Media Going Nuts Because President Trump HAS NOT Tweeted


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Can you stop laughing long enough to read the Tweets @ Reporters suffering from withdrawal as Trump curtails use of Twitter ?
Americans are watching with profund interest to see what is going to happen to Trump this week because of his failed tweets.
Meanwhile... as to why Rump's twits went silent....

>> Our put-upon president has spent a lifetime talking smack, like a street kid in a pickup basketball game in Queens. Insults and demeaning remarks are just part of the game and part of his persona. When he called Mexicans “rapists” and said “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz’s father helped kill JFK, it was all in fun, right? Who could fail to see what was really in his heart (the biggest heart anyone has ever had, by the way)?

This is a man who built his business on boasts. Everything he did was “big league,” “huge,” “tremendous.” He never expected anyone to fact-check his endless claims that whatever he did was the best and biggest in the history of the world (or to sue him for fraud when they discovered their Trump University degree was worthless). Who knew some smarty-pants would count how many people really showed up for his inauguration, rather than taking his word for it that it was the largest crowd in history?

Poor Donald. He has now blustered his way into a job where his every comment is analyzed and picked apart as if the wrong phrase might start a war or set off an economic panic. What is he supposed to do, change his ways at age 70 just because he is president of the United States?

Apparently, the answer is yes, because not only has he gotten himself in trouble for what he says, but for the things he says that he subsequently tries to edit. The chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz, and the committee’s ranking Democrat, Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, have sent a letter to the White House warning the president that, every time he deletes or alters a tweet, he may be violating the Presidential Records Act. Pretty much everything a president says in public is, by law, part of the official record, even a poorly spelled, ill-conceived tweet dashed off in the wee hours of the morning. << --- Smack-Talking Rump Tweets His Way to Legal Trouble
Y'all will remember Elijah Cummings for having sent a letter to Mike Pence advising the VP-elect about Mike Flynn's foreign agent status? You know, the elephant that was given a seat in the room until somebody publicly pointed out "hey, there's a damn elephant in this room"?

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