McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Sorry, Ray. All you have to do is mention the words, "Obama phone" which is a program started under Reagan, and I know that you don't even give a rat's ass about being truthful. Credibility ends instantly.
Sorry, Ray. All you have to do is mention the words, "Obama phone" which is a program started under Reagan, and I know that you don't even give a rat's ass about being truthful. Credibility ends instantly.

I posted four stories of my credibility, where's yours? I have more if you would like to see them.

My credibility (with you) ended when I proved I was right and you were wrong. The Obama phone is a red herring.
Ray, you really should not expect anyone to take you seriously when go around quoting Rush Limbaugh's false smears. After reading about Obama phones, I have no reason not to expect you to start up on Obama's fake birth certificate, his being a gay muslim who hates America, Hillary having killed Vince Foster, Latinos are going to vote for Trump, because they love him, and MLK was a card carrying commie. As far as your stereotypes are concerned, I grew up poor and hungry, and I never knew anyone like you describe. My mother had no leftover containers in the kitchen because we had no leftovers, ever. I have had a job and worked every day except Sunday from the 9th grade until I retired. If you know people who are selling food stamps for drug money, perhaps you are hanging out with gangsters, not poor people. Living in a retirement community, where people are too old to work, and on fixed income, I am very much aware of the fact that hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people go to bed hungry, and my volunteering at the food bank has brought me in close proximity to them.
Ray, you really should not expect anyone to take you seriously when go around quoting Rush Limbaugh's false smears. After reading about Obama phones, I have no reason not to expect you to start up on Obama's fake birth certificate, his being a gay muslim who hates America, Hillary having killed Vince Foster, Latinos are going to vote for Trump, because they love him, and MLK was a card carrying commie. As far as your stereotypes are concerned, I grew up poor and hungry, and I never knew anyone like you describe. My mother had no leftover containers in the kitchen because we had no leftovers, ever. I have had a job and worked every day except Sunday from the 9th grade until I retired. If you know people who are selling food stamps for drug money, perhaps you are hanging out with gangsters, not poor people. Living in a retirement community, where people are too old to work, and on fixed income, I am very much aware of the fact that hundreds of thousand not millions of people go to bed hungry, and my volunteering at the food bank has brought me in close proximity to them.

You had to read up on Obama phones? What are you 12 years old or live in another country?

Yes the program started under Reagan and the term "obama phone" was coined under obama by a grateful minority who loved Obama and free stuff.

Obama phone and Obama care are the generic terms for it now, just like Asprin was once a trademark name but over the years became a generic term.

It is what it is no matter how upset you get by it.

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Ray, you really should not expect anyone to take you seriously when go around quoting Rush Limbaugh's false smears. After reading about Obama phones, I have no reason not to expect you to start up on Obama's fake birth certificate, his being a gay muslim who hates America, Hillary having killed Vince Foster, Latinos are going to vote for Trump, because they love him, and MLK was a card carrying commie. As far as your stereotypes are concerned, I grew up poor and hungry, and I never knew anyone like you describe. My mother had no leftover containers in the kitchen because we had no leftovers, ever. I have had a job and worked every day except Sunday from the 9th grade until I retired. If you know people who are selling food stamps for drug money, perhaps you are hanging out with gangsters, not poor people. Living in a retirement community, where people are too old to work, and on fixed income, I am very much aware of the fact that hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people go to bed hungry, and my volunteering at the food bank has brought me in close proximity to them.

Well then you must be much older than I, because I never knew anybody that lived like that.

But I have more than proof in articles, I've been in the homes of the poor--thousands of them. I've seen what they live like from the inside. It pretty much matches up with what the US Census found.

We also have our fair share of SNAP's customers at my local grocery store. I see what they buy, I've seen what kinds of cars they drive, how many kids they have, and even how they dress on a couple of occasions.

Oh and lets not forget those so-called poor at the end of those freeway ramps. A few years ago, a news station did an investigation on these people. They followed them around unknowingly. They were living in middle-class neighborhoods. They made better money begging for it than working.

If you are in a room with 14 people, 2 of them are being fed by taxpayers, and I'm sorry, but that's just too much already.
Ray, you really should not expect anyone to take you seriously when go around quoting Rush Limbaugh's false smears. After reading about Obama phones, I have no reason not to expect you to start up on Obama's fake birth certificate, his being a gay muslim who hates America, Hillary having killed Vince Foster, Latinos are going to vote for Trump, because they love him, and MLK was a card carrying commie. As far as your stereotypes are concerned, I grew up poor and hungry, and I never knew anyone like you describe. My mother had no leftover containers in the kitchen because we had no leftovers, ever. I have had a job and worked every day except Sunday from the 9th grade until I retired. If you know people who are selling food stamps for drug money, perhaps you are hanging out with gangsters, not poor people. Living in a retirement community, where people are too old to work, and on fixed income, I am very much aware of the fact that hundreds of thousand not millions of people go to bed hungry, and my volunteering at the food bank has brought me in close proximity to them.

You had to read up on Obama phones? What are you 12 years old or live in another country?

Yes the program started under Reagan and the term "obama phone" was coined under obama by a grateful minority who loved Obama and free stuff.

Obama phone and Obama care are the generic terms for it now, just like Asprin was once a trademark name but over the years became a generic term.

It is what it is no matter how upset you get by it.


I didn't have to read up on anything, Bear. The Obama phone thing started years ago, about 2 days after a Limbaugh broadcast. It was just like when Palin made a speech once, using the word, "lamestream media", and every dittohead in America started using it the next day, and have ever since. Go play with Carla.
Ray, you really should not expect anyone to take you seriously when go around quoting Rush Limbaugh's false smears. After reading about Obama phones, I have no reason not to expect you to start up on Obama's fake birth certificate, his being a gay muslim who hates America, Hillary having killed Vince Foster, Latinos are going to vote for Trump, because they love him, and MLK was a card carrying commie. As far as your stereotypes are concerned, I grew up poor and hungry, and I never knew anyone like you describe. My mother had no leftover containers in the kitchen because we had no leftovers, ever. I have had a job and worked every day except Sunday from the 9th grade until I retired. If you know people who are selling food stamps for drug money, perhaps you are hanging out with gangsters, not poor people. Living in a retirement community, where people are too old to work, and on fixed income, I am very much aware of the fact that hundreds of thousand not millions of people go to bed hungry, and my volunteering at the food bank has brought me in close proximity to them.

You had to read up on Obama phones? What are you 12 years old or live in another country?

Yes the program started under Reagan and the term "obama phone" was coined under obama by a grateful minority who loved Obama and free stuff.

Obama phone and Obama care are the generic terms for it now, just like Asprin was once a trademark name but over the years became a generic term.

It is what it is no matter how upset you get by it.


I didn't have to read up on anything, Bear. The Obama phone thing started years ago, about 2 days after a Limbaugh broadcast. It was just like when Palin made a speech once, using the word, "lamestream media", and every dittohead in America started using it the next day, and have ever since. Go play with Carla. are blamming this on Limbaugh now? Since when do minoritys listen to Rush?

Now I know you are a pompous fool like Pelosi...

Pelosi scolds reporter for saying 'ObamaCare' des…:
Ray, you really should not expect anyone to take you seriously when go around quoting Rush Limbaugh's false smears. After reading about Obama phones, I have no reason not to expect you to start up on Obama's fake birth certificate, his being a gay muslim who hates America, Hillary having killed Vince Foster, Latinos are going to vote for Trump, because they love him, and MLK was a card carrying commie. As far as your stereotypes are concerned, I grew up poor and hungry, and I never knew anyone like you describe. My mother had no leftover containers in the kitchen because we had no leftovers, ever. I have had a job and worked every day except Sunday from the 9th grade until I retired. If you know people who are selling food stamps for drug money, perhaps you are hanging out with gangsters, not poor people. Living in a retirement community, where people are too old to work, and on fixed income, I am very much aware of the fact that hundreds of thousand not millions of people go to bed hungry, and my volunteering at the food bank has brought me in close proximity to them.

You had to read up on Obama phones? What are you 12 years old or live in another country?

Yes the program started under Reagan and the term "obama phone" was coined under obama by a grateful minority who loved Obama and free stuff.

Obama phone and Obama care are the generic terms for it now, just like Asprin was once a trademark name but over the years became a generic term.

It is what it is no matter how upset you get by it.


I didn't have to read up on anything, Bear. The Obama phone thing started years ago, about 2 days after a Limbaugh broadcast. It was just like when Palin made a speech once, using the word, "lamestream media", and every dittohead in America started using it the next day, and have ever since. Go play with Carla.


This never gets old

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote f…:
Ray, you really should not expect anyone to take you seriously when go around quoting Rush Limbaugh's false smears. After reading about Obama phones, I have no reason not to expect you to start up on Obama's fake birth certificate, his being a gay muslim who hates America, Hillary having killed Vince Foster, Latinos are going to vote for Trump, because they love him, and MLK was a card carrying commie. As far as your stereotypes are concerned, I grew up poor and hungry, and I never knew anyone like you describe. My mother had no leftover containers in the kitchen because we had no leftovers, ever. I have had a job and worked every day except Sunday from the 9th grade until I retired. If you know people who are selling food stamps for drug money, perhaps you are hanging out with gangsters, not poor people. Living in a retirement community, where people are too old to work, and on fixed income, I am very much aware of the fact that hundreds of thousand not millions of people go to bed hungry, and my volunteering at the food bank has brought me in close proximity to them.

You had to read up on Obama phones? What are you 12 years old or live in another country?

Yes the program started under Reagan and the term "obama phone" was coined under obama by a grateful minority who loved Obama and free stuff.

Obama phone and Obama care are the generic terms for it now, just like Asprin was once a trademark name but over the years became a generic term.

It is what it is no matter how upset you get by it.


I didn't have to read up on anything, Bear. The Obama phone thing started years ago, about 2 days after a Limbaugh broadcast. It was just like when Palin made a speech once, using the word, "lamestream media", and every dittohead in America started using it the next day, and have ever since. Go play with Carla.


This never gets old

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote f…:

Look, some people need them phones. I got customers calling me all the time on my obamaphone. I'm in business, I got to have the money coming in. Obamaphone helps me have more customers.
Do you really believe people have the choice of working or not working? Cuz if you do, you greedy white Republican dudes are even more hateful & delusional than i thought.

I would say you are more uninformed than I thought.

I work in industry, and everyday, I go through industrial complexes loaded with HELP WANTED signs. I talk to customers who can't find employees.

In my industry alone, it's predicted we need over 60,000 new drivers this year. Can't find them. Now they are bringing in foreigners to do these jobs Americans won't do. Some are not great paying jobs while others pay pretty well, but it doesn't matter because Americans are too busy sitting at home on their Obama phone eating like a pig on their SNAP's card.

My father is a retired bricklayer. He has a fine pension and the union sends their retirees pamphlets and news all the time about the industry. Guess what? They can't find people to learn the trade and join the industry either. They are asking their retirees to find young people and talk them into the career.

In fact my employer asked me to ask my father if he knew somebody to build him a stone mailbox. My boss looked up and down and can't find anybody that will do the work.

Now granted, it's very hard work. When I was a kid, my father got me in as an apprentice and I couldn't stand it. But on the other hand, I had options. My father made a great living being a bricklayer and his pension is outstanding. He retired at the age of 62 and is 85 today. He's still collecting.

With all our government goodies, there are many Americans that just don't want to work. Oh, you might get them to work, if it's the kind of job they want......the kind of pay they want.......the kind of hours they want.......and no drug testing. But outside of that, good luck finding Americans that want a job today.

Most people are hard-working people. Pay em a decent wage. We'll all benefit.
So, Slave Labor? Let's be more like those 'good folks' in China and other Slave Labor countries? Sorry, no thanks. We're a better country than that. The richest nation on earth can surely treat its People better.

The richest nation is not hiring these people--private companies hire these people.

Slave labor is when people are forced to work against their will without choice. This is America, and most everybody has a choice. If the wages you make are not satisfactory, then YOU do something to make better wages.

Do you really believe people have the choice of working or not working? Cuz if you do, you greedy white Republican dudes are even more hateful & delusional than i thought.
If you live in an area that highly praise your skill, then you do have the choice of working or not working.

Local demand and knowing an applicable skill is key.
If you are unskilled, then you are truly at the mercy of the job market! That is the bottom of the ladder---you are competing with dropouts.
Most people are hard-working people. Pay em a decent wage. We'll all benefit.

Well I don't know how I benefit if somebody else is getting paid a higher wage. It doesn't make any difference to me unless it costs me more money.

You people on the left with this "benefits society" nonsense. Why can't you just debate the issue for what it really is? Free college benefits society, unemployment benefits benefit society, higher minimum wage benefits society, food stamps benefit society.

With all these social benefits, we should have the greatest society on the entire planet.

Don't worry about society (not that I think it's anything but a red herring) because society is just fine.
So, Slave Labor? Let's be more like those 'good folks' in China and other Slave Labor countries? Sorry, no thanks. We're a better country than that. The richest nation on earth can surely treat its People better.

The richest nation is not hiring these people--private companies hire these people.

Slave labor is when people are forced to work against their will without choice. This is America, and most everybody has a choice. If the wages you make are not satisfactory, then YOU do something to make better wages.

Do you really believe people have the choice of working or not working? Cuz if you do, you greedy white Republican dudes are even more hateful & delusional than i thought.
If you live in an area that highly praise your skill, then you do have the choice of working or not working.

Local demand and knowing an applicable skill is key.
If you are unskilled, then you are truly at the mercy of the job market! That is the bottom of the ladder---you are competing with dropouts.

All humans are slaves to the almighty Dollar. Don't kid yourself on that. Your destiny is to be an obedient worker-bee.
Most people are hard-working people. Pay em a decent wage. We'll all benefit.

Well I don't know how I benefit if somebody else is getting paid a higher wage. It doesn't make any difference to me unless it costs me more money.

You people on the left with this "benefits society" nonsense. Why can't you just debate the issue for what it really is? Free college benefits society, unemployment benefits benefit society, higher minimum wage benefits society, food stamps benefit society.

With all these social benefits, we should have the greatest society on the entire planet.

Don't worry about society (not that I think it's anything but a red herring) because society is just fine.

The fact you don't know how you'll benefit, says it all about you. Fellow Americans working and being compensated well, is a good thing for all of us.
Yes by force of government. The People have the constitutional right to put demands on companies doing business in the US.

Can you please cite the language in the constitution that gives congress the power to enact such legislation?

That would be the Commerce Clause.

It's a simple one sentence in the constitution that give the government the legal right to regulate business.

You don't have to like it but then you can't turn around and claim to be a patriotic American who loves our Constitution.
The Commerce clause, and 220 years of history.

"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;"

Can you explain how a law that places demands on companies is necessary and proper to carry into execution the power to regulate commerce among the several states?

How is a company a state?

Does McDonalds grow all their food ingredients in the same one place or do they buy from all around the nation and world? Does McDonalds manufacture all of the equipment they use in their restaurants and are all the parts of that equipment manufactured in the same one state or do they buy them from all around the nation and world? Are all the raw materials used build the restaurants made in the same one state or do they buy it from different states and all around the world?

That's interstate and international commerce.

The Commerce Clause gives the government the power to regulate business. No business is exclusive to one area. Everything comes from other places now so the Commerce Clause applies to pretty much every business in America.

You don't have to like that the government has a constitutional right to regulate business but then you can't turn around and claim you're a patriotic American who loves the constitution.
'The damn uppity slaves should quit bitchin about money. The slave workers in China and elsewhere have accepted it. American Workers just need to accept being slaves too. I mean, the Walton Family needs more luxurious yachts and mansions for God's sake. And it's the slave's job to make sure that happens.'

Sums up misguided greedy white Republican Dude thinking, no? Watch 'Roots' today. If left unchecked, that's what those dopes would bring back to America. No one can trust them to make just decisions on issues like this. It is what it is.
Does McDonalds grow all their food ingredients in the same one place or do they buy from all around the nation and world? Does McDonalds manufacture all of the equipment they use in their restaurants and are all the parts of that equipment manufactured in the same one state or do they buy them from all around the nation and world? Are all the raw materials used build the restaurants made in the same one state or do they buy it from different states and all around the world?

That's interstate and international commerce.

The Commerce Clause gives the government the power to regulate business. No business is exclusive to one area. Everything comes from other places now so the Commerce Clause applies to pretty much every business in America.

You don't have to like that the government has a constitutional right to regulate business but then you can't turn around and claim you're a patriotic American who loves the constitution.

It doesn't say "regulate business", so you're wrong.

It says "regulate commerce among the several states."

McDonald's isn't a state.
The fact you don't know how you'll benefit, says it all about you. Fellow Americans working and being compensated well, is a good thing for all of us.

No, it promotes laziness, it promotes illegal narcotics usage, it promotes failure.

Which horse will run faster, the one with nothing in front of it or the one with the carrot?

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