McDonald's president who made $7.4 million last year says proposal to pay fast-food workers $22 an hour is 'costly and job-destroying'

/---/ I get an email update from Readers Digest almost daily. Guess what was in today's article.
According to the survey, In-N-Out Burger has the best fast-food burger in America. The West Coast–based burger chain led the survey in almost every category, including overall satisfaction, customer loyalty index, trust, value for the money, food quality, staff friendliness, cleanliness, order accuracy, problem-free experience, curb appeal, atmosphere and healthy food options.
In-N-Out is my first choice for a quick lunch. Followed by a local chain called The Habit that is slowly expanding out of California. Otherwise I’ll go to a restaurant, or try a mom-and-pop stand. I just found one, the food isn't cheap, there isn’t any atmosphere but the food is great. I eat where I get good value.
And he's 100% correct! $22.00 an hour for entry level burger flippers is ridiculous!

'Business Insider' is a leftwing site, and they're doing their best to guilt-trip anyone who opposes paying these kind of entry level wages.

1:15 / 1:57

For that type of money the owners of fast food joints will just buy robots to flip burgers.

I don’t oppose that in the least as I will know the robots aren’t picking their noses and putting the results in my food.

And he's 100% correct! $22.00 an hour for entry level burger flippers is ridiculous!

'Business Insider' is a leftwing site, and they're doing their best to guilt-trip anyone who opposes paying these kind of entry level wages.

Yes, probably too much. However the US needs to find that balance, and right now it's not finding a balance with anything.
Markets are based on voluntary trades, I would scrap minimum wage.

Every time wages are forced up, another robot is hired.
Yes, probably too much. However the US needs to find that balance, and right now it's not finding a balance with anything.
Too much government interference, too much red tape stifles and distorts the market. And they push even harder believing that's the answer.
McDonalds is bad for your health. Cauliflower and crickets would be healthier and taste better than what they try to pass off as beef or chicken, the Coke is fake and the fries haven’t been edible since they changed the fry oil 30 years ago
Except illegals are doing every unskilled and semi-skilled job. Construction? Almost all illegals. Food industry? Almost all illegals. Farming? All illegals. Custodial and hotel/motel? All illegals. With some states giving illegals licenses, trucking is heading the same way. I believe California is allowing Mexican trucks something like a hundred miles north of the border. Unless a job requires a certification illegals are pushing citizens out of it.

That's right. As a country we have decided we want the cheap illegal labor.
For that type of money the owners of fast food joints will just buy robots to flip burgers.

I don’t oppose that in the least as I will know the robots aren’t picking their noses and putting the results in my food.

And maybe after they turn to robots, the sandwiches will actually look like the ones on their commercials. Plus the elimination of them always forgetting to put something in the bag like they did to me yesterday morning.
We didn't decide that as a country. We decided we want cheap products, but a majority doesn't support illegals.
We could have cheap products, at least as far as the labor costs are concerned, if we 1) require Americans on welfare to get a job to keep their taxpayer-provided freebies, or 2) lower the amount of welfare that work refusnicks get, forcing them to get a job.
And maybe after they turn to robots, the sandwiches will actually look like the ones on their commercials. Plus the elimination of them always forgetting to put something in the bag like they did to me yesterday morning.
If you’re at the drive-through, you need to check the bag before you drive away from the window. They get it wrong a lot.
Except illegals are doing every unskilled and semi-skilled job. Construction? Almost all illegals. Food industry? Almost all illegals. Farming? All illegals. Custodial and hotel/motel? All illegals. With some states giving illegals licenses, trucking is heading the same way. I believe California is allowing Mexican trucks something like a hundred miles north of the border. Unless a job requires a certification illegals are pushing citizens out of it.

Not only that but these foreign drivers don't even have to take our tests to get a CDL. I know because I've watched many of them try to back in a trailer. While it's been many years since I first got my CDL, I know there is no possible way they passed the test we have to take.

Worse than that is some of them don't know a word of English. You know if they can't speak the language, they certainly can't read our road signs.
If you’re at the drive-through, you need to check the bag before you drive away from the window. They get it wrong a lot.

At least over here they do. I mean how hard is it to put an entire meal in a bag? I don't know what people who order for the entire family have to go through. I'm only one person with one order.

What it's going to boil down to is artificial intelligence vs no intelligence.
That’s because we give out the equivalent of $50,000 and more in welfare to citizens who aren’t working. Lower that amount, and tie it in with work requirements, and unskilled, uneducated Americans will go back to taking the jobs that only illegals accept now.

Look at you clamoring for the people to work three jobs just to make ends meet.

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