Meaning of well regulated, meaning of shall, meaning of infringe


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
What did it mean to be well regulated? One of the biggest challenges in interpreting a centuries-old document is that the meanings of words change or diverge. "Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined," says Rakove. "It didn't mean 'regulation' in the sense that we use it now, in that it's not about the regulatory state. There's been nuance there. It means the militia was in an effective shape to fight." In other words, it didn't mean the state was controlling the militia in a certain way, but rather that the militia was prepared to do its duty.

What does “well regulated” in the Second Amendment mean?
In a word? Standardized.

If one’s State’s Militia was to fight along side the militia of another, it is helpful if all parties involved understand and have the same chain of command, and same types of drill, orders and nomenclature. And where possible, as similar types of equipment as possible, to mitigate the issues of logistics.

It does not now, nor ever has meant, to “regulate” as in “a rule or mechanism that limits, steers, or otherwise controls” the militia.


What does the word shall mean?​

What does shall mean legally?
when drafting a legal document, the term shall is used to say that something must be done, as opposed to the term may which simply means that something is allowed (ie that it can be done, but does not have to be done)

Definition of shall

auxiliary verb
1a—used to express what is inevitable or seems likely to happen in the future, we shall have to be ready, we shall see
b—used to express simple futurity, when shall we expect you
2—used to express determination. they shall not pass
3a—used to express a command or exhortation, you shall go

a: will have to : MUST
b: will be able to : CAN




in·fringe | \ in-ˈfrinj \
infringed; infringing

Definition of infringe

transitive verb
1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another, infringe a patent

intransitive verb
: ENCROACH —used with on or upon infringe on our rights

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What did it mean to be well regulated? One of the biggest challenges in interpreting a centuries-old document is that the meanings of words change or diverge. "Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined," says Rakove.

That is quite right, Mike. A well-regulated militia meant a well trained and armed band of the citizenry. Since defense of our borders from enemies without by our federal military was already engendered elsewhere in the Constitution, it made no sense to suggest the 2A was intended to give our armies defense powers in the Bill of Rights!

The 2A is a blueprint for the citizenry on what to do, a fallback, if or when all else fails and the government stops serving the people.

Time for the People to take back their country when things like stolen elections happen.

In WWII, the Japanese later admitted that their generals had dissuaded the emperor from attacking our mainland telling him that they would face a gun from behind every rock and tree!

What did it mean to be well regulated? One of the biggest challenges in interpreting a centuries-old document is that the meanings of words change or diverge. "Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined," says Rakove. "It didn't mean 'regulation' in the sense that we use it now, in that it's not about the regulatory state. There's been nuance there. It means the militia was in an effective shape to fight." In other words, it didn't mean the state was controlling the militia in a certain way, but rather that the militia was prepared to do its duty.

What does “well regulated” in the Second Amendment mean?
In a word? Standardized.

If one’s State’s Militia was to fight along side the militia of another, it is helpful if all parties involved understand and have the same chain of command, and same types of drill, orders and nomenclature. And where possible, as similar types of equipment as possible, to mitigate the issues of logistics.

It does not now, nor ever has meant, to “regulate” as in “a rule or mechanism that limits, steers, or otherwise controls” the militia.


What does the word shall mean?​

What does shall mean legally?
when drafting a legal document, the term shall is used to say that something must be done, as opposed to the term may which simply means that something is allowed (ie that it can be done, but does not have to be done)

Definition of shall

auxiliary verb
1a—used to express what is inevitable or seems likely to happen in the future, we shall have to be ready, we shall see
b—used to express simple futurity, when shall we expect you
2—used to express determination. they shall not pass
3a—used to express a command or exhortation, you shall go

a: will have to : MUST
b: will be able to : CAN




in·fringe | \ in-ˈfrinj \
infringed; infringing

Definition of infringe

transitive verb
1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another, infringe a patent

intransitive verb
: ENCROACH —used with on or upon infringe on our rights

Well regulated must be prescribed by our federal Congress for the militia of the United States.


SECTION 24 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.
Well regulated must be prescribed by our federal Congress for the militia of the United States.


SECTION 24 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.

The Federal, State and Local Governments can write laws that form, arm and regulate a militia, without restricting or infringing the individual's right to bear arms.
Any absence of such a law cannot be construed as granting the Federal Government the power to restrict or infringe on the rights of the individual.

What did it mean to be well regulated? One of the biggest challenges in interpreting a centuries-old document is that the meanings of words change or diverge. "Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined," says Rakove. "It didn't mean 'regulation' in the sense that we use it now, in that it's not about the regulatory state. There's been nuance there. It means the militia was in an effective shape to fight." In other words, it didn't mean the state was controlling the militia in a certain way, but rather that the militia was prepared to do its duty.

What does “well regulated” in the Second Amendment mean?
In a word? Standardized.

If one’s State’s Militia was to fight along side the militia of another, it is helpful if all parties involved understand and have the same chain of command, and same types of drill, orders and nomenclature. And where possible, as similar types of equipment as possible, to mitigate the issues of logistics.

It does not now, nor ever has meant, to “regulate” as in “a rule or mechanism that limits, steers, or otherwise controls” the militia.


What does the word shall mean?​

What does shall mean legally?
when drafting a legal document, the term shall is used to say that something must be done, as opposed to the term may which simply means that something is allowed (ie that it can be done, but does not have to be done)

Definition of shall

auxiliary verb
1a—used to express what is inevitable or seems likely to happen in the future, we shall have to be ready, we shall see
b—used to express simple futurity, when shall we expect you
2—used to express determination. they shall not pass
3a—used to express a command or exhortation, you shall go

a: will have to : MUST
b: will be able to : CAN




in·fringe | \ in-ˈfrinj \
infringed; infringing

Definition of infringe

transitive verb
1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another, infringe a patent

intransitive verb
: ENCROACH —used with on or upon infringe on our rights

Well regulated must be prescribed by our federal Congress for the militia of the United States.


SECTION 24 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.
Total bullshit! Can't you read what the words I posted mean?
Well regulated must be prescribed by our federal Congress for the militia of the United States.


SECTION 24 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.
Total bullshit! Can't you read what the words I posted mean?

Really about the only part he got wrong was when he assigned some authority or obligation to the Federal Government.
There is nothing in the Second Amendment that forbids the Federal, State or Local governments from forming, arming or regulating a militia.

The problem people have is not in the wording, it comes when they try to make it mean something it doesn't.

The Florida State Legislature could write a law that allows any willing Citizen of the State of Florida to join the Florida State militia.
In doing so, they could arm that Citizen with an AR-15 and 1000 rounds of ammunition.
They could require that Citizen to follow the constructs and chain of command in the newly established Florida State Militia.

That would in no way violate the Second Amendment or even the desire to defend the Free State of Florida.

However, any absence of that law, does not grant the Federal Government the power to violate or infringe upon
the individual citizen's right to own an AR-15 and 1000 rounds of ammunition, whether or not they are in the Florida State Militia.

The law he stated simply says the citizen or a corporation cannot create a militia.
That in itself still doesn't grant the Federal Government the power to fringe upon the citizen's individual right to own a firearm.

Any actual definition of regulated is ambiguous and unnecessary,
When that regulation is attempting to violate the other provisions mentioned in the Second Amendment,

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The problem people have is not in the wording, it comes when they try to make it mean something it doesn't.
We know what it means. Come get them.

Come get what, silly.

What I posted, could suggested that not only is the Federal Government attempting to overstep their bounds and violate the Second Amendment.
they have already been successful in doings so because nit-wits pretend the Second Amendment means something it doesn't, and fight over the words.

You should know what it means, it's not that hard to understand.

What did it mean to be well regulated? One of the biggest challenges in interpreting a centuries-old document is that the meanings of words change or diverge. "Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined," says Rakove. "It didn't mean 'regulation' in the sense that we use it now, in that it's not about the regulatory state. There's been nuance there. It means the militia was in an effective shape to fight." In other words, it didn't mean the state was controlling the militia in a certain way, but rather that the militia was prepared to do its duty.

What does “well regulated” in the Second Amendment mean?
In a word? Standardized.

If one’s State’s Militia was to fight along side the militia of another, it is helpful if all parties involved understand and have the same chain of command, and same types of drill, orders and nomenclature. And where possible, as similar types of equipment as possible, to mitigate the issues of logistics.

It does not now, nor ever has meant, to “regulate” as in “a rule or mechanism that limits, steers, or otherwise controls” the militia.


What does the word shall mean?​

What does shall mean legally?
when drafting a legal document, the term shall is used to say that something must be done, as opposed to the term may which simply means that something is allowed (ie that it can be done, but does not have to be done)

Definition of shall

auxiliary verb
1a—used to express what is inevitable or seems likely to happen in the future, we shall have to be ready, we shall see
b—used to express simple futurity, when shall we expect you
2—used to express determination. they shall not pass
3a—used to express a command or exhortation, you shall go

a: will have to : MUST
b: will be able to : CAN




in·fringe | \ in-ˈfrinj \
infringed; infringing

Definition of infringe

transitive verb
1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another, infringe a patent

intransitive verb
: ENCROACH —used with on or upon infringe on our rights


Leftists can barely speak current english, so how would you expect them to understand anything the Founders said?
You should know what it means, it's not that hard to understand.
You're the one playing a word game, Nazi. To the shit pile with you where you belong.

What word game ... Feel free to expound.

What word did you disagree with?
What part of the example I gave was incorrect in your view?

Shit ... Even in the portion you quoted in your first response,
What exactly do you think was incorrect about the fact people having a problem understanding the Constitution
happens when their desires try to make it mean something it doesn't?

I mean seriously, that's what the people trying to take your guns away are doing, you nit-wit ... :auiqs.jpg:

Well regulated must be prescribed by our federal Congress for the militia of the United States.


SECTION 24 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.

The Federal, State and Local Governments can write laws that form, arm and regulate a militia, without restricting or infringing the individual's right to bear arms.
Any absence of such a law cannot be construed as granting the Federal Government the power to restrict or infringe on the rights of the individual.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Illinois State Constitution)
What did it mean to be well regulated? One of the biggest challenges in interpreting a centuries-old document is that the meanings of words change or diverge. "Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined," says Rakove. "It didn't mean 'regulation' in the sense that we use it now, in that it's not about the regulatory state. There's been nuance there. It means the militia was in an effective shape to fight." In other words, it didn't mean the state was controlling the militia in a certain way, but rather that the militia was prepared to do its duty.

What does “well regulated” in the Second Amendment mean?
In a word? Standardized.

If one’s State’s Militia was to fight along side the militia of another, it is helpful if all parties involved understand and have the same chain of command, and same types of drill, orders and nomenclature. And where possible, as similar types of equipment as possible, to mitigate the issues of logistics.

It does not now, nor ever has meant, to “regulate” as in “a rule or mechanism that limits, steers, or otherwise controls” the militia.


What does the word shall mean?​

What does shall mean legally?
when drafting a legal document, the term shall is used to say that something must be done, as opposed to the term may which simply means that something is allowed (ie that it can be done, but does not have to be done)

Definition of shall

auxiliary verb
1a—used to express what is inevitable or seems likely to happen in the future, we shall have to be ready, we shall see
b—used to express simple futurity, when shall we expect you
2—used to express determination. they shall not pass
3a—used to express a command or exhortation, you shall go

a: will have to : MUST
b: will be able to : CAN




in·fringe | \ in-ˈfrinj \
infringed; infringing

Definition of infringe

transitive verb
1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another, infringe a patent

intransitive verb
: ENCROACH —used with on or upon infringe on our rights

Well regulated must be prescribed by our federal Congress for the militia of the United States.


SECTION 24 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.
Total bullshit! Can't you read what the words I posted mean?
Well regulated must be prescribed by our federal Congress for the militia of the United States.
Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Illinois State Constitution)

I am not going to sue the State of Illinois in court to protect their rights.

In the State where I live, we have a State Constitutional Amendment protecting our citizens rights to bear arms
That avoided any language someone may want to argue about, and that was ratified by the People with a 75% margin.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Illinois State Constitution)

I am not going to sue the State of Illinois in court to protect their rights.

In the State where I live, we have a State Constitutional Amendment protecting our citizens rights to bear arms
That avoided any language someone may want to argue about, and that was ratified by the People with a 75% margin.

Criminals of the People get infringed all the time.

This is the common law for the common defense:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Criminals of the People get infringed all the time.

This is the common law for the common defense:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

You don't have to tell me ... We handled that when the Amendment was added to our State Constitution.
Almost immediately a convicted felon sued for his rights under the State Constitution.
It made it all the way to State Supreme Court.

You know what ... Should he meet the requirements of his parole and probation,
he can petition the Governor for a Firearms Pardon.

See ... That's problem with you silly people.
You just keep trying to figure out how things cannot be done, and how to grant the Government power over your Freedoms.

That garbage you added about militias isn't even worth arguing.
The legislature can form, arm and regulate a militia providing for their obligation ... Without infringing on the rights of the individual citizen.

The right of the People to keep and bear Arms! It is just a right wing slogan.

That's blatantly untrue ... You can come over and see what I am keeping.
I not only have the Freedom and the Right ... I have the firearms.

They are real ... Not a slogan.

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