Yes, the militia is actually all the people

Not what regulated means. :rolleyes-41:
Well regulated was a common phrase back then. It meant to be in proper working order. When the constitution brings up regulations it specifies the who, what when of the regulations.
The modern world is not the world for libertarians.
Not sure the founders were necessarily libertarians in today's sense of the word. While some of their views could be considered liberal in the classic sense of liberalism, I'm not entirely convinced their desire for limited federal government necessarily aligns with today's libertarian party who is more than just that. They are admittedly amoral when it comes to the affairs of the rest of the world. Maybe our founders would have been too but we'll never really know. They never had to address that problem.
Who said anything about "disarming the militia." Any Governor can order it to assemble so it will be "well regulated."
Why would I go through the palaver of typing out what's in the link when it's in the link? My answer is the link.

If you're not happy with the link as an answer, I can copy and paste the contents of the link instead :dunno:
I asked what you thought it meant not what a googled link says,,

that doesnt require you to type anything off of googled links,,

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