watch far too many Hollywood movies you silly motherfucker
And yet the UK is so much safer than your third world shithole. Suck on that !

To be honest, you're ignorant.
The UK surpasses the US by a large margin in assaults, rapes, burglaries and other violent crimes.
You are wrong as usual. You are MUCH safer in the US statistically than in the UK.

Don't just pull facts out your ass because it makes you feel good.

only in your imagination

What other country has this problem?
This country doesn’t have the “problem”. Bed wetters like you do...

We have regular school shootings, and that isn't a problem? Go hide behind your gun.
Only to the vocal minority who cry endlessly about it. The victims families of course have actual reason. It’s called grief. The rest of you bed wetters are just pissing down your pants leg because others won’t give up their rights, in order to make you feel safer. Tough shit.

yes you cling to guns while children die. What a hero you are. Men in other countries weren't so cowardly and now they have much lower homicide rates.
People kill people not firearms. You silly little fucker
While you cling to cars, bath tubs, and swimming pools... meanwhile children are dying every day! You bore me. And here in America... no man gives two shits what foreigners do in their own country... that’s their problem. But if you admire their cutler so much I’m sure they’d welcome you just tell them your name is Mohammad Simething or Other. They’ll even give you free shit that others have worked for...

I understand you are too scared to save children's lives. Sad we have so many cowards.
I understand you’re too scared to give up you car, bath tub, and swimming pool to save children...
Sad we have so many cowards.

Kids die from those reasons in every country. They only die regularly from guns in the US.
The only kids that die *regularly* from guns in the US are kids that are mowed down by minority gang members.

It seems the problem isn't the guns...which are owned by almost every rural white resident in the US. If it was the guns, the #1 cause of death among our white, rural teen boys would be murder.

But you know what? It's not. It is the #1 cause of death among black kids, though.

Which is funny, cuz the majority (if not all) of the black kids killed by guns live in cities with extremely restrictive gun laws.

go figger!
By far the leading cause of death among blacks is abortion.

"By far the leading cause of death among blacks is abortion."

^^^^ Yes, this:

This country doesn’t have the “problem”. Bed wetters like you do...

We have regular school shootings, and that isn't a problem? Go hide behind your gun.
Only to the vocal minority who cry endlessly about it. The victims families of course have actual reason. It’s called grief. The rest of you bed wetters are just pissing down your pants leg because others won’t give up their rights, in order to make you feel safer. Tough shit.

yes you cling to guns while children die. What a hero you are. Men in other countries weren't so cowardly and now they have much lower homicide rates.
While you cling to cars, bath tubs, and swimming pools... meanwhile children are dying every day! You bore me. And here in America... no man gives two shits what foreigners do in their own country... that’s their problem. But if you admire their cutler so much I’m sure they’d welcome you just tell them your name is Mohammad Simething or Other. They’ll even give you free shit that others have worked for...

I understand you are too scared to save children's lives. Sad we have so many cowards.
People kill people not firearms
The whole Guns are bad argument is such an empty one. Take away suicides and gang on gang violence and guns arent even a factor.

In announcing the results of a six-month wiretap probe called "Operation High Hopes," prosecutors said the synthetic opioid was being sold on the street by a drug gang with links to Mexico’s notorious Sinaloa Cartel, the drug organization once led by Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.
(Of which, nearly ALL are illegal immigrants)

“I want to be clear about the size and scope here,” District Attorney Daniel Conley said at a news conference Thursday. “Massachusetts’ fentanyl trafficking statute covers quantities greater than 10 grams. That threshold represents less than 1/1000 of the quantity we’ve taken off the street.”

He said the number of overdoses the seized fentanyl could have caused “is truly staggering.”

“Individuals who buy and sell at this level aren’t users,” Conley said. “They’re not small-time dealers, either. They’re certainly not selling to support a habit. They’re trafficking in addictive substances that claim more lives in Massachusetts than all homicides, all suicides, and all car crashes, statewide, combined.”

33 pounds of fentanyl – enough to wipe out Massachusetts – seized in Boston

And to think some of the Communist evil here claim that guns are a problem. pfffft!

Seriously...statistically, you can safely Ignore every ignorant post at this forum made by moron gun control freaks
Last edited:
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion
The investigation revealed there were six people inside a vehicle going through the drive-thru. One of the 12-year-old's siblings, a teenager, was in possession of a gun. At some point inside the car, the gun was pulled out and was fired, striking the 12-year-old.
12-year-old killed in shooting at McDonald's drive-thru was a spelling bee champion

:dunno: More responsible Gun Owners fully armed by the NRA.

Minimum Age for Gun Possession: Subject to limited exceptions*, federal law prohibits the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18.10Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition.Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

:dunno:Well, The NRA makes sure you have access and can play with handguns at 12.
Another DEAD person, as the fully co-sponsored by the NRA, and its members, and supporters!
THEY ALL Fully got another child dead on their hands here, again.

Killing over 37,000 more Americans every year,.
As ISIS types only score less than 60 maybe a year. FFS!
A small price to pay for our second amendment rights
What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?

"What will you do when a bad guy with a gun breaks into your house, suck him into submission?"

Very possible they will and then if that fails they will attempt to beat him to death with their pink feather boa :uhoh3:

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