Media lied about Capitol police officer dying from a fire extinguisher beating

Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.
Media lied about Capitol police officer dying from a fire extinguisher beating

I have so had it with you TRumpist ass holes.

The NYT lied, what do you want from me?

You people are a plague.

Someone lies and you all swear to it. At this point you animals don't know what truth is.

Fuck you douche bags.
So, the NYT lied straight to your gullible face, and you blame Trump supporters.

What a dumbass.
Media lied about Capitol police officer dying from a fire extinguisher beating

I have so had it with you TRumpist ass holes.

The NYT lied, what do you want from me?

You people are a plague.

Someone lies and you all swear to it. At this point you animals don't know what truth is.

Fuck you douche bags.

Biden had the vaccine when he took office. He said he didnt. He lied.

Kamala said they had no distribution plan handed to them. They did. She lied.

What is so challenging to understand?

Good Ole Joe has teh perfect plan for you maggots. He is working on a deal with Mexico to trade caravan people for Trumpists.

I can't wait to get rid of you and have a good, hard working, freedom loving Central American replace you.
You should stop believing the voices in your head. They're unreliable.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.

What's most instructive is that you think B is somehow a logical conclusion of A.
So no, I don't misunderstand at all.

Meanwhile what YOU misunderstand is this cockamamie idea that you can just declare what somebody else believes, because reasons. Or some shit.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.

What's most instructive is that you think B is somehow a logical conclusion of A.
So no, I don't misunderstand at all.

Meanwhile what YOU misunderstand is this cockamamie idea that you can just declare what somebody else believes, because reasons. Or some shit.
If you weren't such a pussy, you'd tell us.

But, really, don't bother. I doubt you'd be honest, and it damn sure wouldn't be credible.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.

What's most instructive is that you think B is somehow a logical conclusion of A.
So no, I don't misunderstand at all.

Meanwhile what YOU misunderstand is this cockamamie idea that you can just declare what somebody else believes, because reasons. Or some shit.
If you weren't such a pussy, you'd tell us.

But, really, don't bother. I doubt you'd be honest, and it damn sure wouldn't be credible.
**I*** don't need to tell ***YOU*** jack shit, Homer. YOU brought it up, I didn't.

***YOU*** made claims about what I believe, ergo ***YOU*** must have some evidence thereto. Show it.

And by the way I mean NOW.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.

What's most instructive is that you think B is somehow a logical conclusion of A.
So no, I don't misunderstand at all.

Meanwhile what YOU misunderstand is this cockamamie idea that you can just declare what somebody else believes, because reasons. Or some shit.
If you weren't such a pussy, you'd tell us.

But, really, don't bother. I doubt you'd be honest, and it damn sure wouldn't be credible.
**I*** don't need to tell ***YOU*** jack shit, Homer. YOU brought it up, I didn't.

***YOU*** made claims about what I believe, ergo ***YOU*** must have some evidence thereto. Show it.

And by the way I mean NOW.
LoL YOU are another one that posts shit then claims it doesn't mean what you clearly said, you play word games and cant be taken serious on anything.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.

What's most instructive is that you think B is somehow a logical conclusion of A.
So no, I don't misunderstand at all.

Meanwhile what YOU misunderstand is this cockamamie idea that you can just declare what somebody else believes, because reasons. Or some shit.
If you weren't such a pussy, you'd tell us.

But, really, don't bother. I doubt you'd be honest, and it damn sure wouldn't be credible.
**I*** don't need to tell ***YOU*** jack shit, Homer. YOU brought it up, I didn't.

***YOU*** made claims about what I believe, ergo ***YOU*** must have some evidence thereto. Show it.

And by the way I mean NOW.
LoL YOU are another one that posts shit then claims it doesn't mean what you clearly said, you play word games and cant be taken serious on anything.

Is Dave your sock?

If yes, turn yourself in, you're banned.

If no, shut the fuck up and go take responsibility for your own posts.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.

What's most instructive is that you think B is somehow a logical conclusion of A.
So no, I don't misunderstand at all.

Meanwhile what YOU misunderstand is this cockamamie idea that you can just declare what somebody else believes, because reasons. Or some shit.
If you weren't such a pussy, you'd tell us.

But, really, don't bother. I doubt you'd be honest, and it damn sure wouldn't be credible.
**I*** don't need to tell ***YOU*** jack shit, Homer. YOU brought it up, I didn't.

***YOU*** made claims about what I believe, ergo ***YOU*** must have some evidence thereto. Show it.

And by the way I mean NOW.
Maybe if you threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue.

No, really, go ahead. It might just work.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.

What's most instructive is that you think B is somehow a logical conclusion of A.
So no, I don't misunderstand at all.

Meanwhile what YOU misunderstand is this cockamamie idea that you can just declare what somebody else believes, because reasons. Or some shit.
If you weren't such a pussy, you'd tell us.

But, really, don't bother. I doubt you'd be honest, and it damn sure wouldn't be credible.
**I*** don't need to tell ***YOU*** jack shit, Homer. YOU brought it up, I didn't.

***YOU*** made claims about what I believe, ergo ***YOU*** must have some evidence thereto. Show it.

And by the way I mean NOW.
LoL YOU are another one that posts shit then claims it doesn't mean what you clearly said, you play word games and cant be taken serious on anything.

Is Dave your sock?

If yes, turn yourself in, you're banned.

If no, shut the fuck up and go take responsibility for your own posts.
I'm no one's sock. And you're a whiny little bitch.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.

What's most instructive is that you think B is somehow a logical conclusion of A.
So no, I don't misunderstand at all.

Meanwhile what YOU misunderstand is this cockamamie idea that you can just declare what somebody else believes, because reasons. Or some shit.
If you weren't such a pussy, you'd tell us.

But, really, don't bother. I doubt you'd be honest, and it damn sure wouldn't be credible.
**I*** don't need to tell ***YOU*** jack shit, Homer. YOU brought it up, I didn't.

***YOU*** made claims about what I believe, ergo ***YOU*** must have some evidence thereto. Show it.

And by the way I mean NOW.
LoL YOU are another one that posts shit then claims it doesn't mean what you clearly said, you play word games and cant be taken serious on anything.

Is Dave your sock?

If yes, turn yourself in, you're banned.

If no, shut the fuck up and go take responsibility for your own posts.
I'm no one's sock. And you're a whiny little bitch.
Whelp --- sorry to tell you this ol' Dave but your hack routine has long ago gone stale.

This is all you ever do --- show up once a night to declare "everybody's a stupid idiot", one poster at a time, and then skulk away. You contribute zero to any topic. So you're going back to Iggieland as not worth the time it takes to read your pusillanimous pissy posts regardless how pithy.

BUH bye now.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.

DING what can you "grab 'em by" when you're a star and they let you do it for 400 Alex
You misunderstand. Pussy as a body part is a beautiful, wondrous thing, capable of giving great pleasure and emotion to its owner and the person she chooses to share it with.

Pussy as a character trait is beneath contempt.

What's most instructive is that you think B is somehow a logical conclusion of A.
So no, I don't misunderstand at all.

Meanwhile what YOU misunderstand is this cockamamie idea that you can just declare what somebody else believes, because reasons. Or some shit.
If you weren't such a pussy, you'd tell us.

But, really, don't bother. I doubt you'd be honest, and it damn sure wouldn't be credible.
**I*** don't need to tell ***YOU*** jack shit, Homer. YOU brought it up, I didn't.

***YOU*** made claims about what I believe, ergo ***YOU*** must have some evidence thereto. Show it.

And by the way I mean NOW.
LoL YOU are another one that posts shit then claims it doesn't mean what you clearly said, you play word games and cant be taken serious on anything.

Is Dave your sock?

If yes, turn yourself in, you're banned.

If no, shut the fuck up and go take responsibility for your own posts.
I'm no one's sock. And you're a whiny little bitch.
Whelp --- sorry to tell you this ol' Dave but your hack routine has long ago gone stale.

This is all you ever do --- show up once a night to declare "everybody's a stupid idiot", one poster at a time, and then skulk away. You contribute zero to any topic. So you're going back to Iggieland as not worth the time it takes to read your pusillanimous pissy posts regardless how pithy.

BUH bye now.
Bye, pussy.

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