McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

We'll see. But even if so, i wouldn't be celebrating more Americans out of work. You greedy white Republicans dudes already think you're paying too much taxes. More Americans out of work, means more folks relying on Government assistance to survive. Y'all are gonna pay much more in the end. I'd rather see Americans working and being productive Citizens. We all benefit from that.

So what do you suppose eliminates jobs? That's right, employees demanding too much money to do monkey jobs.

Where are our jobs lost? Unions demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Automation stemming from employees demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Government assuming business is an endless source of money.

That's where all our jobs went, and you think the solution is to make it more costly for companies to do business in this country?

Paying our fellow Americans a liveable wage is the right thing to do. It's right for various reasons. We all benefit from a well-compensated prosperous work force. If a McDonalds Worker makes $15 an hr, good on em. I know that fellow American is being productive and contributing to Society. And a well-paid prosperous worker, makes for a better worker as well. Again, we all benefit in the end.

BUT , at $15 an hour you probably create a situation where inflation wipes out any gains the raise would have brought anyway. There is a balancing point.

Pay em well, you get better workers. I mean, how often do fat Americans bitch & moan about bad service in stores and restaurants? They're fat, spoiled and feel entitled. You don't wanna pay a fellow American a decent wage, you get a miserable incompetent worker. You do get what you pay for. I'm fine with a McDonalds and Walmart Worker making a decent wage. I know we'll all benefit in the end.

I have bad news for ya, if you pay that fat spoiled entitled kid $15.00 per hour, he's not going to do any better of a job.

That theory of yours may have a slight chance of working provided that comparable industries are paying less. But if the government forces all employers to pay a ridiculous new minimum wage, you won't get any better group of workers because it's still minimum wage.
Paying our fellow Americans a liveable wage is the right thing to do. It's right for various reasons. We all benefit from a well-compensated prosperous work force. If a McDonalds Worker makes $15 an hr, good on em. I know that fellow American is being productive and contributing to Society. And a well-paid prosperous worker, makes for a better worker as well. Again, we all benefit in the end.

That's exactly what the unions and Democrats told us about organized labor. Where are those jobs today?

The domino effect has a huge impact on society. You can't just raise one set of wages for one group of people.

If you work somewhere for $15.50 an hour doing something that takes a bit of talent or training like operate a tow motor, and some government comes along and increases the minimum wage from $7.90 to $15.00 per hour, how are you as an experienced tow motor operator going to feel?

His job requires a lot of experience. His job has some danger involved. His job requires more responsibility because he has to handle expensive goods and not have any accidents.

Think he will be satisfied making only 50 cents an hour more than the french fry maker?

So now you are the owner of Paul's widget factory, and you are looking for a new place to manufacture your widgets. You read what's going on in this $15.00 per hour minimum wage city. Do you think you would even consider moving your company there?
Paying our fellow Americans a liveable wage is the right thing to do. It's right for various reasons. We all benefit from a well-compensated prosperous work force. If a McDonalds Worker makes $15 an hr, good on em. I know that fellow American is being productive and contributing to Society. And a well-paid prosperous worker, makes for a better worker as well. Again, we all benefit in the end.

That's exactly what the unions and Democrats told us about organized labor. Where are those jobs today?

The domino effect has a huge impact on society. You can't just raise one set of wages for one group of people.

If you work somewhere for $15.50 an hour doing something that takes a bit of talent or training like operate a tow motor, and some government comes along and increases the minimum wage from $7.90 to $15.00 per hour, how are you as an experienced tow motor operator going to feel?

His job requires a lot of experience. His job has some danger involved. His job requires more responsibility because he has to handle expensive goods and not have any accidents.

Think he will be satisfied making only 50 cents an hour more than the french fry maker?

So now you are the owner of Paul's widget factory, and you are looking for a new place to manufacture your widgets. You read what's going on in this $15.00 per hour minimum wage city. Do you think you would even consider moving your company there?

Well, if $.75 per hour was good enough for me in 1959, it should be good enough for today's kids!!!!!
Well, if $.75 per hour was good enough for me in 1959, it should be good enough for today's kids!!!!!

Agreed because we shouldn't have a minimum wage in the first place. 75 cents an hour wouldn't attract the most desperate person. Hell, we have tons of jobs today for minimum wage that employers can't find employees for.
Well, if $.75 per hour was good enough for me in 1959, it should be good enough for today's kids!!!!!

Agreed because we shouldn't have a minimum wage in the first place. 75 cents an hour wouldn't attract the most desperate person. Hell, we have tons of jobs today for minimum wage that employers can't find employees for.

Maybe they are not paying enough.......?
More pay doesn't equal more sales. It means less sales. All these hos out here think they're special just because they got a phat azz. They be trippin and telling these dudes they gotta pay $60 for a bj. And they goin home every night broke and not even able to buy enough dope to keep them from gettin sick. I keep my prices low and I get lots of money whenever I work. Everyone comes back to me. I just wish I didn't have to pay these dudes to keep these bitches from stabbin me.
The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

It's shocking that someone thinks it's a privilege for people to engage in trade.

And which particular people, NYcarbineer, have the right to grant or deny this "privilege", and how to they acquire this right?
An honest day's worker no matter how menial deserves respect and the minimum wage is just one way society can voice its respect for such a worker.

It's sad how conservatives not only demean poor people who don't work,

they find a way to demean poor people who do.

Who is demeaning them?

It's not societies obligation to respect a worker, it's the employer that does that, just like it's the employer that pays such workers.

When are you on the left going to show the same respect for the person(s) who worked to create capital to open the business, to respect him or her for the sacrifices they make for their business, to respect them for the jobs they provide regardless how much they are able to pay?

Respect goes both ways. Most small businesses fail in this country, yet never hear any outcry from the left for those people.

The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

fuck off, if you don't like how much money you make go get a new job and work for less. you'll get more people who want you to work for them.
More pay doesn't equal more sales. It means less sales. All these hos out here think they're special just because they got a phat azz. They be trippin and telling these dudes they gotta pay $60 for a bj. And they goin home every night broke and not even able to buy enough dope to keep them from gettin sick. I keep my prices low and I get lots of money whenever I work. Everyone comes back to me. I just wish I didn't have to pay these dudes to keep these bitches from stabbin me.

Isn't that cute? A new poster from the ghetto, speaking for rappers on the board.....
More pay doesn't equal more sales. It means less sales. All these hos out here think they're special just because they got a phat azz. They be trippin and telling these dudes they gotta pay $60 for a bj. And they goin home every night broke and not even able to buy enough dope to keep them from gettin sick. I keep my prices low and I get lots of money whenever I work. Everyone comes back to me. I just wish I didn't have to pay these dudes to keep these bitches from stabbin me.

Isn't that cute? A new poster from the ghetto, speaking for rappers on the board.....

More like kids that got kicked out of every other teen chat room on the internet.
Maybe they are not paying enough.......?

Correct, they are not paying enough. That's why many places (like McDonald's and Walmart) do start off their entry employees above minimum wage. That's why the minimum wage issue is nothing but a political play. Anybody that thinks increasing minimum wage will be any solution to poverty is not thinking it through very well, but it makes the politicians look caring.
The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

It's shocking that someone thinks it's a privilege for people to engage in trade.

And which particular people, NYcarbineer, have the right to grant or deny this "privilege", and how to they acquire this right?

The People's government. They acquire the power from the People.
The Commerce clause, and 220 years of history.

So what specifically in the commerce clause states that the public should be able to dictate what a private enterprise pays their employees?

Where in the Constitution does it require every possible application of a power to be spelled out in precise specifics?

You're assuming a premise that doesn't exist.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Would the Left make up it's fucking mind? They trash McDonalds on Bic Macs and 32 oz Cokes yet demand high wages to push it. You people.

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