McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Did my stint. At 77 years old I am out of the miserable rotten rat race. I started working at age 23 after graduating with a degree. The best info I can give a newbie is to never settle for the job you have because your employer doesn't care about you in the end. Be ready to walk away at any second into a better opportunity. Learning about the business is great n all but you aren't there for the are there for yourself and to gain capital. Being loyal will only work against you.

It has nothing to do with being loyal.

The more you learn about the functions of a job, the better employee you will be to anybody.

Employers can be held liable by what they say to the next potential employer. The key (and legal) question most experienced employers ask is "If I decide not to hire X, and you have a job opening, would you consider hiring them again?"

If the answer is no, then the future employer knows something is wrong there. While the previous employer can't legally get into specifics, the future employer understands that the applicant has some sort of issues.

Of course if the answer is yes, then the potential employer knows that the applicant left on good terms; gave proper notice; didn't make a scene while leaving; did a good job while he or she was working there.

I don't believe in closing doors or burning bridges because I have no control over my attitude. I believe the road you leave behind is the road you pave in front of you.

I'm not an employer, but I am a landlord, and I just had another landlord contact me about a past tenant of mine. She asked the same question "If I decide not to give X this apartment, would you consider renting to her again if you have an available unit?"

I don't think she is going to get the apartment.

Yep. No matter how much I hated a job or my manager, when I left, I said not a peep of negativity. Would have done zero for me. And they would have blown it off so it would have accomplished zero. And I always worked up until the day I walked out the door as if I were going no where. People have said to me before after I gave notice that if they didn't know I was leaving, they would have no idea I was leaving. I took a lot of pride in that
Yep. No matter how much I hated a job or my manager, when I left, I said not a peep of negativity. Would have done zero for me. And they would have blown it off so it would have accomplished zero. And I always worked up until the day I walked out the door as if I were going no where. People have said to me before after I gave notice that if they didn't know I was leaving, they would have no idea I was leaving. I took a lot of pride in that

I learned when I was young. I walked off of a job and gave the owner a piece of my mind. I couldn't find another job after that for some time, and even then, it wasn't that great of a paying job.

Without a doubt I felt a lot better when I left, but my previous employer found another person to do my job, was quite happy with him, and to my knowledge, stayed with the company for several years. I didn't get even with him, I just made things worse for myself.

I know this is debatable, but I just hope that if some young person in the working world reads this thread, they take my advice over INITFORME.
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Pretend to pay me, I pretend to work. Words to live by in today's mess.

Words to be a loser by. If your employer is paying your bills, you need to act in their interest, you took the job. If you can't act in their interest, be a man and quit. You're a useless, stealing piece of shit to take their money then not give them what they paid you to do and you agreed to do. You're no different than a shop lifter.

Obviously since you're staying there, no one else thinks you're worth what you do either. I guess there's a reason they have money and you don't ...
Look, I may lean left, but even I can see that a dramatic rise in minimum wage can be economically disastrous.

We've already passed a health package that could drag the economy. Now you want to double the minimum wage?

Look if you really want to help people at the lower economic scale encourage them to seek better paying jobs through training. Tell them they need to go back to school and plan out their future!

Seriously, a burger flipper should not have the wage of a tech. Forcing the issue will cause inflation. Considering our debt and the fact our dollar may not weak, we could be causing a Venezuelan style economic maelstrom that could undermine our ability to survive.

No, I need deep some deep analysis and localized experiments before I consider such a dramatic hike in the minimum wage.

Wage hikes should not out grow the economy. Intact, it should not be more than a fraction of market growth, let alone the whole economy.

This is bad economics. It is also bad politics since the potential for infighting in the party has increased.
The left always attacks the right for correctly generalizing some groups.

And here we have the left picking up ONE INSTANCE, and attempting to generalize the result to the whole group. That is, because increasing wages in the Donalds' worked, it should work in every business. For the record, businesses already pay the wages that work best for them. And they know better than a liberal who can't run a lemonade stand, and no it's not the same wage that works for everyone either.

And we aren't even sure if it worked for the Donalds', since the OP only brought up the benefits, without the costs!

It really is a special grade of retarded argument that is going on here.
The left always attacks the right for correctly generalizing some groups.

And here we have the left picking up ONE INSTANCE, and attempting to generalize the result to the whole group. That is, because increasing wages in the Donalds' worked, it should work in every business. For the record, businesses already pay the wages that work best for them. And they know better than a liberal who can't run a lemonade stand, and no it's not the same wage that works for everyone either.

And we aren't even sure if it worked for the Donalds', since the OP only brought up the benefits, without the costs!

It really is a special grade of retarded argument that is going on here.

More micromanagement of our businesses by government.

If they raise the minimum wage here to $15.00 an hour, that's much different than if they increase it to $15.00 an hour in NYC or California. The cost of living is much lower in conservative areas than liberal.

You don't solve poverty by being less poor. You are still poor no matter how you look at it.
Look, I may lean left, but even I can see that a dramatic rise in minimum wage can be economically disastrous.

We've already passed a health package that could drag the economy. Now you want to double the minimum wage?

Look if you really want to help people at the lower economic scale encourage them to seek better paying jobs through training. Tell them they need to go back to school and plan out their future!

Seriously, a burger flipper should not have the wage of a tech. Forcing the issue will cause inflation. Considering our debt and the fact our dollar may not weak, we could be causing a Venezuelan style economic maelstrom that could undermine our ability to survive.

No, I need deep some deep analysis and localized experiments before I consider such a dramatic hike in the minimum wage.

Wage hikes should not out grow the economy. Intact, it should not be more than a fraction of market growth, let alone the whole economy.

This is bad economics. It is also bad politics since the potential for infighting in the party has increased.

You're one in a million! A left-leaner who not only sees economic reality but admits it! Not only are the pitfalls (of doubling the national min wage) potentially as you've noted, but the headline and conclusion of the article in the OP - that higher labor compensation = higher sales - are both intentionally twisted and misleading.

Customers don't buy an extra burger because they are less dissatisfied with the service than they used to be.

The increased sales could more realistically be attributed to higher prices and the all-day breakfast or even an uptick in the economy of Big Mac consumers.

Methinks there is an agenda driving that story and it has precious little to do with truth. I mean, just look at all your fellow left-leaners who are dancing in the USMB streets. Perhaps we should triple the min wage and really watch sales take-off!

I always did what was required workwise. But looking back, I realize what a mistake it was to worry about the interests of my employer.I had the great fortune of walking off of 3 jobs during my working years. I always spent ample time looking for better employment and in each case I stepped into a better job. I owed my employers nothing...Motta...I did the work required. Its a dog eat dog work world and walking off is one of the only things a good worker has.
Hard working productive people are a dime a dozen....the I work harder than anyone is over the top. The days I walked off the job were 3 of the greatest days of my life.
More pay doesn't equal more sales. It means less sales. All these hos out here think they're special just because they got a phat azz. They be trippin and telling these dudes they gotta pay $60 for a bj. And they goin home every night broke and not even able to buy enough dope to keep them from gettin sick. I keep my prices low and I get lots of money whenever I work. Everyone comes back to me. I just wish I didn't have to pay these dudes to keep these bitches from stabbin me.

Isn't that cute? A new poster from the ghetto, speaking for rappers on the board.....

Nigga, please, I saw you eyein me out on the strip tonight. You can't handle this.

...and you be on "ignore", goin' for.....

Sorry. Cheap ghetto shit does not amuse me. Get some spray paint and go to work on a wall in your neighborhood.

I work for myself. I'm a businesswoman.
Hard working productive people are a dime a dozen....the I work harder than anyone is over the top. The days I walked off the job were 3 of the greatest days of my life.

Where? I would sure have had like to meet them the past 30 years.

The only people that could work as hard as me were Mexicans and a few Japanese I worked with.

The white guys get to be fucking primia donnas when they become industrialelectricians/maintenance/process technicians/tool makers...

We'll see. But even if so, i wouldn't be celebrating more Americans out of work. You greedy white Republicans dudes already think you're paying too much taxes. More Americans out of work, means more folks relying on Government assistance to survive. Y'all are gonna pay much more in the end. I'd rather see Americans working and being productive Citizens. We all benefit from that.

So what do you suppose eliminates jobs? That's right, employees demanding too much money to do monkey jobs.

Where are our jobs lost? Unions demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Automation stemming from employees demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Government assuming business is an endless source of money.

That's where all our jobs went, and you think the solution is to make it more costly for companies to do business in this country?

Paying our fellow Americans a liveable wage is the right thing to do. It's right for various reasons. We all benefit from a well-compensated prosperous work force. If a McDonalds Worker makes $15 an hr, good on em. I know that fellow American is being productive and contributing to Society. And a well-paid prosperous worker, makes for a better worker as well. Again, we all benefit in the end.

BUT , at $15 an hour you probably create a situation where inflation wipes out any gains the raise would have brought anyway. There is a balancing point.

Pay em well, you get better workers. I mean, how often do fat Americans bitch & moan about bad service in stores and restaurants? They're fat, spoiled and feel entitled. You don't wanna pay a fellow American a decent wage, you get a miserable incompetent worker. You do get what you pay for. I'm fine with a McDonalds and Walmart Worker making a decent wage. I know we'll all benefit in the end.

I have bad news for ya, if you pay that fat spoiled entitled kid $15.00 per hour, he's not going to do any better of a job.

That theory of yours may have a slight chance of working provided that comparable industries are paying less. But if the government forces all employers to pay a ridiculous new minimum wage, you won't get any better group of workers because it's still minimum wage.

On average, you do get a better quality worker if you pay a better wage. And Lord knows, fat greedy Americans love to bitch & moan about bad service in stores, restaurants, and so on. Americans really are just spoiled fatties.

They demand 5-Star service and products, but they don't wanna pay for it. They can't have their cake and eat it too though. Quality service and products should cost more. You wanna pay Americans shite wages, don't bitch about the bad service and products. You lose that privilege when you support treating American Workers like shit. You should and do get what you pay for.
Paying our fellow Americans a liveable wage is the right thing to do. It's right for various reasons. We all benefit from a well-compensated prosperous work force. If a McDonalds Worker makes $15 an hr, good on em. I know that fellow American is being productive and contributing to Society. And a well-paid prosperous worker, makes for a better worker as well. Again, we all benefit in the end.

That's exactly what the unions and Democrats told us about organized labor. Where are those jobs today?

The domino effect has a huge impact on society. You can't just raise one set of wages for one group of people.

If you work somewhere for $15.50 an hour doing something that takes a bit of talent or training like operate a tow motor, and some government comes along and increases the minimum wage from $7.90 to $15.00 per hour, how are you as an experienced tow motor operator going to feel?

His job requires a lot of experience. His job has some danger involved. His job requires more responsibility because he has to handle expensive goods and not have any accidents.

Think he will be satisfied making only 50 cents an hour more than the french fry maker?

So now you are the owner of Paul's widget factory, and you are looking for a new place to manufacture your widgets. You read what's going on in this $15.00 per hour minimum wage city. Do you think you would even consider moving your company there?

So, Slave Labor? Let's be more like those 'good folks' in China and other Slave Labor countries? Sorry, no thanks. We're a better country than that. The richest nation on earth can surely treat its People better.
So, Slave Labor? Let's be more like those 'good folks' in China and other Slave Labor countries? Sorry, no thanks. We're a better country than that. The richest nation on earth can surely treat its People better.

The richest nation is not hiring these people--private companies hire these people.

Slave labor is when people are forced to work against their will without choice. This is America, and most everybody has a choice. If the wages you make are not satisfactory, then YOU do something to make better wages.
On average, you do get a better quality worker if you pay a better wage. And Lord knows, fat greedy Americans love to bitch & moan about bad service in stores, restaurants, and so on. Americans really are just spoiled fatties.

They demand 5-Star service and products, but they don't wanna pay for it. They can't have their cake and eat it too though. Quality service and products should cost more. You wanna pay Americans shite wages, don't bitch about the bad service and products. You lose that privilege when you support treating American Workers like shit. You should and do get what you pay for.

Correct, you get what you pay for. And that's the nice thing about living in a free society. If you don't like the service or quality you get at one place, you have the availability to go to the next place.

Choice is a great thing because choice means freedom.
So, Slave Labor? Let's be more like those 'good folks' in China and other Slave Labor countries? Sorry, no thanks. We're a better country than that. The richest nation on earth can surely treat its People better.

You mean Mr. Businessman's wet dream come true?
So, Slave Labor? Let's be more like those 'good folks' in China and other Slave Labor countries? Sorry, no thanks. We're a better country than that. The richest nation on earth can surely treat its People better.

The richest nation is not hiring these people--private companies hire these people.

Slave labor is when people are forced to work against their will without choice. This is America, and most everybody has a choice. If the wages you make are not satisfactory, then YOU do something to make better wages.

Do you really believe people have the choice of working or not working? Cuz if you do, you greedy white Republican dudes are even more hateful & delusional than i thought.
Do you really believe people have the choice of working or not working? Cuz if you do, you greedy white Republican dudes are even more hateful & delusional than i thought.

I would say you are more uninformed than I thought.

I work in industry, and everyday, I go through industrial complexes loaded with HELP WANTED signs. I talk to customers who can't find employees.

In my industry alone, it's predicted we need over 60,000 new drivers this year. Can't find them. Now they are bringing in foreigners to do these jobs Americans won't do. Some are not great paying jobs while others pay pretty well, but it doesn't matter because Americans are too busy sitting at home on their Obama phone eating like a pig on their SNAP's card.

My father is a retired bricklayer. He has a fine pension and the union sends their retirees pamphlets and news all the time about the industry. Guess what? They can't find people to learn the trade and join the industry either. They are asking their retirees to find young people and talk them into the career.

In fact my employer asked me to ask my father if he knew somebody to build him a stone mailbox. My boss looked up and down and can't find anybody that will do the work.

Now granted, it's very hard work. When I was a kid, my father got me in as an apprentice and I couldn't stand it. But on the other hand, I had options. My father made a great living being a bricklayer and his pension is outstanding. He retired at the age of 62 and is 85 today. He's still collecting.

With all our government goodies, there are many Americans that just don't want to work. Oh, you might get them to work, if it's the kind of job they want......the kind of pay they want.......the kind of hours they want.......and no drug testing. But outside of that, good luck finding Americans that want a job today.
"...Americans are too busy sitting at home on their Obama phone eating like a pig on their SNAP's card..."

Any more RW stereotypes about the poor that you want to add?

"...Americans are too busy sitting at home on their Obama phone eating like a pig on their SNAP's card..."

Any more RW stereotypes about the poor that you want to add?

It's not a stereotype, it's the truth.

You see there is a false stereotype out there. It's this picture of a man who just got home after a hard days work sitting at the kitchen table under a light hanging from the ceiling by it's bare wires with a 25 watt bulb. Also sitting by the table are two or three children all dirty because they have no soap in the house in torn and beaten clothing.

Everybody in the household is skinny from not eating including mom who is by the stove putting more water in the soup. It's good that they are skinny though because that fan in the window is old and doesn't produce enough breeze to cool anything on those 95 degree humid days.

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