McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

The fact you don't know how you'll benefit, says it all about you. Fellow Americans working and being compensated well, is a good thing for all of us.

If one is priced out of the labor market, he's not working.

I makes me sad that people want to prevent a low-value worker for working at all and would rather force him into unemployment. It's unjust, which is why I oppose price controls on labor.
What! You mean a corporation increased pay and benefits without the government telling them to do so. How is that possible? Is it because of the F R E E M A R K E T...nah can't be. Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism... Long live communism...
No, hater dupe, it's because worker pay, etc, has gotten so unfair the last 30 years even some dupes are getting the injustice. Communism has nothing to do with it. RW idiocy lol.
The fact you don't know how you'll benefit, says it all about you. Fellow Americans working and being compensated well, is a good thing for all of us.

No, it promotes laziness, it promotes illegal narcotics usage, it promotes failure.

Which horse will run faster, the one with nothing in front of it or the one with the carrot?
The happy worker with spending money. Duh dupe. War on drugs insanity. Legalize and tax it, treat real narcotics dependence. Amnesty and empty the prisons of nonviolent users...infrastructure jobs and tech training. Shove your duped "common sense" bs. 33 years plus of pander to the rich law and order madness. HELLLOOOOO?!?
'The damn uppity slaves should quit bitchin about money. The slave workers in China and elsewhere have accepted it. American Workers just need to accept being slaves too. I mean, the Walton Family needs more luxurious yachts and mansions for God's sake. And it's the slave's job to make sure that happens.'

Sums up misguided greedy white Republican Dude thinking, no? Watch 'Roots' today. If left unchecked, that's what those dopes would bring back to America. No one can trust them to make just decisions on issues like this. It is what it is.

If someone wants to institute chattel slavery, they are most certainly not a capitalist. Capitalism is based upon strong protection of property rights. A system in which people's property rights in their own bodies is systematically violated can't in any way be construed to be capitalist.
The happy worker with spending money. Duh dupe. War on drugs insanity. Legalize and tax it, treat real narcotics dependence. Amnesty and empty the prisons of nonviolent users...infrastructure jobs and tech training. Shove your duped "common sense" bs. 33 years plus of pander to the rich law and order madness. HELLLOOOOO?!?

Yes, all those people who rob, kill and hurt others to get drugs are non-violent offenders. If you legalize rape, do you suppose we will have more women raped or less? If we legalized theft, do you suppose we would have more theft or less? If you answer honestly, then ask yourself why we would want to legalize recreational drugs.

If you want people to have more spending money, get after those politicians that cater to environmentalists that increase the price of every product we buy today.
Does McDonalds grow all their food ingredients in the same one place or do they buy from all around the nation and world? Does McDonalds manufacture all of the equipment they use in their restaurants and are all the parts of that equipment manufactured in the same one state or do they buy them from all around the nation and world? Are all the raw materials used build the restaurants made in the same one state or do they buy it from different states and all around the world?

That's interstate and international commerce.

The Commerce Clause gives the government the power to regulate business. No business is exclusive to one area. Everything comes from other places now so the Commerce Clause applies to pretty much every business in America.

You don't have to like that the government has a constitutional right to regulate business but then you can't turn around and claim you're a patriotic American who loves the constitution.

It doesn't say "regulate business", so you're wrong.

It says "regulate commerce among the several states."

McDonald's isn't a state.

Commerce is business.

I can't believe you're that obtuse.

The Commerce Clause says government can regulate interstate and international business. Commerce is business.

McDonanld's conducts commerce, it's a business. They offer a service and goods for money.

For you who don't know the real meaning of the words in the english language here's what the dictionary says Commerce means:


an interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a largescale between different countries (foreign commerce) orbetween different parts of the same country (domesticcommerce) trade; business.

Stop being such an obtuse person.

The government most certainly regulate business because of the Commerce Clause. No amount of your stupid claims will reverse that. What you think and believe means absolutely nothing to our government. What means something is the constitution and how our courts rule on cases which create case law.

You don't have to like it but it only shows how you hate our constitution and you're not a patriotic American.
The happy worker with spending money. Duh dupe. War on drugs insanity. Legalize and tax it, treat real narcotics dependence. Amnesty and empty the prisons of nonviolent users...infrastructure jobs and tech training. Shove your duped "common sense" bs. 33 years plus of pander to the rich law and order madness. HELLLOOOOO?!?

Yes, all those people who rob, kill and hurt others to get drugs are non-violent offenders. If you legalize rape, do you suppose we will have more women raped or less? If we legalized theft, do you suppose we would have more theft or less? If you answer honestly, then ask yourself why we would want to legalize recreational drugs.

If you want people to have more spending money, get after those politicians that cater to environmentalists that increase the price of every product we buy today.
Yup, keep up the Nixon/Reagan law and order war on drugs and blacks. Works great!! Jeebus, I said non-violent ones, brainwashed hater dupe. What do you need, a 2 by 4 to the back of the head? And environmentalists cause low wages. lol. Or anything but smarter policy, Koch head boy. lol
Drug war is long lost.....let it go. You want jobs...imagine all the people, especially white collar working folk, who will need their drugs. Therefore jobs created.
Does McDonalds grow all their food ingredients in the same one place or do they buy from all around the nation and world? Does McDonalds manufacture all of the equipment they use in their restaurants and are all the parts of that equipment manufactured in the same one state or do they buy them from all around the nation and world? Are all the raw materials used build the restaurants made in the same one state or do they buy it from different states and all around the world?

That's interstate and international commerce.

The Commerce Clause gives the government the power to regulate business. No business is exclusive to one area. Everything comes from other places now so the Commerce Clause applies to pretty much every business in America.

You don't have to like that the government has a constitutional right to regulate business but then you can't turn around and claim you're a patriotic American who loves the constitution.

It doesn't say "regulate business", so you're wrong.

It says "regulate commerce among the several states."

McDonald's isn't a state.

Commerce is business.

I can't believe you're that obtuse.

The Commerce Clause says government can regulate interstate and international business. Commerce is business.

McDonanld's conducts commerce, it's a business. They offer a service and goods for money.

For you who don't know the real meaning of the words in the english language here's what the dictionary says Commerce means:


an interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a largescale between different countries (foreign commerce) orbetween different parts of the same country (domesticcommerce) trade; business.

Stop being such an obtuse person.

The government most certainly regulate business because of the Commerce Clause. No amount of your stupid claims will reverse that. What you think and believe means absolutely nothing to our government. What means something is the constitution and how our courts rule on cases which create case law.

You don't have to like it but it only shows how you hate our constitution and you're not a patriotic American.

You forgot the "among the states" part.

Congress may regulate commerce among the states.

A McDonald's store selling burgers is not a state.
Do you realize we are talking about McDonalds? Do you really care if McDonalds survives or not? I surely don't. It would bring a smile to my face to are them close up shop and quit eating that artificial toxic stuff.
Do you realize we are talking about McDonalds? Do you really care if McDonalds survives or not? I surely don't. It would bring a smile to my face to are them close up shop and quit eating that artificial toxic stuff.

That's because you are a liberal. A liberal loves to see businesses that they disapprove of fail sending tens of thousands of people to the unemployment line. Just ask Hillary or DumBama when he attacked the coal industry, the tobacco industry, the energy industry.

Liberals love Americans losing jobs in industries they hate.
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Nah, you have it wrong. Only simple minds subscribe to labels such as conservative or liberal. The damage that artificial slop does to people inflates our healthcare costs exponentially. That's why I don't care for mcdons. Secondly I don't really consider something that pays ten bucks an hour a job. As far as tobacco, well that industry inflates our healthcare costs huge as well. So I don't shed onetear for that industry because smoking or chewing is detrimental to ones health and my premiums rise because of it.
I only hoped for two businesses to fail in my lifetime because I quit them and luckily one did close up. The way they treated their workers they deserved it.
Nah, you have it wrong. Only simple minds subscribe to labels such as conservative or liberal. The damage that artificial slop does to people inflates our healthcare costs exponentially. That's why I don't care for mcdons. Secondly I don't really consider something that pays ten bucks an hour a job. As far as tobacco, well that industry inflates our healthcare costs huge as well. So I don't shed onetear for that industry because smoking or chewing is detrimental to ones health and my premiums rise because of it.

And I thank you for supporting my point.
Why is diabetes on the rise? Hmmmm can't be fast food can it? I think perhaps obese people should be paying a lot higher premiums since they require more Dr visits.
As usual, greedy white Republican dudes have derailed and lost it. They've forgotten what this thread is about. Fact is, McDonalds paying better wages hasn't resulted in it raising prices significantly or going out of business. As the OP pointed out, it's actually resulted in the exact opposite. McDonalds is doing fine.

However, it is losing ground to its numerous competitors. It isn't 'Top Dog' so much anymore. Its competitors have caught up, and some have even surpassed it. That, and mismanagement is what has hurt McDonalds. It's had nothing to do with its Workers. Greedy white Republican dudes can't and won't acknowledge the actual reality. It's always the Workers' fault in their warped minds. Just blame the slaves. It's convenient.
The fact you don't know how you'll benefit, says it all about you. Fellow Americans working and being compensated well, is a good thing for all of us.

No, it promotes laziness, it promotes illegal narcotics usage, it promotes failure.

Which horse will run faster, the one with nothing in front of it or the one with the carrot?
The happy worker with spending money. Duh dupe. War on drugs insanity. Legalize and tax it, treat real narcotics dependence. Amnesty and empty the prisons of nonviolent users...infrastructure jobs and tech training. Shove your duped "common sense" bs. 33 years plus of pander to the rich law and order madness. HELLLOOOOO?!?

I agree with you for the most part. Everything except your stance on the Immigration issue. But a well-compensated Worker does make for a more happy productive Worker. You do get what you pay for.

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