Meanwhile, Republicans hard at work trying to steal the election

If it were not for the USMB rules prohibiting 'hijacking' threads by going off of main topic focus I would gladly list all of Hillary's, Obama's, & the DNC's cheating, crimes, coup attempts, and now their Mail-In voting scam, all due to their lack of ability of winning a fair and honest election (or a fixed election), but we all already know them by heart anyway.

I WILL, however, ask WHY Democrats have insisted the US allow Mail-In ballots to begin with, considering how almost every other nation has outlawed them for the very exact reasons we are seeing over and over here in the US now...and especially after Biden has already demonstrated voting in person is not difficult or a threat.

Considering all the fraud and problems we are having now, if Joe Biden loses in November WITH Mail-In voting being used, will Democrats scrap it for next election or try to perfect it?

It's not just Democrats you know. Republican states are wanting to expand on this as well AND there are Republican states that have been doing it for some time (like Utah). And pro's/con's aside - voting access and covid are a real issue. If you are expanding mail in voting - then, AT THE VERY LEAST - proposing to cut down the time votes can be counted by SHORTENING the amount of time prior to the election seems kind of odd doesn't it?

I think states run by BOTH Democrats and Republicans will transition to more and more mail in voting after this election - hopefully better planned, following the examples of states that have already implemented it.

But where you see Democrats trying to promote fraud - I see Republicans trying to repress voting.

Thank you for your statements.....but why the f* would the United States want to EXPAND the MOST CORRUPT SYSTEM / THE SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES THE MOST PROVEN POTENTIAL FOR ELCTION FRAUD/CRIME, which is exactly why most every other nation has OUTLAWED it?

As I said, earlier, I would rather switch to the Post-Hussein Iraq-Style' of 1 vote - 1 person, voting IN PERSON, requiring every citizen to dip their finger in a colored die to prevent election fraud than have a system that has this much obvious, rampant election fraud before election day.
If it were not for the USMB rules prohibiting 'hijacking' threads by going off of main topic focus I would gladly list all of Hillary's, Obama's, & the DNC's cheating, crimes, coup attempts, and now their Mail-In voting scam, all due to their lack of ability of winning a fair and honest election (or a fixed election), but we all already know them by heart anyway.

I WILL, however, ask WHY Democrats have insisted the US allow Mail-In ballots to begin with, considering how almost every other nation has outlawed them for the very exact reasons we are seeing over and over here in the US now...and especially after Biden has already demonstrated voting in person is not difficult or a threat.

Considering all the fraud and problems we are having now, if Joe Biden loses in November WITH Mail-In voting being used, will Democrats scrap it for next election or try to perfect it?

It's not just Democrats you know. Republican states are wanting to expand on this as well AND there are Republican states that have been doing it for some time (like Utah). And pro's/con's aside - voting access and covid are a real issue. If you are expanding mail in voting - then, AT THE VERY LEAST - proposing to cut down the time votes can be counted by SHORTENING the amount of time prior to the election seems kind of odd doesn't it?

I think states run by BOTH Democrats and Republicans will transition to more and more mail in voting after this election - hopefully better planned, following the examples of states that have already implemented it.

But where you see Democrats trying to promote fraud - I see Republicans trying to repress voting.

If you want to hear what is odd, it's that democrats are changing the system and sending ballots to everyone - enabling massive fraud.

That's the only thing that odd. Finding a way to deal with the farce - there is nothing odd about that. We should start by placing the people behind it in prison for treason.

Hyperbole much? No one is sending ballots to everyone. Out of 50 states, only 9 plus Washington, DC, are sending ballots to registered voters automatically. Of those, one state is Republican, and 5 have been doing it for years.
Mail-In Ballots are just the latest criminal ploy the Democrats are trying to finally get power back . When this one doesn't work (or especially if they win) they will try to stack the USSC Court, get rid of the Electoral College so small areas of the country / fly-over states have no voice & Dems can just focus on huge cities / population centers, all felons will be given the right to vote again, Democrat policies of 'economic slavery' will force minorities back on the 'plantation' (or in my case, the reservation) to trade votes for social program benefits just to survive, over 10 MILLION illegals will be made instant US citizens, and our borders will be eliminated.
If it were not for the USMB rules prohibiting 'hijacking' threads by going off of main topic focus I would gladly list all of Hillary's, Obama's, & the DNC's cheating, crimes, coup attempts, and now their Mail-In voting scam, all due to their lack of ability of winning a fair and honest election (or a fixed election), but we all already know them by heart anyway.

I WILL, however, ask WHY Democrats have insisted the US allow Mail-In ballots to begin with, considering how almost every other nation has outlawed them for the very exact reasons we are seeing over and over here in the US now...and especially after Biden has already demonstrated voting in person is not difficult or a threat.

Considering all the fraud and problems we are having now, if Joe Biden loses in November WITH Mail-In voting being used, will Democrats scrap it for next election or try to perfect it?

It's not just Democrats you know. Republican states are wanting to expand on this as well AND there are Republican states that have been doing it for some time (like Utah). And pro's/con's aside - voting access and covid are a real issue. If you are expanding mail in voting - then, AT THE VERY LEAST - proposing to cut down the time votes can be counted by SHORTENING the amount of time prior to the election seems kind of odd doesn't it?

I think states run by BOTH Democrats and Republicans will transition to more and more mail in voting after this election - hopefully better planned, following the examples of states that have already implemented it.

But where you see Democrats trying to promote fraud - I see Republicans trying to repress voting.

If you want to hear what is odd, it's that democrats are changing the system and sending ballots to everyone - enabling massive fraud.

That's the only thing that odd. Finding a way to deal with the farce - there is nothing odd about that. We should start by placing the people behind it in prison for treason.

Hyperbole much? No one is sending ballots to everyone. Out of 50 states, only 9 plus Washington, DC, are sending ballots to registered voters automatically. Of those, one state is Republican, and 5 have been doing it for years.
Look who learned a new word and spread it around today: 'Hyperbole' - snowflake word of the day.

If it were not for the USMB rules prohibiting 'hijacking' threads by going off of main topic focus I would gladly list all of Hillary's, Obama's, & the DNC's cheating, crimes, coup attempts, and now their Mail-In voting scam, all due to their lack of ability of winning a fair and honest election (or a fixed election), but we all already know them by heart anyway.

I WILL, however, ask WHY Democrats have insisted the US allow Mail-In ballots to begin with, considering how almost every other nation has outlawed them for the very exact reasons we are seeing over and over here in the US now...and especially after Biden has already demonstrated voting in person is not difficult or a threat.

Considering all the fraud and problems we are having now, if Joe Biden loses in November WITH Mail-In voting being used, will Democrats scrap it for next election or try to perfect it?

It's not just Democrats you know. Republican states are wanting to expand on this as well AND there are Republican states that have been doing it for some time (like Utah). And pro's/con's aside - voting access and covid are a real issue. If you are expanding mail in voting - then, AT THE VERY LEAST - proposing to cut down the time votes can be counted by SHORTENING the amount of time prior to the election seems kind of odd doesn't it?

I think states run by BOTH Democrats and Republicans will transition to more and more mail in voting after this election - hopefully better planned, following the examples of states that have already implemented it.

But where you see Democrats trying to promote fraud - I see Republicans trying to repress voting.

If you want to hear what is odd, it's that democrats are changing the system and sending ballots to everyone - enabling massive fraud.

That's the only thing that odd. Finding a way to deal with the farce - there is nothing odd about that. We should start by placing the people behind it in prison for treason.

Hyperbole much? No one is sending ballots to everyone. Out of 50 states, only 9 plus Washington, DC, are sending ballots to registered voters automatically. Of those, one state is Republican, and 5 have been doing it for years.
Look who learned a new word and spread it around today: 'Hyperbole' - snowflake word of the day.


You haven't figured out what it means yet huh?

That's ok. You engage in it enough, you'll eventually get it.
It's not just Democrats you know. Republican states are wanting to expand on this as well AND there are Republican states that have been doing it for some time (like Utah). And pro's/con's aside - voting access and covid are a real issue. If you are expanding mail in voting - then, AT THE VERY LEAST - proposing to cut down the time votes can be counted by SHORTENING the amount of time prior to the election seems kind of odd doesn't it?
I think states run by BOTH Democrats and Republicans will transition to more and more mail in voting after this election - hopefully better planned, following the examples of states that have already implemented it.
But where you see Democrats trying to promote fraud - I see Republicans trying to repress voting.
I think Republicans are mostly willing to do vote by mail without requiring a reason, but they do want the ballot personalized and a consistent chain of custody.

Most Democrats seem to want to allow vote harvesting and vote counting to extend way beyond election night, and to relax the standards for validating ballots, like no signature match and such.

Personally, I want a DNA test validation system.
('Hyperbole') You haven't figured out what it means yet huh?

If you saw me right now you would be wondering why I am laughing at you so hard - I am a Journalism Major with a graduate degree.

I also found it funny that within a span of 2 minutes SEVERAL snowflakes all tried to use / used the word in THEIR posts. It's like you are all reading off and using the same talking points handed out for today. Either that, or like Dementia/China Joe, you are all plagiarizing....

I also found it funny that within a span of 2 minutes SEVERAL snowflakes all tried to use / used the word in THEIR posts. It's like you are all reading off and using the same talking points handed out for today.

^^^^ obvious hyperbole.....
I also found it funny that within a span of 2 minutes SEVERAL snowflakes all tried to use / used the word in THEIR posts. It's like you are all reading off and using the same talking points handed out for today.

^^^^ obvious hyperbole.....
Not actually - the moderator and Ben Thomas used 'Hyperbole' in a matter of 45 seconds - 2 minutes of each other, making me wonder where the talking points came from....
No one is sending ballots to everyone. Out of 50 states, only 9 plus Washington, DC, are sending ballots to registered voters automatically. Of those, one state is Republican, and 5 have been doing it for years.
I know California is sending out ballots unrequested to registered voters.
All nine of these states send out unrequest ballots to 'registered' voters, dead or alive.
  • Vermont
  • Nevada
  • District of Columbia
  • California
  • New Jersey
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Utah
  • Washington
  • Oregon
But since some states also automatically register you when you get your DL, that is problematic as many not qualified to vote are getting ballots.

In addition to that, they are not purging their registration lists much if at all.

How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.


The problems aren’t because Trump is in office but because Covid has messed everything up.

So why shorten it?
Covid is the excuse, it's a political weapon being used. I can go to Costco, I can go to a bar.
I can go to the DMV, but I can't go vote in person????????
The problem IS that Trump is in office.

How long should we give them to figure it out with the count?
If the democrats have their way, it will be after Jan 16, 2021.
That date will usher in the real chaos.

So...again, why propose legislation to SHORTEN it?
Coyote, I can't even get an answer from you. I've asked twice.

Because your questions deflect from what this bill proposes Meister, which is to shorten the time period already in existence. Shorten it AT BOTH ENDS.

I will answer your questions, but they don’t address the issue.

Covid is not an excuse or political weapon, it is a reality, and each state deals with it differently and has different concerns for the safety of its citizens and ensuring a fair election.

Q: how long should we give them?
A: as long as reasonably needed, which would includes starting prior to the date specified in the bill and more than “within 24 hours”.
You see there it is, Coyote, Covid IS being used as a weapon. People are not locked up in their homes, Life is pretty much normal.
Social distance and keeping the paws disinfected works great. Nan can go to her hairdresser, people everyday are out and about
taking care of their everyday life. But, voting?????? Oh no, can't do that.
Your answer of the length of time is vague, at best, and could go on for months. It's a non answer.
I will give you my answer for Scott's request. I don't think there should be a 48 hour limit. I answered your question straight
on and not willy nilly. There has to be a cut off...even in this year.
By the way, have they stated how they are going to verify the signatures of millions of ballots?

It's a political game being played because of Trump

I think how daily life is affected by Covid depends very much on where you are.

People can go and vote at the polls of course. But many people will be afraid to, and for good reason.

But consider some of the logistics involve in maintaining a safe and secure place to vote in a dense urban area for example.

Social distancing (long long lines)
Time needed between voters or at intervals to sanitize.
Room occupancy limits (my polling place is a small church, with the entryway set up with the tables, pollworkers and forms and then about 4 voting booths in another small room beyond).

How many people would you get through before the polls closed? There are many areas that have long lines even in normal times.

As to how long, we’ll, start early and let’s say two weeks max. No one WANTS to delay knowing the results.

As to how to verify signatures? Same way they do now..when I sign for my ballot, my signature is compared to the one in their log book.
Early in-person voting is the way to go. If you requested a mail in ballot, I would drop it off in person, instead of mailing it in.
Why so republican ballots can be dumped?

Let me get this straight. You do not trust mail in through the US Postal Service, nor dropping off your filled out ballot at the county seat or designated drop box location? You get the paranoid award of the night.
Guess that makes trump King Hell Dumbass, doesn't it? He has been mailing it in for years, just like many of the Republican White House staffers. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No.. The distrust is WHO is bundling and mailing these ballots.. Look up the whole concept of "ballot harvesting".. It's a whole academic science.. MASS mailings put ballots in circulation for folks that AREN'T ALIVE, DONT LIVE THERE ANYMORE, AREN'T TRULY ELIGIBLE, or PLAN TO VOTE IN PERSON.. So -- where do ALL THOSE ballots end up? In who's hands? There's no chain of custody.. Ballot harvesting is actually a job.. Folks get paid for watching the mail schedule at the registrar and showing up at the doors and asking people to fill out every ballot sent to that address. Including your kids voting in another state. THEY take them and bundle them and DECIDE WHICH ONES should go to the post office and which ones "end up in a ditch"...


And so the cluster fuck begins.. Putin could NEVER destroy confidence in American elections like this.. Takes RABID PARTISAN homegrown bastards and bitches to do this thorough of a job on our confidence in American elections...
All I know about vote harvesting is about the Republic operative in North Carolina that was charged and the election in that district for US House of Representative had to be redone with a new vote, because of his harvesting ballots, filling out, changing or disposing of ballots. It is illegal everywhere, as far as I know. As far as I know, it has not been a factor in a Presidential election. Head of FBI says there has never been significant organized voter fraud.

I have a creeping suspicion that Chris Wray may not be around much longer. He just said that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud and that White Nationalism is our number one terrorist concern.

His head's on the chopping block for telling the truth...
Can you show me his investigation notes ?
ANYONE hear the AH in the WH mention how Russia is helping his dumb ass?
Just walk on by??

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