McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.

The two around here already have gone automated. Personally, I don't care what they pay McDonald's employees. The (alleged) food is no good and what people do work there are extremely stupid, and typically don't give to much of a shit about keeping them selves and their work place clean. If I'm paying $8.00 for a burger it sure as hell won't be from a fast food joint.
The employer hires who they wish. That never changes.

They can just as easily let those they hire go just as easily. You live with this notion that things will somehow, magically, still be okay when you start hiking wages for menial jobs such as burger flipping or saying "hello, welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?"

The thread is about the CEO stating sales have increased due in part to them raising wages. If you have a beef, take it up with him.

BTW, MW has been raised many times over the life of McDonald's and they have survived very well.

Well now some are experimenting with automation. No more woman taking your order, you will go to the kiosk and punch your order in. No more french fry makers, a machine will make the fires, salt them and keep them warm until it gets an order to pack them into the french fry carton. No more extra ice in that pop of yours. The machine puts the exact same amount of ice in each drink.
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage
Automation will happen at $15/hour. It will happen at $10/hour. It will happen at $5/hour,

as long as automation costs less.

If the minimum wage was a buck an hour, and replacing someone with a machine cost fifty cents an hour,

that person is gone.

This is true which is why there is a tipping point. Maybe it is ten bucks an hour......maybe fifteen.. but whatever it is, once the line is crossed and it's cheaper to automate, that's when a business owner makes the decision to do so.

If the wages you currently pay end up being cheaper than the investment in automation, then you keep human workers.
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage
They can just as easily let those they hire go just as easily. You live with this notion that things will somehow, magically, still be okay when you start hiking wages for menial jobs such as burger flipping or saying "hello, welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?"

The thread is about the CEO stating sales have increased due in part to them raising wages. If you have a beef, take it up with him.

BTW, MW has been raised many times over the life of McDonald's and they have survived very well.

Well now some are experimenting with automation. No more woman taking your order, you will go to the kiosk and punch your order in. No more french fry makers, a machine will make the fires, salt them and keep them warm until it gets an order to pack them into the french fry carton. No more extra ice in that pop of yours. The machine puts the exact same amount of ice in each drink.

Every retail space in America has had and expanded self checkouts for years now. It's nothing new and it has nothing to do with wages and everything to do with technological advancements becoming less expensive.

Some of what you say is true, but how is increasing wages going to compete with the lowered cost of automation?

If an employer increases wage $1.00 per hour, that's only the pay. There are many other costs associated with that increase.

An employer has to match SS and Medicare contributions by the employee. An increased wage to the employee is an increased cost to those programs for the employer. And what if an employer is providing retirement benefits? That too has to be matched according to employee contributions. Then there is unemployment and workman's compensation insurance that base their rates on the wages of the employee. Vacation, holiday pay, sick pay......all of these are benefits which an increased wage affects when the employer has to pay that out.

You possess no ability for critical thought.
If we use your logic formula then wages can never be raised by anyone at anytime lest a percentage of workers lose out to automation. Obviously history does not reflect that thinking.
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage
How in the world is it possible that higher wages for burger flippers translates to more big mac's being sold.? It doesn't even make sense despite somebody named Phil Wahba's interpretation of it.
when worker pay goes up the business has two choices

1. raise prices
2. hire fewer workers

Raising prices will reduce sales.
Hiring fewer workers will not reduce unemployment.

The price of labor should be determined by supply and demand, not government dictate.
Customers have no interest in what burger flippers make. There is no customer satisfaction when the kitchen crew gets a raise.

McDonalds will move to automation, like everyone else. Then there will be more articles about how happy customers are.
MAchines don't fuck up orders
No spoiled LIB brats. No stoners. No jerk-offs who don't show up. No thieves. No 'attitude' from 16 year olds.
No wondering why they aren't self aware enough to know their fucking shirt isn't tucked in from the last time they took a shit in YOUR bathroom! and didn't wash their hands.
A well run clean efficient FF restaurant staffed by four '50' somethings with pensions who have life long 'work ethics' more than happy to EARN! $12 an hour tending the robotics in the back.
That is the present/future of FF restaurants.
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



So are we to conclude that a $5000/hour minimum wage will skyrocket McDonalds' profits?

"Stupid is, as Stupid does."...Forrest Gump

Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



So are we to conclude that a $5000/hour minimum wage will skyrocket McDonalds' profits?

"Stupid is, as Stupid does."...Forrest Gump


Not only McDonalds', any company operating in this universe. And this is so great of a deal that it must be mandated, because businessmen are just too dumb to run their businesses well. How else could the employees afford the products the factories produce?

Oh, and better make it at least 9000$.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



So are we to conclude that a $5000/hour minimum wage will skyrocket McDonalds' profits?

"Stupid is, as Stupid does."...Forrest Gump


Not only McDonalds', any company operating in this universe. And this is so great of a deal that it must be mandated, because businessmen are just too dumb to run their businesses well. How else could the employees afford the products the factories produce?

Oh, and better make it at least 9000$.

We should make it $500,000/hour, and we would all be Bill Clinton giving a speech.
Is this suppose to be another thread trying to convince everyone that min wage is a good thing? It is definitely true that better wages are better for the employer since they can afford to higher quality help but that is a business decision. I don't see what this has to do with min wage.
Maybe if hadn't attended a 'Liberal Indoctrination Center' where the LIB unionised teachers were more interested in not 'destroying your spirit' with spelling tests you'd be able to put up an intelligent post.
Pro tip asshole:
People who have not grasped basic spelling are not taken very seriously here.
Once again you confuse opposition to government mandating of something with opposition to the actual item in question.

Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

The government stuck its nose in for world war 2 and the moon landing...

So you arguement is now pretty much dead in the water...
Dumbest non sequitur post of the month.
What are you? Like twelve mentally?
Not to mention Goodwill which is very important to corporations large and small.
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage
Ha, this one's sure to send greedy white Republican dude into a tizzy. He was desperately hoping McDonalds would tank and the 'uppity slaves' would all lose their jobs. Looks like it's going the other way though. Cue the hilarious hissyfits. ;)
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

We'll see. But even if so, i wouldn't be celebrating more Americans out of work. You greedy white Republicans dudes already think you're paying too much taxes. More Americans out of work, means more folks relying on Government assistance to survive. Y'all are gonna pay much more in the end. I'd rather see Americans working and being productive Citizens. We all benefit from that.
Not to mention Goodwill which is very important to corporations large and small.
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage
Ha, this one's sure to send greedy white Republican dude into a tizzy. He was desperately hoping McDonalds would tank and the 'uppity slaves' would all lose their jobs. Looks like it's going the other way though. Cue the hilarious hissyfits. ;)
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

We'll see. But even if so, i wouldn't be celebrating more Americans out of work. You greedy white Republicans dudes already think you're paying too much taxes. More Americans out of work, means more folks relying on Government assistance to survive. Y'all are gonna pay much more in the end. I'd rather see Americans working and being productive Citizens. We all benefit from that.
You're hilarious!
You Libs are convinced that LIBs are soooo much more educated than REPs right?
That's all we ever hear right?
So it has to follow that LIBs are going to be making more money and have better jobs than us stupid REPs right?
So what you are claiming is LIBs are actually paying more in income tax than REPs right?
So it's the LIBs who are paying for most of their fellow LIB fucking stoners/losers/neverwasers illiterate's food stamps etc.right?
Not to mention Goodwill which is very important to corporations large and small.
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage
Ha, this one's sure to send greedy white Republican dude into a tizzy. He was desperately hoping McDonalds would tank and the 'uppity slaves' would all lose their jobs. Looks like it's going the other way though. Cue the hilarious hissyfits. ;)
Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage

We'll see. But even if so, i wouldn't be celebrating more Americans out of work. You greedy white Republicans dudes already think you're paying too much taxes. More Americans out of work, means more folks relying on Government assistance to survive. Y'all are gonna pay much more in the end. I'd rather see Americans working and being productive Citizens. We all benefit from that.
You're hilarious!
You Libs are convinced that LIBs are soooo much more educated than REPs right?
That's all we ever hear right?
So it has to follow that LIBs are going to be making more money and have better jobs than us stupid REPs right?
So what you are claiming is LIBs are actually paying more in income tax than REPs right?
So it's the LIBs who are paying for most of their fellow LIB fucking stoners/losers/neverwasers illiterate's food stamps etc.right?

It's a big mistake celebrating more Americans out of work. Greedy white Republican dudes especially, should be very worried. More Americans relying on Government assistance to live, means more tax hikes. Greedy white Republican dudes haven't thought this one through. They've allowed their hate & greed to cloud their judgement.
Automation will happen at $15/hour. It will happen at $10/hour. It will happen at $5/hour,

as long as automation costs less.

If the minimum wage was a buck an hour, and replacing someone with a machine cost fifty cents an hour,

that person is gone.

This is true which is why there is a tipping point. Maybe it is ten bucks an hour......maybe fifteen.. but whatever it is, once the line is crossed and it's cheaper to automate, that's when a business owner makes the decision to do so.

If the wages you currently pay end up being cheaper than the investment in automation, then you keep human workers.
It's not just the wages asshole! It ALL the other bullshit expenses , problems that go with hiring 16 year old brats.
Robotics amortized over years and every other upside to installing robotics far outweighs dealing with humans.
Get used to it.
Automation will happen at $15/hour. It will happen at $10/hour. It will happen at $5/hour,

as long as automation costs less.

If the minimum wage was a buck an hour, and replacing someone with a machine cost fifty cents an hour,

that person is gone.

This is true which is why there is a tipping point. Maybe it is ten bucks an hour......maybe fifteen.. but whatever it is, once the line is crossed and it's cheaper to automate, that's when a business owner makes the decision to do so.

If the wages you currently pay end up being cheaper than the investment in automation, then you keep human workers.

McDonald's raised wages from $9.10-$9.90 on their own. To suggest that raising the fed MW to $10.10, ( as President Obama has suggested), is some sort of tipping point where total automation is necessary is ridiculous.

Again, I don't know what that tipping point is. I don't have the facts and figures in front of me to figure that out--but the franchise owners do.

The tipping point may be $9.00 an hour. On the other hand, it may be $16.00 per hour; I don't know.

What I do know however is whatever that tipping point is, that's when businesses start replacing workers with machines.

Can you read?
McDonald's raised their wages to $9.90. How can $9 then be a tipping point?
"McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."
- DUH!

Have no fear - there is a prevention / higher wages/prices, I mean. You workers, thanks to your bitching, are screwed:

Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.


Bad source... Bed wetter

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