Media lied about Capitol police officer dying from a fire extinguisher beating

Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.

Mob sent his blood pressure up and the years of eating doughnuts did him in combined with a family history of stroke/cardiac problems.

That is the best and most logical explanation......meanwhile the only person actually killed that day is still ignored by the media and her killer remains in hiding and unidentified.
And all the lefties here are saying she deserved to die.
Why is it when someone has a lame argument they resort to attacking grammatical issues?

Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Let me help the libtards on here come up with a better narrative.

If the election had not been stolen none of this would have in there would have been no need to protest.

And it's a stark statement on mass gullibility that anyone at all showed up to "protest" an election "steal" which does not exist and carries zero evidence. To paraphrase a past POTUS, you can fool some of the people ALL of the time. Because critical thinking is hard, and also Feelz.

Or to quote RumpFraud University, "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS".
And the Gullibles just line up to buy it. Includes a free bridge in every garage, get yours today.


OMG it's a blog page complete with "references" to no less a gaggle of sterling sources than Hateway Plunder and Chinese Cult Epoch Times :ack-1: CLEARLY THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING

--- said no one ever

Well....could have used the New Yawk wait...I would never stoop that low....well then of course there is CNN no wait...even bout abc,nbc or cbs oh wait more of the same.

How bout fox news.....not much better

Bottom Line MSM is nothing but propaganda with a few weather reports thrown in to make them look legitimate.hehheh
Let me help the libtards on here come up with a better narrative.

If the election had not been stolen none of this would have in there would have been no need to protest.

And it's a stark statement on mass gullibility that anyone at all showed up to "protest" an election "steal" which does not exist and carries zero evidence. To paraphrase a past POTUS, you can fool some of the people ALL of the time. Because critical thinking is hard, and also Feelz.

Or to quote RumpFraud University, "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS".
And the Gullibles just line up to buy it. Includes a free bridge in every garage, get yours today.


OMG it's a blog page complete with "references" to no less a gaggle of sterling sources than Hateway Plunder and Chinese Cult Epoch Times :ack-1: CLEARLY THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING

--- said no one ever

Well....could have used the New Yawk wait...I would never stoop that low....well then of course there is CNN no wait...even bout abc,nbc or cbs oh wait more of the same.

How bout fox news.....not much better

Bottom Line MSM is nothing but propaganda with a few weather reports thrown in to make them look legitimate.hehheh

Cool concession speech bra. See ya next time.
NO video showing the officer was attacked, struck with a fire extinguisher.

NO 'Blunt Force Trauma', according to the Coroner.

Despite the family's plea that the officer NOT be used politically, Pelosi and Schumer place his remains on display in a grand ceremny while they push another false narrative about the policeman being a 'national hero' after being killed in the violence after a Trumpsupporter struck the officer with a fire extinguisher'...which is a lie.

It's All A Scam - even the politicizing of the death of an officer they believe died from a reaction to the chemicals used as a part of 'crowd control'.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.
Gee, the PAPER OF RECORD strikes again....they LIED about the Capitol police officer dying from being beat with a fire extinguisher.


so if someone uses a knife instead of a gun to kill someone...what's the difference exactly?

Instead, they increasingly suspect that a factor was Officer Sicknick being sprayed in the face by some sort of irritant, like mace or bear spray

The difference is accurate reporting.

Why not say everyone who died on 9/11 died from slipping on a banana peel?
He died as the result of being attacked by Trump's mob either way. It is my understanding the autopsy is still pending.

Exactly --- he's dead either way, is he not? And that IS the result of the Rump Insurrectionistas, regardless what their method, or combination of methods, was/were.
I called it.

"Called" what?
Click the link, you pompous ass.

I did. That's what I do when I see a link. If clicking that link had explained anything, I wouldn't need to ask, now would I. :banghead:
Gosh, you're not bright.

I said, "Yes, because the Useful Idiots will swallow it without question.

As we've seen."

And then you, the Useful Idiot, showed you swallowed it without question.

Get it now, dumbass?

"Swallowed" what, shitferbrainz?

Are you reading some other thread?
Are you lost?
Should we make an announcement over the PA to find your mommy or daddy?
Summary: YOU'RE a gullible buffoon, and it's MY fault.

Whelp --- it surely IS your fault you can't essplain yourself. Can't he'p ya. :dunno:
Dood, do I have to bust out the crayons?

The media reported the mostly-peaceful protesters killed a cop with a fire extinguisher. You believed it without question. Now that that claim has been proven false, you STILL believe it.

Again, as always, way too easy but....

----- Linkie?

--- or is this yet another one of these retarded "Don't tell me what you think --- **I** will tell you what you thiink" ploppings?
That's just your way of avoiding responsibility for your views. Run along, now.

You have no way to know my views, Cupcake. You're wasting my time so if you could, y'know just go ahead and fuck off, that'd be great.
they're lying to you, folks.

some of them don't even know they're doing it, that's the crazy/scary thing
Media lied about Capitol police officer dying from a fire extinguisher beating

I have so had it with you TRumpist ass holes.

The NYT lied, what do you want from me?

You people are a plague.

Someone lies and you all swear to it. At this point you animals don't know what truth is.

Fuck you douche bags.

Biden had the vaccine when he took office. He said he didnt. He lied.

Kamala said they had no distribution plan handed to them. They did. She lied.

What is so challenging to understand?
Media lied about Capitol police officer dying from a fire extinguisher beating

I have so had it with you TRumpist ass holes.

The NYT lied, what do you want from me?

You people are a plague.

Someone lies and you all swear to it. At this point you animals don't know what truth is.

Fuck you douche bags.

Biden had the vaccine when he took office. He said he didnt. He lied.

Kamala said they had no distribution plan handed to them. They did. She lied.

What is so challenging to understand?

Good Ole Joe has teh perfect plan for you maggots. He is working on a deal with Mexico to trade caravan people for Trumpists.

I can't wait to get rid of you and have a good, hard working, freedom loving Central American replace you.
The officer died Jan 6th and the New York Times corrects the lie on February 17rh! :auiqs.jpg:

After the impeachment.

The NewYork Times and all of its readers are a fucking joke!

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