Media already criticizing Trump's foreign trip.

This is a PERFECT example of the bias the right screams about.
What the article is, and the response I expected to see for I am well aware I played "devil's advocate" with my comments above, is that the article is an editorial and editorials make no pretence of being unbiased; thus what is there to complain about? Nothing.

Readers must be able to discern an editorial from a pure news article. Careful readers can, as I did, from Lekach's piece distill facts (verifying their veracity if desired) and ignore the "loaded" language that also is found in the story.

Was this written by a high school kid?

Ah, no, but then neither is Sasha Lekach among the nation and world's most highly regarded news and editorial writers, though she is competent as a writer. Neither, for that matter, is Yahoo News among the nation's/world's most highly regarded news and editorial publishing organizations.
do you read sharyl attkissons work? i view her as one of the few good ones out there.
I don't recognize her name. I realize that doesn't answer your question, but I don't know the answer to your question. Though I occasionally read editorials, the bulk of my reading consists of peer reviewed scholarly papers and books. The closest I get to "regularly" reading editorial content is reading the reports and editorials published by an assortment of "think tanks."

Bio | Sharyl Attkisson

that's her bio. she is the one who broke fast and furious. obama and co later came down hard on her and for some reason, her computer was hacked by gov hackers.

check her out and see what you think. i don't want to oversell but i like her work.
What a surprise, imagine the media prematurely passing judgement on President Trump. Start with the headline you want, then fill in the blanks. "Let's get him" has been the mantra since November 9th 2016. Facts don't matter, just cut him and keep doing it.
Trump's first foreign trip is already a disaster and it hasn't even started
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, they are so mean. somebody stop them
see - this is where the real danger lies.

you - i would guess - don't care for trump. ergo the media hit pieces are great for you and cannon fodder to make your day a sure fire giggle fest.

but what if it were turned? the media should not have this *Power* they claim they do not have. many people for whatever reason still look to CNN, Fox and other outlets as viable in trying to sort through the clouds of bullshit out there today.

in truth - they fan those flames and send up whatever smoke signal sells.

if you're ok with it being done to trump i hope you're ok when it works against you - cause it will. our sense of "fair play" died over the last decade and if we're gonna get through this, we need it back.

The article was about specific steps that trump has taken which reduce the chances of a successful trip. You don't think the diplomats he will meet will be offended or have a lesser opinion of him for refusing to visit one of Israel's most revered sites just because he can't land his helicopter there, or that his supposed visit to another of their most revered sites is reduced to a 15 minute photo op? It's like he is trying to make the visit a disaster. His arrogance might have worked with contractors, but it is a detriment to diplomatic relations

i'm sure it is to many but i doubt to all.

and great - but put the article to the headline now - is it already a disaster or is that trying to tell me how to feel about "said steps"? given the media will "hit job" him at will, how do i know what they say is even true?
Bias, opinion, certainly.

that's my issue w/CNN. a vast majority of their headlines are TRUMP SUCKS DOO DOO and follow up later paragraphs of "well maybe, if he did". type articles. they take what he does and push it for max negative effect.

if you want me to believe something trump does is evil and needs to be stopped, they need to stop saying that about everything he says and does. and when your headlines are opinions, the article becomes one also - to me anyway.

and CNN has moved to being a buttload of opinion pieces.
The media has simply dropped all pretense, period.

It's not going to change, so Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.
Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.

Really, it's readers who need to do something, and the "something" they need to do is develop the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not. The the rubric article for this thread has several pieces of information in it; it's just the style in which they are presented that makes the piece editorial.

Trump can quite easily "deal with it" (1) by simply not blundering and blathering like a stark raving madman multiple times a day, (2) by actually accomplishing one or several of his signature promises, and (3) focusing more on specific goals rather than on how he's characterized. Indeed, how he's presented in the media without question will change once he consistently presents himself as a mature adult and coherently presents ideas in a way that indicates he's given them more rational consideration than would and can a disaffected ten year old. Quite simply, were Trump to act like a grown-up, he'd be treated like one.
Well, regarding Trump, no one has ever asked for it like he's asked for it. I've long since run out of adjectives for him.

Regarding developing the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not, holy crap - we're so far from that now that I see no way we get there from here. We have a perfectly intelligent poster on this thread sincerely believing that the piece is a straight news story. Getting to the people who just aren't as bright or not paying attention will take freaking decades.

I know I'm pretty fatalistic about this, but an (at least mostly) unbiased press plays an absolutely critical role in our republic, and what is happening now is dangerous.
maybe it's our backgrounds but i'm there with you.

this is beyond trump to me. he's an example of what the media is willing to do. a shining example maybe, but what they are doing is not their job. yet you can find pieces all around where they believe it *is* their job to tell people how to feel.

where do you combat that mentality? how do you go right and wrong from people who actually believe that?

our press should go after the truth. not people.

the truth is trump is an arrogant child like asshole. great. they don't need to report it daily.

this piece they did on watergate saying "a press that asks questions is vital..." - i put that right up there with trump saying "no ones been picked on more than me"

if you're doing the right thing you don't need to tell anyone all the time. it's obvious. if you're trying to sell it, then it's not what you say it is.

we need journalistic integrity back badly.
Bingo. What's happening with Trump is a symptom - or maybe more accurately, a flareup of an existing condition. He's like pouring buckets of gasoline on a small fire.

I don't see integrity returning because there is no demand for it. If there were to be any improvement, it would have to be the hard way, through the culture.

And that would take a LONG time, if it ever DOES start.
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, they are so mean. somebody stop them
see - this is where the real danger lies.

you - i would guess - don't care for trump. ergo the media hit pieces are great for you and cannon fodder to make your day a sure fire giggle fest.

but what if it were turned? the media should not have this *Power* they claim they do not have. many people for whatever reason still look to CNN, Fox and other outlets as viable in trying to sort through the clouds of bullshit out there today.

in truth - they fan those flames and send up whatever smoke signal sells.

if you're ok with it being done to trump i hope you're ok when it works against you - cause it will. our sense of "fair play" died over the last decade and if we're gonna get through this, we need it back.
nigga please. "what if it were turned?" were you asleep the last 8 years, or more?

why don't you go find all those big bad articles that fox and / or others wrote daily making stuff up and demonizing every move.

not gonna play this *i *FEEL* like they did this so they did!" crap with you or anyone. you got this proof, show it.

or walk on.

don't care which.
search the board, noob. you will find plenty. you would know about them if you were serious, hero.

proposed search strings: "200 million dollar", "bowing", "body count", "apology tour", "benghazi", etc. pp.

sigh. guess you're busy living an entire life as a 13 year old.

bye, whiner.

i guess it can be called chuzpe, complaining about allegedly unfair treatment of trump, after this campaign, and after how obama was treated.

i prefer to call it scumbaggery.
is the headline a fact, or opinion?
Bias, opinion, certainly.

that's my issue w/CNN. a vast majority of their headlines are TRUMP SUCKS DOO DOO and follow up later paragraphs of "well maybe, if he did". type articles. they take what he does and push it for max negative effect.

if you want me to believe something trump does is evil and needs to be stopped, they need to stop saying that about everything he says and does. and when your headlines are opinions, the article becomes one also - to me anyway.

and CNN has moved to being a buttload of opinion pieces.
The media has simply dropped all pretense, period.

It's not going to change, so Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.
Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.

Really, it's readers who need to do something, and the "something" they need to do is develop the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not. The the rubric article for this thread has several pieces of information in it; it's just the style in which they are presented that makes the piece editorial.

Trump can quite easily "deal with it" (1) by simply not blundering and blathering like a stark raving madman multiple times a day, (2) by actually accomplishing one or several of his signature promises, and (3) focusing more on specific goals rather than on how he's characterized. Indeed, how he's presented in the media without question will change once he consistently presents himself as a mature adult and coherently presents ideas in a way that indicates he's given them more rational consideration than would and can a disaffected ten year old. Quite simply, were Trump to act like a grown-up, he'd be treated like one.

so much truth here. readers eat it up as emotional validation or use it to spawn a counter-attack.

a counter attack on stupid. what's to win there?

while i 100% agree trump needs to grow up and shut up and do his job, the press needs to quit making shit up to make him look worse than he is. both sides are way out of line. but i would put trump in the lead by a little. :)
the press needs to quit making shit up to make him look worse than he is.

I don't think the press is making up much. Trump is, after all, saying and doing the stupid sh*t stuff he's done/said. A simple though not the most egregious illustration of his inanity can be found in his remark about speaking for himself "and the Russians." From that remark one can tell Trump doesn't actually think about what he's saying as he says it, nor immediately after saying something absurd, does he act to amend and clarify his remarks. Lots of people, including very smart and thoughtful people might make a blunder such as that, but they also have enough integrity, and self confidence for that matter, that upon hearing the words exit their mouth, they immediately correct their comment.
see - this is where the real danger lies.

you - i would guess - don't care for trump. ergo the media hit pieces are great for you and cannon fodder to make your day a sure fire giggle fest.

but what if it were turned? the media should not have this *Power* they claim they do not have. many people for whatever reason still look to CNN, Fox and other outlets as viable in trying to sort through the clouds of bullshit out there today.

in truth - they fan those flames and send up whatever smoke signal sells.

if you're ok with it being done to trump i hope you're ok when it works against you - cause it will. our sense of "fair play" died over the last decade and if we're gonna get through this, we need it back.
nigga please. "what if it were turned?" were you asleep the last 8 years, or more?

why don't you go find all those big bad articles that fox and / or others wrote daily making stuff up and demonizing every move.

not gonna play this *i *FEEL* like they did this so they did!" crap with you or anyone. you got this proof, show it.

or walk on.

don't care which.
search the board, noob. you will find plenty. you would know about them if you were serious, hero.

proposed search strings: "200 million dollar", "bowing", "body count", "apology tour", "benghazi", etc. pp.

sigh. guess you're busy living an entire life as a 13 year old.

bye, whiner.

i guess it can be called chuzpe, complaining about allegedly unfair treatment of trump, after this campaign, and after how obama was treated.

i prefer to call it scumbaggery.
you prefer just to call people names and be insulting.

if you'd stop that the weight of what you say goes up.
Bias, opinion, certainly.

that's my issue w/CNN. a vast majority of their headlines are TRUMP SUCKS DOO DOO and follow up later paragraphs of "well maybe, if he did". type articles. they take what he does and push it for max negative effect.

if you want me to believe something trump does is evil and needs to be stopped, they need to stop saying that about everything he says and does. and when your headlines are opinions, the article becomes one also - to me anyway.

and CNN has moved to being a buttload of opinion pieces.
The media has simply dropped all pretense, period.

It's not going to change, so Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.
Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.

Really, it's readers who need to do something, and the "something" they need to do is develop the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not. The the rubric article for this thread has several pieces of information in it; it's just the style in which they are presented that makes the piece editorial.

Trump can quite easily "deal with it" (1) by simply not blundering and blathering like a stark raving madman multiple times a day, (2) by actually accomplishing one or several of his signature promises, and (3) focusing more on specific goals rather than on how he's characterized. Indeed, how he's presented in the media without question will change once he consistently presents himself as a mature adult and coherently presents ideas in a way that indicates he's given them more rational consideration than would and can a disaffected ten year old. Quite simply, were Trump to act like a grown-up, he'd be treated like one.

so much truth here. readers eat it up as emotional validation or use it to spawn a counter-attack.

a counter attack on stupid. what's to win there?

while i 100% agree trump needs to grow up and shut up and do his job, the press needs to quit making shit up to make him look worse than he is. both sides are way out of line. but i would put trump in the lead by a little. :)
the press needs to quit making shit up to make him look worse than he is.

I don't think the press is making up much. Trump is, after all, saying and doing the stupid sh*t stuff he's done/said. A simple though not the most egregious illustration of his inanity can be found in his remark about speaking for himself "and the Russians." From that remark one can tell Trump doesn't actually think about what he's saying as he says it, nor immediately after saying something absurd, does he act to amend and clarify his remarks. Lots of people, including very smart and thoughtful people might make a blunder such as that, but they also have enough integrity, and self confidence for that matter, that upon hearing the words exit their mouth, they immediately correct their comment.

they run with anything and everything they *hear* and simply don't validate stories and sources. gossip has become newsworthy.

when you have an entire section of your website with a TRUMP TWITTER WATCH - you've gone a bit off kilter. when you report that he's not tweeted all day - you're obsessed. if you're obsessed, you're not unbiased.

anyway - that's me showing my math so to speak. :)
What a surprise, imagine the media prematurely passing judgement on President Trump. Start with the headline you want, then fill in the blanks. "Let's get him" has been the mantra since November 9th 2016. Facts don't matter, just cut him and keep doing it.
Trump's first foreign trip is already a disaster and it hasn't even started
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, they are so mean. somebody stop them
see - this is where the real danger lies.

you - i would guess - don't care for trump. ergo the media hit pieces are great for you and cannon fodder to make your day a sure fire giggle fest.

but what if it were turned? the media should not have this *Power* they claim they do not have. many people for whatever reason still look to CNN, Fox and other outlets as viable in trying to sort through the clouds of bullshit out there today.

in truth - they fan those flames and send up whatever smoke signal sells.

if you're ok with it being done to trump i hope you're ok when it works against you - cause it will. our sense of "fair play" died over the last decade and if we're gonna get through this, we need it back.

When the President lies, which he does every single day, it is the media's responsibility, under the Constitution you claim to love, to call him on it.

Perhaps you should be telling Trump to cut it out.
So Trump moves to the center ring and has to represent our country abroad

He is a master negotiator

I can't wait to see the great deals he works out!
What a surprise, imagine the media prematurely passing judgement on President Trump. Start with the headline you want, then fill in the blanks. "Let's get him" has been the mantra since November 9th 2016. Facts don't matter, just cut him and keep doing it.
Trump's first foreign trip is already a disaster and it hasn't even started
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, they are so mean. somebody stop them
see - this is where the real danger lies.

you - i would guess - don't care for trump. ergo the media hit pieces are great for you and cannon fodder to make your day a sure fire giggle fest.

but what if it were turned? the media should not have this *Power* they claim they do not have. many people for whatever reason still look to CNN, Fox and other outlets as viable in trying to sort through the clouds of bullshit out there today.

in truth - they fan those flames and send up whatever smoke signal sells.

if you're ok with it being done to trump i hope you're ok when it works against you - cause it will. our sense of "fair play" died over the last decade and if we're gonna get through this, we need it back.

When the President lies, which he does every single day, it is the media's responsibility, under the Constitution you claim to love, to call him on it.

Perhaps you should be telling Trump to cut it out.

when you lace what you say with raw emotion and telling me how i should feel - i feel like i'm reading CNN.

not my job to tell either one to act like an adult. pointless to either one also. both feel righteous and their followers the same.

the rest of us just have to put up with your constant bullshit.
What a surprise, imagine the media prematurely passing judgement on President Trump. Start with the headline you want, then fill in the blanks. "Let's get him" has been the mantra since November 9th 2016. Facts don't matter, just cut him and keep doing it.
Trump's first foreign trip is already a disaster and it hasn't even started
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, they are so mean. somebody stop them
see - this is where the real danger lies.

you - i would guess - don't care for trump. ergo the media hit pieces are great for you and cannon fodder to make your day a sure fire giggle fest.

but what if it were turned? the media should not have this *Power* they claim they do not have. many people for whatever reason still look to CNN, Fox and other outlets as viable in trying to sort through the clouds of bullshit out there today.

in truth - they fan those flames and send up whatever smoke signal sells.

if you're ok with it being done to trump i hope you're ok when it works against you - cause it will. our sense of "fair play" died over the last decade and if we're gonna get through this, we need it back.

The article was about specific steps that trump has taken which reduce the chances of a successful trip. You don't think the diplomats he will meet will be offended or have a lesser opinion of him for refusing to visit one of Israel's most revered sites just because he can't land his helicopter there, or that his supposed visit to another of their most revered sites is reduced to a 15 minute photo op? It's like he is trying to make the visit a disaster. His arrogance might have worked with contractors, but it is a detriment to diplomatic relations

i'm sure it is to many but i doubt to all.

and great - but put the article to the headline now - is it already a disaster or is that trying to tell me how to feel about "said steps"? given the media will "hit job" him at will, how do i know what they say is even true?

Only an idiot would believe "said steps" would do anything but reduce the chances of a successful trip. Insulting your host before you get there is not a good way to start.
We have a perfectly intelligent poster on this thread sincerely believing that the piece is a straight news story.
Well, you and I have clearly have different standards for what it means to accurately accord someone the complimentary description "perfectly intelligent." AFAIC, that accolade must be earned.

I think were you not to predicate your consideration of the individuals making various remarks on the notion that they are indeed "perfectly intelligent," you'd have a different take on the matter.
nigga please. "what if it were turned?" were you asleep the last 8 years, or more?

why don't you go find all those big bad articles that fox and / or others wrote daily making stuff up and demonizing every move.

not gonna play this *i *FEEL* like they did this so they did!" crap with you or anyone. you got this proof, show it.

or walk on.

don't care which.
search the board, noob. you will find plenty. you would know about them if you were serious, hero.

proposed search strings: "200 million dollar", "bowing", "body count", "apology tour", "benghazi", etc. pp.

sigh. guess you're busy living an entire life as a 13 year old.

bye, whiner.

i guess it can be called chuzpe, complaining about allegedly unfair treatment of trump, after this campaign, and after how obama was treated.

i prefer to call it scumbaggery.
you prefer just to call people names and be insulting.

if you'd stop that the weight of what you say goes up.
thanks for the sage advice, sensei. and go fuck yourself.

15 minutes in yad vashem, now that is an insult. who is the friend of israel? hahahahah

Bias, opinion, certainly.

that's my issue w/CNN. a vast majority of their headlines are TRUMP SUCKS DOO DOO and follow up later paragraphs of "well maybe, if he did". type articles. they take what he does and push it for max negative effect.

if you want me to believe something trump does is evil and needs to be stopped, they need to stop saying that about everything he says and does. and when your headlines are opinions, the article becomes one also - to me anyway.

and CNN has moved to being a buttload of opinion pieces.
The media has simply dropped all pretense, period.

It's not going to change, so Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.
Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.

Really, it's readers who need to do something, and the "something" they need to do is develop the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not. The the rubric article for this thread has several pieces of information in it; it's just the style in which they are presented that makes the piece editorial.

Trump can quite easily "deal with it" (1) by simply not blundering and blathering like a stark raving madman multiple times a day, (2) by actually accomplishing one or several of his signature promises, and (3) focusing more on specific goals rather than on how he's characterized. Indeed, how he's presented in the media without question will change once he consistently presents himself as a mature adult and coherently presents ideas in a way that indicates he's given them more rational consideration than would and can a disaffected ten year old. Quite simply, were Trump to act like a grown-up, he'd be treated like one.
Well, regarding Trump, no one has ever asked for it like he's asked for it. I've long since run out of adjectives for him.

Regarding developing the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not, holy crap - we're so far from that now that I see no way we get there from here. We have a perfectly intelligent poster on this thread sincerely believing that the piece is a straight news story. Getting to the people who just aren't as bright or not paying attention will take freaking decades.

I know I'm pretty fatalistic about this, but an (at least mostly) unbiased press plays an absolutely critical role in our republic, and what is happening now is dangerous.
maybe it's our backgrounds but i'm there with you.

this is beyond trump to me. he's an example of what the media is willing to do. a shining example maybe, but what they are doing is not their job. yet you can find pieces all around where they believe it *is* their job to tell people how to feel.

where do you combat that mentality? how do you go right and wrong from people who actually believe that?

our press should go after the truth. not people.

the truth is trump is an arrogant child like asshole. great. they don't need to report it daily.

this piece they did on watergate saying "a press that asks questions is vital..." - i put that right up there with trump saying "no ones been picked on more than me"

if you're doing the right thing you don't need to tell anyone all the time. it's obvious. if you're trying to sell it, then it's not what you say it is.

we need journalistic integrity back badly.
By the way, I may disagree with one point here, depending on what you mean:

I don't think that it's the job of the media to "go after the truth". "Going after the truth" - specifically their particular, personal version of the truth - is what they'll tell you they're doing now.

I think their job is to carefully and dispassionately present the facts of what happened, making sure that a comprehensive view is provided, and to allow the viewer/reader/listener to decide what "the truth" is.

You may be saying that too, but I've become suspicious of the worth "truth" in recent years, since it now only means "stuff I agree with".

We have a perfectly intelligent poster on this thread sincerely believing that the piece is a straight news story.
Well, you and I have clearly have different standards for what it means to accurately accord someone the complimentary description "perfectly intelligent." AFAIC, that accolade must be earned.

I think were you not to predicate your consideration of the individuals making various remarks on the notion that they are indeed "perfectly intelligent," you'd have a different take on the matter.
Well, I do try to give people the benefit of the doubt, at least until they stomp on my throat with it.

What a surprise, imagine the media prematurely passing judgement on President Trump. Start with the headline you want, then fill in the blanks. "Let's get him" has been the mantra since November 9th 2016. Facts don't matter, just cut him and keep doing it.
Trump's first foreign trip is already a disaster and it hasn't even started
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, they are so mean. somebody stop them
see - this is where the real danger lies.

you - i would guess - don't care for trump. ergo the media hit pieces are great for you and cannon fodder to make your day a sure fire giggle fest.

but what if it were turned? the media should not have this *Power* they claim they do not have. many people for whatever reason still look to CNN, Fox and other outlets as viable in trying to sort through the clouds of bullshit out there today.

in truth - they fan those flames and send up whatever smoke signal sells.

if you're ok with it being done to trump i hope you're ok when it works against you - cause it will. our sense of "fair play" died over the last decade and if we're gonna get through this, we need it back.

The article was about specific steps that trump has taken which reduce the chances of a successful trip. You don't think the diplomats he will meet will be offended or have a lesser opinion of him for refusing to visit one of Israel's most revered sites just because he can't land his helicopter there, or that his supposed visit to another of their most revered sites is reduced to a 15 minute photo op? It's like he is trying to make the visit a disaster. His arrogance might have worked with contractors, but it is a detriment to diplomatic relations

i'm sure it is to many but i doubt to all.

and great - but put the article to the headline now - is it already a disaster or is that trying to tell me how to feel about "said steps"? given the media will "hit job" him at will, how do i know what they say is even true?

Only an idiot would believe "said steps" would do anything but reduce the chances of a successful trip. Insulting your host before you get there is not a good way to start.
yea, but insulting the subject of your story before he even starts is ok.

again - put trump hate aside. you don't do this. you don't tell people how to feel as a journalist.
why don't you go find all those big bad articles that fox and / or others wrote daily making stuff up and demonizing every move.

not gonna play this *i *FEEL* like they did this so they did!" crap with you or anyone. you got this proof, show it.

or walk on.

don't care which.
search the board, noob. you will find plenty. you would know about them if you were serious, hero.

proposed search strings: "200 million dollar", "bowing", "body count", "apology tour", "benghazi", etc. pp.

sigh. guess you're busy living an entire life as a 13 year old.

bye, whiner.

i guess it can be called chuzpe, complaining about allegedly unfair treatment of trump, after this campaign, and after how obama was treated.

i prefer to call it scumbaggery.
you prefer just to call people names and be insulting.

if you'd stop that the weight of what you say goes up.
thanks for the sage advice, sensei. and go fuck yourself.

15 minutes in yad vashem, now that is an insult. who is the friend of israel? hahahahah
yawn. you're gonna love being 14. couple more years, you'll have it.
that's my issue w/CNN. a vast majority of their headlines are TRUMP SUCKS DOO DOO and follow up later paragraphs of "well maybe, if he did". type articles. they take what he does and push it for max negative effect.

if you want me to believe something trump does is evil and needs to be stopped, they need to stop saying that about everything he says and does. and when your headlines are opinions, the article becomes one also - to me anyway.

and CNN has moved to being a buttload of opinion pieces.
The media has simply dropped all pretense, period.

It's not going to change, so Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.
Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.

Really, it's readers who need to do something, and the "something" they need to do is develop the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not. The the rubric article for this thread has several pieces of information in it; it's just the style in which they are presented that makes the piece editorial.

Trump can quite easily "deal with it" (1) by simply not blundering and blathering like a stark raving madman multiple times a day, (2) by actually accomplishing one or several of his signature promises, and (3) focusing more on specific goals rather than on how he's characterized. Indeed, how he's presented in the media without question will change once he consistently presents himself as a mature adult and coherently presents ideas in a way that indicates he's given them more rational consideration than would and can a disaffected ten year old. Quite simply, were Trump to act like a grown-up, he'd be treated like one.
Well, regarding Trump, no one has ever asked for it like he's asked for it. I've long since run out of adjectives for him.

Regarding developing the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not, holy crap - we're so far from that now that I see no way we get there from here. We have a perfectly intelligent poster on this thread sincerely believing that the piece is a straight news story. Getting to the people who just aren't as bright or not paying attention will take freaking decades.

I know I'm pretty fatalistic about this, but an (at least mostly) unbiased press plays an absolutely critical role in our republic, and what is happening now is dangerous.
maybe it's our backgrounds but i'm there with you.

this is beyond trump to me. he's an example of what the media is willing to do. a shining example maybe, but what they are doing is not their job. yet you can find pieces all around where they believe it *is* their job to tell people how to feel.

where do you combat that mentality? how do you go right and wrong from people who actually believe that?

our press should go after the truth. not people.

the truth is trump is an arrogant child like asshole. great. they don't need to report it daily.

this piece they did on watergate saying "a press that asks questions is vital..." - i put that right up there with trump saying "no ones been picked on more than me"

if you're doing the right thing you don't need to tell anyone all the time. it's obvious. if you're trying to sell it, then it's not what you say it is.

we need journalistic integrity back badly.
By the way, I may disagree with one point here, depending on what you mean:

I don't think that it's the job of the media to "go after the truth". "Going after the truth" - specifically their particular, personal version of the truth - is what they'll tell you they're doing now.

I think their job is to carefully and dispassionately present the facts of what happened, making sure that a comprehensive view is provided, and to allow the viewer/reader/listener to decide what "the truth" is.

You may be saying that too, but I've become suspicious of the worth "truth" in recent years, since it now only means "stuff I agree with".

nope. we see it the same. they need to take their "desired outcome" out of what they write. otherwise all they do is write to satisfy their own emotional state in this and that may or may not match the readers. ie - they now cater to 1 side.

not their job.
that's my issue w/CNN. a vast majority of their headlines are TRUMP SUCKS DOO DOO and follow up later paragraphs of "well maybe, if he did". type articles. they take what he does and push it for max negative effect.

if you want me to believe something trump does is evil and needs to be stopped, they need to stop saying that about everything he says and does. and when your headlines are opinions, the article becomes one also - to me anyway.

and CNN has moved to being a buttload of opinion pieces.
The media has simply dropped all pretense, period.

It's not going to change, so Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.
Trump and the GOP will have to find a way to deal with it.

Really, it's readers who need to do something, and the "something" they need to do is develop the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not. The the rubric article for this thread has several pieces of information in it; it's just the style in which they are presented that makes the piece editorial.

Trump can quite easily "deal with it" (1) by simply not blundering and blathering like a stark raving madman multiple times a day, (2) by actually accomplishing one or several of his signature promises, and (3) focusing more on specific goals rather than on how he's characterized. Indeed, how he's presented in the media without question will change once he consistently presents himself as a mature adult and coherently presents ideas in a way that indicates he's given them more rational consideration than would and can a disaffected ten year old. Quite simply, were Trump to act like a grown-up, he'd be treated like one.
Well, regarding Trump, no one has ever asked for it like he's asked for it. I've long since run out of adjectives for him.

Regarding developing the ability to discern what's editorial and what's not, holy crap - we're so far from that now that I see no way we get there from here. We have a perfectly intelligent poster on this thread sincerely believing that the piece is a straight news story. Getting to the people who just aren't as bright or not paying attention will take freaking decades.

I know I'm pretty fatalistic about this, but an (at least mostly) unbiased press plays an absolutely critical role in our republic, and what is happening now is dangerous.
maybe it's our backgrounds but i'm there with you.

this is beyond trump to me. he's an example of what the media is willing to do. a shining example maybe, but what they are doing is not their job. yet you can find pieces all around where they believe it *is* their job to tell people how to feel.

where do you combat that mentality? how do you go right and wrong from people who actually believe that?

our press should go after the truth. not people.

the truth is trump is an arrogant child like asshole. great. they don't need to report it daily.

this piece they did on watergate saying "a press that asks questions is vital..." - i put that right up there with trump saying "no ones been picked on more than me"

if you're doing the right thing you don't need to tell anyone all the time. it's obvious. if you're trying to sell it, then it's not what you say it is.

we need journalistic integrity back badly.
Bingo. What's happening with Trump is a symptom - or maybe more accurately, a flareup of an existing condition. He's like pouring buckets of gasoline on a small fire.

I don't see integrity returning because there is no demand for it. If there were to be any improvement, it would have to be the hard way, through the culture.

And that would take a LONG time, if it ever DOES start.
I don't see integrity returning because there is no demand for it.

I haven't lost quite that much faith in the American people. Indeed, I think were they exposed to politicians who exhibit genuine integrity, they might actually find it refreshing and accord to their elected leaders the respect holders of such offices deserve.

If there were to be any improvement, it would have to be the hard way, through the culture.

There's no question the paucity of demonstrated integrity, intellectualism and objectivity is a pox on American culture. It may be one on others too, but I'm not a citizen of those cultures and it is my desire to see ours be the better culture, not merely one like several or many others; thus I don't care what they do wrong. I care what we do right and that we correct what do do wrong or poorly.

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