McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

McDonalds is good for no one...we can both agree on that. So what we must both admit is most people must be poor. I define poor as under 40 thousanddollasthousanddollasts total household. Today that is indeed hard to survive on. But if millions more married folk are smart and realize they should not have kids because they cannot support them, perhaps they barely make it by if they don't try to enjoy life.
McDonalds is good for no one...we can both agree on that. So what we must both admit is most people must be poor. I define poor as under 40 thousanddollasthousanddollasts total household. Today that is indeed hard to survive on. But if millions more married folk are smart and realize they should not have kids because they cannot support them, perhaps they barely make it by if they don't try to enjoy life.

McDonalds is good for no one...we can both agree on that. So what we must both admit is most people must be poor. I define poor as under 40 thousanddollasthousanddollasts total household. Today that is indeed hard to survive on. But if millions more married folk are smart and realize they should not have kids because they cannot support them, perhaps they barely make it by if they don't try to enjoy life.

The sad part is that most Americans make so little that they can't afford kids. On the other side of the food scale, employers are making record profits.
More of the 'employees are commodities' bullshit?

Answer this: How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your monies?

For starters, sorry about your comprehension problems, but I will address this once again:

You are only worth as much as another person willing to do the same job for the same money. That's it in a nut shell.

If I am an employer and can get people to clean my company's toilets for $9.00 an hour, why would I pay anybody more than that to do the job? That's all they are worth. Why? Because I can find other people willing to do the job for $9.00 an hour.

Now if I can't find anybody for that wage, obviously I have to increase that wage or do without somebody cleaning my toilets. I have to increase my offer to $10.00 an hour, or $11.00, or whatever.

It doesn't matter how much I make or don't make. What matters is that the job is only worth X amount of money. What I make off of an employees labor is none of their business. That's my concern--not theirs. And if you are not happy with that arrangement, then find a company that offers profit sharing as a benefit. Then you can make money off of the profit of a company.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Who gives a flying fuck ?

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Dome here can't stand american workers even though they are the hardest working most productive for the lowest wages in the world.
Greedy white Republican dude will continue to move us backwards as a nation. He's all-in on that Slave Labor thing. He hopes we become more like China and other Slave Labor nations. It would be incredibly unwise to leave this issue up to him solely. Americans Workers would be completely flucked.

Well, this dude, whoever he is, is not going to get three fourths of the several states to ratify an amendment re-instituting slavery.

Slavery is a violation of property rights, namely one's property right in one's own body. In this day and age, most people understand that it's wrong.
Like i said, to hell with McDonalds. It's made its massive fortune off the backs of poor struggling slave workers.

Do you even understand the definition of the word "slave" or would you like me to post it here for you?

Nobody is forced to work at McDonald's, Wal-Mart, Target, or anywhere else in this country.

Everyone's forced. We're all slaves to the almighty dollar. The Corporate Elite Owners you greedy white Republican dudes worship, actually hate you. You're shit beneath their boots. But they've convinced y'all that they're the 'Good Guys.' Y'all are very sadly duped.

Greedy white Republican dude will continue to move us backwards as a nation. He's all-in on that Slave Labor thing. He hopes we become more like China and other Slave Labor nations. It would be incredibly unwise to leave this issue up to him solely. Americans Workers would be completely flucked.

Well, this dude, whoever he is, is not going to get three fourths of the several states to ratify an amendment re-instituting slavery.

Slavery is a violation of property rights, namely one's property right in one's own body. In this day and age, most people understand that it's wrong.

Yes, it is wrong. Like Carlin said, we have 'Owners.' They own us. Most like to believe they aren't slaves, but they are.

"They call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin
Yes, it is wrong. Like Carlin said, we have 'Owners.' They own us. Most like to believe they aren't slaves, but they are.

"They call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin

Slavery is illegal in the US. Nobody can legally be a slave.
Everyone's forced. We're all slaves to the almighty dollar. The Corporate Elite Owners you greedy white Republican dudes worship, actually hate you. You're shit beneath their boots. But they've convinced y'all that they're the 'Good Guys.' Y'all are very sadly duped.

Wrong as usual. You don't want to work for anybody else, then don't. I have several family members that work for themselves and always have.

Learn a trade like HVAC, plumbing, electrician, bricklaying, lawn care, remodeling, pest control, there are a number of things.

When you work for somebody else, you have to do things their way. It's like living in somebody else's home. You can live comfortably, but you can't throw your underwear all over the house, smoke pot in the living room, leave dirty dishes piled in the sink.

If you want to live that way, then get your own home. You call the shots then.
Some worship the corporate powers that be and some stick up for the people in the company that make it its profit get treated respectfully. More and more companies are not choosing to look at their employees as assets. But some folk feel that's OK one should be thankful for the job. That is the natural conflict that exists in is truly the employee versus the employer....but that is how the system is supposed to work.
Everyone's forced. We're all slaves to the almighty dollar. The Corporate Elite Owners you greedy white Republican dudes worship, actually hate you. You're shit beneath their boots. But they've convinced y'all that they're the 'Good Guys.' Y'all are very sadly duped.

Wrong as usual. You don't want to work for anybody else, then don't. I have several family members that work for themselves and always have.

Learn a trade like HVAC, plumbing, electrician, bricklaying, lawn care, remodeling, pest control, there are a number of things.

When you work for somebody else, you have to do things their way. It's like living in somebody else's home. You can live comfortably, but you can't throw your underwear all over the house, smoke pot in the living room, leave dirty dishes piled in the sink.

If you want to live that way, then get your own home. You call the shots then.

We're enslaved. Slaves to the almighty dollar. To believe otherwise, is naive and delusional.
We're enslaved. Slaves to the almighty dollar. To believe otherwise, is naive and delusional.

Your equivocation is an insult to those who were actually slaves.

Wake up. You're a free person. Take responsibility for yourself.
We're enslaved. Slaves to the almighty dollar. To believe otherwise, is naive and delusional.

If you look back in our history (and present in some places) and read about slavery, the one thing you will note is that slavery was not optional--being obsessed with money is.

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