Media going All In with “Tulsa Race Massacre” story

"People" didn't go around Tulsa killing blacks.

The KKK went around Tulsa killing blacks.

The Party of racism, civil war, slavery, and hate IS the Democrat Party and always has been. They've only gotten worse!

I've read quite a bit about the Tulsa Massacre, and I have seen nothing that says it was only the kkk doing it. The city of Tulsa actually deputized men and gave them weapons for the massacre.
LOL, who do you think actually ran the local govt in Tulsa then? Not Republicans....

It doesn't really matter which political party was in charge of the city. It was a racially motivated massacre at a time when it could be done without fear of being punished.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.

Why did he run away? Because a white girl screamed. In the 1920s, that was all it took to get him lynched.

The fact is, you claimed a white girl was raped. That was an outright lie. You said you hate liars, and yet you have blatantly lied.
Then why were her clothes torn? Because that happens when someone trips and steps on your toes?

You’re an idiot.

There is no official record of what happened. The two people involved knew each other. She screamed and he ran. That is all that is known. Well, that and when the police took the girl's statement, it was determined that something less than an assault had taken place. That is part of the official police record.

And yet you claimed the girl was raped. There is not one iota of evidence that she was raped. You lied about that. You need to own that.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
This occurred pre civil rights, when a black man could be lynched, thrown in jail or both, for any reason real or imagined. The justice system worked for whites only. Why on earth wouldnt he run?
Except he wasn’t lynched. The sheriff told the mobs to go home.

He either raped her or tried to. The left love to leave out the fact that her clothes were torn and he ran from the scene of the crime.

Only 36 people were confirmed dead, including many whites. It certainly wasn’t “300” blacks.

It wasn’t a “race massacre”, it was a riot. “Black Wall Street” wasn’t targeted, it was likely just blacks burning down their own businesses just like they do today.

Yes, it was most certainly a massacre. White men (some even in planes) burned and murdered. Even Tulsa officials admitted that. And yes, Black Wall Street was targeted for its success. In the 1920s, for black to do better in business than whites was not allowed to stand.

So if white people get angry and want social justice, it’s wrong?

Odd, all we hear today is that you should take to the streets and not let up until you get your “justice”. So it’s perfectly fine when blacks get angry and burn and loot in the name of “social justice”, but if whites do it, it’s a “race massacre”.

You need to decide which it is.

If whites want justice they should use the system to get it. And the police DID question the elevator operator. They determined that what happened was less than an assault. Certainly not rape, as you have claimed.
Racial tensions are not at an all time high. Not even close. People like you are shitting themselves over the thought that the people who were treated like garbage for 300 years might be coming for some payback.
Payback? You mean BurnLootMurder???

"People" didn't go around Tulsa killing blacks.

The KKK went around Tulsa killing blacks.

The Party of racism, civil war, slavery, and hate IS the Democrat Party and always has been. They've only gotten worse!

I've read quite a bit about the Tulsa Massacre, and I have seen nothing that says it was only the kkk doing it. The city of Tulsa actually deputized men and gave them weapons for the massacre.
LOL, who do you think actually ran the local govt in Tulsa then? Not Republicans....

It doesn't really matter which political party was in charge of the city. It was a racially motivated massacre at a time when it could be done without fear of being punished.

It does matter who was in charge. Democrats were in charge. The KKK was embedded in southern govt after the civil war and remained so for at least another 40 years. Democrats were responsible. Democrats were the Klan. Don't minimize it of defend it. This was how Democrats ruled the South for a hundred years after the war.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
This occurred pre civil rights, when a black man could be lynched, thrown in jail or both, for any reason real or imagined. The justice system worked for whites only. Why on earth wouldnt he run?
Except he wasn’t lynched. The sheriff told the mobs to go home.

He either raped her or tried to. The left love to leave out the fact that her clothes were torn and he ran from the scene of the crime.

Only 36 people were confirmed dead, including many whites. It certainly wasn’t “300” blacks.

It wasn’t a “race massacre”, it was a riot. “Black Wall Street” wasn’t targeted, it was likely just blacks burning down their own businesses just like they do today.

Yes, it was most certainly a massacre. White men (some even in planes) burned and murdered. Even Tulsa officials admitted that. And yes, Black Wall Street was targeted for its success. In the 1920s, for black to do better in business than whites was not allowed to stand.

So if white people get angry and want social justice, it’s wrong?

Odd, all we hear today is that you should take to the streets and not let up until you get your “justice”. So it’s perfectly fine when blacks get angry and burn and loot in the name of “social justice”, but if whites do it, it’s a “race massacre”.

You need to decide which it is.

If whites want justice they should use the system to get it. And the police DID question the elevator operator. They determined that what happened was less than an assault. Certainly not rape, as you have claimed.
How do you know that?

Rape victims often won’t talk about it and won’t press charges out of humiliation.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.

Why did he run away? Because a white girl screamed. In the 1920s, that was all it took to get him lynched.

The fact is, you claimed a white girl was raped. That was an outright lie. You said you hate liars, and yet you have blatantly lied.
Then why were her clothes torn? Because that happens when someone trips and steps on your toes?

You’re an idiot.

There is no official record of what happened. The two people involved knew each other. She screamed and he ran. That is all that is known. Well, that and when the police took the girl's statement, it was determined that something less than an assault had taken place. That is part of the official police record.

And yet you claimed the girl was raped. There is not one iota of evidence that she was raped. You lied about that. You need to own that.

Okay, I own that in my opinion she was attacked and sexually assaulted.

You are claiming no such thing happened, not even an assault. You have zero proof of that. Your claim is certainly more “unfounded” than mine, as at least there was evidence something happened as opposed to nothing.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
This occurred pre civil rights, when a black man could be lynched, thrown in jail or both, for any reason real or imagined. The justice system worked for whites only. Why on earth wouldnt he run?
Except he wasn’t lynched. The sheriff told the mobs to go home.

He either raped her or tried to. The left love to leave out the fact that her clothes were torn and he ran from the scene of the crime.

Only 36 people were confirmed dead, including many whites. It certainly wasn’t “300” blacks.

It wasn’t a “race massacre”, it was a riot. “Black Wall Street” wasn’t targeted, it was likely just blacks burning down their own businesses just like they do today.

Yes, it was most certainly a massacre. White men (some even in planes) burned and murdered. Even Tulsa officials admitted that. And yes, Black Wall Street was targeted for its success. In the 1920s, for black to do better in business than whites was not allowed to stand.

So if white people get angry and want social justice, it’s wrong?

Odd, all we hear today is that you should take to the streets and not let up until you get your “justice”. So it’s perfectly fine when blacks get angry and burn and loot in the name of “social justice”, but if whites do it, it’s a “race massacre”.

You need to decide which it is.

If whites want justice they should use the system to get it. And the police DID question the elevator operator. They determined that what happened was less than an assault. Certainly not rape, as you have claimed.
How do you know that?

Rape victims often won’t talk about it and won’t press charges out of humiliation.

There is no evidence that the girl was raped. You claimed she was, like it was a fact. Your assumption that any contact with a black man means rape says more about you than about the Tulsa Massacre.

But think (I know that is foreign to you), in a time when black men were lynched for merely speaking to women or whistling at them, sometimes just being accused of that, what black kid would rape a white girl in a public elevator? And according to you, he raped her without taking her clothes off, tear notwithstanding.

No, there was no rape. There was no accusation of rape in the records. The police questioned her and determined that it was less than an assault.

So you lied about it, and now are trying to backtrack and cover your ass.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.

Why did he run away? Because a white girl screamed. In the 1920s, that was all it took to get him lynched.

The fact is, you claimed a white girl was raped. That was an outright lie. You said you hate liars, and yet you have blatantly lied.
Then why were her clothes torn? Because that happens when someone trips and steps on your toes?

You’re an idiot.

There is no official record of what happened. The two people involved knew each other. She screamed and he ran. That is all that is known. Well, that and when the police took the girl's statement, it was determined that something less than an assault had taken place. That is part of the official police record.

And yet you claimed the girl was raped. There is not one iota of evidence that she was raped. You lied about that. You need to own that.

Okay, I own that in my opinion she was attacked and sexually assaulted.

You are claiming no such thing happened, not even an assault. You have zero proof of that. Your claim is certainly more “unfounded” than mine, as at least there was evidence something happened as opposed to nothing.

The police questioned her and determined there was no assault.

And no, you did not say she was attacked and sexually assaulted. You said RAPE. And that was a lie. I cannot find one reputable report that she was raped. Not even disreputable ones make that claim. You lied and made that shit up.
It was not untypical for klan/dems to manufacture an incident and rain mayhem for "justice". "So and so (fill in the blank) 'd a white girl" and it's off to the races.
It was not untypical for klan/dems to manufacture an incident and rain mayhem for "justice". "So and so (fill in the blank) 'd a white girl" and it's off to the races.

That is true. And it has cost people their lives.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
This occurred pre civil rights, when a black man could be lynched, thrown in jail or both, for any reason real or imagined. The justice system worked for whites only. Why on earth wouldnt he run?
Except he wasn’t lynched. The sheriff told the mobs to go home.

He either raped her or tried to. The left love to leave out the fact that her clothes were torn and he ran from the scene of the crime.

Only 36 people were confirmed dead, including many whites. It certainly wasn’t “300” blacks.

It wasn’t a “race massacre”, it was a riot. “Black Wall Street” wasn’t targeted, it was likely just blacks burning down their own businesses just like they do today.

Yes, it was most certainly a massacre. White men (some even in planes) burned and murdered. Even Tulsa officials admitted that. And yes, Black Wall Street was targeted for its success. In the 1920s, for black to do better in business than whites was not allowed to stand.

So if white people get angry and want social justice, it’s wrong?

Odd, all we hear today is that you should take to the streets and not let up until you get your “justice”. So it’s perfectly fine when blacks get angry and burn and loot in the name of “social justice”, but if whites do it, it’s a “race massacre”.

You need to decide which it is.

If whites want justice they should use the system to get it. And the police DID question the elevator operator. They determined that what happened was less than an assault. Certainly not rape, as you have claimed.
How do you know that?

Rape victims often won’t talk about it and won’t press charges out of humiliation.

There is no evidence that the girl was raped. You claimed she was, like it was a fact. Your assumption that any contact with a black man means rape says more about you than about the Tulsa Massacre.

But think (I know that is foreign to you), in a time when black men were lynched for merely speaking to women or whistling at them, sometimes just being accused of that, what black kid would rape a white girl in a public elevator? And according to you, he raped her without taking her clothes off, tear notwithstanding.

No, there was no rape. There was no accusation of rape in the records. The police questioned her and determined that it was less than an assault.

So you lied about it, and now are trying to backtrack and cover your ass.
Hahaha, what a great argument. “Why would a criminal commit a crime knowing they’d get in trouble?”

Because criminals are stupid, always have been, and they still are. People commit crimes thinking they can get away with it. Rapists do their thing believing the women will be too terrified to scream or fight back.

But, yea, I’m sure your story is “plausible”. I’m sure an innocent black kid tripped and fell on a white girl in an elevator, she screamed but really didn’t mean it. He took off running because he thought he would get lynched immediately for touching a white girl on accident. She then reported she was assaulted which prompted the police to be notified and arrest the black guy, but she really didn’t mean it. And all these white people were racists, because...well because they are white and all whites are racist.

The police then planned to execute him, so they told the white lynch mob to back off. Some “worried” blacks showed up to confront the KKK lynch mob. The KKK mob of course attacked first, but mostly got their asses kicked by righteousness black men, leaving ten racist whites dead and two innocent social justice warrior blacks dead. Then the rest is history. All the angry racist whites decided to burn down “Black Wall Street” because they’ve always been jealous of their success. They chased and hanged and burned “300 blacks” and hid the bodies so they could never be found.

Yea, sure. :smoke:
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
This occurred pre civil rights, when a black man could be lynched, thrown in jail or both, for any reason real or imagined. The justice system worked for whites only. Why on earth wouldnt he run?
Except he wasn’t lynched. The sheriff told the mobs to go home.

He either raped her or tried to. The left love to leave out the fact that her clothes were torn and he ran from the scene of the crime.

Only 36 people were confirmed dead, including many whites. It certainly wasn’t “300” blacks.

It wasn’t a “race massacre”, it was a riot. “Black Wall Street” wasn’t targeted, it was likely just blacks burning down their own businesses just like they do today.

Yes, it was most certainly a massacre. White men (some even in planes) burned and murdered. Even Tulsa officials admitted that. And yes, Black Wall Street was targeted for its success. In the 1920s, for black to do better in business than whites was not allowed to stand.

So if white people get angry and want social justice, it’s wrong?

Odd, all we hear today is that you should take to the streets and not let up until you get your “justice”. So it’s perfectly fine when blacks get angry and burn and loot in the name of “social justice”, but if whites do it, it’s a “race massacre”.

You need to decide which it is.

If whites want justice they should use the system to get it. And the police DID question the elevator operator. They determined that what happened was less than an assault. Certainly not rape, as you have claimed.
How do you know that?

Rape victims often won’t talk about it and won’t press charges out of humiliation.

There is no evidence that the girl was raped. You claimed she was, like it was a fact. Your assumption that any contact with a black man means rape says more about you than about the Tulsa Massacre.

But think (I know that is foreign to you), in a time when black men were lynched for merely speaking to women or whistling at them, sometimes just being accused of that, what black kid would rape a white girl in a public elevator? And according to you, he raped her without taking her clothes off, tear notwithstanding.

No, there was no rape. There was no accusation of rape in the records. The police questioned her and determined that it was less than an assault.

So you lied about it, and now are trying to backtrack and cover your ass.
Hahaha, what a great argument. “Why would a criminal commit a crime knowing they’d get in trouble?”

Because criminals are stupid, always have been, and they still are. People commit crimes thinking they can get away with it. Rapists do their thing believing the women will be too terrified to scream or fight back.

But, yea, I’m sure your story is “plausible”. I’m sure an innocent black kid tripped and fell on a white girl in an elevator, she screamed but really didn’t mean it. He took off running because he thought he would get lynched immediately for touching a white girl on accident. She then reported she was assaulted which prompted the police to be notified and arrest the black guy, but she really didn’t mean it. And all these white people were racists, because...well because they are white and all whites are racist.

The police then planned to execute him, so they told the white lynch mob to back off. Some “worried” blacks showed up to confront the KKK lynch mob. The KKK mob of course attacked first, but mostly got their asses kicked by righteousness black men, leaving ten racist whites dead and two innocent social justice warrior blacks dead. Then the rest is history. All the angry racist whites decided to burn down “Black Wall Street” because they’ve always been jealous of their success. They chased and hanged and burned “300 blacks” and hid the bodies so they could never be found.

Yea, sure. :smoke:

Again, you are simply trying to back off your original claims.

There is not one iota of evidence of, or even a reporting of, a rape taking place. None. And yet, after saying it like it was a fact, you refuse to acknowledge that you flat out lied.

Keep digging. It matters not to me. I have set the record straight about what happened and shown you to be a liar. My work here is done.
It was not untypical for klan/dems to manufacture an incident and rain mayhem for "justice". "So and so (fill in the blank) 'd a white girl" and it's off to the races.

That is true. And it has cost people their lives.
The Democrat Party will do anything for power. It was true in the time of Andrew Jackson, it was true in the time of the Confederacy, Reconstruction and true now. In the passage of time the Democrat Party has become more abusive, more lawless, and more ruthless than ever. Now Marxism and anti-Semitism is rampant in the Party and the senior leadership is either too old or too scared to try and stop it. I suspect they don't even care as long as they stay rich and powerful. History won't look kindly on the Party of Jefferson and he would certainly condemn it. It's a cancer on this country.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
This occurred pre civil rights, when a black man could be lynched, thrown in jail or both, for any reason real or imagined. The justice system worked for whites only. Why on earth wouldnt he run?
Except he wasn’t lynched. The sheriff told the mobs to go home.

He either raped her or tried to. The left love to leave out the fact that her clothes were torn and he ran from the scene of the crime.

Only 36 people were confirmed dead, including many whites. It certainly wasn’t “300” blacks.

It wasn’t a “race massacre”, it was a riot. “Black Wall Street” wasn’t targeted, it was likely just blacks burning down their own businesses just like they do today.

Yes, it was most certainly a massacre. White men (some even in planes) burned and murdered. Even Tulsa officials admitted that. And yes, Black Wall Street was targeted for its success. In the 1920s, for black to do better in business than whites was not allowed to stand.

So if white people get angry and want social justice, it’s wrong?

Odd, all we hear today is that you should take to the streets and not let up until you get your “justice”. So it’s perfectly fine when blacks get angry and burn and loot in the name of “social justice”, but if whites do it, it’s a “race massacre”.

You need to decide which it is.

If whites want justice they should use the system to get it. And the police DID question the elevator operator. They determined that what happened was less than an assault. Certainly not rape, as you have claimed.
How do you know that?

Rape victims often won’t talk about it and won’t press charges out of humiliation.

There is no evidence that the girl was raped. You claimed she was, like it was a fact. Your assumption that any contact with a black man means rape says more about you than about the Tulsa Massacre.

But think (I know that is foreign to you), in a time when black men were lynched for merely speaking to women or whistling at them, sometimes just being accused of that, what black kid would rape a white girl in a public elevator? And according to you, he raped her without taking her clothes off, tear notwithstanding.

No, there was no rape. There was no accusation of rape in the records. The police questioned her and determined that it was less than an assault.

So you lied about it, and now are trying to backtrack and cover your ass.
Hahaha, what a great argument. “Why would a criminal commit a crime knowing they’d get in trouble?”

Because criminals are stupid, always have been, and they still are. People commit crimes thinking they can get away with it. Rapists do their thing believing the women will be too terrified to scream or fight back.

But, yea, I’m sure your story is “plausible”. I’m sure an innocent black kid tripped and fell on a white girl in an elevator, she screamed but really didn’t mean it. He took off running because he thought he would get lynched immediately for touching a white girl on accident. She then reported she was assaulted which prompted the police to be notified and arrest the black guy, but she really didn’t mean it. And all these white people were racists, because...well because they are white and all whites are racist.

The police then planned to execute him, so they told the white lynch mob to back off. Some “worried” blacks showed up to confront the KKK lynch mob. The KKK mob of course attacked first, but mostly got their asses kicked by righteousness black men, leaving ten racist whites dead and two innocent social justice warrior blacks dead. Then the rest is history. All the angry racist whites decided to burn down “Black Wall Street” because they’ve always been jealous of their success. They chased and hanged and burned “300 blacks” and hid the bodies so they could never be found.

Yea, sure. :smoke:

Again, you are simply trying to back off your original claims.

There is not one iota of evidence of, or even a reporting of, a rape taking place. None. And yet, after saying it like it was a fact, you refuse to acknowledge that you flat out lied.

Keep digging. It matters not to me. I have set the record straight about what happened and shown you to be a liar. My work here is done.
The FACT is the store clerk who was there reported it as an assault or rape and reported she had torn clothing. The perp fled the scene of the crime.

Sarah Page, the victim, never claimed she wasn’t assaulted. She just didn’t want to press charges after everything that happened, because again, sexual assault victims are often too humiliated to go through with testifying.
Hey asshole, yea you, WinterBorn what do you think about this? Is this proof enough she was assaulted by the negro? She had her hands and face scratched. She said he was looking around the halls to see if anyone else was in the area before the attack. She identified the perp after he was captured.


But I’m sure it was all a plot by the racist girl and store clerk to frame an innocent black kid.
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I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
Conservatives fear facts and the truth concerning racism in America – it undermines their lies and rhetoric about whites being ‘disadvantaged’ along with replacement theory dogma.

This is the "conservative" playbook, and it applies well beyond racism by whites toward blacks. Consider the treatment of Native Americans and Asians (Chinese Exclusion Act)., consider the crap offered against women having the right to vote and participate in democracy, often spoken by men against ther own mothers, wives, and sisters. Back then, the law allowed men to take control of their wives' inheritance. In other words, marry her and freely steal her stuff.
Hey asshole, yea you, WinterBorn what do you think about this? Is this proof enough she was assaulted by the negro? She had her hands and face scratched. She said he was looking around the halls to see if anyone else was in the area before the attack. She identified the perp after he was captured.

View attachment 497022

But I’m sure it was all a plot by the racist girl and store clerk to frame an innocent black kid.

Where does it say "rape"? Because that was what you claimed.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, right?

That this story was buried for so long mean't that no one could learn from it. It's important that humanity learns of and recognizes the atrocities that people can inflict on their fellow humans and the suffering of the victims to ensure that they are never repeated.

Fortunately, we living in an era when all those who had to live in silence in the past have the opportunity to find their voices.

I find the right-wingers' efforts to stymie discussion about atrocities highly suspicious, as if they might approve of such atrocities perhaps being repeated, perhaps in furtherance of their pet causes.
History is repeating itself. Black people then thought they could just form a lynch mob and kill a bunch of white people in order to protect one of their own criminals. Today they are doing the same with their violent lynch mob riots in response to black criminals being justifiably killed by cops.
Black people then did not form lynch mobs. WTF do you come up with this crap?
They did. They showed up to the jail and started a riot, killing ten white men.

Fuck around and find out. That’s exactly what happened.

Riiiight. This is as factual as your claim a black guy raped a white girl. In other words, total bullshit.

Riiight. I’m sure the black guy just “tripped and fell” onto the white girl. Why did he run away if it was just an innocent bump?

Traumatized sexual assault victims often refuse to press charges because of the embarrassment and humiliation that goes along with it.
This occurred pre civil rights, when a black man could be lynched, thrown in jail or both, for any reason real or imagined. The justice system worked for whites only. Why on earth wouldnt he run?
Except he wasn’t lynched. The sheriff told the mobs to go home.

He either raped her or tried to. The left love to leave out the fact that her clothes were torn and he ran from the scene of the crime.

Only 36 people were confirmed dead, including many whites. It certainly wasn’t “300” blacks.

It wasn’t a “race massacre”, it was a riot. “Black Wall Street” wasn’t targeted, it was likely just blacks burning down their own businesses just like they do today.

Yes, it was most certainly a massacre. White men (some even in planes) burned and murdered. Even Tulsa officials admitted that. And yes, Black Wall Street was targeted for its success. In the 1920s, for black to do better in business than whites was not allowed to stand.

So if white people get angry and want social justice, it’s wrong?

Odd, all we hear today is that you should take to the streets and not let up until you get your “justice”. So it’s perfectly fine when blacks get angry and burn and loot in the name of “social justice”, but if whites do it, it’s a “race massacre”.

You need to decide which it is.

If whites want justice they should use the system to get it. And the police DID question the elevator operator. They determined that what happened was less than an assault. Certainly not rape, as you have claimed.
How do you know that?

Rape victims often won’t talk about it and won’t press charges out of humiliation.

There is no evidence that the girl was raped. You claimed she was, like it was a fact. Your assumption that any contact with a black man means rape says more about you than about the Tulsa Massacre.

But think (I know that is foreign to you), in a time when black men were lynched for merely speaking to women or whistling at them, sometimes just being accused of that, what black kid would rape a white girl in a public elevator? And according to you, he raped her without taking her clothes off, tear notwithstanding.

No, there was no rape. There was no accusation of rape in the records. The police questioned her and determined that it was less than an assault.

So you lied about it, and now are trying to backtrack and cover your ass.
Hahaha, what a great argument. “Why would a criminal commit a crime knowing they’d get in trouble?”

Because criminals are stupid, always have been, and they still are. People commit crimes thinking they can get away with it. Rapists do their thing believing the women will be too terrified to scream or fight back.

But, yea, I’m sure your story is “plausible”. I’m sure an innocent black kid tripped and fell on a white girl in an elevator, she screamed but really didn’t mean it. He took off running because he thought he would get lynched immediately for touching a white girl on accident. She then reported she was assaulted which prompted the police to be notified and arrest the black guy, but she really didn’t mean it. And all these white people were racists, because...well because they are white and all whites are racist.

The police then planned to execute him, so they told the white lynch mob to back off. Some “worried” blacks showed up to confront the KKK lynch mob. The KKK mob of course attacked first, but mostly got their asses kicked by righteousness black men, leaving ten racist whites dead and two innocent social justice warrior blacks dead. Then the rest is history. All the angry racist whites decided to burn down “Black Wall Street” because they’ve always been jealous of their success. They chased and hanged and burned “300 blacks” and hid the bodies so they could never be found.

Yea, sure. :smoke:

Again, you are simply trying to back off your original claims.

There is not one iota of evidence of, or even a reporting of, a rape taking place. None. And yet, after saying it like it was a fact, you refuse to acknowledge that you flat out lied.

Keep digging. It matters not to me. I have set the record straight about what happened and shown you to be a liar. My work here is done.
The FACT is the store clerk who was there reported it as an assault or rape and reported she had torn clothing. The perp fled the scene of the crime.

Sarah Page, the victim, never claimed she wasn’t assaulted. She just didn’t want to press charges after everything that happened, because again, sexual assault victims are often too humiliated to go through with testifying.

Your version of "facts" is suspect now.

In the OP you said "The fact of the matter is a black teen raped a white girl...". That was an outright lie. Of course, you also said you hated liars, which is obviously not true.

No one was raped.

But, in all likelihood, some ignorant redneck did what you did in the OP and lied. He told people the girl was raped, and a mob formed to lynch the boy.

You are of the same ilk as those who lied, numerous times over the years, and got someone killed. You have spent the last 3+ pages trying to justify your lie and have only compounded it.
Hey asshole, yea you, WinterBorn what do you think about this? Is this proof enough she was assaulted by the negro? She had her hands and face scratched. She said he was looking around the halls to see if anyone else was in the area before the attack. She identified the perp after he was captured.

View attachment 497022

But I’m sure it was all a plot by the racist girl and store clerk to frame an innocent black kid.

Where does it say "rape"? Because that was what you claimed.

What else was it then? He just wanted to scratch her face and tear some clothes off for fun? He certainly wasn’t robbing her.

You’re pathetic, now you’re backtracking.

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