Media Black-Out Of Biden Scandal, Whistle Blower, & Evidence Against Biden UN-PRECEDENTED - Emulating China Media Suppression


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden stays silent as whistleblower insists he's lying about his involvement in son's shady business deals
Biden stays silent as whistleblower insists he's lying about his involvement in son's shady business deals

Media's 'total omission' of accusations in new Bobulinski interview stuns critics

Media's 'total omission' of accusations in new Bobulinski interview stuns critics

WATCH NOW: Big Tech CEOs testify on alleged censorship, their legal protections now at risk
WATCH NOW: Big Tech CEOs testify on Pro-Biden Censorship of Biden-Scandal Media / Opinion, says THEIR Freedom of Speech, legal protections now at risk

Overwhelming evidence exists - from multiple whistle blowers, the DOJ, State Department, DNI, DHS, FBI, Hunter Biden's laptop / e-mails - proving the Biden Family, run by Joe Biden, has engaged in Influence Peddling, Money Laundering, Extortion, Child Porn, Pedophilia, Obstruction, and more...and the vast majority of Fake News Media, Big Tech, he Democratic party, and Joe Biden have engaged in a Media Control / Blackout Campaign that emulates the type of Media Control conducted by Communist China to control its people.

Never have we seen such collusion and oppressive, Un-Constitutional tactics here in the United States.

To understand how much of a scandal this is all one has to ask is 'Would the same be happening if President Trump and his family were being exposed as having committed these acts?

The answer is not even 'No', it is 'HELL NO!'

Again, NEVER -- NEVER -- in this country's history have there been such a coordinated effort to withhold news / information from the American people in order to affect / control their thoughts and actions, especially in an attempt to swing / control the outcome of an election.

Even the coordinated effort between the Obama administration to protect Hillary from indictment and the media to hide the truth in an attempt to control the media in 2016 pales in comparison to the all-in Socialist / foreign enemy-supported / funded, Big Tech silencing of Truth and Americans' right of free speech we are seeing now.

The Democratic party, major Fake News media, Big tech, and our nation's enemies have literally colluded and are working together to turn the United States into a corrupt 3rd world banana republic, removing the American people of their right to an open, honest, well-informed, Constitutional democratic election.

....and it is only going to get WORSE...especially if the Democrats lose...AGAIN!

Poor Giuliani. His bag of piss isn't being chugged down by the media.

It's fun watching the ones who do drink his piss sulking about it.
Biden stays silent as whistleblower insists he's lying about his involvement in son's shady business deals's lying about his involvement in son's shady business deals
Biden stays silent as whistleblower insists he's lying about his involvement in son's shady business deals

Media's 'total omission' of accusations in new Bobulinski interview stuns critics's 'total omission' of accusations in new Bobulinski interview stuns critics

Media's 'total omission' of accusations in new Bobulinski interview stuns critics

WATCH NOW: Big Tech CEOs testify on alleged censorship, their legal protections now at risk
WATCH NOW: Big Tech CEOs testify on Pro-Biden Censorship of Biden-Scandal Media / Opinion, says THEIR Freedom of Speech, legal protections now at risk

Overwhelming evidence exists - from multiple whistle blowers, the DOJ, State Department, DNI, DHS, FBI, Hunter Biden's laptop / e-mails - proving the Biden Family, run by Joe Biden, has engaged in Influence Peddling, Money Laundering, Extortion, Child Porn, Pedophilia, Obstruction, and more...and the vast majority of Fake News Media, Big Tech, he Democratic party, and Joe Biden have engaged in a Media Control / Blackout Campaign that emulates the type of Media Control conducted by Communist China to control its people.

Never have we seen such collusion and oppressive, Un-Constitutional tactics here in the United States.

To understand how much of a scandal this is all one has to ask is 'Would the same be happening if President Trump and his family were being exposed as having committed these acts?

The answer is not even 'No', it is 'HELL NO!'

Again, NEVER -- NEVER -- in this country's history have there been such a coordinated effort to withhold news / information from the American people in order to affect / control their thoughts and actions, especially in an attempt to swing / control the outcome of an election.

Even the coordinated effort between the Obama administration to protect Hillary from indictment and the media to hide the truth in an attempt to control the media in 2016 pales in comparison to the all-in Socialist / foreign enemy-supported / funded, Big Tech silencing of Truth and Americans' right of free speech we are seeing now.

The Democratic party, major Fake News media, Big tech, and our nation's enemies have literally colluded and are working together to turn the United States into a corrupt 3rd world banana republic, removing the American people of their right to an open, honest, well-informed, Constitutional democratic election.

....and it is only going to get WORSE...especially if the Democrats lose...AGAIN!

There is no media blackout. Trump has flooded us with so many lame lies and misinformation we no longer believe anything he or his conspirators say. While he sells his Biden nonsense he is also selling the COVID IS OVER nonsense and his Trump greatest economy in history lie. We just want the lying asshole to go away.
There is no media blackout. Trump has flooded us with so many lame lies and misinformation we no longer believe anything he or his conspirators say. While he sells his Biden nonsense he is also selling the COVID IS OVER nonsense and his Trump greatest economy in history lie. We just want the lying asshole to go away.
Mr butthurt truth teller has spoken,so itMUSTbe true there is no media blackout on Bidens lies and corruption. :auiqs.jpg:
Poor Giuliani. His bag of piss isn't being chugged down by the media.

It's fun watching the ones who do drink his piss sulking about it.
The media like ABC News are covering up for pedophiles again.

Democrats = pedophile defenders
Biden is 100% COMPROMISED....Joe, Jim, Hunter...$1.5 BILLION...China posting Hunter's child porn videos and photos online...and that's what we KNOW they have.
Welcome to Biden's Amerika... Socialist control over the media is solidified... Without FOX this story would have never seen the light of day... That is how close we are to losing the US... And it may be to late.. Traitor Joe and his cable may have already done us in....

We're halfway there to losing it.
This is not your father's America. The country has already fallen, and most people don't realize it yet.

The FBI has been illegally spying on Americans for decades...and still are.

The BSA was just busted for illegally spying on the media.

The WH was just exposed for directing Social Media what news / posts to censor / delete, a 1st Amendment violation

Democrats have been exposed for committing treason for DECADES - facilitating CCP Espionage, collaborating with our enemies in a failed political coup attempt, taking millions / billions from our enemies (CCP & Russia)

Open Borders, surrendering our sovereignty, national security, & energy independence, assisting Cartels to trafficking unaccompanied illegal children all over the US, giving Russia a list of our top 16 infrastructure (& begging Putin not to attack them), undermining our govt / law enforcement causing an explosive growth of Violent crime & homicides...

Using Marxist ideology in school to indoctrinate our children into hating each other and hating this nation...

....the America you grew up in as a child is gone...

And we have the Marcist Democrats to thank.

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