Media Incitement for Terrorism?


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
One possible motivation for the vehicular attack on protestors in Charlottesville?

August 15:
>> Months before a man allegedly turned his vehicle into a weapon and plowed through a group of protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, an article that made the rounds in conservative media encouraged readers to do something similar.

Originally published by The Daily Caller and later syndicated or aggregated by several other websites, including Fox Nation, an offshoot of Fox News' website, it carried an unsubtle headline: "Here's A Reel Of Cars Plowing Through Protesters Trying To Block The Road." Embedded in the article was a minute-and-a-half long video showing one vehicle after another driving through demonstrations. The footage was set to a cover of Ludacris' "Move Bitch."

The article was published in January, but it drew renewed attention on Tuesday following this weekend's deadly incident in Charlottesville. As the outrage grew on Twitter, Fox News took action, deleting the version Fox Nation had published.

.... "Here's a compilation of liberal protesters getting pushed out of the way by cars and trucks. Study the technique; it may prove useful in the next four years," Raust wrote. "None of these clips are new, but that doesn't mean they're not still fresh."

The Daily Caller's editor-in-chief declined to comment.

Fox was far from the only outlet to pick up Raust's post. Smaller conservative sites like Right Wing News and Conservative Post also published the video, and with glee.

.... When thousands of demonstrators gathered Washington, D.C. in March to protest the Dakota Access pipeline, Daily Caller editor Katie Frates said on Twitter, "I wonder how many #NativeNationsRise #NoDAPL protesters I could run over before I got arrested #getouttamyway"

Glenn Reynolds, a conservative columnist and the proprietor of the blog Instapundit, was briefly suspended by Twitter last year for his own tweet encouraging drivers to run over protesters in North Carolina.<< --- Fox and DC Delete Posts Encouraging People to Drive Through Protests

The plot sickens.
I hope you Antifa thugs keep blocking traffic. That's a sure way to win elections.

And I recommend you Nazis install cowcatchers on your Dodge Challengers.

Now I'm a Nazi? You people are so pathetic, you've lost every battle against Trump, all you have left is to scream "Nazi!" Over and over until you believe it.
I hope you Antifa thugs keep blocking traffic. That's a sure way to win elections.

And I recommend you Nazis install cowcatchers on your Dodge Challengers.

Now I'm a Nazi? You people are so pathetic, you've lost every battle against Trump, all you have left is to scream "Nazi!" Over and over until you believe it.

Why not? Read your own post.

Dish it out but can't take it much?
I think the msm's refusal to condemn both sides, is simply promoting mob rule.
If everyone remains silent, the alt-left will believe their violence is acceptable.

That might happen, if "alt-left" actually existed.
I hope you Antifa thugs keep blocking traffic. That's a sure way to win elections.

And I recommend you Nazis install cowcatchers on your Dodge Challengers.

Now I'm a Nazi? You people are so pathetic, you've lost every battle against Trump, all you have left is to scream "Nazi!" Over and over until you believe it.

You just called people "Antifa thugs" and then when the insults get thrown back at you, you decry them as "pathetic"......
I hope you Antifa thugs keep blocking traffic. That's a sure way to win elections.

And I recommend you Nazis install cowcatchers on your Dodge Challengers.

Now I'm a Nazi? You people are so pathetic, you've lost every battle against Trump, all you have left is to scream "Nazi!" Over and over until you believe it.

You just called people "Antifa thugs" and then when the insults get thrown back at you, you decry them as "pathetic"......

No wonder they're so ignorant -- they don't even read their own stuff, much less anybody else's.........

Payback is a canine of the female persuasion.
I think the msm's refusal to condemn both sides, is simply promoting mob rule.
If everyone remains silent, the alt-left will believe their violence is acceptable.

That might happen, if "alt-left" actually existed.

Actually you better hope they do, otherwise the entire left will be painted with the same hooded masked figures we see being violent in places like Portland, New York, Charlottesville, and Berkeley.
I think the msm's refusal to condemn both sides, is simply promoting mob rule.
If everyone remains silent, the alt-left will believe their violence is acceptable.

That might happen, if "alt-left" actually existed.

Actually you better hope they do, otherwise the entire left will be painted with the same hooded masked figures we see being violent in places like Portland, New York, Charlottesville, and Berkeley.

That doesn't make any sense.

You're suggesting Composition Fallacies are valid now?

Is war "peace"? Is freedom "slavery"? Is ignorance "str --- oh I see, never mind.
I think the msm's refusal to condemn both sides, is simply promoting mob rule.
If everyone remains silent, the alt-left will believe their violence is acceptable.

That might happen, if "alt-left" actually existed.

Actually you better hope they do, otherwise the entire left will be painted with the same hooded masked figures we see being violent in places like Portland, New York, Charlottesville, and Berkeley.

That doesn't make any sense.

You're suggesting Composition Fallacies are valid now?

Is war "peace"? Is freedom "slavery"? Is ignorance "str --- oh I see, never mind.

Sorry Pogo, but I'm not going to let you take me down one of your classic rabbit holes.
It's simply beyond your ability to see. Tunnel-vision often does you that way.
I think the msm's refusal to condemn both sides, is simply promoting mob rule.
If everyone remains silent, the alt-left will believe their violence is acceptable.

That might happen, if "alt-left" actually existed.

Actually you better hope they do, otherwise the entire left will be painted with the same hooded masked figures we see being violent in places like Portland, New York, Charlottesville, and Berkeley.

That doesn't make any sense.

You're suggesting Composition Fallacies are valid now?

Is war "peace"? Is freedom "slavery"? Is ignorance "str --- oh I see, never mind.

Sorry Pogo, but I'm not going to let you take me down one of your classic rabbit holes.
It's simply beyond your ability to see. Tunnel-vision often does you that way.

So you are saying Composition Fallacies are valid.

K. Say hi to David Duke, Dwight Eisenhower and Adolf Hitler for me. Since they're all the same guy.

One of the tweets referenced in the OP.

Remember the OP?
And I recommend you Nazis install cowcatchers on your Dodge Challengers.

I was thinking more of harpoons......though really more like simple spikes with no barbs. Then just backing up a few feet clears the debris......

Ah, so you're thinking bayonets.

That could get messy. Things get stuck on sharp objects, thus rendering them ineffectual for the next pass. Besides which, all that back-and-forth motion taxes the transmission. Now a cowcatcher simply parts the waters, Moses-style.
I think the msm's refusal to condemn both sides, is simply promoting mob rule.
If everyone remains silent, the alt-left will believe their violence is acceptable.

That might happen, if "alt-left" actually existed.
It does it showed up Saturday, and at all blm rallies.

Did it.
Go ahead and define it for us.
Blm rallies cops killed. They riot and civilians are killed. You showed up Saturday and people were killed. Sounds like an epidemic with you crazies.
I think the msm's refusal to condemn both sides, is simply promoting mob rule.
If everyone remains silent, the alt-left will believe their violence is acceptable.

That might happen, if "alt-left" actually existed.
It does it showed up Saturday, and at all blm rallies.

Did it.
Go ahead and define it for us.
Blm rallies cops killed. They riot and civilians are killed. You showed up Saturday and people were killed. Sounds like an epidemic with you crazies.

Ever write in complete sentences? Or is that beyond your pay grade?

I'm not aware o "Blm rallies cops killed" whatever that means. And Saturday the only place I "showed up" was at the grocery store, not that you would have a clue about that.

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