McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Are we really at the point in America where our prosperity is dependent on having a permanent class of working poor?
That's what conservatives think is American exceptionalism? dang.
"McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."

No, Higher Wages = $7 Cheeseburgers = DECLINING Sales

Higher DEMAND for Higher Wages = Higher UNEMPLOYMENT

Have no fear - there is a prevention / higher wages/prices, I mean. You workers, thanks to your bitching, are screwed:

Are we really at the point in America where our prosperity is dependent on having a permanent class of working poor?
That's what Liberal policies are creating, completely destroying the Middle Class...

...except it is also forcing businesses to 'prevent that from happening' by replacing those workers with technology, completely eliminating the need for that liberal policy-created permanent poor working class.



Are we really at the point in America where our prosperity is dependent on having a permanent class of working poor?
That's what Liberal policies are creating, completely destroying the Middle Class...

...except it is also forcing businesses to 'prevent that from happening' by replacing those workers with technology, completely eliminating the need for that liberal policy-created permanent poor working class.




The minimum wage has been falling for 50 years.
Robots are more cost effective than humans:

A former McDonald's CEO is warning that robots will take over jobs at the huge enterprise - because it's cheaper than employing humans.

He said that buying highly skilled robotics is cheaper than employing people at the fast food restaurant.

The worrying forecast comes as he warns huge job losses are imminent, and that it's 'common sense' to replace humans in the workplace.

Ed Rensi said: "I was at the National Restaurant Show yesterday and if you look at the robotic devices that are coming into the restaurant industry.

"It’s cheaper to buy a $35,000 (£24,000) robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who’s inefficient making $15 (£10.20) an hour bagging French fries.

"It's nonsense and it’s very destructive and it’s inflationary and it’s going to cause a job loss across this country like you’re not going to believe."...

Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

So what? Should Americans work at 2 bucks an hour to beat out a robot whose cost per hour is 2.01?
McDonald's has changed their mind. Now, they are taking the position that they are doing their employees a favor by not increasing their wages, because a wage increase will cause them to use more automation. if they would not automate if the employees didn't demand a raise....
Liberals think the answer is to raise the minimum wage so a 48 year old man with a wife and 3 kids can make enough money asking 'Would you like fries with that' to live on instead of focusing on bringing more REAL full-time good-paying jobs back from overseas to the US and creating more manufacturing and other big jobs in the US.

You've got Microsoft's CEO lying to Congress by telling them American workers don't have the degrees/education to do the jobs and that more visas for highly qualified technical foreign employees are needed...then they FIRE a bunch of Americans and fill their jobs at a lower cost with the foreigners being given the visas they requested. Nice. It's okay, though - those fired American employees can simply go find a job at a McDonalds then demand the same salary they were being paid at their last job to live on.
I guess that I can't get too excited about what McDonald pays people. All their food tastes like styrofoam, and I stopped eating there decades ago. Now, if the same controversy arises about Five Guys Burgers and Fries, I will quickly stake out a position.
Robots are more cost effective than humans:

A former McDonald's CEO is warning that robots will take over jobs at the huge enterprise - because it's cheaper than employing humans.

He said that buying highly skilled robotics is cheaper than employing people at the fast food restaurant.

The worrying forecast comes as he warns huge job losses are imminent, and that it's 'common sense' to replace humans in the workplace.

Ed Rensi said: "I was at the National Restaurant Show yesterday and if you look at the robotic devices that are coming into the restaurant industry.

"It’s cheaper to buy a $35,000 (£24,000) robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who’s inefficient making $15 (£10.20) an hour bagging French fries.

"It's nonsense and it’s very destructive and it’s inflationary and it’s going to cause a job loss across this country like you’re not going to believe."...

Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

Actuallly all he is saying that highly skilled people are more efficient than low skilled people.

Minimum wage is a subsidy from the poor unskilled people to the rich politically connected, who experience a surge in sales.

Economics certainly isn't your strong suit, bub.
Robots are more cost effective than humans:

A former McDonald's CEO is warning that robots will take over jobs at the huge enterprise - because it's cheaper than employing humans.

He said that buying highly skilled robotics is cheaper than employing people at the fast food restaurant.

The worrying forecast comes as he warns huge job losses are imminent, and that it's 'common sense' to replace humans in the workplace.

Ed Rensi said: "I was at the National Restaurant Show yesterday and if you look at the robotic devices that are coming into the restaurant industry.

"It’s cheaper to buy a $35,000 (£24,000) robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who’s inefficient making $15 (£10.20) an hour bagging French fries.

"It's nonsense and it’s very destructive and it’s inflationary and it’s going to cause a job loss across this country like you’re not going to believe."...

Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

So what? Should Americans work at 2 bucks an hour to beat out a robot whose cost per hour is 2.01?

I don't recall posting any such thing. A Rational Person with Self Respect would acquire some skills and knowleged which enable him to do things cheap robots can't do and which employers value. Minimum wage for unskilled workers is a Luddite's delusion.
Robots are more cost effective than humans:

A former McDonald's CEO is warning that robots will take over jobs at the huge enterprise - because it's cheaper than employing humans.

He said that buying highly skilled robotics is cheaper than employing people at the fast food restaurant.

The worrying forecast comes as he warns huge job losses are imminent, and that it's 'common sense' to replace humans in the workplace.

Ed Rensi said: "I was at the National Restaurant Show yesterday and if you look at the robotic devices that are coming into the restaurant industry.

"It’s cheaper to buy a $35,000 (£24,000) robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who’s inefficient making $15 (£10.20) an hour bagging French fries.

"It's nonsense and it’s very destructive and it’s inflationary and it’s going to cause a job loss across this country like you’re not going to believe."...

Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

So what? Should Americans work at 2 bucks an hour to beat out a robot whose cost per hour is 2.01?

I don't recall posting any such thing. A Rational Person with Self Respect would acquire some skills and knowleged which enable him to do things cheap robots can't do and which employers value. Minimum wage for unskilled workers is a Luddite's delusion.

An honest day's worker no matter how menial deserves respect and the minimum wage is just one way society can voice its respect for such a worker.

It's sad how conservatives not only demean poor people who don't work,

they find a way to demean poor people who do.
Robots are more cost effective than humans:

A former McDonald's CEO is warning that robots will take over jobs at the huge enterprise - because it's cheaper than employing humans.

He said that buying highly skilled robotics is cheaper than employing people at the fast food restaurant.

The worrying forecast comes as he warns huge job losses are imminent, and that it's 'common sense' to replace humans in the workplace.

Ed Rensi said: "I was at the National Restaurant Show yesterday and if you look at the robotic devices that are coming into the restaurant industry.

"It’s cheaper to buy a $35,000 (£24,000) robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who’s inefficient making $15 (£10.20) an hour bagging French fries.

"It's nonsense and it’s very destructive and it’s inflationary and it’s going to cause a job loss across this country like you’re not going to believe."...

Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

So what? Should Americans work at 2 bucks an hour to beat out a robot whose cost per hour is 2.01?

I don't know any robot that's hourly rate is $2.01 an hour (even a cheap piece of shit Taiwanese robot) ..depending on the application anywhere from $13 to $5,000 an hour reaslitcaly ...

Oh wait I forgot about the illegal Mexican robots, they might work for $2 bucks an hour under the table

So what? Should Americans work at 2 bucks an hour to beat out a robot whose cost per hour is 2.01?

If someone wants to, sure.

I'm not going to support laws that prevent him from doing so, because I'd rather he have a chance at a job at $2.00/hr than be unemployed.
See what I mean?
I think I see what you mean. I think you mean that you support laws preventing people from working for the wage of their choice and being unable to compete on price.

On principle, I oppose laws that place restrictions on people's liberty, since I consider them to be unethical.
Robots are more cost effective than humans:

A former McDonald's CEO is warning that robots will take over jobs at the huge enterprise - because it's cheaper than employing humans.

He said that buying highly skilled robotics is cheaper than employing people at the fast food restaurant.

The worrying forecast comes as he warns huge job losses are imminent, and that it's 'common sense' to replace humans in the workplace.

Ed Rensi said: "I was at the National Restaurant Show yesterday and if you look at the robotic devices that are coming into the restaurant industry.

"It’s cheaper to buy a $35,000 (£24,000) robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who’s inefficient making $15 (£10.20) an hour bagging French fries.

"It's nonsense and it’s very destructive and it’s inflationary and it’s going to cause a job loss across this country like you’re not going to believe."...

Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

So what? Should Americans work at 2 bucks an hour to beat out a robot whose cost per hour is 2.01?

I don't recall posting any such thing. A Rational Person with Self Respect would acquire some skills and knowleged which enable him to do things cheap robots can't do and which employers value. Minimum wage for unskilled workers is a Luddite's delusion.

An honest day's worker no matter how menial deserves respect and the minimum wage is just one way society can voice its respect for such a worker.

It's sad how conservatives not only demean poor people who don't work,

they find a way to demean poor people who do.

The purpose of wages isn't to indicate "respect" for a given person. The purpose of wages is to obtain a given amount and given quality of work.

It's sad that leftwingers are so damn ignorant about economics.
Robots are more cost effective than humans:

A former McDonald's CEO is warning that robots will take over jobs at the huge enterprise - because it's cheaper than employing humans.

He said that buying highly skilled robotics is cheaper than employing people at the fast food restaurant.

The worrying forecast comes as he warns huge job losses are imminent, and that it's 'common sense' to replace humans in the workplace.

Ed Rensi said: "I was at the National Restaurant Show yesterday and if you look at the robotic devices that are coming into the restaurant industry.

"It’s cheaper to buy a $35,000 (£24,000) robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who’s inefficient making $15 (£10.20) an hour bagging French fries.

"It's nonsense and it’s very destructive and it’s inflationary and it’s going to cause a job loss across this country like you’re not going to believe."...

Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

So what? Should Americans work at 2 bucks an hour to beat out a robot whose cost per hour is 2.01?

I don't recall posting any such thing. A Rational Person with Self Respect would acquire some skills and knowleged which enable him to do things cheap robots can't do and which employers value. Minimum wage for unskilled workers is a Luddite's delusion.

An honest day's worker no matter how menial deserves respect and the minimum wage is just one way society can voice its respect for such a worker.

It's sad how conservatives not only demean poor people who don't work,

they find a way to demean poor people who do.

I'm not demeaning poor people. I'm defending their right to take a job at a wage for which they are willing to work. A low paying job is a rung on a ladder, not the endpoint of most people's careers. By destroying the amount of low wage jobs via an uneconomically justified minimum wage, what you are really advocating is that many people be denied that first opportunity to enter the labor force.
An honest day's worker no matter how menial deserves respect and the minimum wage is just one way society can voice its respect for such a worker.

It's sad how conservatives not only demean poor people who don't work,

they find a way to demean poor people who do.

Who is demeaning them?

It's not societies obligation to respect a worker, it's the employer that does that, just like it's the employer that pays such workers.

When are you on the left going to show the same respect for the person(s) who worked to create capital to open the business, to respect him or her for the sacrifices they make for their business, to respect them for the jobs they provide regardless how much they are able to pay?

Respect goes both ways. Most small businesses fail in this country, yet never hear any outcry from the left for those people.

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