BREAKING: Donald Trump calls on the Supreme Court to step in before July 11 sentencing

For the record....

No, I haven’t forgotten corporate inflation.

Haven’t forgotten about record employment, stock markets or 40+ months of below 4% unemployment.

Oh, and record travel over this past Memorial Day weekend. Ya know because everyone is so poor.

I love the fact you're five months out from Guy Fawkes, and this is what you're going with.

No he didn’t. Even the media agreed that Bush won after their recount using factors most advantageous to Gore.
Sure, they reported "BUSH WON" on the front page, and "but gore had more votes" on page A17. Even back then, the media was in the tank for Republicans.

This isn't a debate. Overvotes with clear voter intent -- punching the chad and writing in the name of the same person -- were legal votes under every version of Florida law, and such votes were never even counted once. Anyways claiming something like"They were counted 3 times" is lying loudly and proudly. If they had been counted, Gore would have won, no matter what chad standard was used. The chads were just the excuse Republicans used to stop the counting of the legal votes.

Gore was violating Florida law by demanding a recount in ONLY heavily democratic counties when Florida law called for all-or-nothing recounts. When the Florida SoS refused Gore’s demands he went to the partisan Florida courts to override the SoS and Bush trumped the Florida Supreme Court with SCOTUS.
Well yeah, the corrupt SC stopped the counting of legal votes. You're just confirming my point.

You seem proud of the fact that your side stopped the counting of legal votes, so I don't need to say any more. Bush sued to do that, not Gore.
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Even though some here probably believe I'm some mindless "conservative" thug, I actually do prefer to call balls and strikes.

And I have to say, this one wasn't on my bingo card:

Does he really need to do this?

He's not going to serve a day in prison before November, any appeals process would ensure that with 100% certainty.

The only way it makes sense is remembering that Trump is, at his very heart and soul, a showman.

And the showman doesn't want the 2024 Republican National Convention to be remote COVID hidin' Biden basement-style bullshit. (Should he be placed on House arrest, for example.)

So he's literally calling on the Supreme Court to intervene so he can put on the best political spectacle possible in the lead up to the '24 apocalypse.

Are you not entertained?

The SC should step in because this is the road to Hell for our nation. Well, too late, liberals already went there.
I remember a presidential election where the legitimate votes in a Florida county were stopped being counted. For no reason.

And I remember the loser, who was at the time, VP of the US of A, standing up in front of the US Senate and stating that the election went to the douchebag who was installed by the hack SC.
Didn't call for violence. Didn't call for a J6th Garden Party...Just finished with "May God Bless the United States of America".

Can you imagine the Orange Roughy doing the same thing? neither. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
3 recounts were enough.
How'd you like those jury instructions?
They strictly followed the law, so that triggered the MAGA traitors hard. They hate the law, and they know they can't win anywhere if the law is impartially applied.

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your fascist cult.

How have your kook conspiracy theories worked out for you so far? Has the legal system paid attention to any of it?

No? Just as we predicted? Imagine that.

Well, keep trying. If kook conspiracy theories are all you have, they're all you have.
They strictly followed the law, so that triggered the MAGA traitors hard. They hate the law, and they know they can't win anywhere if the law is impartially applied.

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your fascist cult.

How have your kook conspiracy theories worked out for you so far? Has the legal system paid attention to any of it?

No? Just as we predicted? Imagine that.

Well, keep trying. If kook conspiracy theories are all you have, they're all you have.
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