Yes, the militia is actually all the people

Timeless quotes.

"I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers."
- George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
- Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man gainst his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an Americans.
-Tench Coxe
Well duh.
I asked what you thought it meant not what a googled link says,,

that doesnt require you to type anything off of googled links,,
Yet again, what I think well regulated means is in black and white in the link, i.e. they both match.

Is this a tricky concept for you? What's wrong with you? Drink, drugs??
Yet again, what I think well regulated means is in black and white in the link, i.e. they both match.

Is this a tricky concept for you? What's wrong with you? Drink, drugs??
obviously youre a lying piece of shit or you would have just said that instead of posting a link,,

youre dismissed,,
You won't do anything but submit to state authority.
Not without a fight. The certainty of a fight is what keeps the Communist-Democrats from employing total control, now.

Unlike you, most of us are going to willingly submit to be enslaved in the Communist-Democrat concentration camps.
I asked what you thought it meant not what a googled link says,,

that doesnt require you to type anything off of googled links,,
"Well regulated" means well equipped, with the necessary equipment to fight a modern army.

That fact goes to show just how stupid Communist-Democrat anti-gunners really are for thinking that "well regulated" means disarming the militia. That, or they're lying their asses off and know that the objective is to disarm the population so it can't resist the total control that will be implemented.
"Well regulated" means well equipped, with the necessary equipment to fight a modern army.

That fact goes to show just how stupid Communist-Democrat anti-gunners really are for thinking that "well regulated" means disarming the militia. That, or they're lying their asses off and know that the objective is to disarm the population so it can't resist the total control that will be implemented.
they think restricting and limiting is what makes an efficient and effective force,,

they arent very bright,,
Not without a fight. The certainty of a fight is what keeps the Communist-Democrats from employing total control, now.

Unlike you, most of us are going to willingly submit to be enslaved in the Communist-Democrat concentration camps.
Toss in the towel. That you believe in Chan4 Qanon stuff is beyond the possible, but there you are, loony boy.

I know no senior state or federal government official that would intend to dearm the population in such a way.
What arms may be bearable and what infringement really entails are yet to be thoroughly visited. Extremist firearm addicts should consider what the consequences of pushing things too far will be.
Toss in the towel. That you believe in Chan4 Qanon stuff is beyond the possible, but there you are, loony boy.

I know no senior state or federal government official that would intend to dearm the population in such a way.
The Communist-Democrats have been trying to disarm the citizenry for decades. If you say it isn't happening, you're either stupid, or lying.
"Well regulated" means well equipped, with the necessary equipment to fight a modern army.

That fact goes to show just how stupid Communist-Democrat anti-gunners really are for thinking that "well regulated" means disarming the militia. That, or they're lying their asses off and know that the objective is to disarm the population so it can't resist the total control that will be implemented.
Well equipped was tough for us in Ca. But we managed ( since 2010 )
Lee's opinions look to be how many saw the world during the 18th century. I seem to remember Washington squashing a few rebellions of men who considered themselves the militia without a duty to obey civil authority.
If the demand to "obey civil authority" were to come from a state that ceased to be "free," then, per the Second Amendment, it is the duty of the people of that state to rise up, create a well-regulated militia and fight that civil authority.
"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a "FREE" state, the right of the people to "KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, shall NOT be INFRINGED."
If Marxism were to gain control of a state, Marxism is not now, nor has it ever been a "free" multi-party government, therefore, it is the obligation of those that stand by the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, to rise up and go to war against it.

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