Media coverage of Trump's McCain war-service Neutron Bomb

well yeah, why do they want to cover some Guy named Mohammed attacking our military men and women. if they can blow Trump smoke up your asses they know many of you will swallow it and spread it around

bravo. you are now officially a useful tool for the DNC/commies
This post is ridiculous. Both events are being covered by the media. The Trump issue is not in any way, shape or form 'blowing smoke.' It is a truly serious issue regarding the GOP race for a presidential nominee. It's very important what he says and does--he could well be the GOP nominee; then, where would you all be, hmmmm?
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I've been predicting Trump will be gone by Christmas.

This action will help that happen.
Trump misspoke, you have to understand his remarks in context.

Context sounded pretty clear to me. Trump doesn't like to be criticized, and just thinks hitting back is the answer. And he's been doing this for weeks.

This time he crossed a line.

I'm kind of sad, I wanted to see his farce drag out a little longer, until he alienated more people from the GOP Brand, but it looks like he imploded early. OH, well.
well yeah, why do they want to cover some Guy named Mohammed attacking our military men and women. if they can blow Trump smoke up your asses they know many of you will swallow it and spread it around

bravo. you are now officially a useful tool for the DNC/commies
Non sequitur, as usual.

Trump misspoke, you have to understand his remarks in context.

they know what he meant. Every week they have been trying to DESTROY HIM. I believe all they're doing is making him stronger in a lot the people eyes. they are SICK AND TIRED of these baseless attacks on everything he says
It will all be old news by the middle of the week. Sad thing McCain was a hero, then he became a politician, kind of tarnished that sterling image.

yep, the same way Jon (Heinze the ketchup fortune) Kerry did.
Kerry's image was tarnished by lying swift boaters. Mccain's was tarnished by his picking sarah barracuda as his running mate -- which still has nothing to do with trump's disgusting remarks.
oh darn. the Democrats who created this monster (blacklivesonlymattersincertaintimes) and they are now EATING their own Democrats. you think the NY post, NYslimes, WashingtonCompost will report on this? I'm loving it. VIDEO at the site. ENJOY

Breaking: #BlackLivesMatter Mob Takes Over #Netroots – Heckles O’Malley Off Stage (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Jul 18th, 2015 10:08 pm 39 Comments

You built this…
All hell broke loose at the progressive Netroots Nation conference this weekend. Activists for #BlackLivesMatter basically staged a mutiny and took over the stage.

Democratic Party presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley got heckled as they were trying to speak.

O’Malley was eventually booed off stage after saying “all lives matter.”
Because, according to the mob, all lives do not matter!

The activists told the leftist crowd:

“It’s not like we want to shut the sh*t down. But we have to.”

They booed the former governor throughout his speech!
ALL of it here:
Breaking BlackLivesMatter Mob Takes Over Netroots - Heckles O Malley Off Stage VIDEO - The Gateway Pundit

Stephanie, that is not the topic of this thread.

Are you mentally ill, or what?
Being a blind partisan hack forever in deflect mode is a form of mental illness.
What’s remarkable and significant is just how off-message Trump has gotten the entire GOP field – they spend all their time denouncing Trump’s stupidity and trying to separate themselves from Trump while the entire Republican Party comes off as dysfunctional and inept.
oh darn. the Democrats who created this monster (blacklivesonlymattersincertaintimes) and they are now EATING their own Democrats. you think the NY post, NYslimes, WashingtonCompost will report on this? I'm loving it. VIDEO at the site. ENJOY

Breaking: #BlackLivesMatter Mob Takes Over #Netroots – Heckles O’Malley Off Stage (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft Jul 18th, 2015 10:08 pm 39 Comments

You built this…
All hell broke loose at the progressive Netroots Nation conference this weekend. Activists for #BlackLivesMatter basically staged a mutiny and took over the stage.

Democratic Party presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley got heckled as they were trying to speak.

O’Malley was eventually booed off stage after saying “all lives matter.”
Because, according to the mob, all lives do not matter!

The activists told the leftist crowd:

“It’s not like we want to shut the sh*t down. But we have to.”

They booed the former governor throughout his speech!
ALL of it here:
Breaking BlackLivesMatter Mob Takes Over Netroots - Heckles O Malley Off Stage VIDEO - The Gateway Pundit
Meanwhile we are focusing on Trump ONLY….
What’s remarkable and significant is just how off-message Trump has gotten the entire GOP field – they spend all their time denouncing Trump’s stupidity and trying to separate themselves from Trump while the entire Republican Party comes off as dysfunctional and inept.
It shows the diversity of the Repubs while sheeple Dems marching in lockstep. Individuality and not uniformity like in China where everybody was riding the same brand of bicycle and wore the same brand of uniform in just a few years ago before we started to build their economy instead of our own.. So, what's wrong with people having their own views instead of parroting some bullshit they were told to parrot?
Kerry's image was tarnished by lying swift boaters. Mccain's was tarnished by his picking sarah barracuda as his running mate -- which still has nothing to do with trump's disgusting remarks.

Kerry's image was tarnished by the fact he slandered other service members and a lot of them had long memories. He tried to pretend the service happened and not the anti-war activity. He should have embraced both and taken the consequences.

Instead, he rather arrogantly thought that if Bush brought up his anti-War activities, he could bring up Bush's National Guard Service (which hadn't worked for Gore in 2000, so why he thought it would work this time is questionable.)

As for McCain. Palin wasn't a bad pick. McCain did not lose becuase of Palin. McCain lost because the economy imploded and he wouldn't commit to ending the Iraq War.

But yes, Trump's remarks are disgusting.
It shows the diversity of the Repubs while sheeple Dems marching in lockstep. Individuality and not uniformity like in China where everybody was riding the same brand of bicycle and wore the same brand of uniform in just a few years ago before we started to build their economy instead of our own.. So, what's wrong with people having their own views instead of parroting some bullshit they were told to parrot?

NOthing's wrong with Trump having his own views.

What's wrong is that he's saying really, really stupid shit.
But he IS a Republican and the American Conservative Union gives him a high score, placing him among the most Conservative Senators in the US Senate:
That's a very sad picture showing that what he does is nothing but fighting the turf war between the two fractions of the same oligarchy. Meanwhile we are being anally abused by both parties.
You are just butthurt because he says some things you don't like.
Do you have some recommendation for a good remedy? I mean what works best for you...
stop letting this LAMEstream lapdogs for the DNC medias AND people like the OP for his PARTY of commies. lead you around by the NOSE. wake up to what is happening UNDER this President while they have YOU THE PEOPLE Distracted. our Military men and women are being killed right on their own HOME SOIL.

Donald Trump Wants the End of ‘Gun-Free’ Zones, Declares He’s Pro-Life, and Explains His Beef With John McCain
Jul. 17, 2015 2:05pm Mike Opelka

While the Huffington Post has relegated Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to the entertainment pages, MSNBC is still covering Trump. And that was on full display Friday morning.


Image source: YouTube

The second hour of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” started with a lengthy interview with Trump. In the course of the 14-minute question-and-answer session with Trump we learned the following:

  • Trump wants “gun free” zones eliminated.
  • The self-proclaimed multi-billionaire is also pro-life.
  • On the topic of gay marriage, he said, “I would have preferred the courts let the states make the decision.”
  • Concerning Obamacare, Trump openly differs from his party’s position on healthcare as a right. Speaking on universal healthcare, Trump said, “You cannot let twenty-five percent of the people in the country — because they have no money — go without something.”
  • The reason why he went after Senator John McCain (R-AZ) on Twitter: “John McCain was very disloyal to me,” he told Andrea Mitchell.
Watch the interview from this morning:

all of it here:

Donald Trump Wants the End of Gun-Free Zones Declares He s Pro-Life and Explains His Beef With John McCain Video
stop letting this LAMEstream lapdogs for the DNC medias AND people like the OP for his PARTY of commies. lead you around by the NOSE. wake up to what is happening UNDER this President while they have YOU THE PEOPLE Distracted. our Military men and women are being killed right on their own HOME SOIL.

Staph, Staph, Sweetie, stop trying to change the subject.

The subject here is, did Trump say something really stupid about a war hero.
Probably won't effect Trump's standing, because most of the Mouth Breathers in the GOP base have never forgiven McCain for 1) Challenging Bush, 2) Proposing Amnesty and 3) Losing to Obama.


The rabid rightwankers hated McCain so they will probably continue to support Donald T Rump. He will probably lose his frontrunner status but I don't see him being eliminated before the 1st debate.

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