McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

That's why one gets a valuable degree....then the employee can tell the up cheap jerk...or I walk. Loyalty and devotion should have ZERO place in the workforce. Agree RAY?
The Commerce clause, and 220 years of history.

"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;"

Can you explain how a law that places demands on companies is necessary and proper to carry into execution the power to regulate commerce among the several states?

How is a company a state?
The People's government. They acquire the power from the People.

The people's government? That's rather vague. Which individual people are they, and how do these people acquire the right to grant or deny the "privilege" of trading with one's neighbor?
That's why one gets a valuable degree....then the employee can tell the up cheap jerk...or I walk. Loyalty and devotion should have ZERO place in the workforce. Agree RAY?

Absolutely. And it's been that way for a number of years.
Where in the Constitution does it require every possible application of a power to be spelled out in precise specifics?

You're assuming a premise that doesn't exist.

Not nearly as much as you.

Remember the Constitution was created to restrict government--not involve it in every personal and professional decision made. Any government that has such power as to tell people what to buy, how much they have to pay employees, what they can or cannot eat, what they can or cannot smoke requires no constitution at all. It's already a dictatorship.

The very idea of States Rights and freedom allow businesses to pay their employees what they like, allow potential employees to accept or decline a job offer, allows them the freedom to better themselves.

What you on the left are demanding is that an employer compensate for their employees failures using government mandate. Our founders never intended that. Employers have only one obligation, and that is to make their business as successful as possible.
Well, I will admit that the people who would probably benefit the most by a higher minimum wage would be the tattoo artists that these kids go to.
Employees effort should reflect their wage. A lower wage equals less effort. A higher wage means more effort.
The constitutionality of the minimum wage was upheld by unanimous decision of the Court in 1941.

And did they also uphold the idea that liberals have the authority to dictate such wages?

What the SC decided was that the minimum wage was not unconstitutional, not that the Constitution gave any such protections as your claim was. Big difference.

Therefore, Congress has the ability to dictate a minimum wage and what that wage should be.
Wendy's did this, can McD's, and BK be far behind?

Wendy's did this, can McD's, and BK be far behind?


It's much more than that. The idea that employers have to also provide healthcare coverage is the larger straw that broke the camels back. It's bad enough employers had to figure out that problem, but the Democrats want to add another layer because they believe businesses have an endless stream of funds.

A robot does not require medical care, they do not require a minimum wage, they do not require paid leave for the birth of children; robots don't have children.

Minimum wage is just part of this War on Business that Democrats continue to rage.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.


Last time I went to Mc DEES, they just fumigated and had dead cockroaches everywhere on the floor. They didn't bother to clean them up. Step on them as you walk in . CRUNCH CRUNCH. Yummy. I never went back.
Yes the prevailing attitude is that an able bodied person should be working and should be productive even if their job pays $10 per hour. I disagree. For that wage I show up. Pretend to pay me I pretend to work.
Yes the prevailing attitude is that an able bodied person should be working and should be productive even if their job pays $10 per hour. I disagree. For that wage I show up. Pretend to pay me I pretend to work.

What you just described is the formulation for failure. Only failures need an increase in minimum wage. People that go to work with the attitude of doing the best job the can, learning as much about the business as they can, gaining references for future employment are the winners in the working world.

Enjoy your failure.
Did my stint. At 77 years old I am out of the miserable rotten rat race. I started working at age 23 after graduating with a degree. The best info I can give a newbie is to never settle for the job you have because your employer doesn't care about you in the end. Be ready to walk away at any second into a better opportunity. Learning about the business is great n all but you aren't there for the are there for yourself and to gain capital. Being loyal will only work against you.
More pay doesn't equal more sales. It means less sales. All these hos out here think they're special just because they got a phat azz. They be trippin and telling these dudes they gotta pay $60 for a bj. And they goin home every night broke and not even able to buy enough dope to keep them from gettin sick. I keep my prices low and I get lots of money whenever I work. Everyone comes back to me. I just wish I didn't have to pay these dudes to keep these bitches from stabbin me.

Isn't that cute? A new poster from the ghetto, speaking for rappers on the board.....

Nigga, please, I saw you eyein me out on the strip tonight. You can't handle this.
More pay doesn't equal more sales. It means less sales. All these hos out here think they're special just because they got a phat azz. They be trippin and telling these dudes they gotta pay $60 for a bj. And they goin home every night broke and not even able to buy enough dope to keep them from gettin sick. I keep my prices low and I get lots of money whenever I work. Everyone comes back to me. I just wish I didn't have to pay these dudes to keep these bitches from stabbin me.

Isn't that cute? A new poster from the ghetto, speaking for rappers on the board.....

Nigga, please, I saw you eyein me out on the strip tonight. You can't handle this.

...and you be on "ignore", goin' for.....

Sorry. Cheap ghetto shit does not amuse me. Get some spray paint and go to work on a wall in your neighborhood.
Did my stint. At 77 years old I am out of the miserable rotten rat race. I started working at age 23 after graduating with a degree. The best info I can give a newbie is to never settle for the job you have because your employer doesn't care about you in the end. Be ready to walk away at any second into a better opportunity. Learning about the business is great n all but you aren't there for the are there for yourself and to gain capital. Being loyal will only work against you.

It has nothing to do with being loyal.

The more you learn about the functions of a job, the better employee you will be to anybody.

Employers can be held liable by what they say to the next potential employer. The key (and legal) question most experienced employers ask is "If I decide not to hire X, and you have a job opening, would you consider hiring them again?"

If the answer is no, then the future employer knows something is wrong there. While the previous employer can't legally get into specifics, the future employer understands that the applicant has some sort of issues.

Of course if the answer is yes, then the potential employer knows that the applicant left on good terms; gave proper notice; didn't make a scene while leaving; did a good job while he or she was working there.

I don't believe in closing doors or burning bridges because I have no control over my attitude. I believe the road you leave behind is the road you pave in front of you.

I'm not an employer, but I am a landlord, and I just had another landlord contact me about a past tenant of mine. She asked the same question "If I decide not to give X this apartment, would you consider renting to her again if you have an available unit?"

I don't think she is going to get the apartment.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



You realize though that they didn't pay the people they had more, they hired better people. That's fine, but don't think anyone got a raise over it. The old workers lost their jobs. In all my years in management and management consulting the number of times I've seen paying a low performing employee more making them a better employee was zero

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