Media Has Meltdown Tonight After Kellyanne Conway Takes Trump's Pic With Black College Presidents

She sure made herself at home. :laugh:

Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway
Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway

6% of black voters voted for Trump
Meltdown??? What are you talking about? You are the only one I've heard this from.
Not a peep about it from the arch enemy CNN. Sup with that?
CNNPolitics - Political News, Analysis and Opinion
My link provides the evidence!
Oh yeah, it was a hit on twitter, but then again who really gives a shit about twitter? These social media wars are nothing but drama hungry attention seekers. I just can't take any of them seriously
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Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway

6% of black voters voted for Trump

I find that hard to believe.
Source for that? I'm betting it's at least 36%
Black people aren't stupid.

I know 8 around me that voted Trump. 8 out of 12.
Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway

6% of black voters voted for Trump

I find that hard to believe.
Source for that? I'm betting it's at least 36%
Black people aren't stupid.

I know 8 around me that voted Trump. 8 out of 12.

The only info I could find was based on the exit polls that showed Trump taking 8%, but the exit polling also showed Hillary winning, so the % is most likely higher.
Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway

6% of black voters voted for Trump

I find that hard to believe.
Source for that? I'm betting it's at least 36%
Black people aren't stupid.

I know 8 around me that voted Trump. 8 out of 12.

The only info I could find was based on the exit polls that showed Trump taking 8%, but the exit polling also showed Hillary winning, so the % is most likely higher.

All I found was 8% as well. Wait until more info is found.
Well not that I have a problem with Kelly doing this shit in this moment

But Trump is terrible about his blatant "tokenism"

Fucking Ben Carson as HUD

"who's the darkest guy I can' find to run hud boys, that'll shut my detractors up, i want a black guy, a guy who's so black you can't see him when you turn the lights off"

Gateway Pundit. Lmao. Even the TeaBagging Daily Caller thinks they're too alt right for them.

I hear Ben Carson was invited so Trump could show off his one black friend but Ben doesn't like being around black people and declined. Lol

The ugliest woman in the world, Kellyanne was very casual and ignored all the black leaders. She knew it was a meaningless photo op. I'm sure she and Trump earlier laughed about this blatant exploitation of " the blacks."
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why would anyone but a white supremacist vote for Trump?
People of all colors are easily conned. PT Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute.

And then you get the bulk of the Deplorables on this forum that are true blue bonified white supremacists, neonazis, John Bircher's etc.

That's exactly how this forum is characterized on the web. When I read that I said HOLY SHIT. I had to see it for myself.
It turned out to be true. It takes only about 5 minutes of reading some of the comments to be repulsed with the depravity and ignorance of the Trumpies.
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Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway

6% of black voters voted for Trump

Polls Show African-American Vote for Donald Trump is Double Mitt Romney's Vote - Breitbart
When you use Breitbart as a source you're just giving up and saying " I got nothing."
If you say so, the only poll that matters is election day, and the voters, including Black people, spoke on that day.

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