Medal's for Sailors at Pensacola Naval Air Station?

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
If the shooting at the Navy base is found to be an act of terrorism.

Should all the sailor's who were shot receive the Purple Heart, and the three men who were killed trying to stop the shooter be awarded an additional medal, such as the Silver Star or Navy Cross, for heroism? ... :dunno:
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Our allies the Saudis would never engage in an act of terrorism against us.
If the shooting at the Navy base is found to be an act of terrorism.

Should all the sailor's who were shot receive the Purple Heart, and the three men who were killed trying to stop the shooter be awarded an additional medal for heroism? ... :dunno:
For "and the three men who were killed trying to stop the shooter"

Yes, thanks, Mr. Sunni man. They should receive the appreciation of a nation for their heroic acts that cost them life itself.
Our allies the Saudis would never engage in an act of terrorism against us.
The majority of the terrorists of 9/11 were Saudis. From Wikipedia:

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. Fifteen of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
The Mastermind of the attack was Osama bin Laden, who for years was hidden in Pakistan, where he was executed by American forces in the not too distant past.
Is there some indication that the Saudi government or royal house was behind this or any attack?

The terrorists were muslims. Instead of pointing fingers at the Sauds, which mosques did they go to and which muslim did they see in New York
I'd simply allow them to all carry guns (like the military does in most countries). El coon of da dune would have been swiss cheesed in under 15 seconds.
I bet their shoes were shiny tho
Let's just be honest and admit that any zealot of muhamed's cult is a potential enemy to our nation.
Our allies the Saudis would never engage in an act of terrorism against us.
The majority of the terrorists of 9/11 were Saudis. From Wikipedia:

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. Fifteen of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
The Mastermind of the attack was Osama bin Laden, who for years was hidden in Pakistan, where he was executed by American forces in the not too distant past.

Most of those Saudis were not living, nor had been living in Saudi Arabia for a while. They were not supported in any way by the Saudi government.
Our allies the Saudis would never engage in an act of terrorism against us.
The majority of the terrorists of 9/11 were Saudis. From Wikipedia:

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. Fifteen of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
The Mastermind of the attack was Osama bin Laden, who for years was hidden in Pakistan, where he was executed by American forces in the not too distant past.

Most of those Saudis were not living, nor had been living in Saudi Arabia for a while. They were not supported in any way by the Saudi government.
Things are not always as they seem.
Our allies the Saudis would never engage in an act of terrorism against us.
The majority of the terrorists of 9/11 were Saudis. From Wikipedia:

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. Fifteen of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
The Mastermind of the attack was Osama bin Laden, who for years was hidden in Pakistan, where he was executed by American forces in the not too distant past.

Most of those Saudis were not living, nor had been living in Saudi Arabia for a while. They were not supported in any way by the Saudi government.
Things are not always as they seem.

Take your posts to Conspiracy Theories where they belong.
Our allies the Saudis would never engage in an act of terrorism against us.
The majority of the terrorists of 9/11 were Saudis. From Wikipedia:

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. Fifteen of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
The Mastermind of the attack was Osama bin Laden, who for years was hidden in Pakistan, where he was executed by American forces in the not too distant past.

Most of those Saudis were not living, nor had been living in Saudi Arabia for a while. They were not supported in any way by the Saudi government.
Things are not always as they seem.

Take your posts to Conspiracy Theories where they belong.
How dare you. I clarified that it was what I thought.

Here's a fact for you sir:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I am deeply grieved your belief is that I cannot here express what I think, but I am more grieved by systems of politics that are borne of religions that have targeted Jews and took out 6 million of these people in Europe in WWII at the behest of the Palestinian Mayor of Jerusalem, who made a deal with Hitler that if his troops would fight to eliminate all of the Jews in Germany and its territories, Hitler would come to Jerusalem and eliminate all of the Jews still living there who chose to stay rather than to leave in times of their persecution throughout literally centuries. In 1948, the homeless Jews took back their country by ousting the same folk who'd ousted and murdered their numbers since the demise of the kingdom following Solomon's death.

The mayor of Jerusalem's deal with Hitler to kill the Jews

FYI, I am not Jewish, but I am touched with their plight in the world and the many countries who were so willing to kill them all during the lifetimes of my parents and near kin who fought hard over there in WWII, and by some miracle of God, all were restored to us after the war and a year before I was born. Sir.
I placed no blame on the Saudi Arabian government whatever. Osama bin Laden to my understanding was told to leave Saudi Arabia at some point for stirring up trouble against people he hated, which included all Americans because we defended the Jewish people who survived WWII, and we acknowledged Israel to be a country.

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Our allies the Saudis would never engage in an act of terrorism against us.
You do realize that there are many various factions within Saudi Arabia, right?

While the Saudi royal family is quite religious, they are for the most part very secular as well. this is one of the reasons why Western Powers at the end of WW1 left them in control of the Meccah, and gave the Jordanian royals the Trans-Jordan area to rule instead.

The root problem is Wahhabiism that is a form of Salafi Islam, as I understand it. The have changed the standard abrogation of the Quran Sunnas to encourage waging Jihad against the West. Now jihad is a general term meaning to wage spiritual warfare, not physical warfare and most Wahabi's read it as a life long struggle against evil that is 99% of the time peaceful. The militants among them are the ones turning this into a violent crusade, but they are only a fraction of Wahabis.

We have to start tracking the clerics that teach that Jihad against the West is a literal violent crusade against everything not Muslim. We then need to track everyone that are long term members of such groups as they demonstrate an acceptance of this new system of abrogation and it being interpreted as a literal violent war.

Using facial recognition software, we need to keep these people out of our country.
Most of those Saudis were not living, nor had been living in Saudi Arabia for a while. They were not supported in any way by the Saudi government.
Things are not always as they seem.
Take your posts to Conspiracy Theories where they belong.
How dare you. I clarified that it was what I thought.
The Good Admiral Clings to his need for a mental safety cocoon and uses Normalcy Bias to attain it.

As to the terrorism coming out of Saudi Arabia, it is not supported by the Saudi tribe or its family, but other tribes within Saudi Arabia, and they have to use subterfuge to avoid being arrested, tortured and executed.
Most of those Saudis were not living, nor had been living in Saudi Arabia for a while. They were not supported in any way by the Saudi government.
Things are not always as they seem.
Take your posts to Conspiracy Theories where they belong.
How dare you. I clarified that it was what I thought.
The Good Admiral Clings to his need for a mental safety cocoon and uses Normalcy Bias to attain it.

As to the terrorism coming out of Saudi Arabia, it is not supported by the Saudi tribe or its family, but other tribes within Saudi Arabia, and they have to use subterfuge to avoid being arrested, tortured and executed.
He had a point to make and he made it. I usually agree with him, but not this time. I did my homework on the topic just before my husband died, so I know stuff it's just not available online any more. Jews often remove informational material that was available 4 years ago, because they have no desire to ever be the center of attention. And upcoming generations will not understand the particulars of survivors losing every person in their family except for a distant cousin or two.

Good night all, it's late. :sleep:
Our allies the Saudis would never engage in an act of terrorism against us.
The majority of the terrorists of 9/11 were Saudis. From Wikipedia:

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. Fifteen of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one from Lebanon, and one from Egypt.
The Mastermind of the attack was Osama bin Laden, who for years was hidden in Pakistan, where he was executed by American forces in the not too distant past.

Most of those Saudis were not living, nor had been living in Saudi Arabia for a while. They were not supported in any way by the Saudi government.
Things are not always as they seem.

Take your posts to Conspiracy Theories where they belong.
How dare you. I clarified that it was what I thought.

Here's a fact for you sir:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I am deeply grieved your belief is that I cannot here express what I think, but I am more grieved by systems of politics that are borne of religions that have targeted Jews and took out 6 million of these people in Europe in WWII at the behest of the Palestinian Mayor of Jerusalem, who made a deal with Hitler that if his troops would fight to eliminate all of the Jews in Germany and its territories, Hitler would come to Jerusalem and eliminate all of the Jews still living there who chose to stay rather than to leave in times of their persecution throughout literally centuries. In 1948, the homeless Jews took back their country by ousting the same folk who'd ousted and murdered their numbers since the demise of the kingdom following Solomon's death.

The mayor of Jerusalem's deal with Hitler to kill the Jews

FYI, I am not Jewish, but I am touched with their plight in the world and the many countries who were so willing to kill them all during the lifetimes of my parents and near kin who fought hard over there in WWII, and by some miracle of God, all were restored to us after the war and a year before I was born. Sir.
I placed no blame on the Saudi Arabian government whatever. Osama bin Laden to my understanding was told to leave Saudi Arabia at some point for stirring up trouble against people he hated, which included all Americans because we defended the Jewish people who survived WWII, and we acknowledged Israel to be a country.

Yes, and we have the right to point out bizarre conspiracy theories.

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