#Me too should make us think

the POUND ME TOO movement was always a tool to bludgeon Republicans and conservatives, we always knew the story would change when it was a powerful or important Democrat, we saw it with Governor Blackface in Virginia and we see it again now

the hypocrisy from the left is amazing to watch
I don’t think so. A lot of Dems got caught up in it, like Franken. However the Dems did leap upon that Bandwagon.
Franken is a gay man that fondled a woman in her hospital bed and there was proof on tape

he was expendable
the POUND ME TOO movement was always a tool to bludgeon Republicans and conservatives, we always knew the story would change when it was a powerful or important Democrat, we saw it with Governor Blackface in Virginia and we see it again now

the hypocrisy from the left is amazing to watch
I don’t think so. A lot of Dems got caught up in it, like Franken. However the Dems did leap upon that Bandwagon.
Franken is a gay man that fondled a woman in her hospital bed and there was proof on tape

he was expendable

Are we talking about the same Franken? I had not heard that one. At any rate it doesn’t alter the fact that many Dems got caught up in it as well. I do not think ”me too” started out as a partisan endeavor.
the POUND ME TOO movement was always a tool to bludgeon Republicans and conservatives, we always knew the story would change when it was a powerful or important Democrat, we saw it with Governor Blackface in Virginia and we see it again now

the hypocrisy from the left is amazing to watch
I don’t think so. A lot of Dems got caught up in it, like Franken. However the Dems did leap upon that Bandwagon.
Franken is a gay man that fondled a woman in her hospital bed and there was proof on tape

he was expendable

Are we talking about the same Franken? I had not heard that one. At any rate it doesn’t alter the fact that many Dems got caught up in it as well. I do not think ”me too” started out as a partisan endeavor.
I'm going to apologize, he is not gay, I confused him for someone else

but he was never a prominent player, he did get caught on tape folding that woman

his case was recent and pretty egregious, he probably thought he was being funny

but someone of Biden's or Clinton's stature is safe from this type.of allegation from the press, unless there is video proof

I am fully aware of sexual dynamics. And that means I know women like sex as much as men. I have been in situations where women decided to grab a handful to let me know her interest. On the job, in the classroom or at a party. I have had females on the job compliment certain body parts, my smile or my outfit. Men can't do that. A compliment suddenly turns into harassment or a hostile work environment.

Unless it is a man a woman wants that kind of attention from.

#metoo has opened up another necessary discussion that we need to have.

For example women generally do not wear medium or thigh high skirts unless they think they have nice legs. So what's wrong with a man complimenting a woman for that? What's so terrible about a man complimenting a woman about her beauty? I said beauty, not booty. Or tits. In the work place that is uncouth and out of bounds.

I have been the recipient of back and thigh rubs I did not ask for from women on the job. I didn't complain because there was no harm done. But certainly I can agree that men pulling out their dicks or forcing themselves on a woman in any physical way is wrong.

But ladies, some of you need to change the way you think too. The I can have any man I want when I want mentality has got to go.

I wasn't around when the worlds oldest profession began, but I don't think a man started selling sex. I could be wrong, but both men and women need to start thinking, because for at least 90 percent of us, it's natural to be attracted to the opposite sex.

Welcome to the party. 2 years late. But better late than never. Funny how the left is suddenly not on board with believe all women. I do think the Biden accusers story is suspect, and the timing is extremely convenient for Bernie. But I digress.

I have also had similar uncomfortable moments with women coming on to me in a very aggressive way. Most notably one instance in my Applebee’s server days when I was 18. Had a women 10 or so years my senior ask me to come to the freezer in the back to help her, she shut the door and bit my lip. I kind of just stood there and took and awkwardly laughed and walked out. Another instance in high school where 2 girls bought white t-shirts and wrote all over them with marker that I am hot, sexy, etc. I’ve never heard of such a thing to this day, but it happened, and I was super uncomfortable with it. Don’t get me wrong, super flattered, but it made for an extremely awkward rest of the day. These were girls I had no interest in either. I have never been an attention seeker, so to have to walk by them, and have to deal with all the other students talking about it and making comments to me, it was not a fun day. But much like IM2, took the compliment and moved on.

Here’s the difference between something like this happening to a guy and it happening to women. Men are naturally stronger and on average more aggressive. Men don’t ever have the thought of “is this aggressive lady going to take her aggression one step further and overpower and rape me.” Nope, never gonna happen for men. For women, it’s unlikely, but it’s still a lingering possibility. As to wether or not women like sex as much as men, I cannot speak too. No one can. One thing is for sure though is that women take on extremely far more risks than men do in the act of sex. The fact that they’re more likely to catch STDs aside, sex is not inconsequential for women. Evolutionarily speaking, women have to worry about becoming increasingly more vulnerable over a 9th month period, then have to go through an extremely painful and potentially deadly childbirth, then are emotionally attached and responsible for an extremely helpless little human whose only method of communication is basically screaming “EAT ME” to any predators in the area. So yes, women rightfully are more wary of sex than men are. There was that famous study where an they took an attractive man and an attractive women to ask strangers on campus if they would like to have sex that night. All women said no, and like 90% of men said yes. There’s 70,000 years of evolution telling women to make sure this guy is going to stay around and share it’s resources with you and your baby before you have sex with it.

I am fully aware of sexual dynamics. And that means I know women like sex as much as men. I have been in situations where women decided to grab a handful to let me know her interest. On the job, in the classroom or at a party. I have had females on the job compliment certain body parts, my smile or my outfit. Men can't do that. A compliment suddenly turns into harassment or a hostile work environment.

Unless it is a man a woman wants that kind of attention from.

#metoo has opened up another necessary discussion that we need to have.

For example women generally do not wear medium or thigh high skirts unless they think they have nice legs. So what's wrong with a man complimenting a woman for that? What's so terrible about a man complimenting a woman about her beauty? I said beauty, not booty. Or tits. In the work place that is uncouth and out of bounds.

I have been the recipient of back and thigh rubs I did not ask for from women on the job. I didn't complain because there was no harm done. But certainly I can agree that men pulling out their dicks or forcing themselves on a woman in any physical way is wrong.

But ladies, some of you need to change the way you think too. The I can have any man I want when I want mentality has got to go.

I wasn't around when the worlds oldest profession began, but I don't think a man started selling sex. I could be wrong, but both men and women need to start thinking, because for at least 90 percent of us, it's natural to be attracted to the opposite sex.

There is a lot of grey area, we need policies and expectations that are fair to both men and women. It used to be stacked against women...now, against men.

In my opinion, in the work place compliments on appearance are unprofessional. Save it for a date.

Fair enough but sometimes I have seen a worker brighten up when they get such a compliment and sometimes getting a compliment like that helped my day get better as well.

I am fully aware of sexual dynamics. And that means I know women like sex as much as men. I have been in situations where women decided to grab a handful to let me know her interest. On the job, in the classroom or at a party. I have had females on the job compliment certain body parts, my smile or my outfit. Men can't do that. A compliment suddenly turns into harassment or a hostile work environment.

Unless it is a man a woman wants that kind of attention from.

#metoo has opened up another necessary discussion that we need to have.

For example women generally do not wear medium or thigh high skirts unless they think they have nice legs. So what's wrong with a man complimenting a woman for that? What's so terrible about a man complimenting a woman about her beauty? I said beauty, not booty. Or tits. In the work place that is uncouth and out of bounds.

I have been the recipient of back and thigh rubs I did not ask for from women on the job. I didn't complain because there was no harm done. But certainly I can agree that men pulling out their dicks or forcing themselves on a woman in any physical way is wrong.

But ladies, some of you need to change the way you think too. The I can have any man I want when I want mentality has got to go.

I wasn't around when the worlds oldest profession began, but I don't think a man started selling sex. I could be wrong, but both men and women need to start thinking, because for at least 90 percent of us, it's natural to be attracted to the opposite sex.

There is a lot of grey area, we need policies and expectations that are fair to both men and women. It used to be stacked against women...now, against men.

In my opinion, in the work place compliments on appearance are unprofessional. Save it for a date.

Fair enough but sometimes I have seen a worker brighten up when they get such a compliment and sometimes getting a compliment like that helped my day get better as well.

I do know what you mean, and I agree...but I can’t see any other way out of it :(
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I am fully aware of sexual dynamics. And that means I know women like sex as much as men. I have been in situations where women decided to grab a handful to let me know her interest. On the job, in the classroom or at a party. I have had females on the job compliment certain body parts, my smile or my outfit. Men can't do that. A compliment suddenly turns into harassment or a hostile work environment.

Unless it is a man a woman wants that kind of attention from.

#metoo has opened up another necessary discussion that we need to have.

For example women generally do not wear medium or thigh high skirts unless they think they have nice legs. So what's wrong with a man complimenting a woman for that? What's so terrible about a man complimenting a woman about her beauty? I said beauty, not booty. Or tits. In the work place that is uncouth and out of bounds.

I have been the recipient of back and thigh rubs I did not ask for from women on the job. I didn't complain because there was no harm done. But certainly I can agree that men pulling out their dicks or forcing themselves on a woman in any physical way is wrong.

But ladies, some of you need to change the way you think too. The I can have any man I want when I want mentality has got to go.

I wasn't around when the worlds oldest profession began, but I don't think a man started selling sex. I could be wrong, but both men and women need to start thinking, because for at least 90 percent of us, it's natural to be attracted to the opposite sex.

Welcome to the party. 2 years late. But better late than never. Funny how the left is suddenly not on board with believe all women. I do think the Biden accusers story is suspect, and the timing is extremely convenient for Bernie. But I digress.

I have also had similar uncomfortable moments with women coming on to me in a very aggressive way. Most notably one instance in my Applebee’s server days when I was 18. Had a women 10 or so years my senior ask me to come to the freezer in the back to help her, she shut the door and bit my lip. I kind of just stood there and took and awkwardly laughed and walked out. Another instance in high school where 2 girls bought white t-shirts and wrote all over them with marker that I am hot, sexy, etc. I’ve never heard of such a thing to this day, but it happened, and I was super uncomfortable with it. Don’t get me wrong, super flattered, but it made for an extremely awkward rest of the day. These were girls I had no interest in either. I have never been an attention seeker, so to have to walk by them, and have to deal with all the other students talking about it and making comments to me, it was not a fun day. But much like IM2, took the compliment and moved on.

Here’s the difference between something like this happening to a guy and it happening to women. Men are naturally stronger and on average more aggressive. Men don’t ever have the thought of “is this aggressive lady going to take her aggression one step further and overpower and rape me.” Nope, never gonna happen for men. For women, it’s unlikely, but it’s still a lingering possibility. As to wether or not women like sex as much as men, I cannot speak too. No one can. One thing is for sure though is that women take on extremely far more risks than men do in the act of sex. The fact that they’re more likely to catch STDs aside, sex is not inconsequential for women. Evolutionarily speaking, women have to worry about becoming increasingly more vulnerable over a 9th month period, then have to go through an extremely painful and potentially deadly childbirth, then are emotionally attached and responsible for an extremely helpless little human whose only method of communication is basically screaming “EAT ME” to any predators in the area. So yes, women rightfully are more wary of sex than men are. There was that famous study where an they took an attractive man and an attractive women to ask strangers on campus if they would like to have sex that night. All women said no, and like 90% of men said yes. There’s 70,000 years of evolution telling women to make sure this guy is going to stay around and share it’s resources with you and your baby before you have sex with it.

You're way wrong and this is not a left and right issue. Because democrats did not make excuses for Clinton like we have seen for trump and this political thing with Biden coming from the right has Ignored everything trump has done to women.

I am not talking about rape, that's extreme and most certainly wrong. I am talking about non violent work relationships whereby men and women interact. I think Coyote has made a good point and that we need rules that will estanlish things with NO EXCEPTIONS.

For example, No must mean no. Not that no didn't really mean no, I just wanted you to try a little harder or chase me a little more. Women do that and then meet a man who thinks that she was just wanting him to chase her a little more and we have a problem. And there are men who need to just learn how to go home and jerk off so they can avoid going to prison.

I am fully aware of sexual dynamics. And that means I know women like sex as much as men. I have been in situations where women decided to grab a handful to let me know her interest. On the job, in the classroom or at a party. I have had females on the job compliment certain body parts, my smile or my outfit. Men can't do that. A compliment suddenly turns into harassment or a hostile work environment.

Unless it is a man a woman wants that kind of attention from.

#metoo has opened up another necessary discussion that we need to have.

For example women generally do not wear medium or thigh high skirts unless they think they have nice legs. So what's wrong with a man complimenting a woman for that? What's so terrible about a man complimenting a woman about her beauty? I said beauty, not booty. Or tits. In the work place that is uncouth and out of bounds.

I have been the recipient of back and thigh rubs I did not ask for from women on the job. I didn't complain because there was no harm done. But certainly I can agree that men pulling out their dicks or forcing themselves on a woman in any physical way is wrong.

But ladies, some of you need to change the way you think too. The I can have any man I want when I want mentality has got to go.

I wasn't around when the worlds oldest profession began, but I don't think a man started selling sex. I could be wrong, but both men and women need to start thinking, because for at least 90 percent of us, it's natural to be attracted to the opposite sex.

There is a lot of grey area, we need policies and expectations that are fair to both men and women. It used to be stacked against women...now, against men.

In my opinion, in the work place compliments on appearance are unprofessional. Save it for a date.

Fair enough but sometimes I have seen a worker brighten up when they get such a compliment and sometimes getting a compliment like that helped my day get better as well.

I do know what you mean, and I agree...but I can’t see any other way out of it :(

Your points make sense Coyote and I agree that we must set solid rules as well as we should just act professionally at work. But you know how work goes . A person might be having troubles outside the job that brings them down and they talk to you about it and you empathize and try being a friend.
"This discussion could get really complicated if we add transgenders to the mix."

Not really.
"the POUND ME TOO movement was always a tool to bludgeon Republicans and conservatives, we always knew the story would change when it was a powerful or important Democrat, we saw it with Governor Blackface in Virginia and we see it again now

the hypocrisy from the left is amazing to watch "

Wrong. Quite a number of democrats outside of politicians got hemmed up. The problem with Kavanaugh was that republicans refused to allow Obama to get a judge confirmed and Kavanagh was being confirmed in an election year, while refusing Obama for that reason. And we know one thing the right is good at is whining.

You talk about governor blackface while republicans had a white supremacist running for congress in the same state. Why was he even allowed to run, much less win a primary?
This is the standard the Democrats set with Kavanaugh. You know who to blame for the hysteria, but I doubt you will.
Bullshit. Republicans did this with Lewinsky and before that you had Anita Hill. And in the cases involving Kavanaugh and Hill, republicans circled the wagons to protect their boy.
You know that Clinton admitted that they had done not very Catholic things in the oval office?
You do understand that Lewinsky was a willing participant who sucked Clintons dick happily?
You do understand Clinton lied about it under oath, was impeached for the crime, and didn't have the decency to step down after the dems ignored the law and didn't remove him.
This is the standard the Democrats set with Kavanaugh. You know who to blame for the hysteria, but I doubt you will.

Short memory?

Does the name "Al Franken" ring a bell perchance?

Isn't he the guy that lost the election, the dems/you had a temper tantrum because they/ you needed the seat to pass Obama care then they miraculously found enough votes in a box in the trunk of a car for him to win?
This is the standard the Democrats set with Kavanaugh. You know who to blame for the hysteria, but I doubt you will.

Short memory?

Does the name "Al Franken" ring a bell perchance?

Isn't he the guy that lost the election, the dems/you had a temper tantrum because they/ you needed the seat to pass Obama care then they miraculously found enough votes in a box in the trunk of a car for him to win?


I am fully aware of sexual dynamics. And that means I know women like sex as much as men. I have been in situations where women decided to grab a handful to let me know her interest. On the job, in the classroom or at a party. I have had females on the job compliment certain body parts, my smile or my outfit. Men can't do that. A compliment suddenly turns into harassment or a hostile work environment.

Unless it is a man a woman wants that kind of attention from.

#metoo has opened up another necessary discussion that we need to have.

For example women generally do not wear medium or thigh high skirts unless they think they have nice legs. So what's wrong with a man complimenting a woman for that? What's so terrible about a man complimenting a woman about her beauty? I said beauty, not booty. Or tits. In the work place that is uncouth and out of bounds.

I have been the recipient of back and thigh rubs I did not ask for from women on the job. I didn't complain because there was no harm done. But certainly I can agree that men pulling out their dicks or forcing themselves on a woman in any physical way is wrong.

But ladies, some of you need to change the way you think too. The I can have any man I want when I want mentality has got to go.

I wasn't around when the worlds oldest profession began, but I don't think a man started selling sex. I could be wrong, but both men and women need to start thinking, because for at least 90 percent of us, it's natural to be attracted to the opposite sex.

Welcome to the party. 2 years late. But better late than never. Funny how the left is suddenly not on board with believe all women. I do think the Biden accusers story is suspect, and the timing is extremely convenient for Bernie. But I digress.

I have also had similar uncomfortable moments with women coming on to me in a very aggressive way. Most notably one instance in my Applebee’s server days when I was 18. Had a women 10 or so years my senior ask me to come to the freezer in the back to help her, she shut the door and bit my lip. I kind of just stood there and took and awkwardly laughed and walked out. Another instance in high school where 2 girls bought white t-shirts and wrote all over them with marker that I am hot, sexy, etc. I’ve never heard of such a thing to this day, but it happened, and I was super uncomfortable with it. Don’t get me wrong, super flattered, but it made for an extremely awkward rest of the day. These were girls I had no interest in either. I have never been an attention seeker, so to have to walk by them, and have to deal with all the other students talking about it and making comments to me, it was not a fun day. But much like IM2, took the compliment and moved on.

Here’s the difference between something like this happening to a guy and it happening to women. Men are naturally stronger and on average more aggressive. Men don’t ever have the thought of “is this aggressive lady going to take her aggression one step further and overpower and rape me.” Nope, never gonna happen for men. For women, it’s unlikely, but it’s still a lingering possibility. As to wether or not women like sex as much as men, I cannot speak too. No one can. One thing is for sure though is that women take on extremely far more risks than men do in the act of sex. The fact that they’re more likely to catch STDs aside, sex is not inconsequential for women. Evolutionarily speaking, women have to worry about becoming increasingly more vulnerable over a 9th month period, then have to go through an extremely painful and potentially deadly childbirth, then are emotionally attached and responsible for an extremely helpless little human whose only method of communication is basically screaming “EAT ME” to any predators in the area. So yes, women rightfully are more wary of sex than men are. There was that famous study where an they took an attractive man and an attractive women to ask strangers on campus if they would like to have sex that night. All women said no, and like 90% of men said yes. There’s 70,000 years of evolution telling women to make sure this guy is going to stay around and share it’s resources with you and your baby before you have sex with it.

You're way wrong and this is not a left and right issue. Because democrats did not make excuses for Clinton like we have seen for trump and this political thing with Biden coming from the right has Ignored everything trump has done to women.

I am not talking about rape, that's extreme and most certainly wrong. I am talking about non violent work relationships whereby men and women interact. I think Coyote has made a good point and that we need rules that will estanlish things with NO EXCEPTIONS.

For example, No must mean no. Not that no didn't really mean no, I just wanted you to try a little harder or chase me a little more. Women do that and then meet a man who thinks that she was just wanting him to chase her a little more and we have a problem. And there are men who need to just learn how to go home and jerk off so they can avoid going to prison.

What you said with Clinton breaks my brain, he was credibly accused of rape at a time where there was no me too movement with an abundance of support for victims. Quite the opposite actually. And I’m pretty sure he flashed another women and propositioned sex with her if I remember correctly. And nothing happened to Clinton. But it’s a womans word vs his, and is also off topic.

Here’s the other problem with what you said, there is no standard set of rules we can really come to agreement with at this time. One married couples cute story of how he/she finally agreed to go out on a date, is another two people’s sexual assault case. Women sharing a workplace with men is evolutionarily a very novel concept. Jordan Peterson notoriously made this point. Where do you draw the line? He made the point of women’s makeup is subconsciously advertising what their face would look like aroused during sex. We’re all okay with makeup and not okay with lingerie in the workplace, but where is the line in the middle of that? A lot of women like aggressive men making the first move. But if you’re not an attractive man, and spend your nights blogging on USMB ;), you aren’t going to get as much leeway as a Chris hemsworth looking motherfucker that spends his nights playing guitar.
This is the standard the Democrats set with Kavanaugh. You know who to blame for the hysteria, but I doubt you will.

Short memory?

Does the name "Al Franken" ring a bell perchance?

Isn't he the guy that lost the election, the dems/you had a temper tantrum because they/ you needed the seat to pass Obama care then they miraculously found enough votes in a box in the trunk of a car for him to win?


I'll buzz in Alex.
What is the part of the neck Joe Biden enjoys massaging while he's sniffing woman and children's hair?

I'll take 14 year old breast for 2000.
"the POUND ME TOO movement was always a tool to bludgeon Republicans and conservatives, we always knew the story would change when it was a powerful or important Democrat, we saw it with Governor Blackface in Virginia and we see it again now

the hypocrisy from the left is amazing to watch "

Wrong. Quite a number of democrats outside of politicians got hemmed up. The problem with Kavanaugh was that republicans refused to allow Obama to get a judge confirmed and Kavanagh was being confirmed in an election year, while refusing Obama for that reason. And we know one thing the right is good at is whining.

You talk about governor blackface while republicans had a white supremacist running for congress in the same state. Why was he even allowed to run, much less win a primary?
GOP not pushing through Obamas pick was democracy in action and exactly how our system is supposed to work. Although, I would’ve preferred the GOP going through the process of voting Merrill out, just so the left would have less ground to complain about. That being said it wouldn’t change much with how the left complains. If you think the left would afford the right any better, you’re out of gottdamn mind. And they shouldn’t. We’re an adversarial constitutional republic and we need both the left and the right to take their wins and losses. That being said the left has taken a radical shift during the Obama era, and Trump is the result of that. Trump isn’t even a hard right guy, I was an ardent never trumper, and the left has pushed me towards him as of late.

I don’t even know the white supremacist you’re referring too.

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