McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Everyone's forced. We're all slaves to the almighty dollar. The Corporate Elite Owners you greedy white Republican dudes worship, actually hate you. You're shit beneath their boots. But they've convinced y'all that they're the 'Good Guys.' Y'all are very sadly duped.

Wrong as usual. You don't want to work for anybody else, then don't. I have several family members that work for themselves and always have.

Learn a trade like HVAC, plumbing, electrician, bricklaying, lawn care, remodeling, pest control, there are a number of things.

When you work for somebody else, you have to do things their way. It's like living in somebody else's home. You can live comfortably, but you can't throw your underwear all over the house, smoke pot in the living room, leave dirty dishes piled in the sink.

If you want to live that way, then get your own home. You call the shots then.
I will presume the process for becoming a plumber or electrician is much simpler and far less time consuming in South Dakota than in NY.
Everyone's forced. We're all slaves to the almighty dollar. The Corporate Elite Owners you greedy white Republican dudes worship, actually hate you. You're shit beneath their boots. But they've convinced y'all that they're the 'Good Guys.' Y'all are very sadly duped.

Wrong as usual. You don't want to work for anybody else, then don't. I have several family members that work for themselves and always have.

Learn a trade like HVAC, plumbing, electrician, bricklaying, lawn care, remodeling, pest control, there are a number of things.

When you work for somebody else, you have to do things their way. It's like living in somebody else's home. You can live comfortably, but you can't throw your underwear all over the house, smoke pot in the living room, leave dirty dishes piled in the sink.

If you want to live that way, then get your own home. You call the shots then.
I will presume the process for becoming a plumber or electrician is much simpler and far less time consuming in South Dakota than in NY.

Wages for those professions have been decreasing for years as well.
I will presume the process for becoming a plumber or electrician is much simpler and far less time consuming in South Dakota than in NY.

I don't know why, but if that is the case, move to South Dakota.

Here the trades can't find people. Young adults today are too consumed with recreational narcotics to enjoy a new career or future. Our priorities have slipped away the last couple of decades and continue to do so.

Thanks to government and liberal policies, people take the path of least resistance; take the easy way out.

If it requires effort, physical work and sacrifice, forget about it. I'll stay home on my Obama phone and eat my SNAP's paid Fruit Loops in my HUD home up in the suburbs.
I will presume the process for becoming a plumber or electrician is much simpler and far less time consuming in South Dakota than in NY.

I don't know why, but if that is the case, move to South Dakota.

Here the trades can't find people. Young adults today are too consumed with recreational narcotics to enjoy a new career or future. Our priorities have slipped away the last couple of decades and continue to do so.

Thanks to government and liberal policies, people take the path of least resistance; take the easy way out.

If it requires effort, physical work and sacrifice, forget about it. I'll stay home on my Obama phone and eat my SNAP's paid Fruit Loops in my HUD home up in the suburbs.

You have a bad habit of over generalizing.
I will presume the process for becoming a plumber or electrician is much simpler and far less time consuming in South Dakota than in NY.

I don't know why, but if that is the case, move to South Dakota.

Here the trades can't find people. Young adults today are too consumed with recreational narcotics to enjoy a new career or future. Our priorities have slipped away the last couple of decades and continue to do so.

Thanks to government and liberal policies, people take the path of least resistance; take the easy way out.

If it requires effort, physical work and sacrifice, forget about it. I'll stay home on my Obama phone and eat my SNAP's paid Fruit Loops in my HUD home up in the suburbs.

Believe it or not, I can agree with much of what you've said. But I just can't go with y'all greedy white Republican's worship of Corporate Elite bastards. There has to be balance. That's why we can't leave it all up to you folks. Your insatiable greed clouds your judgement. You're worshipping very bad people. They actually despise y'all. If you ain't a corrupt $Billionaire like them, folks like the Bush's and Cheney's want nothing to do with you. You're only worthy of being used for Election Day.

Yeah, there's nothing worse than a poor white Republican dude thinking his $Millionaire Party leaders actually care about him. They're worshipping bad folks who'd gladly sell their own mothers if they saw a profit in it. They'd like em to make $1 an hr if possible. Yet these poor folks just keep on voting against their own best interests. It's very sad. Just poor dupes who don't know any better.
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Believe it or not, I can agree with much of what you've said. But I just can't go with y'all greedy white Republican's worship of Corporate Elite bastards. There has to be balance. That's why we can't leave it all up to you folks. Your insatiable greed clouds your judgement. You're worshipping very bad people. They actually despise y'all. If you ain't a corrupt $Billionaire like them, folks like the Bush's and Cheney's want nothing to do with you. You're only worthy of being used for Election Day.

Yeah, there's nothing worse than a poor white Republican dude thinking his $Millionaire Party leaders actually care about him. They're worshipping bad folks who'd gladly sell their own mothers if they saw a profit in it. They'd like em to make $1 an hr if possible. Yet these poor folks just keep on voting against their own best interests. It's very sad. Just poor dupes who don't know any better.

Why is it you think that holding a particular value is worshiping? It has nothing to do with worshiping anybody. It has to do with a moral belief that we are all on our own in this world and nobody should be expected to provide you with a job and pay of your desire.

Hillary lied to you once again: It' doesn't take a village. The United States is not a village; we are not a commune.

We are individuals gifted enough to be born in a country where a person can be just about anybody they desire. If you want to be poor, then be poor. Don't work or work few hours, stay home and take what government gives you. If you want to be middle-class, then be middle-class. Go out and work, learn a trade or field of work that pays half-way decent, and be middle-class. If you want to be upper-class or wealthy, then get an education. Give up everything you don't need to buy, and use that money to invest. Then open up your own business or keep your investments growing.

But for the life of me, I can't understand the thinking that if a person chooses a route of failure, it's equitable for government to interfere and make sure that doesn't happen at the expense of those who chose a different path in life.
You have a bad habit of over generalizing.

Maybe, but I've seen it first hand.

My employer was looking for a new driver when he expanded his operations a couple of years ago. He couldn't find one. Sure, people applied, but he explained that we (by law) have to drug test employees. Most of them walked out because they couldn't pass a drug test.

Our industry needs over 60,000 new drivers this year, and they can't find them. That's 60,000 new American jobs that Americans won't take. It's too much trouble, it's too many hours, it's too much time away from home......whatever.

Call it generalizations if you like, but there is truth behind what I say. We hit a new record of people not working (or looking for work) this month, and it's been going on for some time now.
I will presume the process for becoming a plumber or electrician is much simpler and far less time consuming in South Dakota than in NY.

I don't know why, but if that is the case, move to South Dakota.

Here the trades can't find people. Young adults today are too consumed with recreational narcotics to enjoy a new career or future. Our priorities have slipped away the last couple of decades and continue to do so.

Thanks to government and liberal policies, people take the path of least resistance; take the easy way out.

If it requires effort, physical work and sacrifice, forget about it. I'll stay home on my Obama phone and eat my SNAP's paid Fruit Loops in my HUD home up in the suburbs.

Believe it or not, I can agree with much of what you've said. But I just can't go with y'all greedy white Republican's worship of Corporate Elite bastards. There has to be balance. That's why we can't leave it all up to you folks. Your insatiable greed clouds your judgement. You're worshipping very bad people. They actually despise y'all. If you ain't a corrupt $Billionaire like them, folks like the Bush's and Cheney's want nothing to do with you. You're only worthy of being used for Election Day.

Yeah, there's nothing worse than a poor white Republican dude thinking his $Millionaire Party leaders actually care about him. They're worshipping bad folks who'd gladly sell their own mothers if they saw a profit in it. They'd like em to make $1 an hr if possible. Yet these poor folks just keep on voting against their own best interests. It's very sad. Just poor dupes who don't know any better.
Your error is in imagining that republicans want politicians who care about them. The millionaires are likely to be people who don't care about me. I don't want them to care. I want them to leave me alone. It's the democrats who care so much that they appoint themselves as the final authority in what I want and what is good for me.
our error is in imagining that republicans want politicians who care about them. The millionaires are likely to be people who don't care about me. I don't want them to care. I want them to leave me alone. It's the democrats who care so much that they appoint themselves as the final authority in what I want and what is good for me.


If I see the news showing a bank robbery on television, I want that bank robber caught; not because I care about the bank so much, it's just robbing a bank is a wrong thing to do. The bank could care less about me unless I'm a valued customer.
Thing is ray you don't believe working folk ever deserve a raise or health insurance or anything so why should a young person be a truck driver when they don't ever go up in salary no matter how many hours they are willing to work? You don't ever want a company to increase wages... I would never ever consider working under those derogatory conditions.
Thing is ray you don't believe working folk ever deserve a raise or health insurance or anything so why should a young person be a truck driver when they don't ever go up in salary no matter how many hours they are willing to work? You don't ever want a company to increase wages... I would never ever consider working under those derogatory conditions.

Your problem is comprehension skills.

I don't care how much people make. If an employer wants to pay his workers $40.00 an hour, I say good for them. But it should be the employers call--not the government or unions. I'm not against anybody making more money. I'm against forcing an employer to pay an employee more than they are worth, and that worth is determined by the employer.
Then if your employer paid more they would get more applicants....if they pay squat, then those jobs will be left unfilled. Even if there are able bodied folk to fill those jobs.
Then if your employer paid more they would get more applicants....if they pay squat, then those jobs will be left unfilled. Even if there are able bodied folk to fill those jobs.

Today employers have to compete with government handouts, that's the problem. There are many jobs with acceptable pay that people won't take because in the long run, they are better off not working. Now that Commie Care is in the mix, it's worse now than ever because by not working, you can get free healthcare on top of it which makes it better to not work than to take a job that has no healthcare benefits which would require you (by law) to pay for your own health insurance.
If an employer can't beat the lowly sum the govt gives out then they have no business offering jobs. Those jobs should go unfilled. A halfway decent employer offers good health insurance along with a decent salary otherwise look somewhere better. If I am going to be very productive pay me as such.
I would assume your employer offers good pay and good benefits....otherwise one would be foolish to do the job.
If an employer can't beat the lowly sum the govt gives out then they have no business offering jobs. Those jobs should go unfilled. A halfway decent employer offers good health insurance along with a decent salary otherwise look somewhere better. If I am going to be very productive pay me as such.

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

When welfare pays better than work | New York Post
Any business that can't pay more than welfare wages should not be trying to grow the business case closed. Who in their right mind would apply for something like that?
Any business that can't pay more than welfare wages should not be trying to grow the business case closed. Who in their right mind would apply for something like that?

As my articles point out, welfare is paying better than jobs these days. It's not a problem of the jobs not paying enough, it's a problem of government paying too much.

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