McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

An honest day's worker no matter how menial deserves respect and the minimum wage is just one way society can voice its respect for such a worker.

It's sad how conservatives not only demean poor people who don't work,

they find a way to demean poor people who do.

Who is demeaning them?

It's not societies obligation to respect a worker, it's the employer that does that, just like it's the employer that pays such workers.

When are you on the left going to show the same respect for the person(s) who worked to create capital to open the business, to respect him or her for the sacrifices they make for their business, to respect them for the jobs they provide regardless how much they are able to pay?

Respect goes both ways. Most small businesses fail in this country, yet never hear any outcry from the left for those people.

The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

As usual, an empty statement full of mush and pixie dust, from one of the more empty minds on this message board.

Would you like to see Chinese wages here?

Would it be balanced by having the Chinese cost of living here?

But in the end your retort is all hat, no cattle.
The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

By what, force of government?

Why is it a "privilege" to do business in America, yet not a "privilege" to work in America?

There is no privilege either way. Nobody is forcing a person to accept a job for less wages than desired, nor should anybody force employers to pay a wage less than desired.

He's just stuck with the progressives mind set that everything flows from the government to the people, not the actual way it is supposed to work, from the people to the government.

The People are the government, idiot.

Not anymore.
An honest day's worker no matter how menial deserves respect and the minimum wage is just one way society can voice its respect for such a worker.

It's sad how conservatives not only demean poor people who don't work,

they find a way to demean poor people who do.

Who is demeaning them?

It's not societies obligation to respect a worker, it's the employer that does that, just like it's the employer that pays such workers.

When are you on the left going to show the same respect for the person(s) who worked to create capital to open the business, to respect him or her for the sacrifices they make for their business, to respect them for the jobs they provide regardless how much they are able to pay?

Respect goes both ways. Most small businesses fail in this country, yet never hear any outcry from the left for those people.

The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

As usual, an empty statement full of mush and pixie dust, from one of the more empty minds on this message board.

Would you like to see Chinese wages here?

We have had this conversation several times, I am getting worked about you, seek a doctor immediately you may have dementia .

How poor do the working poor have to be to make you happy?
The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

By what, force of government?

Why is it a "privilege" to do business in America, yet not a "privilege" to work in America?

There is no privilege either way. Nobody is forcing a person to accept a job for less wages than desired, nor should anybody force employers to pay a wage less than desired.

He's just stuck with the progressives mind set that everything flows from the government to the people, not the actual way it is supposed to work, from the people to the government.

The People are the government, idiot.

Not anymore.

Only to the freakish anarchists like yourself.

What do you think? That money runs the government now, not the People?
An honest day's worker no matter how menial deserves respect and the minimum wage is just one way society can voice its respect for such a worker.

It's sad how conservatives not only demean poor people who don't work,

they find a way to demean poor people who do.

Who is demeaning them?

It's not societies obligation to respect a worker, it's the employer that does that, just like it's the employer that pays such workers.

When are you on the left going to show the same respect for the person(s) who worked to create capital to open the business, to respect him or her for the sacrifices they make for their business, to respect them for the jobs they provide regardless how much they are able to pay?

Respect goes both ways. Most small businesses fail in this country, yet never hear any outcry from the left for those people.

The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

As usual, an empty statement full of mush and pixie dust, from one of the more empty minds on this message board.

Would you like to see Chinese wages here?

Would it be balanced by having the Chinese cost of living here?

But in the end your retort is all hat, no cattle.

No. See, you seriously do want a permanent underclass of working poor.
Who is demeaning them?

It's not societies obligation to respect a worker, it's the employer that does that, just like it's the employer that pays such workers.

When are you on the left going to show the same respect for the person(s) who worked to create capital to open the business, to respect him or her for the sacrifices they make for their business, to respect them for the jobs they provide regardless how much they are able to pay?

Respect goes both ways. Most small businesses fail in this country, yet never hear any outcry from the left for those people.

The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

As usual, an empty statement full of mush and pixie dust, from one of the more empty minds on this message board.

Would you like to see Chinese wages here?

We have had this conversation several times, I am getting worked about you, seek a doctor immediately you may have dementia .

The Wage Gap Between the U.S. and China Continues to Narrow

View attachment 76126

Nice chart, that apparently has no relationship to reality:

The average Chinese private-sector worker earns about the same as a cleaner in Thailand
Who is demeaning them?

It's not societies obligation to respect a worker, it's the employer that does that, just like it's the employer that pays such workers.

When are you on the left going to show the same respect for the person(s) who worked to create capital to open the business, to respect him or her for the sacrifices they make for their business, to respect them for the jobs they provide regardless how much they are able to pay?

Respect goes both ways. Most small businesses fail in this country, yet never hear any outcry from the left for those people.

The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

As usual, an empty statement full of mush and pixie dust, from one of the more empty minds on this message board.

Would you like to see Chinese wages here?

We have had this conversation several times, I am getting worked about you, seek a doctor immediately you may have dementia .

How poor do the working poor have to be to make you happy?

Evidently you don't want them working at all, because they will be either replaced by 1) Robots or 2) people who are actually worth $15 an hour based on productivity.
The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

By what, force of government?

Why is it a "privilege" to do business in America, yet not a "privilege" to work in America?

There is no privilege either way. Nobody is forcing a person to accept a job for less wages than desired, nor should anybody force employers to pay a wage less than desired.

He's just stuck with the progressives mind set that everything flows from the government to the people, not the actual way it is supposed to work, from the people to the government.

The People are the government, idiot.

Not anymore.

Only to the freakish anarchists like yourself.

What do you think? That money runs the government now, not the People?

Government has been swallowed up by the bureaucracies inherent to our current mess of government, and the political class. Power is being moved further and further away from the people who feel it, and that is by design by the proto-stalinists on your side.
Who is demeaning them?

It's not societies obligation to respect a worker, it's the employer that does that, just like it's the employer that pays such workers.

When are you on the left going to show the same respect for the person(s) who worked to create capital to open the business, to respect him or her for the sacrifices they make for their business, to respect them for the jobs they provide regardless how much they are able to pay?

Respect goes both ways. Most small businesses fail in this country, yet never hear any outcry from the left for those people.

The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

As usual, an empty statement full of mush and pixie dust, from one of the more empty minds on this message board.

Would you like to see Chinese wages here?

Would it be balanced by having the Chinese cost of living here?

But in the end your retort is all hat, no cattle.

No. See, you seriously do want a permanent underclass of working poor.

Permanent classes are inherent in socialistic systems, not our version of capitalism.

And progressive policies are entirely designed to keep the poor, needing, wanting, and voting democratic.
Here is the solution.

A) close down every bit of welfare in this country, every office, every department.

B) Every US citizen who either A) is over the age of 18 or B) has at least one parent who is a US citizen receives $1000 a month tax free from the USG. (with a maximum of $5K per month given to any one family)

C) No need to even have a minimum wage because no one is going to work for even $10 an hour if they have $1000 a month in their pockets, AND many people would simply opt to not work at all, meaning companies would have to offer far higher wages just to get employees.

Problem solved, AND it would be cheaper than the current welfare mess we have.
We'll see. But even if so, i wouldn't be celebrating more Americans out of work. You greedy white Republicans dudes already think you're paying too much taxes. More Americans out of work, means more folks relying on Government assistance to survive. Y'all are gonna pay much more in the end. I'd rather see Americans working and being productive Citizens. We all benefit from that.

So what do you suppose eliminates jobs? That's right, employees demanding too much money to do monkey jobs.

Where are our jobs lost? Unions demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Automation stemming from employees demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Government assuming business is an endless source of money.

That's where all our jobs went, and you think the solution is to make it more costly for companies to do business in this country?

Paying our fellow Americans a liveable wage is the right thing to do. It's right for various reasons. We all benefit from a well-compensated prosperous work force. If a McDonalds Worker makes $15 an hr, good on em. I know that fellow American is being productive and contributing to Society. And a well-paid prosperous worker, makes for a better worker as well. Again, we all benefit in the end.
We'll see. But even if so, i wouldn't be celebrating more Americans out of work. You greedy white Republicans dudes already think you're paying too much taxes. More Americans out of work, means more folks relying on Government assistance to survive. Y'all are gonna pay much more in the end. I'd rather see Americans working and being productive Citizens. We all benefit from that.

So what do you suppose eliminates jobs? That's right, employees demanding too much money to do monkey jobs.

Where are our jobs lost? Unions demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Automation stemming from employees demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Government assuming business is an endless source of money.

That's where all our jobs went, and you think the solution is to make it more costly for companies to do business in this country?

Paying our fellow Americans a liveable wage is the right thing to do. It's right for various reasons. We all benefit from a well-compensated prosperous work force. If a McDonalds Worker makes $15 an hr, good on em. I know that fellow American is being productive and contributing to Society. And a well-paid prosperous worker, makes for a better worker as well. Again, we all benefit in the end.

BUT , at $15 an hour you probably create a situation where inflation wipes out any gains the raise would have brought anyway. There is a balancing point.
BUT , at $15 an hour you probably create a situation where inflation wipes out any gains the raise would have brought anyway. There is a balancing point.

Yes, that extra quarter you spend on a Bi Mac is going to be the tipping point to runaway inflation.
BUT , at $15 an hour you probably create a situation where inflation wipes out any gains the raise would have brought anyway. There is a balancing point.

Yes, that extra quarter you spend on a Bi Mac is going to be the tipping point to runaway inflation.

If you DOUBLE the minimum wage, it's going to be far more than a quarter.

I swear to God, Some of you dumb motherfuckers need to log off here and go take some juco classes in remedial English, math, economics and history b/c you're dumb motherfuckers.
We'll see. But even if so, i wouldn't be celebrating more Americans out of work. You greedy white Republicans dudes already think you're paying too much taxes. More Americans out of work, means more folks relying on Government assistance to survive. Y'all are gonna pay much more in the end. I'd rather see Americans working and being productive Citizens. We all benefit from that.

So what do you suppose eliminates jobs? That's right, employees demanding too much money to do monkey jobs.

Where are our jobs lost? Unions demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Automation stemming from employees demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Government assuming business is an endless source of money.

That's where all our jobs went, and you think the solution is to make it more costly for companies to do business in this country?

Paying our fellow Americans a liveable wage is the right thing to do. It's right for various reasons. We all benefit from a well-compensated prosperous work force. If a McDonalds Worker makes $15 an hr, good on em. I know that fellow American is being productive and contributing to Society. And a well-paid prosperous worker, makes for a better worker as well. Again, we all benefit in the end.

BUT , at $15 an hour you probably create a situation where inflation wipes out any gains the raise would have brought anyway. There is a balancing point.

Pay em well, you get better workers. I mean, how often do fat Americans bitch & moan about bad service in stores and restaurants? They're fat, spoiled and feel entitled. You don't wanna pay a fellow American a decent wage, you get a miserable incompetent worker. You do get what you pay for. I'm fine with a McDonalds and Walmart Worker making a decent wage. I know we'll all benefit in the end.
Who is demeaning them?

It's not societies obligation to respect a worker, it's the employer that does that, just like it's the employer that pays such workers.

When are you on the left going to show the same respect for the person(s) who worked to create capital to open the business, to respect him or her for the sacrifices they make for their business, to respect them for the jobs they provide regardless how much they are able to pay?

Respect goes both ways. Most small businesses fail in this country, yet never hear any outcry from the left for those people.

The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

As usual, an empty statement full of mush and pixie dust, from one of the more empty minds on this message board.

Would you like to see Chinese wages here?

We have had this conversation several times, I am getting worked about you, seek a doctor immediately you may have dementia .

How poor do the working poor have to be to make you happy?


I thpu
The privilege of doing business in America should be accompanied by the obligation to pay decent wages.

As usual, an empty statement full of mush and pixie dust, from one of the more empty minds on this message board.

Would you like to see Chinese wages here?

We have had this conversation several times, I am getting worked about you, seek a doctor immediately you may have dementia .

The Wage Gap Between the U.S. and China Continues to Narrow

View attachment 76126

Nice chart, that apparently has no relationship to reality:

The average Chinese private-sector worker earns about the same as a cleaner in Thailand

Nice blog...that has nothing to do with reality..

Btw how do you explain china the number one car market in the world, which is china

China Extends Lead As World’s Largest Car Market By Sales; GM, Ford China Deliveries Up By Double Digits


If you DOUBLE the minimum wage, it's going to be far more than a quarter.

Yeah, it might be as much as fifty cents!

Or maybe even a buck!

Holy Shit! The world is coming to fucking end because some fast food junkies might not be able to afford their fix.
We'll see. But even if so, i wouldn't be celebrating more Americans out of work. You greedy white Republicans dudes already think you're paying too much taxes. More Americans out of work, means more folks relying on Government assistance to survive. Y'all are gonna pay much more in the end. I'd rather see Americans working and being productive Citizens. We all benefit from that.

So what do you suppose eliminates jobs? That's right, employees demanding too much money to do monkey jobs.

Where are our jobs lost? Unions demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Automation stemming from employees demanding too much money.
Where are our jobs lost? Government assuming business is an endless source of money.

That's where all our jobs went, and you think the solution is to make it more costly for companies to do business in this country?

Paying our fellow Americans a liveable wage is the right thing to do. It's right for various reasons. We all benefit from a well-compensated prosperous work force. If a McDonalds Worker makes $15 an hr, good on em. I know that fellow American is being productive and contributing to Society. And a well-paid prosperous worker, makes for a better worker as well. Again, we all benefit in the end.

BUT , at $15 an hour you probably create a situation where inflation wipes out any gains the raise would have brought anyway. There is a balancing point.

Pay em well, you get better workers. I mean, how often do fat Americans bitch & moan about bad service in stores and restaurants? They're fat, spoiled and feel entitled. You don't wanna pay a fellow American a decent wage, you get a miserable incompetent worker. You do get what you pay for. I'm fine with a McDonalds and Walmart Worker making a decent wage. I know we'll all benefit in the end.

If McDonalds wanted a better quality employee, there is NOTHING stopping them from paying $15 an hour now. I mean you get that , right?

The awful truth is McDonalds is happy with a low wage, the consumers are happy with their cheap food, and the employees are happy because they can get welfare to supplement their low wage (these $15 an hour goons make up a very small portion of fast food workers)

There are studies out there that show that if the min wage were raised to $9.75 an hour an average McD customer would be willing to pay $.50 more for a quarter pounder with cheese. The studies show that if it were raised to $15 an hour the same customers would be willing to pay $.75 more for the same burger. What this proves is that at a certain point McDonalds would be priced out of business one way or the other. Either They wouldn't be making enough profit per item or they would not have enough customers willing to pay the prices they are asking for their items.

Like I said, there is a happy median, and doubling the min wage isn't it.
If you DOUBLE the minimum wage, it's going to be far more than a quarter.

Yeah, it might be as much as fifty cents!

Or maybe even a buck!

Holy Shit! The world is coming to fucking end because some fast food junkies might not be able to afford their fix.

Like I said , you need to take an economics class.

If prices are too high, customers won't show up and those employees you got a wage increase for will all be out of a job.

For fuck's sakes, that's common sense.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Your post is entirely misleading.

McDonald’s MCD 0.43% on Friday reported its third straight increase in quarterly comparable sales, helped by moves such as bringing back All-Day breakfast and offering new menu options.

Last year, McDonald’s announced it would raise the average hourly rate for workers at the U.S. restaurants it owned to $9.90 from $9.01 starting July 2015, with average wages climbing above $10 per hour by the end of 2016.

It’s worth noting though that the wages at Walmart and McDonald’s remain very far from the $15 level many advocates and government officials are pushing for. Still, so far the raises seem enough to get employees on board to help with the huge task of keeping these chains’ turnaround going.

So McDonald's changed it's menu and gave employees a 90 cent raise. This is not at all the same thing as demanding $15 an hour. No one ever said a company should not treat it's employees well with training, education and incentives. The point is McDonald's chose to do this without the government making them pay $15 an hour and they are reaping the benefits. Capitalism and smart management decisions is what is helping McDonald's.

Bottom line, if McDonald's wants to some day pay $15 it should be because it fits their business model and they deem it advantageous to their business - not because an executive order came from the President. THAT is the argument.
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