Me and Trump don’t live off of anyone else


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Me and Trump don’t live off of anyone else (I heard this Fox this am when Justice was on )

In 2009, he sold some of his coal business to the Russian company Mechel for $568 million. In 2015, after a huge drop in the price of coal which led Mechel to close some of the mines, he bought the business back for just $5 million.[7][8] Since buying back the mine from Mechel, Justice re-opened several of the mines and hired over 200 coal miners.[9]

Justice's mining companies have a history of safety violation and unpaid taxes; in 2016, NPR called him the "top mine safety delinquent" in the United States.[10]

Justice owes millions of dollars to the government in back taxes, and unpaid coal mining fees and fines: "His mining companies owe $15 million in six states, including property and minerals taxes, state coal severance and withholding taxes, and federal income, excise and unemployment taxes, as well as mine safety penalties, according to county, state and federal records."[11]

Jim Justice - Wikipedia

Hell they don't , they are both thieves and both think they are above the law without paying taxes and fines. Tramp probably dismissed his fines and what he owes the IRS.

After the death of his father in 1993, Justice inherited ownership of Bluestone Industries and Bluestone Coal Corporation.

both living off of Daddy's money and inheritance.
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You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.

Keep going with "Putin's rule" and Trump is a lock for 2020

I can tell you this Penny Jackboots because you still will not wrap your head around it
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.

Keep going with "Putin's rule" and Trump is a lock for 2020

I can tell you this Penny Jackboots because you still will not wrap your head around it

Russia is invited in the 2020 election, Tramp can't stop him and doesn't want to, he has dirt on Tramp. Putin is now using tramp.
Me and Trump don’t live off of anyone else

In 2009, he sold some of his coal business to the Russian company Mechel for $568 million. In 2015, after a huge drop in the price of coal which led Mechel to close some of the mines, he bought the business back for just $5 million.[7][8] Since buying back the mine from Mechel, Justice re-opened several of the mines and hired over 200 coal miners.[9]

Justice's mining companies have a history of safety violation and unpaid taxes; in 2016, NPR called him the "top mine safety delinquent" in the United States.[10]

Justice owes millions of dollars to the government in back taxes, and unpaid coal mining fees and fines: "His mining companies owe $15 million in six states, including property and minerals taxes, state coal severance and withholding taxes, and federal income, excise and unemployment taxes, as well as mine safety penalties, according to county, state and federal records."[11]

Jim Justice - Wikipedia

Hell they don't , they are both thieves and both think they are above the law without paying taxes and fines. Tramp probably dismissed his fines and what he owes the IRS.

After the death of his father in 1993, Justice inherited ownership of Bluestone Industries and Bluestone Coal Corporation.

both living off of Daddy's money and inheritance.
Hell they don't , they are both thieves and both think they are above the law without paying taxes and fines. Tramp probably dismissed his fines and what he owes the IRS.
Trump comes from a long line of crony-capitalist parasites who fatten their fortunes by shifting the tax burden onto productive citizens.

Tax Fraud By The Numbers: The Trump Timeline [UPDATED 2019]

"Donald Trump has a long and fascinating history as a business mogul before becoming elected President in 2016. In that time, he has made big waves in real estate and entrepreneurship and has been accused of multiple fraudulent activities in the process.

"Many of these accusations have been catalogued in a massive exposé published by the New York Times.

"Whether or not these accusations are legitimate is up to the courts to decide.

"This is in no way an indictment or direct attack on the president; all we are attempting to do with these events is construct an educational case study.

"By analyzing these scenarios, we should be able to establish a working knowledge of tax fraud and, by extension, tax law itself.

"So read on to learn about Donald Trump’s tax fraud allegations over the course of 25 years and what they can teach us about the United States tax code!"
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.

Keep going with "Putin's rule" and Trump is a lock for 2020

I can tell you this Penny Jackboots because you still will not wrap your head around it

Russia is invited in the 2020 election, Tramp can't stop him and doesn't want to, he has dirt on Tramp. Putin is now using tramp.

You also do not think independently.

You only say and think what others tell you to think.
Me and Trump don’t live off of anyone else (I heard this Fox this am when Justice was on )

In 2009, he sold some of his coal business to the Russian company Mechel for $568 million. In 2015, after a huge drop in the price of coal which led Mechel to close some of the mines, he bought the business back for just $5 million.[7][8] Since buying back the mine from Mechel, Justice re-opened several of the mines and hired over 200 coal miners.[9]

Justice's mining companies have a history of safety violation and unpaid taxes; in 2016, NPR called him the "top mine safety delinquent" in the United States.[10]

Justice owes millions of dollars to the government in back taxes, and unpaid coal mining fees and fines: "His mining companies owe $15 million in six states, including property and minerals taxes, state coal severance and withholding taxes, and federal income, excise and unemployment taxes, as well as mine safety penalties, according to county, state and federal records."[11]

Jim Justice - Wikipedia

Hell they don't , they are both thieves and both think they are above the law without paying taxes and fines. Tramp probably dismissed his fines and what he owes the IRS.

After the death of his father in 1993, Justice inherited ownership of Bluestone Industries and Bluestone Coal Corporation.

both living off of Daddy's money and inheritance.
Always remember this when a liberal is talking.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
This helps you cut through the bullshit they are spouting. She is trying to compare herself with President Trump who has billions of dollars while she "wishes" she had hundreds of dollars...
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.

Penny is just gibbering again. That aneurysm is working on what little is left of her brain.
  • Tax evasion? Funny, did the IRS tell you they are pursuing Trump for a single unpaid tax?
  • "Adherence" to foreign governments? Funny, didn't Bob Mueller just spend 8 hours on national TV saying there was no credible evidence suggesting any conspiracy by Trump with Russia?
  • Under Putin's rule? Funny, Barry Obama did far more to please Putin than Trump ever has.
You gotta excuse Penny. She is like a 1985 Pac Man game with a cracked motherboard, she just keeps spewing mindless rubbish unless you pull the cord on her...
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.
And herein lies the problem.
Your obvious foam-at-the-mouth hatred of Trump distorts your ability to think and form realistic opinions. It is called TDS. And it is quite real.
Example... If you and those like you just talked about his not paying taxes, and went to prove it and found documents etc. - AND STOPPED THERE.... you may actually be effective. But your inability to control yourself and then start spouting off idiocy like "he is already under Putin's rule"... saying stupid statement like that makes no one pay any attention to you, and no matter how true what you say is - you will be dismissed.
And I just described the last 3 years of the left's behavior.
But you won't listen, and neither will anyone you all will just keep saying ridiculous things and you will be ignored, and Trump is likely to win again because of it.
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.
You mean like Obama didn’t continue the Global Economy?
You are one mentally handicapped piece of shit.
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.
You mean like Obama didn’t continue the Global Economy?
You are one mentally handicapped piece of shit.

Obama embraced globalism. Embraced corporatism, and did more for the shareholder class than all other Americans put together. That is a fact. The numbers don't lie. The wealth/earnings gap under Obama grew at a faster rate and farther apart than any other time in U.S. history. Again, that is just a fact.
At the same time literally 1,000's of people A DAY were losing their homes, the stock market was breaking records. In 2010, the highest level of individual bankruptcies in American history - the stock market was on fire...boosted by TARP funds. And the wealthy were raking it in.
That happened. No arguments. The data is there. And the left media and the left drones don't care.
Ph...BTW.... Individual bankruptcies are half what they were then now.
Me and Trump don’t live off of anyone else (I heard this Fox this am when Justice was on )

In 2009, he sold some of his coal business to the Russian company Mechel for $568 million. In 2015, after a huge drop in the price of coal which led Mechel to close some of the mines, he bought the business back for just $5 million.[7][8] Since buying back the mine from Mechel, Justice re-opened several of the mines and hired over 200 coal miners.[9]

Justice's mining companies have a history of safety violation and unpaid taxes; in 2016, NPR called him the "top mine safety delinquent" in the United States.[10]

Justice owes millions of dollars to the government in back taxes, and unpaid coal mining fees and fines: "His mining companies owe $15 million in six states, including property and minerals taxes, state coal severance and withholding taxes, and federal income, excise and unemployment taxes, as well as mine safety penalties, according to county, state and federal records."[11]

Jim Justice - Wikipedia

Hell they don't , they are both thieves and both think they are above the law without paying taxes and fines. Tramp probably dismissed his fines and what he owes the IRS.

After the death of his father in 1993, Justice inherited ownership of Bluestone Industries and Bluestone Coal Corporation.

both living off of Daddy's money and inheritance.
You run with that. 15 months and 4 more years!
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.
And herein lies the problem.
Your obvious foam-at-the-mouth hatred of Trump distorts your ability to think and form realistic opinions. It is called TDS. And it is quite real.
Example... If you and those like you just talked about his not paying taxes, and went to prove it and found documents etc. - AND STOPPED THERE.... you may actually be effective. But your inability to control yourself and then start spouting off idiocy like "he is already under Putin's rule"... saying stupid statement like that makes no one pay any attention to you, and no matter how true what you say is - you will be dismissed.
And I just described the last 3 years of the left's behavior.
But you won't listen, and neither will anyone you all will just keep saying ridiculous things and you will be ignored, and Trump is likely to win again because of it.

Yup. She sure posts some crazy ass shit.

I get a good laugh every time I read her over the top bullshit.

She will have four more years to entertain us.

What a maroon.
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.
And herein lies the problem.
Your obvious foam-at-the-mouth hatred of Trump distorts your ability to think and form realistic opinions. It is called TDS. And it is quite real.
Example... If you and those like you just talked about his not paying taxes, and went to prove it and found documents etc. - AND STOPPED THERE.... you may actually be effective. But your inability to control yourself and then start spouting off idiocy like "he is already under Putin's rule"... saying stupid statement like that makes no one pay any attention to you, and no matter how true what you say is - you will be dismissed.
And I just described the last 3 years of the left's behavior.
But you won't listen, and neither will anyone you all will just keep saying ridiculous things and you will be ignored, and Trump is likely to win again because of it.

Yup. She sure posts some crazy ass shit.

I get a good laugh every time I read her over the top bullshit.

She will have four more years to entertain us.

What a maroon.

That is what he said, I kid you not, and the 3 fox in the morning people agreed with him

and in their memory they knew he was a tax evader and so is tramp and both inherited from their daddy.
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.

Keep going with "Putin's rule" and Trump is a lock for 2020

I can tell you this Penny Jackboots because you still will not wrap your head around it

Russia is invited in the 2020 election, Tramp can't stop him and doesn't want to, he has dirt on Tramp. Putin is now using tramp.

You also do not think independently.

You only say and think what others tell you to think.

Well add 2 + 2 together, if you can.
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.
And herein lies the problem.
Your obvious foam-at-the-mouth hatred of Trump distorts your ability to think and form realistic opinions. It is called TDS. And it is quite real.
Example... If you and those like you just talked about his not paying taxes, and went to prove it and found documents etc. - AND STOPPED THERE.... you may actually be effective. But your inability to control yourself and then start spouting off idiocy like "he is already under Putin's rule"... saying stupid statement like that makes no one pay any attention to you, and no matter how true what you say is - you will be dismissed.
And I just described the last 3 years of the left's behavior.
But you won't listen, and neither will anyone you all will just keep saying ridiculous things and you will be ignored, and Trump is likely to win again because of it.

Yup. She sure posts some crazy ass shit.

I get a good laugh every time I read her over the top bullshit.

She will have four more years to entertain us.

What a maroon.

That is what he said, I kid you not, and the 3 fox in the morning people agreed with him

and in their memory they knew he was a tax evader and so is tramp and both inherited from their daddy.

Sure. He inherited from Dad but turned it into much more.

Oh and if he evaded taxes the IRS would have been all over him. He's audited both personally and professionally all the time.

You sure are one entertaining lefty loon. Go Loon.
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.

Keep going with "Putin's rule" and Trump is a lock for 2020

I can tell you this Penny Jackboots because you still will not wrap your head around it

Russia is invited in the 2020 election, Tramp can't stop him and doesn't want to, he has dirt on Tramp. Putin is now using tramp.

You also do not think independently.

You only say and think what others tell you to think.

Haven’t seen any dirt on Donnie, especially from Russia. I’m also not on Facebook, and didn’t get tricked into voting for him. I did it all by myself, as I’ll do again in 2020. You can keep repeating the same mantra. It doesn’t make it true.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You and the Dems have just over ONE YEAR, Jackboots Penny. One year to find anything, anything at all to convince Americans to vote for you. It ain't "RUSSIA!". It's ain't this--Trump's taxes or whatever.

But hey, keep doing this, it works for us. No, I mean it. It REALLY works for us.

Probably his tax evasion and adherence for foreign governments. He is already under Putin's rule.

Keep going with "Putin's rule" and Trump is a lock for 2020

I can tell you this Penny Jackboots because you still will not wrap your head around it

Russia is invited in the 2020 election, Tramp can't stop him and doesn't want to, he has dirt on Tramp. Putin is now using tramp.

You also do not think independently.

You only say and think what others tell you to think.

Haven’t seen any dirt on Donnie, especially from Russia. I’m also not on Facebook, and didn’t get tricked into voting for him. I did it all by myself, as I’ll do again in 2020. You can keep repeating the same mantra. It doesn’t make it true.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Trump could shit in the middle of the dining room table during christmas dinner and Rusianwingers would fight for the biggest spoon.

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