Meanwhile, in fdr's Concentration Camps....

If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression based on racism and greed.
You didn't answer my question. I said FDR didn't separate kids from their families. You said neither is Trump. I proved you to either be an ignorant fuck or a liar. Now you come back with that they asked for it?

I bet you think it's ok for women crossing the border illegally to be raped. They chose to cross illegally so anything that happens to them is their fault/choice.
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression by their own government based on racism and greed.

Japs were proving to be crazy mofos. Same thing Arabs are doing today. Too many arabs live in America but hate America. You can bet if we had too many suicide bombings going on and they were being committed by American born muslims, Trump would build a wall around Dearborn, MI and put every muslim American in it.

But until that happens you'll swear Republicans would never do such a thing. Ignorant is what you are. I've had many ignorant teachers. Most teachers aren't the best and brightest. It's like cops. If a person is too smart he/she will fail the police test. Well anyone really bright wouldn't have gone into teaching retards.
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.
If Japs didn't bomb us at Pearl Harbor we wouldn't have had to lock up Jap Americans. A choice Japs made.

And just like the babies are innocent victims, so were Jap Americans after their motherland pearl harbored us.

Japanese Americans made no such choice, and The United States of America was their motherland, you illogical fucking buffoon.

You are too stupid to believe.
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression by their own government based on racism and greed.
We should kill those kids then blame their parents for putting them in harms way. That'll stop people from crossing that border huh? And it's ok because those kids aren't Americans. They don't have any rights. Right?
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.
If Japs didn't bomb us at Pearl Harbor we wouldn't have had to lock up Jap Americans. A choice Japs made.

And just like the babies are innocent victims, so were Jap Americans after their motherland pearl harbored us.

Japanese Americans made no such choice, and The United States of America was their motherland, you illogical fucking buffoon.

You are too stupid to believe.

If the eyes go slanted then the motherland is asia.

If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression based on racism and greed.
You didn't answer my question. I said FDR didn't separate kids from their families. You said neither is Trump. I proved you to either be an ignorant fuck or a liar. Now you come back with that they asked for it?

I bet you think it's ok for women crossing the border illegally to be raped. They chose to cross illegally so anything that happens to them is their fault/choice.

Idiotic speculation, and sick, closet-case deviant fantasies. You’re a pathetic, diseased SOB.
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.
If Japs didn't bomb us at Pearl Harbor we wouldn't have had to lock up Jap Americans. A choice Japs made.

And just like the babies are innocent victims, so were Jap Americans after their motherland pearl harbored us.

Japanese Americans made no such choice, and The United States of America was their motherland, you illogical fucking buffoon.

You are too stupid to believe.

If the eyes go slanted then the motherland is asia.

Everyone knows how stupid you are. Don’t belabor the point.
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression by their own government based on racism and greed.
....because those kids aren't Americans. They don't have any rights. Right?

Who said that, idiot? Oh yeah, just YOU again.
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression by their own government based on racism and greed.

...Trump would build a wall around Dearborn, MI and put every muslim American in it.


More idiotic speculation from Bobobrainless.
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression by their own government based on racism and greed.
....because those kids aren't Americans. They don't have any rights. Right?

Who said that, idiot? Oh yeah, just YOU again.
So let's have a list of Republicans who complained about the Japanese camps back in the day LOL...
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression by their own government based on racism and greed.'ll swear Republicans would never do such a thing. ....

Thus far, only democrats HAVE done that thing in the US. Spew all the idiotic nonsense you want, it won’t change that FACT, shitstain.
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression by their own government based on racism and greed.'ll swear Republicans would never do such a thing. ....

Thus far, only democrats HAVE done that thing in the US. Spew all the idiotic nonsense you want, it won’t change that FACT, shitstain.
And the Republicans would have done the same thing or worse, but vote for the lying thieving brainwashing give away to the rich screw the rest GOP...
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression by their own government based on racism and greed.'ll swear Republicans would never do such a thing. ....

Thus far, only democrats HAVE done that thing in the US. Spew all the idiotic nonsense you want, it won’t change that FACT, shitstain.
And the Republicans would have done the same thing or worse, but vote for the lying thieving brainwashing give away to the rich screw the rest GOP...

“Would have” is pathetic, guilt-ridden speculation. Only democrats HAVE done.
"Today, we call them”internment camps.” A more accurate term would be “concentration camps.” They were called exactly that by then-President Roosevelt as he confidently endorsed them. The name “enemy alien internment camps” was also used to describe these centers.

The modern wording stems from how they weren’t the vicious death campsexperienced in Europe, which is how most people view concentration camps today. Internees enjoyed weddings, gardening, painting, sports, clubs, and even newspapers. There were no gas chambers. Inmates were not doomed to genocide.

Still, “internment camp” doesn’t do justice to the horrors experienced within them. Japanese Americans were uprooted from their homes and treated like criminals. They experienced enormous loss. They suffered great physical and emotional trauma. A racial minority was concentrated in specific areas for the security of the nation, imprisoned in deplorable conditions, and stripped of their dignity. They were living in concentration camps."

Yet German-Americans were allowed to hold full-out nazi rallies in Madison Square Garden, and they were never herded into this type of camp and were allowed to live as ordinary citizens.
"Today, we call them”internment camps.” A more accurate term would be “concentration camps.” They were called exactly that by then-President Roosevelt as he confidently endorsed them. The name “enemy alien internment camps” was also used to describe these centers.

The modern wording stems from how they weren’t the vicious death campsexperienced in Europe, which is how most people view concentration camps today. Internees enjoyed weddings, gardening, painting, sports, clubs, and even newspapers. There were no gas chambers. Inmates were not doomed to genocide.

Still, “internment camp” doesn’t do justice to the horrors experienced within them. Japanese Americans were uprooted from their homes and treated like criminals. They experienced enormous loss. They suffered great physical and emotional trauma. A racial minority was concentrated in specific areas for the security of the nation, imprisoned in deplorable conditions, and stripped of their dignity. They were living in concentration camps."

Yet German-Americans were allowed to hold full-out nazi rallies in Madison Square Garden, and they were never herded into this type of camp and were allowed to live as ordinary citizens.
Not after December 7th 1941, and many were taken into custody, same with Italians. They had this thing called racism back then. Luckily that is unknown today.
"Today, we call them”internment camps.” A more accurate term would be “concentration camps.” They were called exactly that by then-President Roosevelt as he confidently endorsed them. The name “enemy alien internment camps” was also used to describe these centers.

The modern wording stems from how they weren’t the vicious death campsexperienced in Europe, which is how most people view concentration camps today. Internees enjoyed weddings, gardening, painting, sports, clubs, and even newspapers. There were no gas chambers. Inmates were not doomed to genocide.

Still, “internment camp” doesn’t do justice to the horrors experienced within them. Japanese Americans were uprooted from their homes and treated like criminals. They experienced enormous loss. They suffered great physical and emotional trauma. A racial minority was concentrated in specific areas for the security of the nation, imprisoned in deplorable conditions, and stripped of their dignity. They were living in concentration camps."

Yet German-Americans were allowed to hold full-out nazi rallies in Madison Square Garden, and they were never herded into this type of camp and were allowed to live as ordinary citizens.
Germans and Italians interned in 19 World War II - Google Search
"Today, we call them”internment camps.” A more accurate term would be “concentration camps.” They were called exactly that by then-President Roosevelt as he confidently endorsed them. The name “enemy alien internment camps” was also used to describe these centers.

The modern wording stems from how they weren’t the vicious death campsexperienced in Europe, which is how most people view concentration camps today. Internees enjoyed weddings, gardening, painting, sports, clubs, and even newspapers. There were no gas chambers. Inmates were not doomed to genocide.

Still, “internment camp” doesn’t do justice to the horrors experienced within them. Japanese Americans were uprooted from their homes and treated like criminals. They experienced enormous loss. They suffered great physical and emotional trauma. A racial minority was concentrated in specific areas for the security of the nation, imprisoned in deplorable conditions, and stripped of their dignity. They were living in concentration camps."

Yet German-Americans were allowed to hold full-out nazi rallies in Madison Square Garden, and they were never herded into this type of camp and were allowed to live as ordinary citizens.
Germans and Italians interned in 19 World War II - Google Search

Japanese Americans were detailed wholesale. Germans and Italians only after individual investigations and were detained individually.

Internment of German Americans - Wikipedia

These to groups were subjected to very different procedures. Explain that. Explain why German Bund members were not immediately arrested and sent to camps like Japanese Americans were. My family on Long Island watched against the nazis. While my mother's brothers were out fighting the war, along with my aunt in the Navy, my teenaged aunt watched on the shore for German u-boats and landings. There were plenty of Germans in the NYC area who openly supported hitler, and nothing was ever done to them.
"Today, we call them”internment camps.” A more accurate term would be “concentration camps.” They were called exactly that by then-President Roosevelt as he confidently endorsed them. The name “enemy alien internment camps” was also used to describe these centers.

The modern wording stems from how they weren’t the vicious death campsexperienced in Europe, which is how most people view concentration camps today. Internees enjoyed weddings, gardening, painting, sports, clubs, and even newspapers. There were no gas chambers. Inmates were not doomed to genocide.

Still, “internment camp” doesn’t do justice to the horrors experienced within them. Japanese Americans were uprooted from their homes and treated like criminals. They experienced enormous loss. They suffered great physical and emotional trauma. A racial minority was concentrated in specific areas for the security of the nation, imprisoned in deplorable conditions, and stripped of their dignity. They were living in concentration camps."

Yet German-Americans were allowed to hold full-out nazi rallies in Madison Square Garden, and they were never herded into this type of camp and were allowed to live as ordinary citizens.
Germans and Italians interned in 19 World War II - Google Search

Japanese Americans were detailed wholesale. Germans and Italians only after individual investigations and were detained individually.

Internment of German Americans - Wikipedia

These to groups were subjected to very different procedures. Explain that. Explain why German Bund members were not immediately arrested and sent to camps like Japanese Americans were. My family on Long Island watched against the nazis. While my mother's brothers were out fighting the war, along with my aunt in the Navy, my teenaged aunt watched on the shore for German u-boats and landings. There were plenty of Germans in the NYC area who openly supported hitler, and nothing was ever done to them.
Pretty simple. Racism and ignorance against the Japanese.
"Today, we call them”internment camps.” A more accurate term would be “concentration camps.” They were called exactly that by then-President Roosevelt as he confidently endorsed them. The name “enemy alien internment camps” was also used to describe these centers.

The modern wording stems from how they weren’t the vicious death campsexperienced in Europe, which is how most people view concentration camps today. Internees enjoyed weddings, gardening, painting, sports, clubs, and even newspapers. There were no gas chambers. Inmates were not doomed to genocide.

Still, “internment camp” doesn’t do justice to the horrors experienced within them. Japanese Americans were uprooted from their homes and treated like criminals. They experienced enormous loss. They suffered great physical and emotional trauma. A racial minority was concentrated in specific areas for the security of the nation, imprisoned in deplorable conditions, and stripped of their dignity. They were living in concentration camps."

Yet German-Americans were allowed to hold full-out nazi rallies in Madison Square Garden, and they were never herded into this type of camp and were allowed to live as ordinary citizens.
Germans and Italians interned in 19 World War II - Google Search

Japanese Americans were detailed wholesale. Germans and Italians only after individual investigations and were detained individually.

Internment of German Americans - Wikipedia

These to groups were subjected to very different procedures. Explain that. Explain why German Bund members were not immediately arrested and sent to camps like Japanese Americans were. My family on Long Island watched against the nazis. While my mother's brothers were out fighting the war, along with my aunt in the Navy, my teenaged aunt watched on the shore for German u-boats and landings. There were plenty of Germans in the NYC area who openly supported hitler, and nothing was ever done to them.
And one of the japs interned in those camps says what trump is doing is worse. So argue with a former survivor not us.

I’ll listen to a former survivor you listen to unkotare who can’t answer a simple question
If parents didn’t drag young children to illegal border crossing, the chances of their being separated would be very, very small. A choice.

An act of irresponsibility on the part of the parents (when real parents are actually involved), not pro-active aggression by their own government based on racism and greed.'ll swear Republicans would never do such a thing. ....

Thus far, only democrats HAVE done that thing in the US. Spew all the idiotic nonsense you want, it won’t change that FACT, shitstain.
Yes but what trumps doing proves republicans are also capable.

Show me one illegal immigrant Canadian in those camps

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