Media in Mourning...Again

Not one of you can give us the clips to evidence your points. You are all full of shit.

Awww.... Poor baby, did you get coal in your much anticipated "gift" of the Meuller Report.

How many set backs can they endure before they completely lose it?
Dude, think about all the shit and obstruction the Clown went through before this report, just think about it? Now Mueller is a Trump friend??? Listen, the clown is guilty, he knows it, we all know it and the only thing that got him off is that Russia, dispite all the shit they did with his peeps, did nothing to sway this election and that's what Mueller was out to prove.

We had Comey, who pretty much sunk her campaign and Hillary was a lowsy candidate and that pretty much summed up his report...HOWEVER....THE FACT THAT THE TRUMPS ARE CORRUPT...NOW THAT'S ANOTHER STORY!!
The democrat field is pretty crowded. . . who do you like tigerred?
[And this pencil neck geek thinks the "Trump Cult" is scared?

Well, yes. The mass hysteria here from the Trump cult is kind of a tipoff. Granted, they're always hysterical, but it's worse now.

So, why are you lying about Trump supposedly being vindicated?

That is the point here. The whole Trump cult is lying about that, because they've been told to lie. And wow, do they get triggered when anyone points it out.
Face it, there is about as much in there proving that Trump is a Russian spy, as there is proof of the AGW hypothesis.

No, that's conspiracy weeping on your part.

Sucks to be you. Trump and the GOP will try to block the release of the report, forcing you to flipflop hilariously and tell us why that's a good thing.
It's way too frustrating to try to talk to any of you about this.
The Trump cult is scared. Good.

The liberals are all "yeah, it was expected Barr would hide the report, now let's move on to getting the full report".

The Trump cult is scraming "No! Hide the report!". They seem to know their guy is guilty.

You don't get you, Mamooth! Trump isn't guilty of collusion because it didn't happen. The only collusion that took place in that election was between Hillary Clinton's campaign...Glenn Simpson...Richard Steele...some unnamed Russians...Page and her boy toy at the FBI...Comey...the DNC...the Obama Justice Department and the Obama White House!

Scared? The people that should be scared are those that I listed above. If a Special Counsel is named to look into what went on from the Democratic side in that election the shit is going to hit the proverbial fan!
It's way too frustrating to try to talk to any of you about this.
I empathize dear.

When folks on the other side were enraged that Hillary could destroy evidence that was under subpoena and nothing was done, the left just shrugged it off.

Discussion was impossible then too, the helplessness you feel now is how the other side felt then.
You don't get you, Mamooth! Trump isn't guilty of collusion because it didn't happen.

So your faith in DearLeader is pure. Excellent.

Normal people, they'd wait to see the report.

The only collusion that took place in that election was between Hillary Clinton's campaign...Glenn Simpson...Richard Steele...some unnamed Russians...Page and her boy toy at the FBI...Comey...the DNC...the Obama Justice Department and the Obama White House!

Is that supposed to be an impression of a crazy person ranting? I just ask because it's some serious sandwich-board stuff.
Face it, there is about as much in there proving that Trump is a Russian spy, as there is proof of the AGW hypothesis.

No, that's conspiracy weeping on your part.

Sucks to be you. Trump and the GOP will try to block the release of the report, forcing you to flipflop hilariously and tell us why that's a good thing.
So you are telling me what I am going to do?

When folks on the other side were enraged that Hillary could destroy evidence that was under subpoena and nothing was done, the left just shrugged it off.

No, we pointed out how those making that claim were lying.

If you're going to reject reality outright, what's the point in talking to you?
It's way too frustrating to try to talk to any of you about this.

Frustrating because your whole collusion narrative has been shot down in flames, Old Lady?
No, because it was never "my narrative." I'm not crying. I'm not disappointed. I'm not anything. I would be thrilled to talk this over with people who can stop fantasizing about how devastated I am. It's interesting.
So you are telling me what I am going to do?

It's a reasonable projection, based on the past behavior of Trump cult members, which is to support whatever Trump does at any given instant, even if it was the opposite of what they supported just yesterday.
You have defined me as such, but it is clear that you haven't read everything I have posted.

Those who know me better would know I am anything but.

I have often criticized him.
So you are telling me what I am going to do?

It's a reasonable projection, based on the past behavior of Trump cult members, which is to support whatever Trump does at any given instant, even if it was the opposite of what they supported just yesterday.
You have defined me as such, but it is clear that you haven't read everything I have posted.

Those who know me better would know I am anything but.

I have often criticized him.
It would be nice if there could be one thread on this where everyone stopped trying to put everyone else into pigeon holes where they don't belong, wouldn't it?
When folks on the other side were enraged that Hillary could destroy evidence that was under subpoena and nothing was done, the left just shrugged it off.

No, we pointed out how those making that claim were lying.

If you're going to reject reality outright, what's the point in talking to you?
NO. . ..


The justice department gives immunity to Clinton's underlings so that they can cover for her?


“His account is credible,” Comey said Wednesday. “He was told to do it in 2014, screwed up and didn’t do it, panicked when he realized he hadn’t and then raced back in and did it after Congress asked for the records and the New York Times wrote about them."

The FBI director also defended the Justice Department’s decision to give Combetta immunity in exchange for talking to investigators, which Comey said he requested because Combetta had deleted the archive.

“We learned that no one had directed him to do that,” Comey said in response to questioning from House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah).

“The hope was if he had been told to [delete the archive], that would be a great piece of evidence. If we give him immunity, maybe he’ll tell us ‘so and so told us,’ and then we’re working up the chain,” Comey said.

Chaffetz has asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Clinton or her aides were involved in the decision to delete the archive when it was under subpoena."
FBI: No evidence Clinton ordered deletion of subpoenaed email archive

The point is, NO ONE should have got immunity, and they all should have been jailed.

Shit, everyone knows what a hack Comey is now, no one even trusts that snake in the grass, not even YOU GUYS! Why the hell are you still going with that story?


Anyway, the point is, I empathize with you folks, seriously. The media played you, just like they were playing the other side back then. It was just a giant circus, and they never intended to bring down a powerful elite. They only intended to use it as a distraction so folks don't pay attention to the war crimes of the empire.
So you are telling me what I am going to do?

It's a reasonable projection, based on the past behavior of Trump cult members, which is to support whatever Trump does at any given instant, even if it was the opposite of what they supported just yesterday.
You have defined me as such, but it is clear that you haven't read everything I have posted.

Those who know me better would know I am anything but.

I have often criticized him.
It would be nice if there could be one thread on this where everyone stopped trying to put everyone else into pigeon holes where they don't belong, wouldn't it?
Thank you.

You are such a sweet heart. :11_2_1043:
You don't get you, Mamooth! Trump isn't guilty of collusion because it didn't happen.

So your faith in DearLeader is pure. Excellent.

Normal people, they'd wait to see the report.

The only collusion that took place in that election was between Hillary Clinton's campaign...Glenn Simpson...Richard Steele...some unnamed Russians...Page and her boy toy at the FBI...Comey...the DNC...the Obama Justice Department and the Obama White House!

Is that supposed to be an impression of a crazy person ranting? I just ask because it's some serious sandwich-board stuff.

My pointing out that the only "collusion" that took place during that election wasn't by Trump at all but rather by Hillary Clinton and a litany of others is "crazy person ranting"? You can't admit the truth...can you, Mamooth!
It's way too frustrating to try to talk to any of you about this.

Frustrating because your whole collusion narrative has been shot down in flames, Old Lady?
No, because it was never "my narrative." I'm not crying. I'm not disappointed. I'm not anything. I would be thrilled to talk this over with people who can stop fantasizing about how devastated I am. It's interesting. now you're claiming that you never believed for a second that Trump was guilty of "collusion"?

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