McDonalds Introduces Self Serving Kiosks in Response to Min Wage Increase

That's a diversion. Are you abandoning your previous stance that every company can and should double their labor costs overnight?

And while you're trying to find a banal nonsense question to duck out of that, consider as well that, if society wants a guaranteed income, it should come from welfare, not by turning companies into welfare distribution centers so you can pretend that we're not spending huge money on welfare.
that was not my previous stance; you are merely working too hard and producing red herrings.

we are discussing the minimum wage. and, yes; social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. there is no reason to socialize those costs
Here is what you said.

"Why don't all capitalists accumulate capital to do what Henry Ford did?"

I've answered that question and now you want to abandon it. I can see why you would, can you?
All capitalists can do what Henry Ford did, with enough capital.
That's like saying all people can live like Donald Trump does, with enough money. The fact remains, most companies CANNOT do what Ford did, because they don't have the means. Next.
there is no right earn a profit. no right to work, either.

So you are abandoning your previous stance that every company can and should double their labor costs overnight. Good to know. Now put down the bong and become productive.
false analogies much? the law is employment at the will of either party.
And the law is also that you only get UE under certain circumstances. You have yet to demonstrate that the two are the same. They are not.
State law supersedes administrative law.
Define "administrative law" and explain how "state law" supersedes it. While you're at it, explain how "state law" lets you get paid if you quit a job.
they are already defined. you need to do your own homework.

unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States is equal protection of that very same law, for Labor.
You only get paid to not work under certain circumstances. That won't change.

You can't park in a handicapped parking space without a handicapped designation on your car. That won't change, no matter how many times you yell "equal protection under the law".

You can't claim a mortgage interest deduction on your taxes unless you pay interest on a mortgage. That won't change, no matter how many times you yell "equal protection under the law".

Are you starting to get the picture? Are you starting to understand? You just keep dully repeating the same mantra over and over again, but you're no closer to making it true than when you started. Being paid for voluntarily not working is not UE, it's welfare.
false analogy much? equal protection of the law means a literal interpretation of that Act.
that was not my previous stance; you are merely working too hard and producing red herrings.

we are discussing the minimum wage. and, yes; social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. there is no reason to socialize those costs
Here is what you said.

"Why don't all capitalists accumulate capital to do what Henry Ford did?"

I've answered that question and now you want to abandon it. I can see why you would, can you?
All capitalists can do what Henry Ford did, with enough capital.
That's like saying all people can live like Donald Trump does, with enough money. The fact remains, most companies CANNOT do what Ford did, because they don't have the means. Next.
there is no right earn a profit. no right to work, either.

So you are abandoning your previous stance that every company can and should double their labor costs overnight. Good to know. Now put down the bong and become productive.
special pleading much? not everyone gets paid the minimum wage; unlike what your right wing fantasy, would like.
Your lack of True Faith in Capitalism, is underwhelming.

Capitalism is a name given to market driven economies. "Faith" is irrelevant.

I have before urged you to take an introduction to economics course at the local night school or community college.

Your entire view would change, and you would no longer make a fool of yourself in these threads.

You should at least consider it.
Here is what you said.

"Why don't all capitalists accumulate capital to do what Henry Ford did?"

I've answered that question and now you want to abandon it. I can see why you would, can you?
All capitalists can do what Henry Ford did, with enough capital.
That's like saying all people can live like Donald Trump does, with enough money. The fact remains, most companies CANNOT do what Ford did, because they don't have the means. Next.
there is no right earn a profit. no right to work, either.

So you are abandoning your previous stance that every company can and should double their labor costs overnight. Good to know. Now put down the bong and become productive.
special pleading much? not everyone gets paid the minimum wage; unlike what your right wing fantasy, would like.
Now you're wandering uselessly around in lala land. You have no coherent points to make.
Your lack of True Faith in Capitalism, is underwhelming.

Capitalism is a name given to market driven economies. "Faith" is irrelevant.

I have before urged you to take an introduction to economics course at the local night school or community college.

Your entire view would change, and you would no longer make a fool of yourself in these threads.

You should at least consider it.
it is about equal protection of the law, not economics, specifically.
You are the one appealing to ignorance of the law, for your special pleading purposes, just like you did with our drug war argument.

How is posting the law, along with an explanation of what it means, "appealing to ignorance" of the same?

Haddit it right, you need to put down the bong. You are simply not coherent.
simple; employment is at the will of either party.
All capitalists can do what Henry Ford did, with enough capital.
That's like saying all people can live like Donald Trump does, with enough money. The fact remains, most companies CANNOT do what Ford did, because they don't have the means. Next.
there is no right earn a profit. no right to work, either.

So you are abandoning your previous stance that every company can and should double their labor costs overnight. Good to know. Now put down the bong and become productive.
special pleading much? not everyone gets paid the minimum wage; unlike what your right wing fantasy, would like.
Now you're wandering uselessly around in lala land. You have no coherent points to make.
You are the one resorting to special pleading, which is a fallacy.
Keep in mind, McDonalds was gonna implement these kiosks no matter what the Minimum Wage was. It's a Corporation that doesn't care about Americans or America. It only cares about the money. But who knows? Maybe this move has put it on Trump's shitlist. I hope so.
ALL FF outlet franchise owners have been aware of the robotics sitting in Chinese warehouses for a decade just waiting to be but into their FF outlets.
It's NEVER been about the cost of the equipment.
A grade ten student with a calculator can figure out the massive cost benefits to installing robotic fry makers compared to having to deal with semiliterate dummies/dirty/late/thieving/dopers/drunks/'activists in the workplace' losers.
The ONLY reason the robots haven't virtually replaced humans has been local 'politics'.
But recent marketing studies have proven that the average person who eats at FF outlets doesn't give a fuck who or what is making their 'Whopper' as long as it's quick and cheap and what they ordered.
The $15 an hour movement put the final nail in the 'we must have humans flipping the burgers' coffin.

Just another greedy Corporation that doesn't care about America. Minimum Wage had nothing to do with this decision. McDonalds had this plan in the works years ago. It's just using the Minimum Wage issue to dupe folks like you. McDonalds has made untold $Billions of slave labor. It's a classic 'Evil Corporation.'

The ones that have been duped are those like you that think someone working in fast food deserves $15/hour.

Slave labor? Slaves don't get paid.
It always amazes me that these gigantic corporations are able to compensate from market fluctuations in the cost of supplies and raw materials, rent, tax increases, increased advertising costs, increased executive pay

Yet when someone advocates an increase in pay for their lowest workers, it will bring them to their knees

When are those advocates of increased pay for the lower workers going to advocate those workers increase their skill level?

Are you advocating they should all become CEO's to get a pay increase?
yes, that is the right wing solution. never mind that all capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and double wages to realize gains from efficiency.
The last time you owned a large corporation and doubled your labor costs overnight was when?
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.

If those that are poor have done things to cause them to be poor, whose fault is it?
I hope Trump kicks some McDonalds ass. Another Corporation that doesn't care about America. It's consumed with evil greed.
Dude, every company is in business for one purpose, to make money. Government is in business to acquire more power over your life. There are very few altruistic organizations around. Want corporations to care about America? Make it more attractive to keep operations in American than to move them somewhere cheap
Are you advocating they should all become CEO's to get a pay increase?
yes, that is the right wing solution. never mind that all capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and double wages to realize gains from efficiency.
The last time you owned a large corporation and doubled your labor costs overnight was when?
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say. Again, when did you last run a large corporation and double your labor costs overnight?
when was the last time you were poor and doubled your income overnight?

Here's the thing. When I was young, I did things to keep from being poor.
When I owned some FF franchises many years ago my office overlooked the parking lot where potential employees parked to come to where I could interview them.
I was the final person to say yes or no to them getting a job.
They had all been told to park in the 'Visitors' parking area.
After they would arrive and were waiting in the interview room I would go out to their car and take a look inside.
Clean tidy interior they got the job. Dirty messy cluttered interior? No job.
Saved me countless problems.
That's like saying all people can live like Donald Trump does, with enough money. The fact remains, most companies CANNOT do what Ford did, because they don't have the means. Next.
there is no right earn a profit. no right to work, either.

So you are abandoning your previous stance that every company can and should double their labor costs overnight. Good to know. Now put down the bong and become productive.
special pleading much? not everyone gets paid the minimum wage; unlike what your right wing fantasy, would like.
Now you're wandering uselessly around in lala land. You have no coherent points to make.
You are the one resorting to special pleading, which is a fallacy.
Dude, you're wandering and refusing to acknowledge the glaring discrepancy between your statements. There is no helping you until you put down the bong and get a job. Get back to me in about a year.
When are those advocates of increased pay for the lower workers going to advocate those workers increase their skill level?

Are you advocating they should all become CEO's to get a pay increase?
yes, that is the right wing solution. never mind that all capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and double wages to realize gains from efficiency.
The last time you owned a large corporation and doubled your labor costs overnight was when?
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.

If those that are poor have done things to cause them to be poor, whose fault is it?
yes, that is the right wing solution. never mind that all capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and double wages to realize gains from efficiency.
I hope Trump kicks some McDonalds ass. Another Corporation that doesn't care about America. It's consumed with evil greed.
Dude, every company is in business for one purpose, to make money. Government is in business to acquire more power over your life. There are very few altruistic organizations around. Want corporations to care about America? Make it more attractive to keep operations in American than to move them somewhere cheap
yes, that is the right wing solution. never mind that all capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and double wages to realize gains from efficiency.
The last time you owned a large corporation and doubled your labor costs overnight was when?
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say. Again, when did you last run a large corporation and double your labor costs overnight?
when was the last time you were poor and doubled your income overnight?

Here's the thing. When I was young, I did things to keep from being poor.
How well did that work during the Great Depression?
there is no right earn a profit. no right to work, either.

So you are abandoning your previous stance that every company can and should double their labor costs overnight. Good to know. Now put down the bong and become productive.
special pleading much? not everyone gets paid the minimum wage; unlike what your right wing fantasy, would like.
Now you're wandering uselessly around in lala land. You have no coherent points to make.
You are the one resorting to special pleading, which is a fallacy.
Dude, you're wandering and refusing to acknowledge the glaring discrepancy between your statements. There is no helping you until you put down the bong and get a job. Get back to me in about a year.
there is no discrepancy; you are simply clueless and Causeless, and your fallacies prove it in the public domain.
Are you advocating they should all become CEO's to get a pay increase?
yes, that is the right wing solution. never mind that all capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and double wages to realize gains from efficiency.
The last time you owned a large corporation and doubled your labor costs overnight was when?
Yet, the fantastical right wing claims being poor, is the fault of Only the poor.

If those that are poor have done things to cause them to be poor, whose fault is it?
yes, that is the right wing solution. never mind that all capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and double wages to realize gains from efficiency.
Now you're back on that one again. Make up your mind, because you're running around in circles.

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