Measles Cases Hit 25-Year High - Thank You Anti-Vaxxers!

The nutty, anti-science anti-vaxxers are accomplishing what they want - KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!!!!!1!111!!!!!!!

Of course, I'm kidding. But that's a similar mindset to what the crazy conspiracy-laden anti-vaxxers believe.

The number of U.S. measles cases has reached 839 in 23 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday in a weekly update, as outbreaks in parts of the country showed no sign of slowing down.

The total is 75 more cases than the CDC reported a week ago. This year is the nation’s worst for measles in 25 years, and with seven months still to go in 2019, it is getting closer to topping the 963 cases reported in 1994.​

Measles Outbreaks, Up to 839 Cases, Show No Sign of Slowing
Just think, soon we can have small box and polio and tuberculosis and all the other cool diseases just like a regular 3rd world country!!

Will you homeschooling conservative nut-jobs be happy then?

Except there are more blue state anti-vaxxers than red state anti-vaxxers, with Oregon leading the way and the, there are more strict compliance red states than blue states with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way. Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine? | RealClearScience
Texas Republican says vaccines are "sorcery," claims "parental rights" are more important


How many cases of measles has he spread? Certainly cannot be more than RFK, Jr. An Afternoon with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Texas Anti-Vaccine Movement
Just think, soon we can have small box and polio and tuberculosis and all the other cool diseases just like a regular 3rd world country!!

Will you homeschooling conservative nut-jobs be happy then?

Except there are more blue state anti-vaxxers than red state anti-vaxxers, with Oregon leading the way and the, there are more strict compliance red states than blue states with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way. Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine? | RealClearScience
It's the reds in the blue states. Antivaxxers used to be hippie types. No longer, now they are Alex Jones listening conspiracy theorist. In other words, conservatives.

I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however
Look at who that antivaxxers are here.

None of them are Democrats.

Yet that does not change the dynamics of the current outbreak centered in deep red New York City and spread by travelers to other cities. More than 800 cases of measles in US, with NY outbreak continuing to lead - CNN
Yes, the orthodox Jews are an exception.

However last I checked they only accounted for about 10% of the measles cases.
you sure the hell didnt mind painting with the board brush a post or two ago Oddball
Um, no....I merely introduced another facet to the problem, by pointing out one broad brushing with another....Illustrating absurdity with the absurd.

Anything else I can help you with today?
The nutty, anti-science anti-vaxxers are accomplishing what they want - KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!!!!!1!111!!!!!!!

Of course, I'm kidding. But that's a similar mindset to what the crazy conspiracy-laden anti-vaxxers believe.

The number of U.S. measles cases has reached 839 in 23 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday in a weekly update, as outbreaks in parts of the country showed no sign of slowing down.

The total is 75 more cases than the CDC reported a week ago. This year is the nation’s worst for measles in 25 years, and with seven months still to go in 2019, it is getting closer to topping the 963 cases reported in 1994.​

Measles Outbreaks, Up to 839 Cases, Show No Sign of Slowing
Just think, soon we can have small box and polio and tuberculosis and all the other cool diseases just like a regular 3rd world country!!

Will you homeschooling conservative nut-jobs be happy then?

Except there are more blue state anti-vaxxers than red state anti-vaxxers, with Oregon leading the way and the, there are more strict compliance red states than blue states with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way. Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine? | RealClearScience
Texas Republican says vaccines are "sorcery," claims "parental rights" are more important


How many cases of measles has he spread? Certainly cannot be more than RFK, Jr. An Afternoon with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Texas Anti-Vaccine Movement
There's an outbreak in Texas, how many of those idiots, sorry citizens, skipped their shots because he said that?
The nutty, anti-science anti-vaxxers are accomplishing what they want - KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!!!!!1!111!!!!!!!

Of course, I'm kidding. But that's a similar mindset to what the crazy conspiracy-laden anti-vaxxers believe.

The number of U.S. measles cases has reached 839 in 23 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday in a weekly update, as outbreaks in parts of the country showed no sign of slowing down.

The total is 75 more cases than the CDC reported a week ago. This year is the nation’s worst for measles in 25 years, and with seven months still to go in 2019, it is getting closer to topping the 963 cases reported in 1994.​

Measles Outbreaks, Up to 839 Cases, Show No Sign of Slowing
Just think, soon we can have small box and polio and tuberculosis and all the other cool diseases just like a regular 3rd world country!!

Will you homeschooling conservative nut-jobs be happy then?

Except there are more blue state anti-vaxxers than red state anti-vaxxers, with Oregon leading the way and the, there are more strict compliance red states than blue states with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way. Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine? | RealClearScience
It's the reds in the blue states. Antivaxxers used to be hippie types. No longer, now they are Alex Jones listening conspiracy theorist. In other words, conservatives.

I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however
Look at who the antivaxxers are here.

None of them are Democrats.
New York’s Orthodox Jewish community is battling measles outbreaks. Vaccine deniers are to blame.

Jews vote overwhelmingly Dem.
Just think, soon we can have small box and polio and tuberculosis and all the other cool diseases just like a regular 3rd world country!!

Will you homeschooling conservative nut-jobs be happy then?

Except there are more blue state anti-vaxxers than red state anti-vaxxers, with Oregon leading the way and the, there are more strict compliance red states than blue states with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way. Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine? | RealClearScience
It's the reds in the blue states. Antivaxxers used to be hippie types. No longer, now they are Alex Jones listening conspiracy theorist. In other words, conservatives.

I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however
Look at who the antivaxxers are here.

None of them are Democrats.
New York’s Orthodox Jewish community is battling measles outbreaks. Vaccine deniers are to blame.

Jews vote overwhelmingly Dem.
Find an antivaxxer Democrat for me here.
Except there are more blue state anti-vaxxers than red state anti-vaxxers, with Oregon leading the way and the, there are more strict compliance red states than blue states with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way. Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine? | RealClearScience
It's the reds in the blue states. Antivaxxers used to be hippie types. No longer, now they are Alex Jones listening conspiracy theorist. In other words, conservatives.

I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however
Look at who the antivaxxers are here.

None of them are Democrats.
New York’s Orthodox Jewish community is battling measles outbreaks. Vaccine deniers are to blame.

Jews vote overwhelmingly Dem.
Find an antivaxxer Democrat for me here.
Where? In NY's Jew community or this message board?
Most of you think we know what our vaccines are doing - we don't, Peter Aaby

Peter Aaby - PubMed - NCBI

A Dozen Facts About Measles That You Won’t Learn From MSPharmedia
A Dozen Facts About Measles That You Won't Learn From MSPharmedia • Children's Health Defense

"1) Measles is usually a mild, self-limiting childhood illness.

2) Since 2000, there have been nine reported measles deaths in the U.S. Since 1986, there have been 415 deaths associated with the MMR vaccine according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

3) In 1962, the CDC attributed 408 deaths to measles out of a population of 186 million (risk=2/1,000,000—about double the risk of dying from lightning).

4) The risk of measles mortality is much higher among malnourished children; contemporary science suggests that vitamin A can reduce this risk by over 80%.

5) “Natural” vitamin A cannot be patented so Pharma has no interest in promoting it.

6) Unlike Merck’s MMR vaccine, wild measles infection confers lifetime immunity from measles. Having measles in childhood may also reduce the risk of atopic disease, heart disease, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas and some other cancers.

7) Meanwhile, the MMR is associated with seizure rates five times greater than associated with wild measles, as well as brain damage, encephalitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and dozens of other serious adverse events.. . . ." (more)
Except there are more blue state anti-vaxxers than red state anti-vaxxers, with Oregon leading the way and the, there are more strict compliance red states than blue states with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way. Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine? | RealClearScience
It's the reds in the blue states. Antivaxxers used to be hippie types. No longer, now they are Alex Jones listening conspiracy theorist. In other words, conservatives.

I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however
Look at who that antivaxxers are here.

None of them are Democrats.

Yet that does not change the dynamics of the current outbreak centered in deep red New York City and spread by travelers to other cities. More than 800 cases of measles in US, with NY outbreak continuing to lead - CNN
Yes, the orthodox Jews are an exception.

However last I checked they only accounted for about 10% of the measles cases.
And it has to do with recent visits to Eastern Europe where the anti-vaxxer craze has grown.
Most of you think we know what our vaccines are doing - we don't, Peter Aaby

Peter Aaby - PubMed - NCBI

A Dozen Facts About Measles That You Won’t Learn From MSPharmedia
A Dozen Facts About Measles That You Won't Learn From MSPharmedia • Children's Health Defense

"1) Measles is usually a mild, self-limiting childhood illness.

2) Since 2000, there have been nine reported measles deaths in the U.S. Since 1986, there have been 415 deaths associated with the MMR vaccine according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

3) In 1962, the CDC attributed 408 deaths to measles out of a population of 186 million (risk=2/1,000,000—about double the risk of dying from lightning).

4) The risk of measles mortality is much higher among malnourished children; contemporary science suggests that vitamin A can reduce this risk by over 80%.

5) “Natural” vitamin A cannot be patented so Pharma has no interest in promoting it.

6) Unlike Merck’s MMR vaccine, wild measles infection confers lifetime immunity from measles. Having measles in childhood may also reduce the risk of atopic disease, heart disease, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas and some other cancers.

7) Meanwhile, the MMR is associated with seizure rates five times greater than associated with wild measles, as well as brain damage, encephalitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and dozens of other serious adverse events.. . . ." (more)
Yeah, I'm thinking that the measles outbreak is a big media scare tactic....To what end I don't know, but all this recent folderol over a pretty harmless childhood affliction is a little too convenient.

What's in the other hand?
Most of you think we know what our vaccines are doing - we don't, Peter Aaby

Peter Aaby - PubMed - NCBI

A Dozen Facts About Measles That You Won’t Learn From MSPharmedia
A Dozen Facts About Measles That You Won't Learn From MSPharmedia • Children's Health Defense

"1) Measles is usually a mild, self-limiting childhood illness.

2) Since 2000, there have been nine reported measles deaths in the U.S. Since 1986, there have been 415 deaths associated with the MMR vaccine according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

3) In 1962, the CDC attributed 408 deaths to measles out of a population of 186 million (risk=2/1,000,000—about double the risk of dying from lightning).

4) The risk of measles mortality is much higher among malnourished children; contemporary science suggests that vitamin A can reduce this risk by over 80%.

5) “Natural” vitamin A cannot be patented so Pharma has no interest in promoting it.

6) Unlike Merck’s MMR vaccine, wild measles infection confers lifetime immunity from measles. Having measles in childhood may also reduce the risk of atopic disease, heart disease, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas and some other cancers.

7) Meanwhile, the MMR is associated with seizure rates five times greater than associated with wild measles, as well as brain damage, encephalitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and dozens of other serious adverse events.. . . ." (more)
Yeah, I'm thinking that the measles outbreak is a big media scare tactic....To what end I don't know, but all this recent folderol over a pretty harmless childhood affliction is a little too convenient.

What's in the other hand?

The other day I was having this discussion on a FB page of my friend. She is a pretty far to the left, Clinonista.

W/E. A typical statist. I don't care. A friend from far back. One of her friends recommended deleting me and banning me from her feed b/c he didn't want to debate me on the merits of the SCIENCE as soon as I brought in the Children's Health Defense fund or Robert Kennedy. Once you do, they know they have lost. They instead just want to shut down debate. It's pretty much the same modus operandi they use in the Climate Change debate.

My position is, I am NOT anti-vax, I am like Robert Kennedy's Jr., Pro-Vac safety. After that 1986 law, the government and the drug industry are essentially in a fascistic relationship, just like the ACA. It protected Big Pharma and it's profits from any accountability. Accountability is critical to any voluntary exchange in the successful working of the free market. We no longer have a free market in the application of vaccines or their safety. What we have is propaganda, promotion, and gas lighting.

You watch your MSM network news, probably a third of all ad. revenue is big pharma. It is all part of the Interlocking directorate.

All of them, whether they are in government, or in the corporate sector, have an agenda. The agenda is money, power and control.

Except there are more blue state anti-vaxxers than red state anti-vaxxers, with Oregon leading the way and the, there are more strict compliance red states than blue states with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way. Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine? | RealClearScience
It's the reds in the blue states. Antivaxxers used to be hippie types. No longer, now they are Alex Jones listening conspiracy theorist. In other words, conservatives.

I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however
Look at who the antivaxxers are here.

None of them are Democrats.
New York’s Orthodox Jewish community is battling measles outbreaks. Vaccine deniers are to blame.

Jews vote overwhelmingly Dem.
Find an antivaxxer Democrat for me here.

I am a progressive Green party voter who thinks that parents should be able to freely choose (and live with the consequences of that choice). Most will choose vaccination for MMR. I am more troubled by the mandated in some states HPV vax. I have heard some troubling accounts from parents and that thing or people who had a child at their kids' schools really go south after getting that shot.
It's the reds in the blue states. Antivaxxers used to be hippie types. No longer, now they are Alex Jones listening conspiracy theorist. In other words, conservatives.

I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however
Look at who the antivaxxers are here.

None of them are Democrats.
New York’s Orthodox Jewish community is battling measles outbreaks. Vaccine deniers are to blame.

Jews vote overwhelmingly Dem.
Find an antivaxxer Democrat for me here.

I am a progressive Green party voter who thinks that parents should be able to freely choose (and live with the consequences of that choice). Most will choose vaccination for MMR. I am more troubled by the mandated in some states HPV vax. I have heard some troubling accounts from parents and that thing or people who had a child at their kids' schools really go south after getting that shot.
But should parents be able to sue for damages if they can PROVE that vaccines are indeed the culprit?
I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however
Look at who the antivaxxers are here.

None of them are Democrats.
New York’s Orthodox Jewish community is battling measles outbreaks. Vaccine deniers are to blame.

Jews vote overwhelmingly Dem.
Find an antivaxxer Democrat for me here.

I am a progressive Green party voter who thinks that parents should be able to freely choose (and live with the consequences of that choice). Most will choose vaccination for MMR. I am more troubled by the mandated in some states HPV vax. I have heard some troubling accounts from parents and that thing or people who had a child at their kids' schools really go south after getting that shot.
But should parents be able to sue for damages if they can PROVE that vaccines are indeed the culprit?

If I were Emperor, then yes.
The nutty, anti-science anti-vaxxers are accomplishing what they want - KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!!!!!1!111!!!!!!!

Of course, I'm kidding. But that's a similar mindset to what the crazy conspiracy-laden anti-vaxxers believe.

The number of U.S. measles cases has reached 839 in 23 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday in a weekly update, as outbreaks in parts of the country showed no sign of slowing down.

The total is 75 more cases than the CDC reported a week ago. This year is the nation’s worst for measles in 25 years, and with seven months still to go in 2019, it is getting closer to topping the 963 cases reported in 1994.​

Measles Outbreaks, Up to 839 Cases, Show No Sign of Slowing
Maybe if the left would stop flooding the country with illegals carrying diseases and pestilence the number of cases would dramatically decrease.
It's the reds in the blue states. Antivaxxers used to be hippie types. No longer, now they are Alex Jones listening conspiracy theorist. In other words, conservatives.

I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however
Look at who the antivaxxers are here.

None of them are Democrats.
New York’s Orthodox Jewish community is battling measles outbreaks. Vaccine deniers are to blame.

Jews vote overwhelmingly Dem.
Find an antivaxxer Democrat for me here.
Where? In NY's Jew community or this message board?
How hard is it to figure out "here"?
The nutty, anti-science anti-vaxxers are accomplishing what they want - KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE!!!!!!1!111!!!!!!!

Of course, I'm kidding. But that's a similar mindset to what the crazy conspiracy-laden anti-vaxxers believe.

The number of U.S. measles cases has reached 839 in 23 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday in a weekly update, as outbreaks in parts of the country showed no sign of slowing down.

The total is 75 more cases than the CDC reported a week ago. This year is the nation’s worst for measles in 25 years, and with seven months still to go in 2019, it is getting closer to topping the 963 cases reported in 1994.​

Measles Outbreaks, Up to 839 Cases, Show No Sign of Slowing
Just think, soon we can have small box and polio and tuberculosis and all the other cool diseases just like a regular 3rd world country!!

Will you homeschooling conservative nut-jobs be happy then?

Except there are more blue state anti-vaxxers than red state anti-vaxxers, with Oregon leading the way and the, there are more strict compliance red states than blue states with Mississippi and West Virginia leading the way. Are Liberals or Conservatives More Anti-Vaccine? | RealClearScience
It's the reds in the blue states. Antivaxxers used to be hippie types. No longer, now they are Alex Jones listening conspiracy theorist. In other words, conservatives.

I am sure you believe that. The Jewish Orthodox Community in NYC is currently leading the pack in the current outbreak, however

Also the Amish.
The disease spreads quickly and easily among people who aren't immunized, leaving communities with high rates of people who aren't protected particularly vulnerable

Still there has been a few cases where someone had the vaccine and contacted the measles, which may lead the call for more booster shots.

Still the number of non-vaccinated who contact the disease still outweighs the number of those already vaccinated.

Take your pick nobody said like would be a bowl of cherries oh wait someone did

studies have shown that vaccine failure due to waning immunity can occur

yet it is a fact that if you do not get the shot and is exposed to someone who has it, you will have a high probability to get it

It is better to be safe than sorry or do you feel lucky

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